Why do some have a fixation on things that really have nothing to do with them?

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  1. jlpark profile image80
    jlparkposted 11 years ago

    Why do some have a fixation on things that really have nothing to do with them?

    I've been joining in, or sitting back, on a few questions around here on a topic that is something I care about - Marriage Equality.  And I've noticed a few things, a few things I am curious about, because they make no sense to me.  I wonder if you can help, particularly if you are against Marriage Equality:

    Why the fixation on the 'private' activities of other people? People whose private activities are something that you do not like.  Why think on it so much? 

    (Why I ask is that some people seem to think more on it, than those who's lifes are being thought on, think about it!)

  2. mkjohnston81 profile image78
    mkjohnston81posted 11 years ago

    The people who argue the loudest against marriage equality, from what I have noticed, are generally very homophobic people, and often are of a conservative religious background.  Again, from what I have noticed, the people who are most rabidly homophobic tend to be those who are not very secure with their own sexuality.  They are the people who have a burning curiosity about a "taboo" and "sinful" lifestyle and can't quite figure out why... or maybe they realize that they have an interest in the same sex, and figure the louder they protest this "sinful lifestyle" the less people will suspect them of being secretly gay.  Think Larry Craig.  So anyway, your question is why do some have a fixation on things that really have nothing to do with them... I would argue that those things have everything to do with them, but they just won't admit to it.  There is really no other reason for people to spend so much time thinking about homosexuality when they claim to be heterosexual.  I'm betting that just this type will probably be very offended by my answer, and maybe even have some rude replies for me, not least because they are horribly embarrassed that I've seen through their ruse and want to prove me wrong.  To this I say, people who are secure in their sexuality, even those who are from conservative religions, do not tend to get worked up about gay marriage (whether they support it or not), nor do they troll discussion boards, etc, in order to insult gay people and force their point of view on others.
    ...so that's my 2 cents!

    1. jlpark profile image80
      jlparkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Mkjohnston81 - thank you for your answer.  I am in agreeance with much of it.  I am hoping that some of these people will also answer the question as well. (I do hope they are not rude to you though!)

  3. dashingscorpio profile image80
    dashingscorpioposted 11 years ago

    I personally believe life is a (personal) journey and everyone should be allowed to marry the person they love regardless of race or sexual orientation.
    I suspect the reason why people are against "marriage equality" is because they believe being gay or lesbian is a (choice). Therefore the more widely accepted it becomes for gay and lesbian couples to marry, have children, and publically display affection towards one another... the more (people fear their children) will embrace or choose the gay/lesbian lifestyle.
    Another group of people would rather not see gay and lesbian people period. They use religion as their reason for not liking them but the reality is they think it's gross or a form of mental illness. People have always "cherry picked" the bible verses they agree with and ignored those that kept them from living life the way they want to.
    As far as I can recall the bible says "judge not lest ye be judged", "love thy neighbor as thyself", and "thy shall not kill". If those verses were followed there would be no such thing as racism, discrimination of any kind, or murders and war.

    1. jlpark profile image80
      jlparkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      dashingscorpio - thank you for your answer. I also agree with some of this.

  4. tarkishat profile image75
    tarkishatposted 11 years ago

    I am one of those people that really don't care what someone else does. I honestly don't care if a person is gay, straight, white or black, (Does that make me a bad person? If it does I really don't care.) A lot of the gay marriage controversy stems from health insurance companies not letting you pay for insurance on whom you see fit to carry it on. Which is utterly ridiculous, because if you sign your name on a piece of paper saying that you would like to pay out of your pocket for someone else's medical expenses, obviously that person is very near and dear to your heart. My nephew is gay and I wouldn't change him for the world, honey he is too fabulous and I love him dearly. OMG if he was to tell me that he is getting married to his boyfriend I would have to fight his sister for the maid of honor position, and trust me I would win.

    1. jlpark profile image80
      jlparkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      tarkishat - I agree!.  I'm grinning at the fighting over maid of honour thing!

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