Shame. Does it have a place in society today?

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  1. aka-dj profile image65
    aka-djposted 13 years ago

    Shame. Does it have a place in society today?

    It's a word that hardly ever gets used. I certainly haven't heard it used much.

  2. pbenigno profile image60
    pbenignoposted 13 years ago

    I think that there would be a lot less problems if people were taught to feel "Shame" right from birth on. Shame is supposed to be an emotion that triggers humans to feel bad about doing something wrong/bad and either fix it or take it back or even appologize. Yes, it definetly does have a place!

  3. DonDWest profile image69
    DonDWestposted 13 years ago

    Of course it doesn't have a place in today's society! Why are you so negative? The positivity self-esteem new agey army will have a word with you!

  4. Cheeky Girl profile image66
    Cheeky Girlposted 13 years ago

    People don't feel shame unless they feel they have done something wrong, or feel something is wrong somehow. Or that bad things like war or pain or suffering happen. Shame can come from feeling like we are somehow responsible and not able to stop a thing happen for whatever reason. Shame can come from not taking important decisions or acting on time. Or not speaking out when we ought to, or act when we ought to.

    We are human and so not perfect, so yes, we all feel shame from time to time. Shame in painful, and so is guilt. It will nag is, maybe even torture us - till we decide to act on it. And do something about it.

  5. cottontail profile image59
    cottontailposted 13 years ago

    I think more important than shame is responsibility. Clearly there is a lot less shame in our society today because people do not feel responsible for their impact on others. How can you feel shameful about something you're not responsible for? Shame should have a place in our society because values (such as personal responsibility) should be present as well. Unfortunately, the trend seems to be in the opposite direction.

  6. titobay profile image68
    titobayposted 13 years ago

    Shame is a word that is gradually going into extinction in today's world. As a matter of fact, those who feel ashamed are seen to belong to the 'old school' era. Funny isn't it! As an African, I remember those good old values instilled in you, they are like your daily scripture. You live, eat and drink them! The morals of life that keep you going. Today, tell a youngster how inappropriate his or her appearance or attitude is, and you get stunning response like 'c'mon, wake up to reality. Some would even tell their parents to shut up and let them be. Honestly, this is the sign of our time. It starts from home. A lot of parents have forgotten the word 'shame' so they really don't have anything to pass on. Basically you can only pass on the values you believe in. As difficult as it appears though, there are still a few upright ones out there. The responsibility lies on us parents to instill the right attitude early in our children and live what we preach.

  7. earnings33 profile image39
    earnings33posted 13 years ago

    Yeah it's very common in Muslim Religion. Normally using word it is. If you ever talk with a Pakistani you will come to know what kind of word is this.

  8. lburmaster profile image71
    lburmasterposted 13 years ago

    Not many people feel shame anymore. However, they should. It is one of the issues in society. If people felt shame they would appologize or wouldn't harm others. Instead they are selfish. Myself included.

  9. ajuvr profile image60
    ajuvrposted 13 years ago

    People get indiscriminate ever as to respond to shame.Unfortunately this attitude is being mistaken as one's professional capacity. Shedding shame has been conceived to be the foremost prerequisite to success.

  10. Jalapeno10 profile image61
    Jalapeno10posted 13 years ago

    Yes! Without shame people will lose self control. If there is none, then a society will be chaotic.

  11. Neon_Letters profile image60
    Neon_Lettersposted 13 years ago

    yes it does, i believe it's still exist in the human mind so we get to do the best or restrain ourself to fail so we don´t compromise our social value.

  12. phiphi profile image60
    phiphiposted 13 years ago

    Off course it has its own place in society, and it will be in all of us.

  13. profile image0
    reeltaulkposted 13 years ago

    uh NO!   Do you think it does?  Maybe you will hear someone that is conservative or reserved use it.  Maybe because they are old school...........

  14. Blogger Sumon profile image58
    Blogger Sumonposted 13 years ago

    Shame is so important for man's behavior. Shameless man can't carry any responsibility i think.....

  15. profile image57
    Ruadan McKaneposted 13 years ago

    Absolutely.  A society with high moral standards uses shame as an implicit agent of social control;  shame inhibits antisocial behaviour. But here's the caveat, it has to be monitored to prevent it from getting out of control. There has to be a clearly defined universal understanding re shameful acts.  You don't want people feeling ashamed because of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation etc

  16. coutneyk profile image67
    coutneykposted 13 years ago

    After the invention of youtube....I think shame isn't as high on the ladder as it used to be  =s.  The word 'shame' still has a place, common term coined in NZ when I was growin up, when people did embarrasing things we shouted 'aha shame!!' all in good fun though, we laugh at ourselves alot, that's how we roll :p

  17. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image82
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    People should certainly feel shame, but only when they've done something shameful.

    The problem is that mass media has totally distorted what is shameful, and what is not.

  18. Fez360 profile image56
    Fez360posted 13 years ago

    Only stuck up, cocky losers use it because they think that they the best! What idiocracy.....dont believe what people say its not good. Shame can go through my window!! smile

  19. mporter profile image60
    mporterposted 13 years ago

    Seems to me that shame goes out the window when people's words and actions stop carrying weight.  Like cottontail suggested, I think this is a problem of responsibility first and foremost: people simply do not take responsibility for the weight of their words.  "Just Kidding" "No offense" "but that's just my opinion" "it's all relative"....

    It might be all relative, but that's a term intended for use on the macro scale.  What is it when an individual's own perpectives is essentially relative, in terms of their true opinion--for everyone has a true stand on an issue, no matter how it might be obscured with words and gestures.  What it amounts to is self-deception.

  20. Trevor Davis profile image56
    Trevor Davisposted 13 years ago

    I believe it hardly ever gets used because people are too "ashamed" to ever admit fault openly. But those that do feel it know its because they betrayed their responsibility for whatever reason in the first place. So it might already be in society.

  21. Leslyn profile image61
    Leslynposted 13 years ago

    Psychologically speaking, shame is guilt turned inward.  It's very disruptive to the human psyche. When I work with a client that has a deeply rooted sense of shame, it is a long and often - painful process. Shame happens when one feels that they have broken some societal or self-imposed rule that may or may not be relative. In my opinion, it destroys more societal elements than it may benefit.

  22. lazko profile image58
    lazkoposted 13 years ago

    That’s very interesting and if I may say “up to date” question, unfortunately according to me the answer is rhetoric. Shame is a feeling, a condition of the mind witch belongs to those feelings that are about to be forgotten forever. In this material, so called business world, the people a becoming more and more unnatural, aiming to earn money on behalf of their own sense of value and on behalf of their emotions and feelings. That’s makes Shame un fittable  to the environment and the environment ignores it .

  23. profile image49
    Von Haul Richyposted 13 years ago

    Parents are the responsible for everything above their children. Hence its true that they are the main controller of their children.

  24. profile image0
    dukeny21posted 13 years ago

    The dictionary describes shame as: "the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another.  Shame can be healthy or harmful if not handled properly.  If you act to correct a behavior etc., you can feel relief.  Unfortunately some people can be overcome with shame, may be unable to forgive themselves, and be burdoned with unhealthy feelings.  We also have too many people who have a sense of entitlement, who feel nothing is their fault and refuse to take responsiblity for their actions or inactions.  Self-respect and respect of others is key but is diminishing in our society today and the lack of shame is one aspect of this.  So, yes, shame needs to have a place in society, especially today.

  25. angie ashbourne profile image60
    angie ashbourneposted 13 years ago

    Shame: is a painful feeling...we need positive.

  26. cuckholddon profile image60
    cuckholddonposted 13 years ago

    Where there is confusion is in definition!
        I meen,, Who deciedes what is shameful?
        Hurting others in any way-shape or form is & should be considered shameful!
        However, just because someone is offended by someone elses "non harmful" dress,behaviour or lifestyle -Should not be labled shameful!
        Live& let live!
         Folks are way too busy judgeing others(to make themselves feel a little better)& what good does it do?
         It just breeds contempt& hatred!
        I don't bother with Prostitutes-strip bars-massauge parlors-churches, ect. but will defend your rights to us them!(Without SHAME)

  27. profile image0
    AKA Winstonposted 13 years ago

    Shame is a relic from our Victorian past that has no place in modern societies.  The entire basis of shame is to attack self-image to cause the understanding that I am less than others and unworthy.  Quite judgmental.

    We are all human.  There is no shame in acting human.


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