Confess a Crush...

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  1. Frank Atanacio profile image73
    Frank Atanacioposted 9 years ago
    Go back in time and try to remember that first crush.. the times you spent staring at your crush from afar and trying to come up with your best line. ( Of course it sounded perfect in your head.) Confess that awkward moment.. confess your first crush

    1. Genna East profile image92
      Genna Eastposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hmmm...the first crush?  What a cute question.  My first real crush was when I was 14 -- a lowly freshman in high school.  He was a junior; a quarterback for the varsity football team; very handsome with an intriguing mystique about him.  He was dating a cheerleader who was also a junior.  I remember walking down the hall, past his locker as he was canoodling with the cheerleader.  I'll never forget how I thought with an absolute certainty that was rare..."some day."  We met two years later after he had graduated at a summer field party.  I walked up to him; he smiled, and I said his name, smiled sweetly and then walked away.  He said, "Hey, wait a minute.." and followed me.  We dated for two years.  He was my first love...and I still think about him today.  {Shhh.}  :-)

      1. Frank Atanacio profile image73
        Frank Atanacioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        now that's telling a confession wonderful reply Genna bless you

      2. Faith Reaper profile image86
        Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Aw, Genna, there was no way he could have resisted that sweet smile ...Thank you for sharing.  Our first love remains in our hearts forever it seems.

  2. paradigm search profile image52
    paradigm searchposted 9 years ago
    The relationship lasted for many years.

  3. Frank Atanacio profile image73
    Frank Atanacioposted 9 years ago

    where's the story? the awkwardness.. the

  4. Dana Tate profile image79
    Dana Tateposted 9 years ago

    My first crush was when I was nine years old. I was crazy about this little boy who lived down the street. Today he is still a good family friend and married. Every time I see him, I think of how crazy I was about him.

    1. Frank Atanacio profile image73
      Frank Atanacioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      aaawww  smile

    2. Faith Reaper profile image86
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Dana, yes, we never forget that first crush it seems.  I know seeing him brings you right back to those days of your strong feelings towards him.  Thank you for sharing.

  5. brakel2 profile image68
    brakel2posted 9 years ago

    My first crush was an eighth grader who lived about five blocks from me, and I was in 6th grade. I used to walk past his house hundreds of times, and someone wrote a note pretending to be him and saying that he liked me. It was a fun time in my life and many others to follow. He would say hello to me, but we never had many real conversations. I think I liked him so much, as he was a basketball hero at his young age. He took someone else to the 8th grade dance in the gym, and all the other girls  looked in the window and drooled over the guys who were with other girls. It sounds real crazy. I wasn't  popular but gawky, until I got to high school. Then, I acquired a real boyfriend.

    1. Frank Atanacio profile image73
      Frank Atanacioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      what a wonderful share this is a true first crush confession bless you for sharing smile

      1. brakel2 profile image68
        brakel2posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, Frank, for the opportunity to tell a story. Why don't you make the crushes into a hub? You are so original and create fun for folks.

        1. Frank Atanacio profile image73
          Frank Atanacioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          you are too kind my friend smile

  6. tirelesstraveler profile image59
    tirelesstravelerposted 9 years ago

    I asked a boy to the Sadie Hawkins dance in the 9th grade. He said "No".  I was furious and embarrassed.  I moved out of the area shortly after.  Years later his sister was my kids kindergarten teacher. I look at his yearbook picture and wonder, "What was I thinking" He was never my type..

    1. Frank Atanacio profile image73
      Frank Atanacioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      LOL.. that was good smile bless you

  7. clivewilliams profile image70
    clivewilliamsposted 9 years ago

    Wish I had one frank....for me my crush was my food

    1. Frank Atanacio profile image73
      Frank Atanacioposted 9 years agoin reply to this


  8. Faith Reaper profile image86
    Faith Reaperposted 9 years ago

    Oh, now, this is adorable ...our first crush ...Hmmm, I remember when I was in Third Grade just how terribly shy and scrawny I was, plus I had a crooked smile (not teeth) and crooked bangs LOL ...I'll never forget how this one boy made me feel.  He had lovely chestnut brown hair, sparkling blue eyes and the biggest smile ever and he was tall for a third grader.  I never really thought about anyone noticing me before until that one day we were all outside to run the 50-yard dash.  When it came my time to run against this other girl, just out of the blue, this sweet boy started yelling my name and cheering me on and saying that I could do it in front of everyone...I glanced his way and he was looking right at me with this big, sweet smile and understanding eyes. I remember my heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest. I could hear him shouting my name the entire time I was running. My knees became so weak and wobbly that I knew I wasn't going to win the race, and I didn't.  I felt like I had let down this sweetheart of a boy and was too embarrassed to even look at him, especially after he was jumping up and down and cheering for me to win the whole time... Finally, I glanced his way and I was met with still a beautiful smile, kindness in his eyes and acceptance in his body language, plus he said "It's okay, you'll win next time!" and he said my name.  It was how he said my name too that endeared me to him.  I could not wait to go to school every day as he made me feel like a princess.  Even after decades have passed, I will never forget how special he made me feel.  I think his name was Michael Duncan or Duffy ...something with a D.

    Now, your turn!  Fair is fair : )

    1. Frank Atanacio profile image73
      Frank Atanacioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      this too was a very good first crush confession.. these confessions should be hubs..  with more back ground.. funny moments. awkward moments and friends who push you knowing you dont have a shot..LOL  mine will come after I hear all the confessions.. thanks for confessing your first crush... bless

      1. Faith Reaper profile image86
        Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, and this answer is actually part of one that I had started working on a while back in thinking of poet Maya's famous quote about how we will always remember how someone makes us feel. I even have photos of the girl with the crooked smile and bangs LOL.  Funny thing is that I don't recall ever being able to utter one word to him, but just look at him with lovesick eyes and a demure smile.

        1. Frank Atanacio profile image73
          Frank Atanacioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          yeah..LOL.. it happens... I remember always thinking to myself today was the day to say something to her.. and when I saw her I turned beet red and started sweating.. I approached her and I think I called her a name.. a dirty bad name.. in my head I swore I said something sweet.. but in the princicples office many witnesses said I called her the C* word her name was Carolyn..  but it got all twisted.. you see made me spill some beans  smile

          1. Faith Reaper profile image86
            Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            Woo bad boy LOL That was a major faux pas there! WTF Frank ..."What the Faith" In my head I'm thinking something nice. I hope you really didn't, for that is the worst thing to say to a girl ever of course. However, with the many witnesses ...oops. But when that chemical attraction hits our pea brains, who knows what will come out. Now I am glad I could not utter a word : ) Maybe you can spill a little more after each comment hahaha.

            1. Frank Atanacio profile image73
              Frank Atanacioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              Her name was Carolyn and I only got most of the ca-ca ca out...  In my head it was clear Carolyn.. no stuttering o no offensive word.. but my friend Tommy said I just walked up to her and called her a bad name..

              1. Faith Reaper profile image86
                Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                Aha ...those best friends what are they for LOL off to the day job.

  9. Frank Atanacio profile image73
    Frank Atanacioposted 9 years ago

    have fun...

    1. Faith Reaper profile image86
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I'm almost afraid to ask, but what age were you when you were ga ga over "ca ca ca Carolyn" ...and what was her reaction when you tried to talk to her?  Did she walk away, laugh in your face, cry, slap your face, run away as fast as she could or what?  Were you still good friends with Tommy afterwards?  LOL

      1. Frank Atanacio profile image73
        Frank Atanacioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I was 14, her too she ran to the principles office.. Tommy is still a good friend today.. never knew what happened to Carolyn..

        1. Faith Reaper profile image86
          Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Aw ... poor little beet faced Frank, so misunderstood.  That is cool about Tommy still being a good friend today, and maybe he saved you from a lifetime of misery : ) with the wrong childhood sweetheart.

          1. Frank Atanacio profile image73
            Frank Atanacioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            hmm maybe maybe not

            1. Faith Reaper profile image86
              Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              I am on lunch break and came back to see if anyone else shared about their first crush, well, obviously not. I would have thought more would do so. Interesting that your first crush wasn't until age 14; some boys do mature slower than most girls though. Yours was not meant to be it seems.

              1. Frank Atanacio profile image73
                Frank Atanacioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                The He man women haters club...enough said?

                1. Faith Reaper profile image86
                  Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  Hahaha ...Yes, I can see it, you "Little Rascal" you!  Except for all the Darla s of the world out there who are game changers.  Even Alfalfa broke down and sang "You are so beautiful, to me" ... to Darla, and he was a member of the He-man Women Haters Club.  Yes, I can see it ...the bow tie and hair : )


                  1. Frank Atanacio profile image73
                    Frank Atanacioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                    lol...  yep

  10. tillsontitan profile image81
    tillsontitanposted 9 years ago

    OMG, the memories.  I haven't thought about it in years. I was in the first grade and so was he.  I played Cinderella and he was Prince Charming, it was wonderful.  His name was Brian.  We laughed and had fun together and everything was right with the world, and then, HE MOVED AWAY!

    Thanks for the memories Frank.

    1. Frank Atanacio profile image73
      Frank Atanacioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      thank you for sharing your first crush..bless you

    2. Faith Reaper profile image86
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Aw, Mary ...there is such an emptiness when your Prince Charming moves away!  Thank you for sharing your first crush.

  11. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
    Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years ago

    OMGosh !!! Frank, have I ever got a story for you - true, too. My first crush was on a kid named Jerry, but my best friend had a serious crush on him and I thought I should, too. I gave up on that fairly quickly though. My first REAL crush was on a really cute Italian boy named Frank - honest. We were both 14 - honest, I am not copying you.

    We were in our second year of Junior High at the first "sock hop" of the year. I was very shy and stayed behind all my friends, trying to hide. This new boy managed to find his way past all my friends and asked me to dance. It was an instant crush!!! I think we danced several times together. We had eyes only for each other. I was in love! and thought about him all weekend.

    When Monday finally came, I could not wait to see him. First thing on that morning all my friends gathered around me at my locker, teasing and praising me for being THE ONE to catch the new cute boy's attention.They were jealous yet happy for me. Finally, HE came up the stairs and headed in our direction. By that time, I was beet red and so embarrassed and felt like crying. He smiled at me and when he got close I turned away to hide my embarrassment the girls had caused me. When I turned back to see him ... he was gone!

    I never saw him again and cried myself to sleep every night for weeks. My very first crush and very first big mistake. He did not give me another chance !!!!

  12. Phyllis Doyle profile image95
    Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years ago

    PS: I never went by the name Carolyn.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image86
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, Phyllis, that is some story there!  Boy, that rascal Frank was wreaking havoc all over the place that year ...LOL  Wonder how many other poor little sweet girls' hearts he had broken ...

      Thank you for sharing about your first crush.

    2. Frank Atanacio profile image73
      Frank Atanacioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That Frank was a complete ass..


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