I just want to know: Do you agree with same-sex marriage or gay marriage?
Marriage is sacred, God created Men and Women to be one flesh.
If you agree, why? If not, why?
Honestly? It's not up to me to "agree" with who anyone else decides to marry.
Marriage is a civil contract, entered into by two people, and I think any two consenting adult people who are brave enough, or crazy enough, to enter into a lifelong contract should do so, without interference from the state.
Not everyone believes in that whole "marriage is sacred" thing. Just look at all the straight people who divorce, cheat on their spouses, and just generally take a dump all over the sacrament of marriage. How sacred is it, really?
And lastly: if you don't "agree" with marriage equality, or your religion prohibits you from considering it, don't marry someone of the same gender. Problem solved.
"How sacred is it, really?"
No more sacred than any of the other 'things' a professing Christian is not suppose to do.
Same sex marriages are a thing of the present and future. Get off of Noah's ark and get back on planet earth's boat. Not everyone believes in YOUR "God". How can we ever be unified as a planet, with backwards thinking like this?
We will be "unified as a planet" via a demonic one world government. You'll get your wish Ryboo!
When that "rapture" comes, you will see all the christians marching off together, holding hands. Wow! How gay! I hope they all manage to get through the Pearly Gate. Might be a bit of a squeeze, but that could be fun too.
to open their eyes, so they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. Then they will receive forgiveness for their sins and be given a place among God’s people, who are set apart by faith in me.’
So much this! - easy solution... I hate it when people want to push their version of morality on others.
Well marriage is still sacred, as clear as 1+1=2. Altho people try to bend or break it, that fact doesnt change. If people doesnt give a damn on its sanctity, thus cheating, divorces, etc, happens...
Unless you have a Mormon bible. Then it's 1+1+1+1 or however many wives you want! Someone needs to fix all the crazy rules in that bible thing.
Team Wiseman, you are free to believe in whatever you wish, fanatical or otherwise. But you are not free to presume everyone else believes the same as you....and it's ALL beliefs, no facts involved.
Another great answer, Lisa! Good point about the sanctity of straight marriage. Trump fired how many wives so far?
It is up to everyone to decide&edefining something to fit where it doesn't fit is wrong. If something belongs you don't have to redefine. Marriage sn be licensed by gov. The Marriage contract is the worse ever it is vague and meaningless
I used to think gays were bad and stuff. But then, I made a friend who is gay and he is very nice. I don't care what people do as long as they don't hurt anyone else. But having been married and cheated on, I don't hold marriage in high esteem.
We must consider our natural instincts of self-defense against the HIV and preservation of species from this abominable practice of homosexuality.
Your solution to disease is to discriminate against the suffering person? What about TB, cancer and Parkinsons? By the way, not all HIV positive people are gay men.
I guess we should just stop interacting with other people in general. Lots of dangerous, contagious diseases out there. Gotta preserve our species y'know.
I was about to reply and then saw your comment. It puts my thoughts about as succinctly as possible. Thanks!
Homosexuals can always turn from their wickedness & repent. Our God is a god of new beginnings.
I believe that the constitution didn't mention marriage, and I also believe that government shouldn't be involved in marriage. If you have to redefine marriage to get included in marriage then you didn't belong there in the first place.
Apples to oranges is not equality, Because no matter how much you want to believe it, an Apple will never be an Orange, and and Orange will never be an Apple.
Yes, but apples and oranges are both FRUITS! Where is it written that all fruits must marry the same race of fruits. Have you never heard of cross bred fruits?
The pt is that when you redefine something by changing the fundamentals you change the original. The lgbt has no more of a common denominator than does it have to normal humans. Sexual orientation is just preference. Take the bisexual as an example
And what is so bad about having gender preferences? You act like it's a bad thing? It is ok to feel different. We don't have to CONFORM, just because you say so, or some book says so.
Yossarian. Fruits? I see someone left the door to the flight deck unlocked again! Jesus! So tell me Yoss...if an apple marries a bunch of grapes, does that make it a Mormon apple? Try a new Rx.
First tell me why your opinion matters to a gay couple in love in the first place. It's really none of your business.
I believe in marriage equality. Two people, if they are so inclined, can and should get married if they wish to spend their lives together as a team or life partner.
Also according to religious texts, men and women are both created as "humans". And they are created from Earth. Modern culture sees men and women as equals (as opposed to women being bought for marriage by exchanging goats and cows).
Marriage is a partnership. Not some "sacred" relationship defined by a religious text.
Why would you expect an old book, written in ancient times, to dictate to you who can be your best friend for life? Don't you have "free will"?
People should be able to do what they want as long as it doesn't adversely affect other people. Gay marriage didn't do a thing for couples that just didn't want to get married but wanted ctl over their partner. Gov sn ctl the difference thru marriage
Huh? The government manages our system of laws. We elect our governments to do just that. We don't elect them to tell us whom we can marry, or where to go to the bathroom, or police the sex lives of consenting adults..
Brad may be referring to adverse effect of tax laws on single people. It's cheaper to be married.
If you want to be left alone, leave the normal people alone. Don't redefine marriage just because you don't fit in it. That is not equality that is forcing a square peg into a round hole, and saying the a square peg is now a round one????
Well, men and women have been tainting the 'sacredness' of marriage for a long time, so I think that argument falls flat at best. But I'd argue that it was never really sacred at all as girls used to be sold off as property to men whom they didn't necessarily love or even like, what's sacred about that?
If you love someone and want to make a lifelong commitment to them then I think that's a great thing. All anyone should care about is that they're consenting adults - everything else is simply personal preference and I think we should embrace love wherever we can find it.
Worst answer yet. Your answer includes incest.
bradmaster, you are reading pretty hard between the lines to come up with that in her answer. In fact, you are putting words in her mouth.
I believe that it should be a women and man. But I also believe that you should stay with your own race.
You mean racecar? Like you should not steal other people's cars I guess.
Sam, C'mon! It's clear he means when you're in running competition, stay in your own lane!!
Yoohoo Florence, we're here in the 21st century. Come join us, won't you?
Florence, I'm happy to say that I and my entire family remained within our own race. The Human race.
He ended the letter by saying, "Ann, speaking on behalf of all gays, this is my message to the world:. LEAVE US ALONE."
I somehow missed the incest comment. Incest is unique in that any offspring is in danger of birth defects. The "consenting adults" bit is nullified by the potential for harm to a child IMO.
I am ALL for same sex marriage!
A long time ago, I read a letter in the Ann Landers column written by a gay man from a small town in the Midwest who married a woman to hide / deny the fact that he was gay. They had a couple of kids. However, he started having affairs with men. Word got out, and a huge scandal ensued, followed by divorce. It broke his heart, because he really did love his wife; he just loved her like a sister.
He ended the letter by saying, "Ann, speaking on behalf of all gays, this is my message to the world:. LEAVE US ALONE."
Legalizing gay marriage would eradicate this problem altogether.
If you want to be left alone, leave the normal people alone. Don't redefine marriage just because you don't fit in it. That is not equality that is forcing a square peg into a round hole, and saying the a square peg is now a round one????
This letter was written in the 1980s. The man came from a place where gays were persecuted (Matthew Shepherd was brutally murdered 15 years later!). That's what he meant by "LEAVE US ALONE".
Next the people will begin to marry animals. They are never satisfied. They(gays) are never content and they want more and more.
You're just being obtuse by comparing TWO CONSENTING ADULTS wanting to get married to marrying an animal. Come on, be better than that.
bradmasterOCcal , I have never heard of or met a same-gender couple that try to force a square peg into a round hole. Uncomfortable and pointless!
khaliq...There R several solutions 4 UR specific need. U could try romancing UR significant other, an ice cold shower or a trip to Vegas. Good luck schmuck.
bradmasterOCcal goodluck to being 'normal'.
Same sex marriage is forbidden according to the Bible. God set the standard by Adam and Eve and telling them to multip]ly.
If marriage is for multiplication, should people who can't bear children be prohibited from marrying?
herrypaul, if 2 people of the same sex desires to marry then that is their choice and I am not for or against it.However, I am answering your question: do I agree or disagree with same sex marriage? Read the entire chapter of 1 Corinthians 7.
Lisa, being barren is natural, although it doesn't occur to every person..
herry....U confuse people! Y R U asking "word" to prove something U already believe???
God cannot be proven, but an atheist cannot prove that God does not exist. God is our standard for morality, without him, morality is whatever the rich and powerful elites say it is.
No, morality is the good and decent feelings we have toward each other. To harm others on purpose is immoral. Moral - see the golden rule (not strictly for Christians) it's for everyone!
I finally have a point of agreement with herry in the first comment to Word. Yes, please prove it. Biblical references must be backed up by evidence that the Bible itself is true. That the Bible says the Bible is true is not evidence.
And so they did if that's your belief, now times have changed. God also said to accept and love others. People tend to accept that which they are comfortable at the expense of ALL the preaching sadly.
I gave a lot of Scripture if you are interested. Look at comment of G. Diane Nelson Trotter. It keeps down clutter.
hang on a minute, didn't adam and eve have 2 sons, where did the rest of as come from??? mother and son relationship are we a result of incest then??? I would like to know the answer to that before someone goes off about whats right and wrong.
But do you have a real argument instead of the fairytales?
We do not need to prove God's words just read it for yourself.
So, if Marriage is not sacred -why God created Eva; she's a woman, because Adam didn't find a suitable helper. Moreover God created Eva and Adam only. Therefore it's only one wife or one husband in all her/his life. Remember! what God has joined, can not be separated!
God doesn't join people in civil ceremonies. The state does.
And the state and the federal government should not get involved.There is nothing in the constitution that says they have to get involved or even why they should get involved. The 14th didn't even give Black men or women the right to vote.
Marriage is a legal contract. You can stand in front of any priest or minister, and marry---and it's not legal, unless you have a license, and file the correct paperwork. That has been the case since the Middle Ages.
There is an assumption here that God created Eve based on a narrative book. Not everyone thinks mankind originated from magic. Some people think mankind happened as a result of evolution that happened millions of years ago.
The Christian church adopted the idea of fully regulating marriage some time in the 16th century at one of their big Councils. Prior to this marriages were a private or civil matter. Either religious or secular, marriage was the union of a man and women for procreation not Love. However the very churches which deny gay marriages today are the institutions that introduced love, honor, and commitment to the idea of marriage. If marriage had remained an arrangement specific to procreation it would not be an issue today. Religions that sanctify matrimony need to come up with their own word to define the union of a man and women in religious ceremony and let the secular world have "marriage" back. Civil authorities could then recognize both as marriages without trampling religious freedom and without the need to interpret or change laws or define differences between civil unions and marriages. I think a man or a women presumed to be of sound mind and consensual age should be free to marry whomever they choose.
My thought is: why is it my business what other people want to do. If they're not hurting anyone by getting married even though they are of the same sex then it's not really my decision or my business. Let them do what they want to do. That goes for anybody who wants to get married. That even goes for somebody in Japan who wants to marry a dog rather than a person.
A dog would not be considered a consenting adult. So, what same sex marriage really means is that only consenting adult humans should be marrying - that's why we have laws to define consenting adult (humans) and marriage licenses..
Same sex marriage ...funny to hear.God made us both man and woman not only to live but also to produce next generation.So life cycle will never get destructed..
Do you believe that your god made gay people too? Or just heterosexual people and animals? If that is what you believe, you are very misinformed. And we are in no danger of "get destructed".
S I believe God created gay people too.But yossarian believe that our human race will never get destructed.if u marry ur same sex,there is no possibility to have a child.then ur generation come to an end
But there are millions of kids living in foster care b/c men and women have had children they didn't want or couldn't support. If a gay couple marries and wants children then they can help a child in need. That does nothing but HELP us as a society.
If a gay couple marry and adopt a child means good but the child is not thr own child
My dad adopted me and I was every bit his own child. Why do you think the physical act of making a kid is what's valuable? 7 billion abandoned/unloved children isn't going to help the human race.
Hello Aime your Dad adopted you .But marriage is not connected with that.if anyone want to adopt a child he dosen't want to marry.you born due to persons of different sex not with same sex. i still say same sex marriage is not good for humans.
If marriage isn't relevant to adoption then why is it relevant to procreation? Sounds like you disagree with homosexuality in general and not just the marriage aspect, correct?
I am unable to have children. Should I also be prohibited from marrying the person I love?
The world is very VERY overpopulated!! There isn't a chance in a gazillion the life cycle will EVER be destroyed. Get your head out of your derriere!
Marriage and Procreation are VERY different things. That's why people get pregnant even when not married, or get married and NOT have children. Please figure out that the 2 things are separate. Marriage is NOT strictly for having babies.
Rimbin, has anyone told you that sex can be very, very enjoyable, especially when no unwanted child is produced. Some gay couples have a loved child sleeping in the next bedroom.... A child who is more than likely going to grow up "straight."
hello Alan,the child belong to gay couple means he or she is not there own child but he or she is an adopted child
Please allow me to quote my friend, "Watson."........"No $hit, Sherlock?"
...and why does that matter? Do you look down on straight people who adopt children?
Aime.....I'll safely assume UR question was to Rimbin.....Bcuz my comment was 2 him ..although I'm sure it went over his head....like, WHO's Sherlock??? LOL
Same sex marriage is against gods well.no religions should accept to marry same sex.but every human has his own right for what's best for them.it is what they choose.and also no person in this world has the right to judge them.
herrypaul, you design the god that suits you, for yourself, in your own mind. Beyond that your god does not exist.
Erwin & herry. U R both talking out of both sides of UR mouths. (where is God's well located?) Take UR time commenting. Errors R rampant! We have no right to judge-TRUE. So why do U? Sonia get URself & UR SPAM the HELL off our site!
Same-sex marriage is not only prohibited in religions but also blamed in the mind of people belongs to any culture or area. In-fact there is no purpose for the concern activity like as the normal marriage you should have the expectations of kids, etc and in real meaning there is no purpose as well as space for the concern topic you included...
Perhaps you're right learninghut: Thank you for your comment!
learninghut........huh? Come again? Perhaps you might want to re-write your conglomeration of words that reads like an incomprehensible pile of verbal jibberish?
How could anyone agree or disagree with this string of words?
join the illuminati to become rich and famous in life email us at illuminatiregistration@yahoo.com
thaddeous.......FYI......No spam allowed...nor is it appreciated. Get with the program. herry....you are expected to report & delete SPAM.
People the subject is sometimes people may however put their words into an order that to others may seem strange in a way to erringly sound erudite by confusing even oneself much less the reader by saying nothing absolutely
In these last days expect a LOT more gays & Moslems in Obama's amerika. Kenyan-born, gay, commie, Moslem BHIO is the Antichrist. Jesuit child-trafficker Pope Francis is the False Prophet & Allah is just another name for the devil. Ephesians 6
I do not agree in same sex marriage because marriage is for procreation and company,Same sex should not call there's marriage but friendship
No, I don't. And I written so in my 'suthinks' blog or 2 years ago. I strongly believe that anything unnatural, such as same sex marriage or gay marriage, has a repercussion which surfaces much later. By then an entire generation suffers.
In 60's or so, breast feeding was declared a thing of past and bottle feeding was promoted. When polio cases flared up, the doctors were back promoting breast feeding aggressively. But, what happened? So many human beings suffered for no fault of theirs! And even today, we see polio cases.
Changing one's gender is another chaos that is happening today. God knows what is going to happen of it. Because, nature simply cannot go so wrong.
Here too, in same sex marriage, we just don't know what new illnesses and diseases will crop up which may prove very difficult to handle for the entire humanity.
Often those who stay in Hostels, etc. fall a prey to this. In all probability, a little vigilance or counselling could help.
Speaking of polio, are you against the unnatural vaccines that helped skyrocket life expectancy and save children's lives? How about the unnatural treatments for cancer? Nature tries to kill us on a regular basis. Silly argument.
Dear Hubbers,
My comment stands hidden as it is negative. I have no problems there. But one point. When you ask for public opinion, you should be prepared for both positive and negative reactions. Because, from such talks springs a correct solution.
Did you actually just link polio to lack of breastfeeding? What grade of schooling did you complete beyond 2nd grade? What's UR useless explanation for hundreds of diseases totally unrelated to homosexuality?
Nature does make mistakes but it usually works. But some children are born with deformities, such as spina bifida, mental retardation, etc. Wives and husbands may cheat so where is the sanctity of marriage and of doing what's "right"?
Great. Then don't marry someone who is gay. Problem solved.
Amen! I don't agree with same sex marriage and to be blunt neither does GOD. Marriage should between a man and a woman.
Not everyone believes in your GOD so why should they have to play by his rules?
That's your opinion, nothing more. Why should your opinion trump other people's rights?
whether you believe in herrypaul's God or not, the fact doesn't cease to exist - that God is still a God... just funny thought how people sometimes here don't have logic.
God is based strictly upon FAITH, Julie, defying logic, which 4 U is a good thing, becuz U use zero logic in UR comments. Herry's god exists 2 HIM, true. U fail 2 grasp there R people who do not believe in a god. Perhaps U have a brain issue?
Julie, you and Herry believing in God doesn't make it real. If I believe in an all powerful unicorn who says everyone named Julie needs to cut off their fingers are you gonna do it? Because by your superior logic, if I believe it it HAS TO BE REAL!
the problem is not a brain issue, but faith! I do not know your faith, of course every one has right to do this, or to do that. it's simple! as long as we don't break the law
If we believe in GOD, our GOD, we must follow and do what He says, I think!
herry, Kings,Darryl & Julie...Please share a hub with us about what life is like on another planet. It may be somewhat interesting~ or not. Is that where UR god lives who condemns gays? Too bad, My God loves everyone.
How do you know if your god changed his mind about same sex marriages? How do you know what "god" thinks? Did you ask him/her/it?
@those who agree w/ herry's god, Another god says all women should wear a veil over their faces in public. Do you agree? Do you practice this? God said it. Prediction: Your answer will include that yours is the true God, and theirs is a false god.
The complication comes in when everyone is expected to agree to the same thing.
Hey, you can't see anything when you are in love cause love is blind. William said that. So who are we to question what is right and what is wrong. The only thing that matters is with whoever you are, whenever you are, you gotta be happy. Gay marriage doesn't bother at all. it creeps you out
only if you think of it as an issue.
Yes I agree with same sex marriage and even though I am straight, I believe everyone has the right to choose their own sexuality. The world is full of terror, war and hate. Marriage is basic human right and a personal choice and it is about loving and cherishing each other. I definitely support the act of love.
Aside from the fact that sexuality is not chosen, I agree with you.
Took the words right out of my mouth Jacqui & beat me to it....Well said. Ditto
Choose ones sexuality, color, nationality, name. Sure a different world than the one I was BORN into....!!!!
and some people are ignorant idiots. What's this? 1st grade Anatomy class? Both male and female have brains for independent thoughts too!
It kinda seems like he just likes saying "penis" and "vagina".
He has hangups, and it's not down there! that I'm talking about. But he's been banned from HP, so we can breathe better air here.
Aime......LMAO! That's funny but I think UR right! Too bad he didn't get a chance to say Good Bye when he got permanently banned .....FINALLY we R rid of his trash!!
I am not a big fan of gay marriage, but when the chips are down, it really ain't my business what other people do in their bed room. U might not like what they are doing and disapprove of gay marriage, I don't like it either, but it really isn't our place, to say what they can do and what they cannot do.
As for ur argument of "God created Men and Women to be one flesh" I only have one thing to say to u and it is the same I said in a debate, with religious fanatics, in a debate hosted in the university "Religion is for a person's own spiritual fulfillment only, it is not for us to conduct act of discrimination and persecution upon others and if ur religion leads u to conduct such act, then that religion isn't right for u and u should leave it." In addition I said "The law of a state is there to maintain social stability, to maintain peace and harmony within a society, not to enforce the law of a religion. And just because u don't like the action of a person, it doesn't give u the right to conduct an act of discrimination or persecution upon other. Even if a person choose not to be moral, as long as their action, doesn't disturb peace and harmony, who are we, to conduct act of persecution and discrimination upon them for their immorality and force them to be moral against their will, even if she is a stripper, we are not his/her father, thus it is not our place to say anything. It is unethical to use law, to enforce the law of a religion, to stop people from doing stuff we don't like or even to enforce morality, The law shall be there to merely maintain a peaceful and harmony society." (And if we use law to enforce upon people, morality, don't do things we dislike or enforce a religion's law, even if those act doesn't cause disturbance to peace and harmony, then, in what way are we better then some middle eastern nation that enforce Sharia law or at worse, minus the suicide bombers, in what way are we better then the Taliban?)
In recent years, Christians are dropping in number, in the western world, while Atheism, Buddhism, even Satanism, is raising in number, due to the problematic teaching within the bible and it become obvious even today, the problematic aspect of bible's teaching is creating problems. Many people that convert to Satanism, express the problematic teaching within the bible and despite the bible claim for Satan to be evil, there are no actual record of it, within or outside the bible, instead Satan teach some very good things.
satan <<< Gods defeated foe) comes like a light and will illuminate you. (2 Cor. 11:14
Consider what ur bible teach, obviously your god isn't a real god, but a demon that is manipulating u and pretending to be god.
Marriage is whatever a society decides it to be. The legal union of two people is not something found in nature. In nature, we mate, but laws are a human invention.
Since our society is made up of many beliefs, we pass laws so that everyone is accommodated. Other societies make their own rules. The right to marry within the same sex does not infringe on anyone else's rights - they can marry who they please.
Saying that same sex marriage infringes on other people's religious rights is only true if your religion requires that you discriminate against others who don't share your beliefs or that you must force others to follow your religious rules. If that is the case, I believe Iran and Saudi Arabia have those provisions in their laws.
Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
It would seem to me, Oh Wise man, that Satan is blinding believers at about the same rate. Believers are not morally superior. They have the same record on marriage success, "fail" in areas such as viewing porn, scheduling abortions in secret.
I agree with you Team Wiseman n Chris Mills. We shouldn't have been blinded by Satan (the god of this world). We should understand the message about the glory of Christ). We're created like Him, n we'll be like Him.
@herrypaul and Team Wise, That "Christ" is a construct of your own mind, designed to suit your preconceived ideas. You are welcome to it, but please don't presume everyone else sees it as you do.
Not enough evil & filth in the world 4 U guys? U need an invisible Satan 2 fear too? Bet U slam UR head w/ a hammer when U have a headache too?
Team Wiseman Amen to your words!! I agree with you. Praise the name of Jesus and thank you Jesus for what you have done and are doing!
Hi herrypaul! How's it going?
I think Lisa Vollrath is quite right: It is not up to others to "agree" or not agree with same-sex marriage.
Frankly, I don't understand why we don't view gay rights as Rights not susceptible to popular vote. Do you know what I mean?
For example, you may recall that a few years back the state of California held a referendum on the issue. I never got that. To my way of thinking---and a way I think of as "common sense"---the LGBT community should be regarded as a protected minority with inalienable rights---again, not subject to the silliness of a popular vote.
We cannot vote for all blue-haired, freckled-faced people to be or not to be drowned in the Atlantic Ocean...
Part of the problem, in my opinion, is the concept of "tolerance." The problem with "tolerance" is that it contains its opposite: Intolerance. If I "tolerate" you or are "tolerant" of you, I am assuming ownership of social space.
What I'm saying is that tolerance is not a solid basis upon which to build a society; because if I "tolerate" you, I can just as easily, for whatever arbitrary reason, withdraw my "tolerance."
Now, what about the whole "marriage is sacred" routine?
I don't know what to say about that except that, here in the United States of America, we are supposed to have "separation of church and state."
What does that mean?
Well, for one thing its supposed to mean that people do not have to comport their lives in accordance with scriptures in order to enjoy rights of civil citizenship.
Excellent thoughts on tolerance/intolerance. Very good answer overall.
Opponents of s.s.m. believe that it threatens to unravel what little is left of our national moral fiber, or possibly the U.S. will be cut off from God's blessings. Given this sort of mindset, if they are a majority, should they not push for a vote?
My Special Thoughts on Same Sex Marriage: by Ronnie wrenchBiscuit
They say that God made Adam and Eve,not Adam and Steve. If that is true, it means Adam was bisexual, and Steve was gay. But who made Steve ... if God made Adam and Eve? And if God would have made Eve and Steve, instead of Adam and Eve, there would have been no Cain to kill Able; not in the Earth,up in Heaven, or up in Hell below it. But out of sexual frustration, Eve would have killed Steve,and that would have been the end of the world as we know it.
Here's my take on it from a mother's perspective. If my child is happy and the person
they are with makes them happy. Regardless of my religious beliefs, regardless of same sex, my child is happy then I'm happy.
Now to get a little deeper....
We're questioning same sex marriage, but isn't that what we want any person to do, get married and not fornicate. In marriage you have a partner and that is the person you are to be one with. Marriage is sacred, but how sacred is it? We live in a world where children are being born illegitimate and we're teaching our kids this is ok and that they don't need to get married... But I digress.
Let's dive back into history to fully understand when homosexuality was recorded and how many religious people participated but were not married.
The ancient Greeks had sacred marriages and did unspeakable things with male children that they bought or courted.
The ancient Romans (mostly catholic) did that same (it was socially acceptable and considered natural to have same-sex relations).
My personal feelings - We're already divided as a nation. If people of the same sex want to get married, why not let them. Let's not forget at one point in time people of different races, colors, and religion were frowned upon if not attacked because of wanting to marry the opposite race, religion, etc,. So if we open our hearts and minds, people just want to be happy and in love and if they want to get married well ring the bells ! Be happy!
The real question is why doesn't anyone ever let you know, same sex or not, that marriage is so hard!
The bible clearly depicts that marriage was designed to be between a man and a woman. That being said, this is a very gray area. It can not be summed up with a yes or a no. It a deep rooted controversy that requires grace and its complexities understanding. We are defined by the summation of our parts, and thank the Lord, not by one moment. How can we possibly take something as complicated as marriage, with two intricately designed individuals and add an absolute? It defies all reason to try. Oh if life were just black and white, the sense it would make. That is a luxury that we are not afforded.
Candy crush is the culprit of much of my frustration in life. Countless hours spent trying to advance. Sometimes I get stuck on a level for days or weeks. Replaying, reworking strategies, it is really ridiculous. In the many moments that I have not been able to move forward, I have so wished that the makers of the game had a reference guide. Just a quick flip to the answers. How do I win this level? What is the best strategy to conquer this? How do I overcome and walk away like a boss? The game of life is no different. I need to go to the maker and find the guidelines that answer the same pressing questions. Thankfully, God was a little more gracious than the makers of Candy Crush. He provided a manual. If you play as the game is designed, you will find success. If you follow your own rules, you can still play but you miss living your best life. What does all this have to do with marriage? God had a plan for marriage. He designed it carefully with specifications on how to be successful.
I am a christian. I have 4 gay cousins and I love them dearly. They are good people and they love without hesitation. All 4 have had numerous failed relationships and a line up of heartbreak a mile long. I do believe any relationship not built on the foundation of Christ will eventually fail, that is inclusive to christians in a man/woman marriage who live as strangers. I have found it most beneficial to know the heart of Jesus which is not a law, but a principle of Love. If we exceed our own expectations and see through the eyes of our savior, then we see imperfect people trying to maneuver this life and we see their beauty. God has entrusted us with one another. To care for in friendship. To love deeply. Beloved, acceptance is allowing law to prevail. Instead follow the Golden Rule. Love people in spite of themselves. Joy will abound and the rest won't matter.
"I do believe any relationship not built on the foundation of Christ will eventually fail..." How does this explain the divorce rate among Christians being equal, if not higher, than the world's?
Hi Yoleen, to answer your question.. It is because of the to many so-called Christians, foxhole Christians, immature Christians, and the kind of Christians that prays a prayer when it's only Sunday. Not both, prob just one person.
Julie Nou - actually, Christians tend to pressure people into marriage, while being woefully ignorant regarding what's involved. They expect God to solve problems, rather than deal with it. Divorce is highest among those with singles ministries.
This is a difficult question to answer. My views have changed a lot in the last couple of years. What I believe is that two adults have the right to make their own decision. Even God does not force anyone to do anything.
I'm the oldest of 8 children. Three of us married and divorced twice. Three married and divorced once. Two of us never married. Only one is married now. The big marriage question is really about how to choose a mate that's compatible.
No, I do not agree, nor does my family. The reason we don't agree is because each time they reach their goals they boast and begin to attack Marriage Laws given by God Himself. In other words, they are at war with God. They disagree with the Word, so I disagree with same sex demonic marriages.
Thanks for the opportunity to vent! Great Question.
You and your family are right! Thank you very much Team Wiseman!
Ineed, you and your family is right - Of course the truth is never accepted well at all .
I do not agree because of the war against God and especially because it is not God's will.
Just entirely offensive Team Wiseman. You dishonor people like me who are gay and married and don't behave in the ways you mention. By the way - God laws also say not to judge others, which you are doing very well in your bigoted remarks,
I believe that marriage is between the two people who are in love. It's not my place to say that a man cannot marry the man he is in love with, simply because it goes against a religion, or because of some other personal reason. To tell someone they cannot legally be with someone they love because you don't agree with it is putting your nose in something that is none of your business. If two people, of whatever gender, want to be legally bound together because they love each other so much, that's amazing. There is so much hate in this world, we should allow all the love we possibly can.
Funny thing herry.....As yet, not a single same sex couple has found it necessary to ask me if I "agree" with whether they can or should marry......nor should they feel they must!
Where did you dig up your "Marriage is sacred," ludicrous statement? That's pretty damned amusing. On which Fantasy Island do you exist? Where the rest of us live, the divorce rate is quickly nearing 50%, Spousal abuse AND homicide ( and this is just cases proven in a court of law) is at 21%, Infidelity (cheating) is off the charts and nearly impossible to calculate for obvious reason.(people LIE.....hate to bust your bubble) Add to these activities, the rise in "open marriages" and then excuse me...but what was that word you used?? Sacred? Yeah, ok, you might want to rethink that.
In Biblical times, men had multiple wives....women were treated like non-humans, they were stoned for being what was considered "immoral" behavior. The men could run around doing as they please, such as having mistresses, impregnating their slaves, even INCEST. Now there's a book we should all reference about marriage and morals, don;t you think?
Grow up, wake up, snap put of your trance, try, at least to think independently. Most of all, shed your blatant ignorance & ludicrous adherence to incredible jibberish. Just WHO the hell do you think you are to suggest YOU must agree before the rest of world may live their life the way they choose? You're laughable.
Well, you knocked that one out of the park. Excellent response to the question.
Thanks Chris....I've always loved baseball! LOL
Agree with this all the way. No better way to say it!
Totally agree. This was an offensive question to be honest.
John.....I hear you. I can't imagine why anyone cares who "agrees" or not, with their choice in a partner! It's totally insignificant. We listen to our heart, follow our dream and seek our own choices.
Hi Jaye! So good to see you. It's been too long. I'm down to about 25% of the time I once spent here. So much to do during our short summer. Hope all is well with you. And BTW, Thanks. Paula
Marriage from the beginning of mankind has been an agreement between a man and a lady which is by its inclination requested toward the reproduction and training of kids and the solidarity and prosperity of the mates.
The promoters of gay or lesbian "marriage" propose something altogether diverse. They propose the union between two men or two ladies. This denies the plainly obvious natural, physiological, and mental contrasts among men and ladies. It likewise denies the particular basic role of marriage: Fulfill Sexual desire in most descent and safest way, the perpetuation of humankind and the bringing up of kids.
If the basic role of marriage is to have kids then should people unable to procreate not be able to get married? What about people who simply don't want to have kids?
Having kids is one of the purposes of marriage not everything. Some people can not have kids even being married due to some sort of medical problem. So no problem. But who on the earth do not want to have a child ?
What? Is that a serious question? There R hundreds of thousands of people who choose 2 not have children! Many people find life quite fulfilling & wonderful w/o reproducing! They may also choose 2 marry. Some people have babies & adopt them o
Um, yeah, lots of people don't want to have children. I have a child and she's the love of my life but I still completely understand not wanting to have kids. What are the other purposes of marriage & what excludes gay people from marrying for th
Suprise! Not everybody on earth wants to have children! And there are tons of children with no parents! Wake up and look around you.
First off, no this definition of marriage is not the ONLY one in history. Historically same sex marriage has been practiced by a number of cultures and religions throughout history. Chinese, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and more had many examples. Nero!
The story of marriage in the bible has NOTHING to do with a man and a woman.... it is the marriage of ones higher self (inner being) with his ego. The two become one in the flesh is not about two people engaged in sexual activities at all.
When one embodies their higher self into their physical being.... then awakening takes place. That is what is meant John 14 - 10-12
"ALL" masters from all religions talk about our innate abilities.... and ALL proclaim anyone can achieve enlightenment.
Anyone wanting a deeper look - read Sacred to Secret to Awakening.... it goes into detail the above - be prepared to read DEEP stuff tho.
Where could I get this book? Amazon doesn't sell it.
I do not agree, but it not my place, nor government's place to tell two consenting people, that they cannot do something. The are not hurting anyone else by doing it, and Uncle Sam needs to keep his nose out of peoples' business. As far as the Bible, a main theme that exists, is that we all have free will. This is the reason why there is evil in the world, people are allowed to choose their own path. But, homosexuality is not stepping on anyone else's rights, and while it is frowned upon in the Bible, it is not our job to judge or to punish.
It shouldn't matter to anyone unless they feel threatened in some ways, for example, them not knowing where they stand or scared of something they yet not know to come, which means they themselves don't know whom they are. How can someone criticize or talk about something that they don't know about , unless they know and If, they know how do they know?
God made men and women but you cant always decide the path of evolution. He made them to be one flesh in the beginning but maybe some men have the rib from another man or women having the rib from a stronger woman. Life is too short to worry about judgement and not about being happy with the people you love and who love you. An anyone who doesn't understand you hasn't taken the time to. You love who you love no matter whos watching.
You might want to take a course in genetics. Humans don't come from ribs anymore (if they ever did outside of a legend). We have genetic codes that control our physical bodies - half from man and half from woman. Some mutations occur.
I personally feel the same way about gay marriage as all non-Christian marriage. The original idea of marriage is to declare yourselves as one person and one with God, so I personally feel that marriage is highly overrated. However, if straight non-Christian marriage is going to be legal I 100% think that gay marriage should be legal, as I personally believe that being attracted to the same sex is one of the many challenges we face here on earth as this is not God's kingdom, and choosing to give in to those challenges and not have a Christian relationship is basically the same as choosing to not follow God. Because of this, I don't believe any of us have the right to not allow people to marry a member of the same sex, as God himself gave us the choice to not follow him, so I personally believe that not allowing others to marry the same sex is putting yourself above God.
My grandmother, who was born shortly after the civil war and still practiced all things victorian, spoke of "Dedicated Bachelors" with a little naughty grin on her face. I never dreamed she could have known anything about gay people, but she knew.
It doesn't really matter to me. God made man and man made religion.
There was also a time some people used the bible as their reason for being against interracial marriage. In fact in the U.S. it could lead to jail time in some states in the past. It wasn't until 1967 "Loving VS Virginia" that the Supreme Court struck down all laws forbidding interracial marriage. That's less than 50 years ago!
My guess is 50 years from now same sex marriage won't be an issue.
If marriage was really all that "sacred" we wouldn't have TV shows like "The Bachelor" or "Who Wants to Marry A Millionaire". No one would propose at baseball parks and so forth.
Only the couple can determine if their marriage is sacred.
Clearly divorce rates wouldn't hover around 50% if it were.
Secondly who you love/marry doesn't change my marriage or love life. Gay marriage is not mandatory. No one has to marry the same sex. If it's not illegal to love and live with the same sex or adopt children; why should it be okay to discriminate against marriage?
One heterosexual man's opinion.
Yes! those who are without sin (multiple marriages) should NOT be casting stones (at gay couples).
Yossarian, the Pericope Adulterae seems to be added to the Book of [what post-resurrection fathers dubbed "John"] nearly 200 years after the earliest manuscripts of the book appeared. It may or may not be scripture! My guess---"isn't."
And Jesus said "You must be born again." John 3:7
I have only one question. Where the hell did Rush find FOUR women stupid enough & desperate enough to marry an ugly, fat, cigar-smoking, drug-addicted BIG MOUTH ??? He must hang out in mental institutions!
Glad to see the third respondent to this comment has been banned from HP. Good!
OH Wow!! Thank U HP!! Finally~~at long last someone is paying attention & banning sick, twisted perverts like Prepper! It took U long enough. I only hope this means U'll be banning trolls, stalkers & sock puppets! We deserve a break!
Jonny....I didn't know they axed prepper til U mentioned it here! One down and about 20 to go! Maybe we'll finally be rid of some of the mentally unstable for a while! It's been so annoying & obtrusive.
I believe if a person does not 'agree' with gay marriage, he/she should not marry someone of the same sex.
Marriage was built for pro-creation. The sanctity of marriage is a protection of society. In the earlier times, it is allowed to marriage direct relatives, because of pro-creation reasons. As the population grew, the genetics are becoming more evidences on deformities, either physically or mentally or emotionally. Anyone who is studying genetics can understand this.... Yes, marriage is for love, but apparently it is for pro-creation, but really it isnt for lust. If it is, then we dont hav any problem dealing on this same-sex thingy in the first place... protection of kids to society because 1.they will be mocked (let's just admit that) 2.they will develop insecurity (let's also admit that) ...same-sex relationships are being prohibited or condemn ever since, because it is just not normal. If you are a guy and you feel woman is that, can you actually and literally explain to me what kind of normality is that? It is like if you're a dog and you said "meow", seriously what will be your impression?... same as same-sex marriages, it is not normal. So yeah. I do not side this kind of union. Even dictionary can tell you the real definition of "marriage"... How can a moral wrong be a civil right, eh?
So you're saying we should condemn everyone who isn't "normal" because people will make fun of them? Shouldn't we be condemning the people who think it's okay to mock people who don't fall under their umbrella of normalcy?
I agree with Aime. I do not get how you consider a person "normal" if they do not have the decency to understand other people's ways of life. Mocking someone is something done by an immature person, not a "normal" one.
Julie..Could U get off the meowing dog? That is so child-like & unimpressive. "Normal" is not only relative but a matter of perception and ideals. U alone do not set normal standards. Each country, culture, lifestyle, & education has it's sta
Guys, I'm not condemning anyone. Did I say "I condemn" in my statement? im stating pure facts. Do u deny the facts that they are mocked? The qstn asked my opinion; I gave my 2cents. My childlike example is plain and simple, even a kid can undrstnd.
Since you're a fan of dictionaries
Condemn: express complete disapproval of, typically in public
"Same as same-sex marriages, it is not normal[...]I do not side with this kind of union"
"How can a moral wrong be a civil right"
No Julie, I'm not denying they R mocked, ridiculed, oppressed & mistreated. As long as there are people like U, they will be. As long as there R intelligent, fair, just & understanding people as myself, we can lift people up & scoff at U
So why did I and my husband bother to marry 27 years ago? We did not plan to or want to have children. The structure of marriage gives a legal framework that is necessary in our complex society for financial and medical purposes (kids or no kids).
So you just throwing something just cause I do not side them? Isn't this question all about? Else, why else bother asking question if ya'll guys taking No for an answer. I stand by my statement that I do not agree w it, cause it is not normal. Gee!
"Marriage was built for pro-creation...." no, Julie, it wasn't. It is a societal construction to encourage partnership. Pro-creation happens via ovum/sperm union. This does not require marriage. Science my dear!
first of it's procreation not pro-creation pro-creation means you are for creation procreation means to have babies. Secondly many many marriages are NOT for procreation purposes, my 85 year old great aunt married a man who was also in his 80's
Normal is what people agree up on. I really hope you don't have extremely intelligent children you have to send to the 'normal' / low average school system. They will suffer by other peoples standards of normality.
In all honesty, marriage is nothing but a title put to a relationship between two people. What matters the most is what that title was built upon. Was there true love upon which that title was built? If yes, then you found the answer right there. I believe that if two individuals love each other then they should have the right to get married and live together.
I know many same-sex couples who are happy with a family as compared to several man-woman couples who got married and then divorced. So the Sex is not necessarily what matters, its whether or not the pair has love and understanding between them!
Lol... Laws, Titles, Classifications, and Designations are there for a reason - in order not to create chaos and confusion... If a dog will "meow" instead of bark, that will make confusion.. Animals that dont bark isn't titled "dog", just saying...
Julie...Is this really UR idea of reasoning? We're discussing human beings, not dogs & cats, nor the sounds they make.Chaos & confusion R a matter of perception.Intelligent, mature adults are capable of preventing or dealing both in most case
Something tells me that poor Julie is just easily confused.
I agree with Paula. In all honesty, the same-sex couples are not the ones in chaos and confusion about their love, it is the society who is confused and adding unnecessary chaos to them.
Aime & Elxar...Thank you for stepping up with a voice of reason. I was beginning to think this was a Kindergarten class or bad comedy routine! So many people need to leave the bubble in which they exist. They all need some oxygen.
Well said, Paula! Break out of the bubble and breathe . . . !
Even if I agree with you, it doesn't matter - Christians don't make the laws in America. The US is a secular nation, with every person free to do as they like. Besides,the days of Christian influence in the country are gone because Christ's Church has gone lukewarm, lost its salt.
I don't believe in marriage full stop. It's just a financial arrangement whereby you tie up the assets of two people. Why would any self-respecting gay couple want to imitate an institution that has such an appalling failure rate anyway? Marriage would work better if it were a short-term contract of say five years that could be renewed if successful or dissolved if it fails - but then look at all the cash that solicitors would miss out on! No-one should be bound to someone else for life - gay straight or otherwise. If you love someone, you don't need a silly legal document to prove it.
How do you raise kids under this shaky arrangement???
In answer to Yoleen Lucas, It would be better to sign up for five years and keep your agreement than sign up for life and break it. Marriage is a shaky arrangement for kids anyway as they're always going to be vulnerable if their parents break up.
YL, this "shaky arrangement" exists now and is worse since half of marriages fail. With Stella's suggestion, it only fails if it falls under five yrs. Children would be less traumatized since they would expect it to end. In this case, end ≠ fail.
It is more about the mentality of parents than the kind of arrangement. If it adds you value or is in line with your views then go ahead, but it isn't the only way to go.
Marriage is not sacred.
If God created Humans, then they decide what they want.
Marriage is created for closure. Lay down all your sides on it, we marry the person for a reason, holy or not, for love or money, it's just a decision made of by proud decision maker.
Same sex marriage is one of those, they say even though it is already legally accepted it is not moral still. But what do we know of moralities? In my own opinion moralities depends on what you believe in since the moment you were born, it defers with different persons. What do we know of what is right or not? Maybe we could just judge if we already know everything, but we don't, we are not God.
In my religion, same-sex marriage is truly immoral hence, I don't support it at all. But I do respect them and know what our differences is.
I often believe no one would be a laughing-stock if everyone just respect each other.
Don't know, but you had your own set of morality from the moment you were born? You get born into a society, family, culture... You adopt it from them, then you evolve it, counter it or accept it.
This question is phrased in a very interesting way. "I just want to know..." Is this a valid motivation for inquiring about a very personal decision two people make for themselves. Also, I wonder if this really is even worded accurately. My experience suggests to me that it could read, "I just want to change your mind if you agree with same sex marriage."
My answer, then, is this. It is none of your business whether I agree or disagree with same sex marriage. If I handed over that knowledge to you, what good would it do you or me? "I just want to know" is not a very powerful way to motivate people to divulge personal beliefs that have no impact on you, the questioner.
All right Chris!! A phrase we should all use more often: "It's really NONE of your business!!" I love it. Actually, I prefer to place the onus on the questioner:..."What business is that of yours??!" Boom!
First you condemn the question, then you claim that it has no power at all. So which is it? And yes, it is meant to provoke thought and change, that is true to the purpose of Hubpages! If you don't want to give your opinion, then don't.
The question is disingenuous, worded to give the impression the asker simply wants to understand another viewpoint. It's the "I just want to know" that I'm thinking about. It changed a straightforward question into one with a poorly hidden agenda.
No I do not agree with same sex marriage it goes against all the natural laws of the universe and God.
You mean against your religion. Don't know what specific definition of God you adhere to.
The term natural law cannot be cited without some explanation of how nature suggests such a law exists. Natural Law is not simply you stating something is unnatural.
I can follow Chris on this. The natural law thing is also more or less the order humans 'impose' on the world by their repeated experience of certain patterns and stripping away some variance and outliers. You state it as more or less a priori?
Why? It's not my business to agree or disagree with peoples choices in their love life as long nobody suffers (eg I do seriously want intervention in abusive relationships). Although I don't see the need why people should really want it to be a marriage before a certain religious institution that prides itself on ingroup/outgroup ideas. Especially if a big group in that institution doesn't seem to want you there...
Majority of the people marriage opposite sex. A little or small amount of people like same-sex marriage. In this context, my opinion is that gay or same sex marriage like people are mentally ill. They need psychiatrist to cure their mental illness. Family is the great source of happiness and mental satisfaction. But how family will be arise by the same sex marriage? So they are quite abnormal and unhappy. They need cure.......
Wow, that may be the shallowest, most pathetic statement ever made about gays and lesbians. My brother is gay. The balance in his life and the friendships he has built are quite impressive. Please share your sources for this drivel.
Homosexual men in Canada and the US have a life expectancy 20 to 30 years less than the average heterosexual due to sexually transmitted diseases and far higher rates of alcoholism and drug use. The gay "lifestyle" kills them.
Sexually transmitted diseases are only a problem among gay men? I never knew that. Tell me, are gay men alcoholics because they are gay? With all we know about alcoholism today (I'm in recovery) do you really believe homosexuality causes alcoholism?
Tamara, please quote your sources of information that are NOT from right-wing, conservative, religiously biased organisations or individuals. Your biased opinion is erroneous, sorry to tell you.
Simply yes. Love is love, whether male to male, female to female or male to female, a heart is a heart, feelings are feelings, connections are connections. None of these are defined by genitalia and therefore as long as they're happy I say good luck to them.
My answer would be that you should follow your conscience. Since it is listed under Jesus and His Teachings, I will provide Scriptures:
Proverbs 2:22-24
22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. 23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”
×(cross references show other companion Scriptures)
References for Genesis 2:23
Cross References
40 2:23 - Ge 29:14 ; Eph 5:28-30
41 2:23 - S Ge 1:5
42 2:23 - 1Co 11:8
24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
Proverbs 5:18-19
18 May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. 19 A loving doe, a graceful deer— may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be intoxicated with her love.
Matthew 19:4-6
4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
1 Cor 7:1-16
Concerning Married Life
1 Now for the matters you wrote about: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” 2 But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband. 3 The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. 5 Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. 6 I say this as a concession, not as a command. 7 I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. 8 Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. 9 But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. 10 To the married I give
Thank you G. Diane Nelson Trotter -very good answer!
Oh Diane! I keep wanting 2 tell U something.U have "reminded me of someone" since the 1st time I saw that beautiful face & smile. I figured it out. It's Diana Ross! I have this habit of seeing celebrity look-alikes everywhere!! I tell them too
Observations of 1Corinthians 7 (Quoted in final paragraph in answer above these comments)
1. Better to not marry than to marry. 7:7-8
2. Marriage is primarily a solution for uncontrolled lust, not for childbearing 7:1-2&9
Christians, do you agree
No, the bible clearly states how we were created. We can not change Gods creation. God is going to bring judgment and it will be too late. Now, many laugh and mock him and the gay parades you can watch on youtube. You can see how depraved this is becoming. It breaks my heart to see children in these crowds.
The "Bible" had no idea how we were created. Science told us that. Children have been raised, loved, nurture by gay couples, often better than by heterosexual couples. It doesn't make them gay.
Prejudice comes from ignorance. !
Well same sex marriage is not illegal today, but its all about feelings.
Personally I would agree that marriage is about finding your soul mate, your partner for (hopefully) life. Therefor, if the person you love is the same gender, that shouldn't stop you from being with your soul mate.
by Heidi 12 years ago
Do you think that a person who does not agree with same sex marriage is homophobic?
by Grace Marguerite Williams 9 years ago
How do you feel about marriage equality? For? Against? Why?
by Andrew Spacey 8 years ago
Same sex marriage - Equality or Not for gay people?Ireland recently voted 68% to 32% by referendum to allow same sex marriage, the first country in the world to do so. Is this true democracy at work? How do you view the decision - is it good for a whole country to be given the chance to vote on...
by mdawson17 15 years ago
In my own personal belief I do not think that the marriage of the same sex was ever blessed by God. I am curious what my fellow hubbers response would be if they were asked if same sex marriage was ok in the eyes of God?
by Felixedet2000 12 years ago
What do you think about the promotion of same sex marriage?The adoption of this pattern of marriage is also a source of concerns to various stake holders in the religious and political circles.What is you say in all this?
by JP Carlos 12 years ago
How would same-sex marriage affect our society?President Obama just confirmed that he is pro same-sex marriages.
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