Americans killed without due process:

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  1. habee profile image94
    habeeposted 12 years ago

    What do you guys think about this? It's a tough call for me. … story.html

    1. profile image0
      idratherbeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I look forward to another civil debate. Unfortunately some of the debates I've read have, let's say, been ugly. On this issue, I feel if the individual is a threat to our country, he or she is guilty of treason. Having said that, whoever makes the final decision to capture or kill this individual has my support. But, there should be no, and I mean no, possible intelligence mistakes in determining the individuals guilt or innocence.

    2. JayDeck profile image61
      JayDeckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think you need to be worried when the Attorney General says it's okay for the military to target Americans overseas, then offers no justification criteria that are unique to an overseas setting. Combine that with the latest defense budget reathorization which effectively allows the federal military branches to engage in operations on US soil and scary thoughts begin popping into mind.
      Our freedoms and constituional protections aren't under attack; we're giving them away in the name of security.

    3. profile image0
      JaxsonRaineposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The problem is, if you give the government power that CAN be abused, it is probably going to be abused eventually.

      It's like handing the army over from the government to an individual, and just trusting that he won't misuse it... I seem to remember something like that happening at some point in history...

    4. Paul Wingert profile image59
      Paul Wingertposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I read the article. So whats the problem of killing high profile US born terrorists, bent on killing US citiens? If there's a red blooded US citizen perched in a clock tower and shooting people and then he's taken out by a SWAT sharpshooter, the Swat team are hailed as heros.

    5. livewithrichard profile image73
      livewithrichardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think it would be an easy call for anyone to make and I'm certain that anyone on the 'kill list' wasn't put on there by accident.  I guess it comes down to how much you trust our intelligence gathering people to make the right assessments. 

      I honestly do not believe it would be easy to abuse this policy either. Every target has to be vetted through the joint chiefs and the heads of national security before even going in front of the POTUS.  If they make the list it means they are an imminent threat to the US national security.  If a mistake IS made then the consequences will be dealt with and viewed by the entire world through mass media.  It wold concern me more if the those on the list were targeted right here on our own soil.

      By the way, in the time it took me to write this response, at least 20 US citizens died from abuse or malnutrition right here in the United States.  Didn't hear a peep out of anyone.

      1. habee profile image94
        habeeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Well, I don't know personally of anyone being abused, but I do help feed the hungry: humans, birds, feral cats, foxes, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, and possums.

      2. lovemychris profile image79
        lovemychrisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That's a wonderful answer.

      3. profile image33
        independentmindedposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        People are angry with the Obama Administration for amply good reason;  Obama promised everybody the moon, and basically gave them nothing.  He screwed his voting base...hard.  I saw that coming from the get-go, which is why I didn't vote for him, let alone the McCain/Palin ticket.

    6. Evan G Rogers profile image61
      Evan G Rogersposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If the government can do it, then so can I.

      I think I'll start with Holder.

  2. fpherj48 profile image61
    fpherj48posted 12 years ago

    I'm not sure, Habee that I understand what your hesitancy is, as you say, making a "call" on this.  "Al Quaida," the mob of radical Islamist Extremists are our fiercest enemy and constant threat, (as well as) the other radical groups associated with them.  They are of enormous numbers and growing and spreading at alarming rate of speed and size.  ALL individuals of these hateful, vengeful & murderous groups are in fact, the most evil and irrational of foes to not only us, but to Israel and many many other civilized and Democratic countries. Their only goal in life is to create a world solely & completely ruled by, of and for "Islam." All "infidels" must be "tortured and "destroyed."
    Anyone, whether American, Canadian, German, does not matter....who has sworn an alliegance to Al Quaida, believe in their insane plight and mission to destroy and rule and entire most assuredly fair game to be treated (including elimination) as the ENEMY they are.
    Unless, I have misunderstood this article or possibly misinterpreted your question, America should tolerate nothing less that defining, surveying, defending against and when necessary, defeating and eliminating this enemy.

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      We are guaranteed a trial by a jury of our peers before being declared guilty of anything.

      Unless someone (who?) somewhere declares that we are a terrorist and we are overseas.  Whereupon we can be killed.  No trial.  No jury.  No facing our accuser.  No defense allowed.  Just death by remote controlled drone.

      It is troubling.  Nevertheless I agree with you overall - disposing of our sworn enemies is appropriate.  It's just that it could be so easily abused...

  3. habee profile image94
    habeeposted 12 years ago

    The reason I'm a little uneasy about this strategy is because it could so easily be abused. I think Obama is rational, so I don't think he would abuse it, but we never know who might end up as POTUS. Would you like for Cheney to be able to have this power?

    Lol, Wildman. I just read your post. I see we're thinking alike again.

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Habee.....Now you've really got me thinking with your question on Dick Cheney.  I do not want that cuckoo-bird to have ANY power....anywhere.  Speaking of birds....the man shouldn't even be allowed to go duck hunting!

    2. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Me? Think like a beautiful southern belle?  Well, maybe.  It does seem to happen a lot!

      1. habee profile image94
        habeeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Awww...why, suh, I do believe you made me blush just lahk a Jawja peach! lol

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this


  4. Druid Dude profile image60
    Druid Dudeposted 12 years ago

    feeding wild animals is ill-advised....especially humans.

    1. habee profile image94
      habeeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      But wild humans are my favorite kind of humans!

      We don't hand-feed the critters - we just place food out for them in strategic spots.

  5. thost profile image60
    thostposted 12 years ago

    Americans killed without due process:

    Isn’t that against your constituent? Soon they will tell you, we must kill our own people to protect the people. No man should play God.

  6. Perspycacious profile image65
    Perspycaciousposted 12 years ago

    It has always happened on the battlefield, so where are the battlefields today?

  7. innersmiff profile image68
    innersmiffposted 12 years ago

    Oh man oh man . . . where do we even begin? The misinformation on this thread is suffocating


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