What's more important, looks or a sense of humor?

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  1. InCourage profile image60
    InCourageposted 12 years ago

    What's more important, looks or a sense of humor?


  2. kate12402 profile image59
    kate12402posted 12 years ago

    I personally care more about a sense of humor haha.  I can't speak for the rest of the world, but your beauty, in the commercial culture definition of the word, fades.  It takes a lot more to get rid of your sense of humor.  And I think a sense of humor is far more helpful in life.

  3. sangre profile image91
    sangreposted 12 years ago

    What's worse than talking to someone who's good looking but can't take a joke or get your jokes.

    Sense of Humor anyday. They are the ones who make a good night better.

  4. Mazzy Bolero profile image69
    Mazzy Boleroposted 12 years ago

    I wonder whether people who are very good looking tend to have less of a sense of humor?  When you don't have the looks, you have to develop some personality and wit.  If everyone falls at your feet just because you are so beautiful, maybe you never need to.  If you think about people who make you laugh, how many of them are Adonises?  Are ANY of them?  Most people will opt for a sense of humor over good looks anyday. The exception is with romantic relationships.  Given a choice between a beautiful, sexy girl who was a bit boring and a plain girl with a brilliant sense of humor, I suspect most guys would go for the looker.  And I say this (sob) as a female with a reasonably good sense of humor.

    1. InCourage profile image60
      InCourageposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's funny.  Perhaps that is true for the young... but the older we get, the more we learn, the more we understand the "what's" important in life, what grows finer with time and what just spoils.

  5. networmed profile image60
    networmedposted 12 years ago

    Having a sense of humor is priceless and can override any looks. If you look good and you don't have a sense of humor, you're an island, well, probably not at all times, but most of the time it is.

    1. kate12402 profile image59
      kate12402posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      So true!!! It doesn't matter how hot you are, if you have a crappy personality or a bad attitude, you come across as ugly.  But a more homely looking guy with a good attitude and a great sense of humor or cool personality automatically becomes hot smile

  6. Cardia profile image69
    Cardiaposted 12 years ago

    Definitely a sense of humor! The person would be more fun to be around, and would make life much more interesting.

  7. raquelpier profile image67
    raquelpierposted 12 years ago

    Sense of humor is a must for me, but then so is chemistry. I don't care how cute or funny or romantic someone is or believes he or she is-if nothing is going on upstairs, no one's going downstairs. That is not to say I would turn down an invitation from a Brad Pitt or Dwayne Johnson dopilganger if they wound up being dumber than rocks. Only kidding. Seriously, at 42 and as a single woman, I am looking for a well rounded individual at this stage of my life. How someone looks is about as important as what he or she drives...doesn't matter how nice the car looks on the outside if it doesn't run or if I cannot afford the payments to keep it. Or maybe that's just me?

  8. DzyMsLizzy profile image86
    DzyMsLizzyposted 12 years ago

    A sense of humor, hands down!  Looks are just the surface.  Looks do not define who a person is.  In fact, often the better-looking the person, the more shallow and selfish they tend to be, thinking they are "all that."

    If you cannot laugh at yourself, and the minor misfortunes that occur, you are in for a rough ride in this life.

  9. edhan profile image35
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    To me, it will be communication. Looks will fade but if a person has a sense of humor and able to communicate, it will be everlasting.

    That is what my wife is good at as she can really talks. And best of all, I enjoy it everyday of my life.

  10. teyeger82 profile image65
    teyeger82posted 12 years ago

    I remember a certain tall, dark and handsome man that a friend and I would see in our offices from time to time. We were convinced he was the best looking man either of us had ever seen. We were both contract employees and a short time later she was hired by the actual company. In her new role, she was in contact with Mr. Good Looking more frequently and more directly. I once made the statement to her that I had not seen him lately and could do with a siting of him. Her response was that he was not as good looking as she had previously thought because he had absolutely no personality. I too was hired by the company and discovered the same thing! The truth of the matter was that his good looks were determined by what mood you caught him in. When he was being charming and witty and funny, he was good looking. When he was being gruff and boorish, he was the troll under the bridge and nowhere close to being so tall, dark, and handsome!

  11. ackman1465 profile image60
    ackman1465posted 12 years ago

    As a guy who has BOTH, I'm not sure WHICH is the more influential in keeping a lengthy line of ladies outside my door, trying to get my attention......

    1. raquelpier profile image67
      raquelpierposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Nothing wrong with a little humility either...LOL smile

    2. InCourage profile image60
      InCourageposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      proving once and for all that ackman actually does have a sense of humor! lol...

  12. profile image54
    Squirrelgonzoposted 12 years ago

    Without a doubt a sense of humor! It has more benefits than an appearance does!


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