If Your Girlfriend Would Wear A Serious Face And Ask You To Dress In Her Dress,

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  1. ngureco profile image77
    ngurecoposted 14 years ago

    If Your Girlfriend Would Wear A Serious Face And Ask You To Dress In Her Dress, Would You Do It?

  2. profile image56
    SpaceAgeposted 14 years ago

    no way! no way! no way! no way! no way! no way!

  3. privateye2500 profile image38
    privateye2500posted 14 years ago

    I'd first ask her - WHY?  lol

    then...maybe - what the heck!

  4. profile image50
    PantiesRMeposted 14 years ago

    Absolutely I most certainly would.  I would also wear her panties and bra and anything else femme she wanted me to wear.  She could make me into her most desirable girlfriend if she likes and i would love it.  Trust, role play, and confidence in each other is essential to an engaging and wonderful releationship.

  5. Super Chef profile image62
    Super Chefposted 14 years ago

    If it was staying in the house to do it then why not. If it was to go out of the house then no chance.

  6. Home and Garden profile image60
    Home and Gardenposted 14 years ago

    Impossible..there's no way It would fit......

  7. MJFande profile image65
    MJFandeposted 14 years ago

    Incidentally, I've actually worn my fiancee's prom dress for Halloween. So, yes, I would wear her dress. Of course, we've been together for over 8 years, too. Although, I do remember the prom dress being really hard to fit into, and she's lost more weight since she bought it, so I don't think I would be able to fit in any of her newer dresses anymore:)

  8. terced ojos profile image60
    terced ojosposted 14 years ago

    This is funny.

    I was sitting in class last year and in walks this guy with some purple pleated skirt and all the trimmings.

    I said nothing; I didn't stare, it was weird.

    The professor didn't see what he was wearing as she came into the lecture room after everyone had been seated.

    Coincidentally he was asked to come up and work a problem on the board.

    Before he got up he said to the professor..."Okay I'll come up and do the problem but don't laugh at me. My girlfriend asked me to dress as a woman today for halloween and she's dressed like a man."

    Suffice to say I thought it was cool; prior to his explanation though...it was weird.

    No; if my wife asked me to dress in a dress I would not do it.


  9. profile image47
    unigirl28posted 14 years ago

    I hope not! Love is strong but there has to be a better way to prove to her how much you love her!

  10. Guy Collins profile image60
    Guy Collinsposted 14 years ago


    And I asked my wife, if she would ever want me to do this. Her answer was that she had male friend to play dress up with when she was younger. It was hard enough to keep her friends from taking the good blouses and she was tired of losing good make-up brushes to my camera lenses.

    She had to explain what a poet's shirt was though.

    Her underwear gives me absolutely no support. After 24 years of being together there's very little we haven't done.

  11. profile image0
    brotheryochananposted 14 years ago

    hahahaha im a strange one this way. Any time a gf had put on a serious face or said "im serious" or "this is serious", i crack up.
    I gird my face to look stern but i can feel it bubbling.. slowly a smile starts to emerge, im tongue tied and fighting the urge too.. and i always have done this... burst out laughing.. often i cannot control the laughter and she gets madder and madder and the madder she gets the louder my laughter, my sides hurt, my face aches and im lost in laudacious laughter.. thats about as far as any "serious" conversations have gotten with me. uh oh i feel laughter coming up

    yes im single LOL LOL LOL   smile

  12. corisong1 profile image55
    corisong1posted 14 years ago

    If you are game, why not.  You might make a good looking women and turn your girlfriend on at the same time.  Maybe she likes the thought of women who have penises and she's a bit kinky.  Sounds like fun to me.  LOL

  13. karmakarm profile image60
    karmakarmposted 14 years ago

    My fiance looks great in drag.  He's a very beautiful man and I'm pretty sure he'd wear a dress if I asked him to.  Probably not out though, unless we were going to a fetish party or convention... But there is absolutely Nothing shady about tending to your lady's fantasies and dressing up for her at her request.  You guys should keep an open mind - absolutely nothing can substitute experience!

  14. MyWebs profile image78
    MyWebsposted 14 years ago

    If it was at home or for Halloween sure I would, why not? It would probably be fun and even lead to even more fun. tongue

    I would go all out as much as she wanted me to. I'm secure enough in my masculinity to not care about doing such a thing. Its all in fun anyways.

  15. profile image51
    occamposted 14 years ago

    It would not fit.

    Or as a better answer I would not fit in it.

  16. DJJelks profile image60
    DJJelksposted 14 years ago

    No you don`t have to wear it just say, "Hunny I can`t do it"

  17. dabeaner profile image59
    dabeanerposted 14 years ago

    I would say, "Honey, are you sure?  My butt might look too big in it."

  18. profile image0
    kimberlyslyricsposted 14 years ago

    Need to know

    which designer

    made the dress




  19. vaguesan profile image67
    vaguesanposted 14 years ago

    I would. I mean why not? My wife has never asked me to though.

  20. padmendra profile image45
    padmendraposted 14 years ago

    Absolutely not. If she really loves you,she would not ask you to follow what she says. Likewise every one has his self respect and of course he will deny it.

  21. naiksuresh profile image59
    naiksureshposted 14 years ago

    Cool .... Oh my gosh.. I never thought this too can happen.. Anyways I will not do it..!

  22. profile image51
    Christafayeposted 7 years ago

    Yes yes i would ask her to doll me all up and lets go find a guy that i could watch her have sex with then i would clean them both up after they both cum


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