What do you remember doing at your Grandma's house?

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  1. profile image0
    lisasuniquevoiceposted 10 years ago

    What do you remember doing at your Grandma's house?


  2. JMcFarland profile image69
    JMcFarlandposted 10 years ago

    I have many fond memories of going over to my grandmother's house.  We would sit in the kitchen and paint china together.  We would watch "murder she wrote" in the living room.  We would bake things and garden.  We would even plant an pick strawberries.  My grandmother's house is one of my favorite places, and I miss it all of the time.  Great question.

    1. profile image0
      lisasuniquevoiceposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I remember "Murder She Wrote". I would always look to see what was on the paper in the typewriter. We  also would spend a lot of time baking.

  3. Acmontero profile image60
    Acmonteroposted 10 years ago

    I have many fond memories of my Abuela's house. I loved being around her. She was my best friend. I miss her so much. Here are a few memories of things I used to do at my Abuela's house.

    1. Playing in the backyard making mud pies,
    2. Smelling all the flowers in the garden while she hung the washed clothes on the clothing lines.
    3. Playing with her fine china while she spent time with my Abuelo or watching her novelas.
    4. I remember building forts in the living room with everything I could find.
    5. I also remember her feeding me my lunch and telling me made up stories about Snow White and her Prince Charming going on a cruise with all the dwarfs. LOL those were the best lunch stories.

    Those are just a few ....

  4. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 10 years ago

    I was fortunate to have both grandmothers, into young adulthood.  It was always a special time at Gram's house.  It seems we grandchildren were meant to feel so special.......being spoiled and loved and let's not forget, well-fed!   There was always something fun to do.....something new to keep us busy.  Both maternal and paternal grandparents had farms.....one raised chickens and grew veggies....another had a small grape vineyard and cherry tree orchard!
    Sound wonderful??   It was!!!!   We were lucky.

    1. profile image0
      lisasuniquevoiceposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      My great grandmother had a garden that took up her whole yard. It was like a farm back there. There were also ducks, rabbits, and butterflies.
      Thank you,

  5. MsDora profile image95
    MsDoraposted 10 years ago

    Among other things, I remember speed-rocking in her rocking chair until it capsized. That happened over and over.  I also remember eating at the dinner table; she always made me feel that she cooked especially for me although I did not live with her.

  6. janshares profile image93
    jansharesposted 10 years ago

    My fondest memories of being at grandma's include having lunch or dinner when parents were at work: Campbell's tomato soup and hotdogs, stew chicken for dinner, and almond windmill cookies for snack. Thanks for asking this question.

  7. profile image0
    Alise- Evonposted 10 years ago

    I lived in the same town as both my grandma's, so I have many memories, but here are a few. 
    At my maternal grandma's house, I remember
       -almost always being in the kitchen baking- I even have the big metal spoon we used to use for mixing stiff cookie dough.
       -playing double solitaire if we weren't baking
       -plunking on the piano if we were in the parlor (wish I had actually learned how to play the thing)
    At my paternal grandma's house, I remember
       -playing Yatzee or cards with my sisters on the living room floor while my parents visited
       -asking for some candy (usually a combination of M&M's and gum drops) from the candy dish
       -visiting with some aunts, uncles, and cousins who I never really saw anywhere else

    Thanks for the question.

  8. HeatherH104 profile image75
    HeatherH104posted 10 years ago

    My Nana had a beautiful old fashion doll house and scaled dolls she let me play with when I visited.
    Great question!

  9. Rosie writes profile image82
    Rosie writesposted 10 years ago

    Playing rummy and crabbing on the peer.  Grandma taught all of her grandchildren how to play rummy and we played countless games when visiting.  We caught crabs and she cooked them - delicious!  I remember her cooking constantly and finding great joy in serving her food to others.  She also taught us how to crochet  blankets.  She lived with our family the last 8 years of her life, living with cancer for quite some time.  It was hard to let her go - miss her dearly.

  10. Cardia profile image74
    Cardiaposted 10 years ago

    My grandmother lives next door to my house, and I spent many happy days there. We especially liked doing jigsaw puzzles or 'dot-the-dot' activities together. She was also really good at crosswords and word searches and would get me the jumbo kids versions to do along with her while she did the harder adult versions. I still love doing word games up to today. Plus when I was learning how to read, I'd sit with her and she'd help me read kids books.  She also used to braid my hair and would always be cooking up something amazing.
    She's still alive but suffers from severe Alzheimers, so she doesn't remember much now.


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