The Brilliance of America's Oncoming Tyranny

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  1. Ken Burgess profile image69
    Ken Burgessposted 2 years ago

    Divide and Conquer.

    Make the enemy of my enemy support my Tyranny.

    Control the narrative, change the focus.

    What was the focus in 2015?

    "Donald Trump came to the Detroit Economic Club, and stood there in front of the Ford Motor executives, and said, ‘If you close these factories as you’re planning to do in Detroit and build them in Mexico, I’m going to put a 35 percent tariff on those cars when you send them back, and nobody is going to buy them.’

    It was an amazing thing to see. No politician, Republican or Democrat, had ever said anything like that to these executives. And it was music to the ears of people in Michigan and Ohio and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

    Whether Trump means it or not is kind of irrelevant because he’s saying the things to people who are hurting. And it’s why every beaten-down, nameless, forgotten working stiff, who used to be part of what was called the middle class, loves Trump. He is the human Molotov cocktail that they’ve been waiting for. The human hand grenade that they can legally throw into the system that stole their lives from them.

    On Nov. 8, Election Day, although they’ve lost their jobs, although they’ve been foreclosed on by the bank, next came the divorce and now the wife and kids are gone, the car’s been repo’d, they haven’t had a real vacation in years, they’re stuck with the sh–ty Obamacare bronze plan, where you can’t even get a f—ing Percocet. They’ve essentially lost everything they had, except one thing. The one thing that doesn’t cost them a cent and is guaranteed to them by the American Constitution: the right to vote.

    They see that the elites, who ruined their lives, hate Trump. Corporate America hates Trump. Wall Street hates Trump. The career politicians hate Trump. The media hates Trump — after they loved him, and created him, and now hate him. Thank you, media.

    Trump’s election is going to be the biggest ‘f— you’ ever recorded in human history. And it will feel good. For a day. Maybe a week. Possibly a month. And then?" 

    The rest of Moore's prediction of course didn't come true:

    "When the rightfully angry people of Ohio and Michigan and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin find out after a few months in office that President Trump wasn’t going to do a damn thing for them, it’ll be too late for them to do anything about it. But I get it. You wanted to send a message. You had righteous anger, and justifiable anger. Well, message sent. Good night, America. You just elected the last President of the United States."

    Michael Moore saying it live:

    Two things he did not predict did occur instead.

    The establishment was able to embody the anti-elite, anti-establishment, anti-corruption, pro-America sentiment into support for Trump (Trumpism, Trumpster, etc.)

    They were then able to label Trump and any supporter of him a Racist, Sexist, Extremist, Anti-American, Anti-Patriotic, threat to America.

    The overwhelming majority of people who voted for Trump would have voted for anyone who championed their cause, because no one in Washington other than Trump ever did more than give lip service to their concerns or needs in the last 40 years. Since Reagan.

    In truth I believe far more people were motivated to vote for Obama because of race than those that came out to vote for Trump.  But that is another matter, as is how the media played its part in maximizing the racial tensions and magnifying any racial incident that occurred in the country.

    This is a necessity.

    One needs to find ways to pit American against American, by creating new issues (sex change for minors) and adding new chaos into the system (currently averaging over 2 million untracked, undocumented migrants crossing the border a year), allowing for mob looting to go unpunished, embroiling the world in a war that will have energy costs skyrocketing as soon as the November midterms are over (you thought last year's gas prices were high?)

    One needs to stir those who have felt slighted or maligned by past transgressions of the State (of the majority) and constantly remind them of the worst element of the other (white males) get them to fight based on race, or sex, other Americans... make them take up the battle against their fellow Americans... rather than be focused on the true cause of their hardships, the true cause of higher costs, lower wages (in relation to inflation), worsening safety (homeless and crime skyrocketing) and holding their government accountable.

    In 2015 there was no one person to embody the ire of Americans for their government into.

    But now they have Trump. The villainized, racist, raping, traitorous Trump.

    If you speak out against Open Borders and millions flowing freely into the country, if you question the wisdom of three-year-old children getting 'gender-affirming care', if you question why politicians have great health care but you don't, you're a Trump supporter.

    You are a threat to Democracy.

    You are an extremist and threat to the Nation.

    This is how you insert the onset of Tyrannical rule and control as a growing percentage of the population turns against its government and demands change.  This is how you ensure its decline as International corporatism and the continued concentration of power and wealth shifts to a shrinking elite class. 

    Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and yes even a do-gooder like Elon Musk are more powerful today than all but the largest tycoons of the past (Rothschild, Rockerfeller, Carnegie) while corporations like Google, Apple, Microsoft, have more wealth and influence than most nations.

    "Trump and Trumpism have been a threat to the democratic process and if Mr. Biden erred, it is that he was too mild in his description."
    ~ Creedence2 … ost4261825

    The people who wanted to challenge their government, wanted to rid it of corrupt politicians (Schumer, Pelosi, Biden, McConnell, etc.) those that America never seems to be able to get free of that have been there 35-45+ years, have now been codified into Trumpers and Trumpism.


    How would they have been able to label and identify over 75 million Americans and divide a nation so well, without him?

    1. James A Watkins profile image88
      James A Watkinsposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Those who live under the influence of evil spirits will never see the wisdom in your words.

    2. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you.  Very well stated.

    3. Sharlee01 profile image86
      Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      As always poignant. This stuck out to me.

      "If you speak out against Open Borders and millions flowing freely into the country, if you question the wisdom of three-year-old children getting 'gender-affirming care', if you question why politicians have great health care but you don't, you're a Trump supporter.

      You are a threat to Democracy."

      Some years ago all Americans would have taken note of all you mentioned problems. Now, many blindly see past these problems, as if they don't exist. In my view, this is the most dangerous problem we face in America. A society that has been well unleashed to accept the abhorrent as very acceptable. Such as maiming children, inspiring radical thought in our schools, and bashing our history, and our religions.

      We have a Government infested with those that will pit us against each other in a great power struggle in that only we will be the losers. This is so clear to me, and frustrating that many do not recognize what is going on.

      1. Ken Burgess profile image69
        Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Very well said and unfortunately too true.

      2. gmwilliams profile image83
        gmwilliamsposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        I have known this for quite a while.  What many people refuse to realize that the Democrats & Republicans are in bed together metaphorically. However, there are people who play the Democratic & Republican game not knowing that they have been had.   The Democratic & Republican POWERS THAT BE are laughing their way to the bank, drinking champagne & eating filet mignon.

    4. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Well written and well expressed opinion. But as you already know, I am going to take some issue with the content.

      Let's go back to 2015. Trump made a purely populist statement to appeal to a demographic that has believed that it was left behind. But did he follow through? He claims to understand the frustration of this demographic but who cares about what he says if he never intended to actually disrupt the Corporate tradition and do what he said he was going to do. This was the opportunity to show that he was not just another plutocrat or politician making promises and pledges that they knew well in advance that they would not nor could not follow through on.

      I think that your word and your pledges are relevant and is a fair way to evaluate you as a candidate and office holder. Yes, the human Molotov cocktail, without gasoline?

      How did the "system" steal their lives from them? It is the same system they were raised under.

      And those "poor working class stiffs" have only Obama and the Democrats to blame? They were caught in the snarl capitalism which by its very nature will demand more and return less. So, do you really think that the very symbol of Capitalism and its excess, incarnate,  is really going to help you?

      I did not invent capitalism, so why blame its successful practitioners for doing what they have always done, focus on the bottom line? In such a process, people are dismissed, technology and the subsequent greed will insure that.

      Trump is good for only lip service as the only cause that he champions is his own self interest.

      After all this time, you still do not see that Trump is just as corrupt or more so than the "establishment" that he claims to want to defend us from?

      You are in error regarding people coming to vote for Obama based on Race. Blacks vote 90 percent Democrat and for good reason, the extra 5 percent that came to polls were motivated by the candidacy of a Black citizen. No one made similar observations when Catholics came out for JFK in 1960 as the first Catholic presiden for reasons of pride. So, why now?

      I am against open borders and this gender affirming care for infants generally, but I am certainly not a Trump supporter. How do you explain the contradiction?

      Trump is nothing more than a placebo for the real cause of hardships experienced by so many.

      Trump will always be both an immoral and amoral individual who I would not Trust with anything substantial.

      Your complaint is with the capitalist system and the robber barons therein and Trump is among their number, yet he is going to help you?

      "Flipping the bird" at the "establishment" does not mean breaking the law nor subverting Constitutionally prescribed protocol and procedure. Otherwise, how am I to know that Trumpers as a group are any less tyrannical than the establishment they want to replace?

      Its funny that in your litany of descriptions of the "working stiff" and its grievances, it is not recognized that this is the case for most people across all races and ethnicities in America,  yet Trump's appeal is minimal among non white groups. I wonder why only white folks seem to "suffer the affliction" and see Trump as a savior, while the rest of us do not? He is the champion for a defined demographic.

      1. Ken Burgess profile image69
        Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        I believe you have missed the point.

        I am not defending Trump.

        I am not blaming Obama.

        I am saying there was (is) a large amount of Americans dissatisfied with our government, the establishment.  They feel they have no representation, that DC works against them, not for them.

        Those individuals were galvanized by Trump because no one else spoke to their concerns or needs.  Trump did.

        Trump became, in essence, the embodiment of those people fed up with the elites (1) in DC.

        Trump then was labelled Hitler, a Rapist, a KKK member, and is currently being labeled a Traitor to the country.

        And those who support him, therefore and according to Biden, CNN, etc. are a threat to Democracy, enemies of the nation, traitors, racists, etc.

        Before Trump, they could not label and identify the growing tens of millions of people who were angry with their government and wanted to force change.

        Now they can, and now our government can target the most dangerous "threats to our Democracy" and arrest them, silence them on Social Media, etc. etc.

        (1)Those same politicians that have been there making one hurtful (to Americans) decision after another.  For decades the key players have been the same, Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, McConnell, etc.  Presidents come and go, time marches on, these same people were there throughout the last 30, 40 years or more.

        1. Ken Burgess profile image69
          Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          In continuation of this thought:

          Probably the biggest fear, was that Americans would not remain divided.

          That the Credence and Kens of the world would sit down and recognize that their problems originated not from each other but from a corrupt government that was with Law after Law, Order after Order making their lives worse and stealing from their children a bright future.

          Credence and Ken types would recognize and agree that the same criminals that were making the bad-for-America Laws in 1992 are still there controlling things in 2022.

          There is no chance of that occurring now, an excellent job has been done dividing the country the last decade, and that division is now being pushed to the extremes by media and by politicians.

          Harkening back to Biden's Philidelphia rant, this is how it was viewed by those not within the Democrat's Echo Chamber:

          With the site of the signing of the Declaration of Independence cloaked in an ominous blood red, Biden ranted on about “insurrectionists” he labeled a threat to American democracy, political norms, and the rule of law.

          The optics of the event were reminiscent of sinister authoritarian regimes ranging from Nazi Germany to the fascist regime of V for Vendetta.

          The federal government, the establishment, since Biden's arrival, faced a threat it has not seen in over a hundred years. The belief by millions of Americans that the 2020 election was not legitimate.

          Biden could have fallen back on the power of moderation, restoring the corrupt Washington uniparty by staffing the executive wing with a few prominent Republican types, those who had preferred the Clintons over Trump.

          Biden could have done this while pursuing the standard policy agenda of foreign intervention, warmongering, reckless spending, that was the norm prior to Trump, while fortifying the supremacy of the federal government over state control.

          Such efforts would have continued America's decline but could have served to lull enough Americans to pre-Trump apathy by reminding them that federal elections have no real consequences for Washington.

          Instead, the Biden Administration doubled down on the extreme positions campaigned on, Open Borders and following the Compact on Migration; day-one signing into law new restrictions and regulations on oil production (while at the same time snubbing the Saudi Royal Family), attacking hot-button issues such as gun rights, tying state funding to public school promotion of child grooming and gender norming, leveraging their alliance with corporations to censor political opponents, and let's not forget mandating covid vaccinations of employees at a time when the country was trying to throw the crippling effects of the pandemic off.

          Along the way, Biden secured funding to increase, arm, and expand the scope of federal agencies. Doubling the amount of IRS Agents, adding thousands of lawyers to the payroll of the DOJ, expanding the authority of other agencies to interfere in American's lives.

          The overreach of the Biden administration has led to the casting off of the pretense of governing all Americans, the notion of liberal persuasion is dead.

          Brute force and the abolishment of governing norms is clearly on the horizon and being acted upon as I type. The facade of a politically independent Supreme Court, state-controlled elections, and the role of the filibuster in the Senate are now considered by mainstream Democrats as antiquated ideals that must be done away with.

          Meanwhile, the most vocal anti-Trump Republicans have faced brutal defeats electorally but still have a home in the comfortable confines of DC and on MSM networks, so long as they continue to condemn Trump and his supporters.

          The impact of these decisions, however, is declining interest in traditional conservative think tanks, respect for corporate media, and the erosion of authority and power of formerly prominent Republican legislators within the party, instead of bringing the Republican base back into the fold, they are pushing more and more of them to the 'extreme'.

          Republican Congressional offices are being flooded with calls and emails attacking once noncontroversial issues such as foreign aid, the FBI, and the security of elections.  Republican moderates are losing resoundingly every election, and not by a small margin.

          While Uncle Joe mocks “brave, right-wing Americans” that cling to the notion that their AR-15 can protect them from the F-15s he controls, the collapse of military enlistment reflects the sincere and growing disillusionment with Washington itself.

          While cartoonish ads may be trying to make the military appeal to America’s growing transgender population, they all but alienate working-class boys and the antiquated ideas of patriotism and machoism.

          I have no doubt that soon after the 2022 midterms they will arrest Trump, Bannon, and all other "threats", just as they have rounded up hundreds of those who partook in the Jan 6th "insurrection".

          After Biden's speech in Philidelphia, how could they not?

          All these extremists are a clear threat to America's Democracy, after all.

          1. Credence2 profile image80
            Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

            "That the Credence and Kens of the world would sit down and recognize that their problems originated not from each other but from a corrupt government that was with Law after Law, Order after Order making their lives worse and stealing from their children a bright future."

            And how do we get people to come to that realization other than express their discomfort by the choices made at the ballot box?

            After Trump and a Republican Party wedded to Trump and his authoritarian style, Biden having Republicans in his cabinet would have been more a form of capitulation.

            There are still fundamental differences in how we see things politically, Ken. Many of our respective heroes and villains differ.

            Trump did attempt to subvert the Democratic process with his scheme to replace certified electors with fake ones. The rabble of January 6, 2021 were not there as tourists, but to undermine a Constitutionally directed procedure and protocol. That is not "patriotism".

            Biden and optics? You know that King Trump wanted a "pass in review" style Military type parade with him at the helm. He was dissuaded from the idea because of the Dictatorial appearance and the sheer expense of such a useless spectacle.

            I take issue with you regarding the "Biden" doubling down, as far as I am concerned he got the "ball" back into play with his recent legislative triumphs.

            I don't care about beliefs of those that basically would not accept any outcome if Trump did not win. I want proof, not just your beliefs as those  that mean nothing to me.

            Ken, you have a gift of parroting the standard rightwing boilerplate. Biden, increasing federal government power and all of that, for example. Overreach? Only in the eye of the Rightwinger. That has never amounted to any sort of persuasion for me.

            Let me make it clear, any further incursion by the Right or anyone else to subvert the democratic process as established by the Constitution of the United States I would consider treason and should be dealt with most severely, so no kid gloves next time, Ken.

            So, you really think that a weasel like Mitch McConnell would not do away with the filibuster to get the Republican agenda passed if it were necessary?

            The fact the the Republicans cling to the extremes is sauce for the goose as it makes it just that more likely that they will be defeated by Democrats and moderates, as well, in the coming electoral contest. We invite the hard core Rightwinger to play "hard ball" and castigate them later for their poor judgement.

            If the courts make the determination that Trump is guilty of crimes, both he and Bannon will deserve to be arrested. As, no is above the law, and I am not a respector of persons.

            1. Ken Burgess profile image69
              Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              That is your perspective, one not shared by all Americans.

              Polls vary, but they show as much as half those polled and as little as 30% polled still believe the 2020 election was rigged.

              There is nothing that is going to get that 30% or more of Americans to trust it, there were too many changes in that election, made in critical states, PA and GA in particular stand out as being very suspect because of the changes they made to their election process just for that election.

              I think I have stated what is going to happen, after the midterm elections, Trump and many who would earnestly support him will be arrested and disappeared into a cell somewhere just like those Jan 6 folks have been.

              There will not be another Jan 6th.


              Any difficulty in communicating, between you and I, may stem from different experiences and biases.  But I feel the biggest wedge, now more than ever, is your commitment to Party, and your insistence to see everything in Dem vs. Rep, Trumper vs. Non.

              I don't like Biden in the way you don't like Trump, but I expressed that to you long before he became President. 

              I don't deny you Trump's faults, you would do well to look a bit more closely at Biden's over the course of the next couple years, especially if my predictions prove out.

              1. Ken Burgess profile image69
                Ken Burgessposted 20 months agoin reply to this

                "I think I have stated what is going to happen, after the midterm elections, Trump and many who would earnestly support him will be arrested and disappeared into a cell somewhere just like those Jan 6 folks have been."

                I told you.

        2. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Ken, there are many of that are not pleased with the way Washington operates. But, throwing the baby out with the bath water is not going to address the issue. Braking rules and attempting to hijack an election to your preferred choice is not an option that any one has.

          What good is anyone to you who does not "walk the talk". How is that (Trump) an acceptable alternative?

          Trump was controversial during 2015-16 campaign, he labeled himself with his style of race baiting and misogyny. But for true Trumpers this was just scenery along the side of the road. But for many others, these positions and attitudes we take seriously.

          You can support him all you wish, but I cannot abide any change to majority rule and the people right to elect their choice, as the majority of voter sentiment. There can be no "force" that is acceptable to change that. You all are required to follow the system and not upend it.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image69
            Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            I didn't say I support him.

            Trump is a very flawed individual, I recognize this and I am not supporting him, I am stating what he represents for many and why, as well as why these efforts to target and jail him and his supporters are occurring

            1. Ken Burgess profile image69
              Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Well that began quicker than I expected, I thought they would wait to begin in earnest until after the Midterms.

     … mpaign=usa


              1. Credence2 profile image80
                Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Ok, Ken, you are generally conservative, I get that. But, If you can recognize Trump as a fatally flawed individual why can't other conservatives recognize the same and hitch their wagons to an alternate star?

                The idea that Biden is attacking pro Trump Republicans is just so much right wing theatre from rightwing publications and websites. Bannon is not a newcomer to illicit and illegal activity.

                1. Ken Burgess profile image69
                  Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  There was a brilliant insight spoken in that video I attached at minute 11:00.

                  If not interested in the whole thing, take a moment to listen to a minute between 11:00 and 12:00.

                  On to your question. 

                  I am more than ready to consider someone other than Trump.  You should recall we had these discussions before the election.

                  I liked Tulsi, many on both sides don't.

                  What do I like about her?

                  She is generally Liberal, but in particular she despises America's warmongering, regime change efforts... which is why she was crucified by the Democrat Party the moment she started getting traction in the primaries.

                  I like Romney, he also has some very Liberal beliefs, but he happens to have alienated the Trump base, and he has been too supportive of anti-Abortion efforts to gain a large amount of support with Dems.

                  You forget, I even supported Obama over McCain, no one despised McCain like I did, for reasons I won't rehash.

                  So I am not your "typical" Conservative or Republican or whatever label you like to stick on the "opposition".

                  I would have even supported Warren over Biden, Biden is right there with McCain in my book of scumbags and traitors to the American people.

                  1. Credence2 profile image80
                    Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    I will check out your link in more detail.

                    Don't forget while you have been evaluating my posts, I have been evaluating yours as well and they lean heavily toward the Right. The positions that you take in your posts are clearly contrary to what you say.

                    Romney, Gabbard and even MCCain are far too conservative to attract me.

                    I know your position, my question remains, why do other conservatives see this "deranged personality" as their primary source?

                    Both parties have been guilty of promoting militarism and imperialistic practices, when have we not been that way? While I agree with Gabbard on that count, I also know that no true Democrat is going to have consistent invitations to CPAC gatherings. Which she has.

                    I going to look upon her with suspicion, just as you do the "so called" RINOs.

            2. wilderness profile image89
              wildernessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Sorry, Ken, but you have fallen into the hole dug by liberals; if you are not on the bandwagon of Trump Hate, you fully support Trump, anything he says or does and anything the far right radicals do or say.  Liberals have spoken, and that is what they have decreed.

              1. Credence2 profile image80
                Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Is it the same bandwagon as those who "hated" Obama or Joe Biden?

              2. Ken Burgess profile image69
                Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                There is some truth to this unfortunately.

                Especially when debating an issue on the Forums, it is expected that you are contributing to either one extreme or the other.

                Many of those who are extreme have difficulty addressing someone who is Middle-of-the-road, Libertarians, Economically Conservative but otherwise Liberal minded types, those that don't care for either Party or their rhetoric or ideology.

                1. wilderness profile image89
                  wildernessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  That defines me pretty well, but somehow defending our system, particularly our justice system of "innocent until proven guilty before a jury of peers" always seems to land me in the "Trump lover" box.  I don't have to mention Trump, just question the wisdom or reasonableness of mob rule and I am automatically a Trump Lover, assigned so by the Trump Haters without regard to the vast middle that are neither.

                  1. GA Anderson profile image82
                    GA Andersonposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    ahhh . . . Bless your heart. It will be ok. You're not a Trump-lover.

                    GA ;-)

            3. profile image0
              savvydatingposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              This is the problem, Ken.

              Democrats, Progressives, and half of Independents are so united, they would vote for Satan himself.

              But "independent conservatives." and even you (no offense intended) would rather vote for a Warren, who is, a Progressive and a liar.

              Progressives, who hate Republicans and think there is a racist under every rock, and who teach our children these lies, get to have their guys in office, that is to say, the Biden's and Obama's of this world who have adopted the destructive agenda of Progressive Marxism.

              So, God forbid, that sensitive conservatives might be willing to hold their noses and actually vote for the bombastic Trump who has made a profound, courageous, and Positive difference for our Nation.

              But, Oh no, we can't have that!

              Instead, we have Obama.2. Because conservatives have morals. Yeah right. Tell that to the women being raped at the border or the girls who regret having their breasts chopped off because of Progressive "values".

              I've said it before. some "conservatives" need to stop clutching their pearls, which, frankly, are worthless in the grand scheme of things.

              1. Ken Burgess profile image69
                Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Actually I found Trump to be rather ineffective, unprepared, and outwitted by the 'Swamp' he was there to drain.

                He ran first and foremost as a candidate of the people and against the establishment, therefore it should have been expected that every believer and supporter of the 'establishement' would be out to sabotage, undermine and betray him.

                The man hired people like Bolten onto his staff for cripes sakes, he hired Fauci and kept that twat around after he betrayed and sabotaged and countered what Trump said.

                Trump is not the man for the job, he is an arrogant self-centered egotistical blowhard that had a real chance to make a change but was unprepared and unwilling to do what needed to be done.

                He does not deserve the people's support because he did not do the people's work and truly fight the Swamp, he tried to coexist with the Swamp while insulting it's biggest power brokers every chance he got.

                1. profile image0
                  savvydatingposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Wrong. Do you really believe that Tulsi Gabbard has the ability to garner the respect, and fear of dictatorial nations? The only thing Iran sees in her is her ability to look good in a bikini, and to further complicate matters, she has praised the dictator Asaad.

                  So go ahead, vote for your Democrats.

                  Progressives like Credence are elated. Meanwhile, our country goes to hell because of the arrogance of Independents who cannot bring themselves to see anything beyond their personal feelings..

                  Once your cash is worthless and banks seize your money, then maybe you will get a clue.

                  Meanwhile, the most vulnerable Americans suffer. Good job, Ken.

  2. abwilliams profile image71
    abwilliamsposted 2 years ago

    So now what?

    1. Sharlee01 profile image86
      Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Vote, and get anyone you can to realize how important it is to vote and get new representatives in Congress.

      1. gmwilliams profile image83
        gmwilliamsposted 2 years agoin reply to this


  3. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
    Kathryn L Hillposted 2 years ago

    Democrat-cy is not democratic. Democrats have lost the right to be called Democrats. They are just Liberals.
    If you ask me.

    1. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think Liberal is the best term to use.

      Progressive -  favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.

      Liberal - relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.

      Progressive seems more fitting, if you are looking to be kind, or even Leftist.  Liberal is what Democrats used to be.

      As Zbigniew Brzezinski would say: As we have shifted to such a powerful central government [and advanced in technology and surveillance] our government features core elements common to all autocracies, such as "the oscillation between tight and loose control." alternates between periods of intense repression and relative freedom, often represented by different leaders.  Brzezinski believe that there is also an underlying political cycle in which rising discontent leads to increased repression until the opposition is eliminated. Controls are relaxed until the next time that popular dissatisfaction begins to grow.

      So today's Progressive Left represents the coming (ongoing) repression which will continue in a variety of ways, from banning people and topics on social media, to arresting powerful or key political opponents that threaten the establishment.

      What is unusual about today's events, is that throughout history such events typically led to minorities (be they religious or racial in that State) being targeted, Nationalism rising and social unity being seeded into the education and social norms.

      The exact opposite is occurring today, the majority is being attacked, the minority is being empowered, Nationalism is being attacked and Internationalism is coveted (to include favoring International agreements over National interests), norms are not being reinforced they are being dissolved (family, gender norms, protective services) but ultimately it is all being done to strengthen the establishment, the autocracy, to tighten control and eliminate the opposition.

      1. gmwilliams profile image83
        gmwilliamsposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Progressive isn't the word.  Progress is going forward, evolving into something higher.  Leftist would be a more befitting word.  The Democratic Party now has a decidedly leftist flavor which I find extremely bitter.  I don't care WHO doesn't like it.  I am a Liberal Democrat & I SEE THIS.  The Democratic Party has become LEFTIST much to the dismay & ruin of America.

        1. Ken Burgess profile image69
          Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          I agree, your assessment and word association is far more apt.

    2. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      No Kathryn, they aren't Liberals, they are Leftists.

  4. abwilliams profile image71
    abwilliamsposted 2 years ago

    Well stated Ken and I, for one, am not willing to give up on the Kens and the Credences, removing themselves from all the noise and distractions {which by design, divide and conquer} and having that sit-down, that meeting of the minds, smoke the peace pipe, whatever it takes.....
    I cannot give up on this amazing experiment, the United States of America, either, I refuse to.
    What if we ALL could state the same and begin fixing this broken place?

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
      Kathryn L Hillposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      And yet, many of the youth are, at this very moment, being dumbed down and indoctrinated by teachers in the public state schools and left-leaning Universities across the nation. At the elementary and secondary levels, they are losing reading and writing/math abilities thanks to teachers who are instructed in the teachers' training schools and universities to teach students according to the Common Core curriculum via the heavy use of Chrome-books. (In one class room I subbed in, a new teacher had put all the books of his second grade classroom outside in the rain. He cared not a fig for the beautiful biology books and literature books that had been on the shelves for years before he was hired.)

      The youth of all ages are also being influenced by corrupting ideologies of the Stupid and the Evil on the internet.

      No, The school of hard knocks will be our fate.
      and learn we will.
      It's a pity.
      ... but maybe then, after it all falls apart, we can all get on the same page
      or at least listen and try to comprehend one another's viewpoint.
      in trying to get our world back to decency and normalcy.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
        Kathryn L Hillposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        and I think it will be the parents who will assume the most power and influence in change.
        Perhaps love of the child saves the world, in the final analysis.

    2. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I appreciate that comment and welcome you to sit down at the table and help to hash all of this out.

  5. abwilliams profile image71
    abwilliamsposted 2 years ago

    Amen and hear, hear Savvy! It's a fight for this great REPUBLIC! {Get it right Joe Biden, what we have here is a Republic and we aren't about to give up on it that easily!!}
    We have quite enough sellouts and enemies working to rob us of it, as it is, there's no room for wishy washy, hand-wringing, fence-riding conservative republicans/independents.
    If you are constantly trashing Trump and can't be seen giving him any type credit & can't seem to manage to get behind him, then you must be on board with "Obama 2"!
    We are way past politics as usual, this is what it has come down to.
    Choose your side, once and for all. No one should have to play a guessing game as to where one stands, be bold!

    1. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      You better find another savior to believe in, Trump one way or another will be barred from running for Office ever again.

      That was a certainty as soon as he left Office.

      1. abwilliams profile image71
        abwilliamsposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        My one and only Savior, is Jesus Christ! I think that I have made that abundantly clear by now. There's but one Savior and God is still in control!
        The establishment may like to think that they are, but they aren't!
        They've had Trump in their sights since the day he first announced. Why? Why are they so afraid of this one man, this one simple man who came to Washington?
        I am going to get behind and support that man! That man that the establishment is terrified this day, he scares them!
        How and why he keeps getting back up, again and again, after such abuse, heaven only knows, I can't say!
        But, the very least that I can do is stand with the man who is still in the way {as I see it} and who still dares to give a damn!!
        None of us know for sure what happens next, but I sure as heck am not about to pile on, alongside the real enemy of our Republic, *Obama2  (*credit: Savvy)

        1. Ken Burgess profile image69
          Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Didn't mean to give offense, was just saying what to me was obvious.

          This is the way of Tyranny, whether it be Stalin in the past or today in China with Xi Jinping, they arrest or otherwise eliminate those that would oppose.

          It is clear that this is occurring now to Trump and his close supporters.

          I don't know what you think is going to stop it, this is the FBI, DOJ, IRS doing the work, who exactly is going to stop them when they are going above and beyond what the Law allows them to do?

          These agencies are being used as this Administration's Gestapo.

          Those that don't understand this, will come to, over the next couple of years.

          1. Credence2 profile image80
            Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

            "These agencies are being used as this Administration's Gestapo."

            That is a grossly partisan point of view. If the shoe were on the other foot, I don't think that you would be saying it. It appears that any adverse action against Trump even if warranted is considered "over the top" by any Trumper.

            This man could do no wrong? How naive can you get?

            1. Ken Burgess profile image69
              Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Credence, just because you support the efforts of this 21st century version of the Gestapo doesn't mean it is any less apt a description for what is occurring.

              You are the fully partisan extremist, I have no such party allegiance, I do not do or die for a Party, as you do.

              1. Credence2 profile image80
                Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Not intending to offend, but I do or die over a set of principles that is adhered to more by one party over the other

                1. Ken Burgess profile image69
                  Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Part of your "adherence to party' has been villainizing the other Party, having vehement disdain for those who support what they feel just as strongly about.

                  Many times you have stated they must do whatever it takes to eliminate, Trump and the Republicans.

                  You are supposed to put forth your ideas, ideals, and agendas and win on that basis.

                  The Democrats are not doing that.  They are raiding, arresting, disparaging and even declaring war against the opposition in a Presidential speech.

                  As you know I have no love for Biden... nor do I support Trump, I do not want him returned to the Presidency. 

                  If Trump really had such dangerous followers of courage and conviction, those willing to put their lives on the line to make a revolution happen...

                  If Trump had those types of followers, there would have been a real insurrection and there would have been many politicians that died on Jan 6th, the government may have even been overthrown and a Trumpocracy installed.

                  We never came close to that occurring.  Without at least some of the FBI, CIA, and military behind such a move, how could it even be considered a serious threat?

                  1. Credence2 profile image80
                    Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    I give as good as I get, Ken. My progressive stance has been subject to attacks, do I just wilt like a posey in the face of them?

                    My 'do anything' means what is lawful. I discredit the Right when and wherever I can as a danger to America and pull the levers in the voting booths consistently against their candidates. I never spoke of anything extralegal as a remedy.

                    I do put forth my ideas, ideals and agendas, and take on all comers without intimidation or fear.

                    Well, Biden is right about the MAGAs, they amount to a MAGAton of trouble for all of those that choose live within the bounds of a democratic system. Remember, Ken, all of you guys say that you are non partisan and choose to sit on the fence and look the other way, while for the first time in American History the procedures associated with Constitutional prescription for the counting of electors had been deliberately tampered with so that one party could obtain power outside of the will of the people. That is a fact and not just conjecture that no one can prove.

                    That is far from just a difference in politics, but an unacceptable assualt on very principles of democratic government that will always put me off against the Republican Party for this very attempt as well as against those that try to minimize the magnitude of the affront.

                    If you support the concept of Trumpism, you just as well be supporting Trump. And you do support Trumpism as an ideal, don't you Ken?

                    There were not enough people amongst the rabble of that day to even consider taking over the Government. But the idea of such a threat to our democratic governance as presented by this mob must never happen again.

                    Trump tried to accomplish this theft and that is enough for me to hold him and his syncophant collaborators in contempt.

              2. profile image0
                savvydatingposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                It is not a matter of dying for a Party. It is a matter of understanding that Progressive ideals benefit dictatorships & when idealists vote for mushy moderates, they get the Biden’s & Obama’s of this world who are destroying this nation.

                Moderate conservatives really need to stop thinking so much about themselves, for that is so selfish. There is a whole world out there that depends upon our strength as a nation. Do you really want to see the poor get poorer all around the world? Do you really want to see your freedom stripped away from you little by little… Because of your voting conscience?

                For God’s sake! What will it take for “independent conservatives” to get a clue?
                Will they only understand once the government freezes their assets & they can no longer buy and sell?
                No conservative here needs to apologize or explain their vote to any Progressive. They don’t care. They have your moderate vote to keep winning.
                They know they have moderate conservatives in their back pocket.
                Meanwhile, the world will suffer even greater atrocities.

            2. GA Anderson profile image82
              GA Andersonposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              I agree that 'it' is a partisan view. And I agree with your 'shoe on the other foot' thought. But, there is a big 'but' that goes with that agreement.

              Half of America has seen 6 years of failed political efforts to can the man. I think they would say those efforts were "over the top."  Ken's comment sounds a lot less conspiratorial now than it would have 6 years ago.

              The Democrats set themselves up for this. They should not be so surprised by conservatives' reactions of distrust.


              1. Credence2 profile image80
                Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Well, to be honest, GA, Trump has always been his own worst enemy. His campaign focused on race baiting and misogyny like none that we have seen in modern times. On the very day of his inauguration, women protested his approach and attitude all over the globe as part of an adoring fan base?

                And to really give credibility to the idea that the entire US government is out to get him as part of personal vendettas or the "Deep State" rather than just doing their jobs is "over the top".  The so called corruption of these agencies that Trump claims is the case is just a selfish reaction to him not having his way. Hasn't that always been his MO?

                The first impeachment was due to his tying up appropriated congressional funding to a Balkan nation insisting that the leader give up information regarding a potential political rival. That is unethical.

                I could easily blame the Republicans for every impediment they put before Obama during his administration, much of that was translated through obstinance and out Right lies regarding his point of origin and his scholastic achievements. And ironically, we know who was the driver behind that.

                He continues to have and has an exceptional profile because of an exceptional record (in the negative sense).

                Honestly, GA, when have we ever seen his like?

                So, don't blame the Democrats, Trump is and has always been a jerk and he continues to reaffirm that in every way, every single day.

                1. wilderness profile image89
                  wildernessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  "His campaign focused on race baiting and misogyny like none that we have seen in modern times."

                  How can you say that with a straight face after watching our exalted White House Leader make race and sex the two leading priorities for consideration of the highest court position in the land?  Ignoring all moral, ethical and legal values, he chose race and sex to hang his hat on.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    It seems those on the left can keep blinders on when needed.

                  2. DrMark1961 profile image100
                    DrMark1961posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    How can you say that with a straight face when your current president chose his vice president based on her sex and color? (Ignoring all moral, ethical, and legal values. He did not choose the best person for the job, he chose a person with one sex. He even stated before he chose her that he was only choosing a woman.)

                  3. Credence2 profile image80
                    Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    I did not approve of how Biden approached this issue, he should have simply made his selection and filled the court vacancy.

                    However, for every Biden and Democrat faut pas in regards to racism and misogyny there are 100 GOP based ones. But as always, my problems with conservatives is where they believe that 1 out of 100 is the equivalent of 99 out of 100, and that's the difference. It is always a matter of frequency and magnitude and that is important as no one is perfect.

                2. Sharlee01 profile image86
                  Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  I can honestly say --- I have never witnessed Trump race-baiting. Biden has race boats as needed, and this is so very clear. How in the world do you not realize or note this?  I feel you have been caught up in a swirl of misconceptions in regard to Trump.

                  Trump held off on an arms sale (as he explained to his administration ) due to the reputation Ukraine had for corruption. He made a presidential decision. He ultimately researched, got to know Ukraine's new president, and sold him the weapons. Actually, he armed them as no other president had ever done. The impeachment was ridiculous. This may have been spayed on lied about and dragged over coals. The FBI spied on him, throughout his entire presidency... With one failed investigation after another. There was no there, there. Our FBI has now been implicated in paying a Russian citizen to gather garbage on Trump for the last three years of his term.

                  And yes, he continues to have and has an exceptional profile because of an exceptional record with some.  The some that kept a clear head through all of this crap that the Dema and media have perpetrated.

                  My God, it's time to open your eyes. The Democrats have tried to destroy Trump and just are not successful due to the fact he has not done anything but represent the American people the very best he could. All of the people.

                  No, it was, and still is the Democrats that perpetrated this disgusting display of misinformation, with the help of the media.

                  He continues to fight and will continue to fight to bring out all the corruption that the Dems have perpetrated. He is well on his way to bringing out the truth.

                  1. Credence2 profile image80
                    Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Sharlee, like I said, it is a matter of frequency and magnitude. I have provided links numerous times delving into his background regarding these matters. One example regarding Biden is not the equivalent of dozens by Trump.

                    I guess OUR entire electorate are all being misled by misconceptions as Trump support among our demographic is very low? That is, of course, if we are to distrust our lying eyes? How do you think that he lost in the battleground states? The Urbanites sealed his fate. You have to possibly rethink the idea that all of us have just fallen from turnip trucks and are so easily deceived by the media, while your view is always crystal clear?

                    Trump tried to steal from me the integrity of my democratic based government, just as he has stolen from so many thoughout  his sordid lifetime. And you all just look upon that as another rainy day Sunday? That is all I need to see, as the most grevious offense ever in the history of the Presidency.

                    Trump is his own wrecking crew. Who else would be stupid enough to box up top secret documents and take them home and still expect not to be held accountable for it?

                3. GA Anderson profile image82
                  GA Andersonposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  And you are back on Trump again. My response was to your, (et al), 'with them or agin' them', perspective of 'Trumpers'. It wasn't about whether Trump is/was as you say, or 'they' say, it was about the reality of perception.

                  For 6 years the Democrats have repeatedly provided the 'smoke' that Republicans are sure, is hiding the fire of their real actions. And for 6 years Independents, (aka moderates), as a political entity, have been increasing in size as we watch one fringe out-denounce the other fringe.

                  Look to your own example. You equate a couple of paragraphs worth of horrible qualities to a majority of American adults, (politically), because they disagree with your extremisms.

                  As a note, the 'italics' used were points that both sides are sure they are right about.


                  1. Credence2 profile image80
                    Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Back on Trump again, GA? Who is the man that you are referencing as being hounded for the last 6 years, in your own comment?

                    Perception is always relative.

                    Trump and his henchmen tried to steal my Democracy in the waning days of 2020 that is all the smoke and fire that I need.

                    The people that sit on the fence or choose to ignore this and look the other way for any number of reasons are accessories to Trump and Trumpism and are of no greater value in the scheme of things. I am really not as extreme as I am being painted by the other side.

                4. Ken Burgess profile image69
                  Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  The problem here with your comment, you believe all the charges against him, you believe other presidents haven't done the same things.

                  So you believe the impeachment was just, you believe the current witch hunt into Trump and his close supporters is just.

                  I see it as dirty politics and government overreach.

                  I see it as the first steps of true tyrannical rule.

                  A couple years from now I will likely be proven right.

                  For those who are impartial enough to see it, they will probably agree.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image86
                    Sharlee01posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Trump was condemned by the Democrats and the media. They set out to condemn him without any proof of crimes. They never indicted him, yet he was found guilty. After 6 years of this, would you not think common sense would return to some that have condemned him? No, they are fed new crimes, new feed, and they just ignore all the eggs on their faces and look to be pelted once more.

                    My gosh, this is so unfortunate and so unreal. At the end of all this, I am proud of all those that kept a level head and did not join in the hysteria.

                    I will say this phenomenon has brought us to the brink, and hopefully many have now realized they were had...

                  2. Credence2 profile image80
                    Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Ken, are you telling me that Trump had nothing to do with the attempt to illegally replace electors in battleground states? You are to let him get away with his feigning ignorance as to what went on immediate after the 2020 election along with the sheer stupidity of his hammering on the same themes for almost 2 years? Look at how many of the Republicans candidates and current office holders play into and support his lies without any proof?

                    Republicans are no longer a political party but a cult with their giving the ultimate fealty to their lord and master, Donald J. Trump.

                  3. Credence2 profile image80
                    Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Ken, I have a degree in history, a passion of mine, and I don't recall anytime that a previous President even ever contemplated the actions that Trump has been shown to be guilty of.

                    I don't agree that the impeachment of Clinton in the late 1990s over his sexual indiscretions was appropriate, so to each his own.

                    If Trump or his ilk return to power, we will see more tyranny than you can shake a stick at.

          2. profile image0
            savvydatingposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Any Independent/ Conservative/sometimes Democrat, who cannot see the value Trump brought to the United States, and who would rather vote for Tulsi or Warren has no right to complain about Biden

            I have no patience for your complaints about Biden. So stop your whining. You got what you voted for... that is to say, the destruction of America.

            If only Independents could look beyond their own snotty noses for a change.

            1. Ken Burgess profile image69
              Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              I didn't vote for Biden, but that doesn't really matter.

              Biden got 81 million votes after all.

              That is more than Obama's 69.5 million record breaking votes, by more than 11.5 million!!!

              Biden, who came in 5th in the primaries of New Hampshire and couldn't muster better than 2nd place in CO, CA, NV, Iowa was a popular guy after all!

              You had to love all those mail-in-ballots they found that pulled the election out of Trump's hands in PA and GA.  Good Stuff!

              Going to bed on election night, Trump was ahead in PA by more than 700,000 votes, its a good thing PA changed their election process for 2020!

              You are correct, I would have voted for just about anyone over Biden, I knew what he REALLY represented, we are seeing much of it now, we will be seeing more of it after the 2022 elections.

              1. Credence2 profile image80
                Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                "Going to bed on election night, Trump was ahead in PA by more than 700,000 votes, its a good thing PA changed their election process for 2020!"

                But, Trump did not count on the sheer size of Philly and its overwhelmingly Democratic constituency.

                Don't tell me you are one of those election deniars, Ken?

                1. Ken Burgess profile image69
                  Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  The nation’s top intel­li­gence and law enforce­ment agen­cies have confirmed that there is no evid­ence of signi­fic­ant voter fraud in Amer­ican elec­tions and that the 2020 elec­tion was secure.

         … was-secure

                  What I think about how the 2020 election was conducted is irrelevant.

                  What you should take some comfort in, is I do not believe Trump is good for our Country and I do not want him elected back into Office.

                  Of course, that leaves me without a nest to roost in, because I sure as heck will never support Biden.  So here's to hoping we have some alternative choices arrive on the scene before 2024.

                  1. Credence2 profile image80
                    Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    You seem to be telling someone else that you had your doubts about the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

                    There is no comfort in any vote for a Rightwing candidate. De Santis, for example, is no better than Trump. He is just a little more prudent in his style, that's all.

                    I am sure that 2024 will offer a new cast of characters.

              2. profile image0
                savvydatingposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Well, the good news is that Mexican Americans.  Yes, legal Americans,  are willing to do what you cannot do… that is to say, vote for someone who represents their values… someone like Trump.
                So if Republicans win, it will not be because of voters like you.
                But that’s okay. We can do your dirty work for you even as Independent's continue to hold their noses and exclaim their “virtue.”
                But, you’ll get no credit with any of us even though you pay lip service to our values.
                The Progressives are not disappointed by Trump-hating Independent's such as yourself. In fact, they love you guys to death.

                1. Ken Burgess profile image69
                  Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  I don't hate Trump.

                  I do believe he will be unable to run for the Office in 2024.

                  I do expect the Biden Administration will make certain of that.

                  1. Credence2 profile image80
                    Credence2posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Well, as Savvy, told you, you are either with the Trumpers or against them, there is no reasoning middle for this bunch.

                    You must accommodate all the lies, and drink the urine as an initiation for a true test of your loyalty to the cause.

                  2. profile image0
                    savvydatingposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Biden has lied his entire life. What else is new? We’ll see what happens next. But, if Independent’s don’t get their act together, our republic is done for.

  6. abwilliams profile image71
    abwilliamsposted 2 years ago

    No offense taken, I am just not ready to throw in the towel.
    Even if I get to the point of thinking of the USA, as what once was...I will never give the fiendish progressive left the satisfaction of knowing it.

  7. abwilliams profile image71
    abwilliamsposted 2 years ago

    I wonder why Dems didn't go with a 'Saving the Democracy' campaign, but rather went with 'Build Back Better'?
    I can see Biden in his aviators and a "Saving the Democracy" baseball cap.
    Tsk tsk...missed opportunities.

  8. IslandBites profile image93
    IslandBitesposted 2 years ago

    What facts do you have to justify one action but condemn the other?

    If you're honestly asking that, then you are far gone.

    One was a government plus international allies, pressuring a country to act on a previous condition for keep getting help/money. Yes, it was Biden who did it, but it was Obama WH policy.

    (And before anyone mentions Burisma, to this day, there is no connection there. Whatever Hunter did or not, to this day, this wasnt about Hunter, as a partisan/republican investigation concluded. If some day, evidence shows that was the case, then he should get impeached. Then, will see if Democrats act in the same partisan way than Republicans.)

    The other one was a political candidate, using his power as President of a country, pressuring another country to help him win an election in exchange for an already approved help.

    1. GA Anderson profile image82
      GA Andersonposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      It appears you agree that both acts were high-level governmental coercion, (i.e. the Obama/WH insertion), but VP Biden's motives were right so the action was right. Is that right?


  9. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
    Kathryn L Hillposted 2 years ago












    and used other TACTICS


  10. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 20 months ago

    This is just 10 hours ago.


    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
      Kathryn L Hillposted 20 months agoin reply to this

      Is this our destiny?

      The US/Ukraine against Russia/China?

      ... to what END?

    2. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 20 months agoin reply to this

      Sorry, what am I supposed to make from that?

      School grade misinformation.

      You are vested and biased, you have no ability to be objective or make rational assessments.

      Ukraine has no air power.  Ukraine would need at least 3 to 1 odds to mount a successful offensive and hold territory being defended by the Russians.

      Military strategy is pretty simple to comprehend.  Those with the numbers, the air superiority and the defensible supply lines win, all the time.

      Russia has all three.  This was always an effort doomed to fail, some seriously corrupt people are laundering billions through this conflict, military companies are making billions off of new orders, the rich get richer, the people of Ukraine suffer the price.

      1. Readmikenow profile image96
        Readmikenowposted 20 months agoin reply to this

        "School grade misinformation"

        This from someone whose source of information is russian propaganda.

        A simple google search will let you know the Ukrainian counter-offensive is effective and is liberating territory daily. 

        The rest of what you've said is absolute nonsense and doesn't matter.

        1. Ken Burgess profile image69
          Ken Burgessposted 20 months agoin reply to this

          A simple google search?

          That would be funny if it weren't so sad.

          The Ukrainian forces are getting destroyed, they are throwing themselves against the Russian defenses and are being slaughtered.

          That's the reality, which you will not find by Google searching for it.  The truth will not be told by our politicians or our media/search sources.

          The interlocking artillery fire, the air superiority, the defenses in place, anywhere the Russians value have not been touched by Ukrainian forces, and they won't be.

          This is suicidal stupidity by Ukraine, the only reason it makes any sense is so that Biden can get his WWIII... No sane military mind would have OKed this slaughter.

          Ukraine is throwing away lives and equipment.

          1. Readmikenow profile image96
            Readmikenowposted 20 months agoin reply to this

            Blah, blah, blah, blah

            Ukraine is advancing against the russian army and that is a fact reported by news outlets around the world.

            End of story.

  11. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
    Kathryn L Hillposted 20 months ago

    - what I don't get, is what happened to all the protesting of war, flowers being exchanged and the singing of anti-war songs?

    Where have all the hippies gone?

    1. DrMark1961 profile image100
      DrMark1961posted 20 months agoin reply to this

      That is what I do not understand. If the Republicans were involved in this war the leftists would be lined up in protest. When it is the leftists involved, Mitch McConnel and many other Republicans are lining up in support.

      Where have all the young people gone? They´ve gone to Tik Tok every one...When will we ever learn?

      1. Ken Burgess profile image69
        Ken Burgessposted 20 months agoin reply to this

        They won't speak up against it unless it effects them. Without the draft they won't care.

        The younger generations are all about me me me and couldn't even find Ukraine on a map, let alone understand how this war will impact their lives.

        1. DrMark1961 profile image100
          DrMark1961posted 20 months agoin reply to this

          Maybe MAGA could come out against the draft and that way Biden would be for it and probably reinstitue it.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image69
            Ken Burgessposted 20 months agoin reply to this

            Don't be fooled. They want Trump as the opponent.

            They will convict him. They will continue to turn America against him.

            Anyone else... There is a good chance America would turn to them just to be rid of Biden.

            1. profile image0
              savvydatingposted 20 months agoin reply to this

              Ken, What do you mean that “they” want Trump  as the opponent? Obviously, they hate Trump, even more than you dislike him.

              So, are you saying “they” are deliberately targeting Trump, and throwing indictments at him because they want him to run as Biden’s opponent? Or are you saying something else?

              Clarify, please.

              As for your much earlier comments about sitting down at the table with a progressive to reach an agreement or consensus….
              That is a Fool’s statement, and every progressive knows it.

              They will never move anywhere near the right. They will only move further to the Left and use you (moderates) to make it happen.

              “They” love that so-called “conservative” moderates, stupidly and willingly,  bring them the leash with which they can more easily bind the neck of those “they” deem rats. They will claim it is all in the name of fairness and justice, the same way that Hitler, who hated the Jews, did.

              “They” and all Alinsky acolytes have been moving the needle Left, toward the destruction of America, for many years… because of the help of moderate “conservatives.”

              Think about that.

              Your progressive friend(s) will always be quick to commend you for your obedience, naïveté, and “fairness.”

              They will always invite you to sit down at the table and “hash” things out, and moderates will always, stupidly, believe they mean well. But, “they” never have any intention of changing their minds about their hatred for “Whitey Righty” as your progressive friend likes to say, for any reason. They hate America…. although they love its convenience.

              So called conservative Moderates are the death of democracy.   

              Progressives only use them (moderates) to achieve their means. Too bad that you and (Gus) do not understand just how fully you are being duped, and how your votes are contributing to the demise of our freedom.

              As much as you dislike Trump, it is really unfortunate for our nation that you do not understand that he is the only man who has not been bought, and thus, who is not compromised.

              Trump, as candidate and President, did everything he said he would do and more. And, that is still not good enough for you and others who would never vote for Trump.

              So, if this nation goes to hell because of your vote for some compromised candidate who accepts money from the Koch brothers and Black Rock, and other corporate entities who have no regard for everyday Americans, then don’t even complain. You asked for it.

              Conservative Moderates seem to love supplying the leash…they have done so throughout history. “They” are the Progressives best friend and the death of freedom.

              1. Ken Burgess profile image69
                Ken Burgessposted 20 months agoin reply to this

                Yes, they want Trump running against Biden, they want it to continue to be a choice between the White-Supremacist, Sexist, Convict Trump and Biden.

                They do not believe they can defeat a Scott, or a RFK, or anyone else that Libertarians, Moderates, non-Trump Republicans, etc. would find an acceptable alternative to Biden.

                Biden is disliked by a good percentage of Democrats, ALL Republicans, and the majority of Middle-of-the-Road American voters.  He simply cannot win against any rational, presentable, articulate opponent not named Trump... the majority of America would like to move on from Biden ASAP.

                "They" is the current Establishment, the sellouts to Big Pharma, the believers in the NWO, the lifers roaming the halls of DC, the elites, the warmongering MIC sycophants.

                1. profile image0
                  savvydatingposted 20 months agoin reply to this

                  Interesting take about “choice.” The question remain, Ken. Do you believe that Trump is a white supremacist? (Still trying to clarify your position)

                2. profile image0
                  savvydatingposted 20 months agoin reply to this

                  So, “they” are throwing the book at Trump because they want him to run.

                  That makes zero sense. Trump will run, whether they try to destroy him or not.

                  Tim Scott can never win. He’s boring as hell. RFK is a Democrat, and a true moderate (in a good way).
                  The Left despises him for that reason and “they” would demonize him if he tried to run. They prefer the corrupt Biden or the slimy Gavin Newsom. Both men have sold their souls to the money gods, the one’s who are running this nation… and they’re the kind of men that those you call “they” heartily support. The sleazier, the better.

                  Do you really think Black Rock and George Soros would give away their money to support decent men?

                  Not a chance. They need someone who will provide them with all the green energy money in the world. That is why they are afraid of Trump, and are trying to prevent him from running.

                  As for your thoughts that once Putin is no longer in the picture, everything will return to normal, you are wrong. That’s a fools dream. Putin will simply be replaced with another dictator. The oligarchs will see to it.

      2. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
        Kathryn L Hillposted 20 months agoin reply to this

        "Where have all the young people gone? They´ve gone to Tik Tok every one ...When will we ever learn?"

        Are they also involved in games like Mortal Combat and other violent video games?
        Are they being trained in the art of war on some level?
        When China marches on our soil, will the youth be ready?
        ... only if we let them have guns (and swords, knives, etc.,) I suppose. … as-adults/


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