When you look in the mirror, what do you see?

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  1. Rosie2010 profile image68
    Rosie2010posted 13 years ago

    When you look in the mirror, what do you see?


  2. Chouji-Von-Lycan profile image61
    Chouji-Von-Lycanposted 13 years ago

    i see a fat person with crazy curly hair

  3. youmeget profile image65
    youmegetposted 13 years ago

    Your face, but how you look in the mirror is plainly your thoughts and feelings at the moment. When you are confused and need some attention, you are likely to see a vulnerable looking girl. If you feel you have a lot to achieve and don't know where to start, you would see a depressed and ugly face, bored with life. And if you are feeling happy, you would notice your lips are dry and needs a lipstick or lip gloss.

  4. Ultimate Hubber profile image71
    Ultimate Hubberposted 13 years ago

    I see myself and then I notice that I have lost a few hair from my scalp.

  5. chloe's hub profile image60
    chloe's hubposted 13 years ago

    i see my body that i care so much... its a habit of mine that every time i'm at home i will take some time to look myself in the mirror to see if i am maintaining my stomach...hahaha

  6. profile image0
    David99999posted 13 years ago

    I see a stoic, handsome chap, who is intelligent and witty.

  7. porusmistry profile image60
    porusmistryposted 13 years ago

    First of all everybody see his face ...
    but this is depend on the person..

  8. philirodje profile image60
    philirodjeposted 13 years ago

    I see a wonderful nice looking man in the image of a perfect creator.

  9. iZeko profile image94
    iZekoposted 13 years ago

    Some chick who makes crazy faces...........

  10. Ashantina profile image61
    Ashantinaposted 13 years ago

    I see a soul whose eyes are so deep you could get lost in them.. I see a human being whose face bears wisdom, humility, strength and experiences.. I see a woman who is  evolving..

  11. titobay profile image69
    titobayposted 13 years ago

    A true reflection of myself and what I like and what I would like to change

  12. Darknlovely3436 profile image71
    Darknlovely3436posted 13 years ago

    when i look in the mirror who do i see, one fine sexy lady(smile and she scares me,

  13. lilibees profile image60
    lilibeesposted 13 years ago

    I see me, nothing more and nothing more that I would like to see!

  14. sir_tallest profile image59
    sir_tallestposted 13 years ago

    me.......and sincerely i like what i see

  15. flying_fish profile image59
    flying_fishposted 13 years ago

    I look past my reflection until the double-image lines my eyes up in the middle of my vision, and focus on the single/double image knowing that my eyes are actually parallel and looking at their own reflections individually... I try to differentiate the two separate images - but not too much, and without much success.
    Then I see strange blue streaks in my periphery and refocus my eyes normally, seeing a strange smile on a strange man's face...

  16. theseus profile image72
    theseusposted 13 years ago

    I see a girl who tries so hard to defy every obstacle thrown her way.
    I see a girl who shows a brave front but in her eyes there is fear.
    I see a girl who has much love to give. smile

  17. maria.rose profile image39
    maria.roseposted 13 years ago

    obviously  our face that how i am looking cool and gorgeous today.........lol

  18. Loveslove profile image60
    Lovesloveposted 13 years ago

    The image I see depends wholly on wether I have my specson or not !!

    If I dont have my specs on  I see a  a tall woman with a reasonable figure for 63 ! short  light brown hair,not many wrinkles all in all not a bad image at all ..If I have my specs on the  image is a  slightly fatter version..still not too bad but I prefer the non spec version !!
    having said that It doesnt really matter what we see or how we perceive ourselves its the person within the body that is more important not the visual


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