Is The Susan G. Komen Foundation bringing politics into saving lives?

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  1. Tonu1973 profile image59
    Tonu1973posted 13 years ago

    Recently The Susan G. Komen Foundation cut ties with Planned Parenthood, which had been receiving a grant of ~$600,000 annually to help low income women detect breast cancer.  Is this purely political and will the avalanche of negative press on this mortally hurt this once asteemed foundation

  2. lovemychris profile image79
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    apparently, it was totally political:

    And interestingly, I heard this morning that Antonin Scalia's wife is on Komens' board??

    Just like Clarence Thomas' wife is a member of the Tea Party....and a reporter was asked how many of the Supreme Court Justices are Catholics....

    "Most of them".....birth begins at conception.....Stealth Take-Over!

    Even though....who doesn't use birth control, Catholic or not???

    Tiny cult controls us all. IMO

  3. lovemychris profile image79
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    How x-treme have the right become?

    "Prescott Bush -- father of George HW and W. -- was Planned Parenthood's first national treasurer."

    George W cared about Aids we have these complete ultra's in there. Making their move.

    Bring it on Bub...bring it on!

  4. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

    I think it is extreme to stop funding free breast exams via planned parenthood with no alternative available.  It is essentially letting people die when they could be saved.

    I think the case that has been made that this was done for right wing, specifically Republican, reasons, is convincing--although it was not the ostensible reason given.

    I also stopped by PP to make a donation as soon as I read the media reports on this.  Giving free and affordable breast cancer exams to women who would not otherwise get them is something anyone should be able to support.

    I think that hiring a second in command who has run for office on an anti-PP platform was a mistaken on the Komen Fund's part.

  5. lovemychris profile image79
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    They are moving all over the place now. Here's what's in store for women....the new doormat of the reich: … o-a-rapist

  6. Tonu1973 profile image59
    Tonu1973posted 13 years ago

    I think it is a shame what is happening.  Add this latest development with Planned Parenthood to SGK spending millions trying to sue anyone who uses the words 'race for the cure' and you have many supporters giving there money elsewhere.  I know many people, my wife included, who have walked and donated for years who are furious and will never support SGK again.

    1. Tonu1973 profile image59
      Tonu1973posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      SGK does complete 180 under growing pressure from social media groups and will continue to fund all existing grants including Planned Parenthood.  Is this too little, too late?  Is the damage done?  It seems to me that this is an organization that will unfortunately bend whichever way the wind is blowing stronger.  I am just happy that this time we were a hurricane...

  7. angel115707 profile image59
    angel115707posted 13 years ago

    Why do so many people support a foundation that was founded on a racist? Margaret Sanger wanted to completely exterminate the Black race, and when forced sterilization was outlawed, they made abortion legal and founded planned parenthood....honestly guys, you want your abortions and free pills to be promiscuous, go right ahead, but at least someone out there create a new organization that is not racist and that doesn't cover up incest and pimps who bring in under age girls all the time...they are so crooked and to white wash them, simply because you need their resources is one-sided and selfish, I hope someone in the position can create a new organization with morals and ethical standards that protect women, not hide sexual abuse and racism. I was so innocent I had no idea that buying pink supported Planned parenthood, I had a personal friend who was pushed into having an abortion because "her bi-racial baby won't have a good life under her mothering, she is promiscuous and  young and broke" they pushed her into it, she did and it ruined her life, she not only became depressed and unstable, but got cysts that doctors claim were from the abortion... we need an organization that is at least fair and doesn't push it on girls...I am never buying pink again....


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