How exactly are Christians claiming persecution by the repeal of DOMA?

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  1. JMcFarland profile image69
    JMcFarlandposted 11 years ago

    How exactly are Christians claiming persecution by the repeal of DOMA?

    I hear all the time that the homosexuals are "forcing their agenda" on others, and that Christians are being forced too accept them, and I can't figure out how.  No one its forcing any churches to perform same sex marriages.  No one is forcing you to attend a same sex wedding.  Gay people are asking for no special rights.  They want the same exact rights that you have - no more, no less.  I get that your holy book is against it, but you do not get to make laws for everybody based on your religion.  So what's the problem?

  2. profile image0
    Deepes Mindposted 11 years ago

    The problem for some IS the fact that it is against the bible. You're going to get a lot of answers ranging from "It's an abomination" to mentions of Leviticus, to "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve". Some look at homosexuality the same way that some atheists look at religion: as something to be kept behind closed doors and not forced down someone's throat who does not want to see or experience it. It mostly gives people an excuse to stand in self righteous judgment of others and to argue loudly against something they disagree with for whatever reason

    1. FatFreddysCat profile image81
      FatFreddysCatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      A guy at my office today was giving us the "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" routine. I said, "What are you, twelve?"

    2. d.william profile image74
      d.williamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Your last sentence says it all.

    3. johndnathan profile image72
      johndnathanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well, was he twelve?

    4. profile image0
      Motown2Chitownposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      If, indeed, one believes that God made us all, then, yes, for all you dummies out there, God did INDEED make Adam AND Steve.  Find a more intelligent retort.

  3. dashingscorpio profile image71
    dashingscorpioposted 11 years ago

    Once this issue was presented as a (civil rights) issue it was simply a matter of time before "Marriage Equality" became the law of the land.
    The "marriage equality act" essentially poses the question: Should two single adults be allowed to get married regardless of their sexual orientation?
    A nation who supports laws that forbid discrimination based upon religion, gender, race, nationality, and sexual orientation in (every other situation) will have a difficult time proving it's constitutionally acceptable to keep two adults from having a legal marriage because of their sexual orientation. It's not against the law to be gay or lesbian.
    (Separation of church and state) makes the religious argument against same sex marriage a non factor.
    Truth be told it was not until 1967 that the federal government struck down all laws in America that forbid "interracial marriages". That's less than 50 years ago. Being a straight man the a law does not effect me. It's not as if straight people are suddenly going to desire to marry their same sex. The same couples will remain attracted to one another.

  4. profile image0
    sheilamyersposted 11 years ago

    I'm one Christian who doesn't feel that homosexual marriage is a way of forcing anything on me. That said, there is one exception. There have been a few times the couple has threatened to or did sue a pastor for discrimination because the pastor refused to perform the ceremony. No one should be forced to go against their religious beliefs for any reason. For every pastor who refuses to do it there are several more who would. There's no reason to try to force the issue. The couple can just go somewhere else.

    1. JMcFarland profile image69
      JMcFarlandposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you.  no one should be able to force someone to perform a ceremony if it is against their religious convictions, but I've never heard of a story when they did.  Do you have a link to an article or something?

    2. d.william profile image74
      d.williamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ur comments R correct. The main issue was getting ALL marriages on an equal status: legal privileges & respect that comes with it. We do not need a religious ceremony 2make marriages equal & legal.Religious gays who don't agree-will get over

    3. johndnathan profile image72
      johndnathanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      When you get strictly to the definition of "marriage" in the eyes of the law it is simply a legal contract between two people.  Religion has no say in this.  Remember that you can go to the courthouse and get married by a judge.

  5. profile image0
    Sri Tposted 11 years ago

    The media is forcing the agenda. If it is on everyday, that is the media's agenda. They can do what they want. Whatever they do should be their business, not everyone's business.

    1. JMcFarland profile image69
      JMcFarlandposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      how exactly is the media forcing the agenda by, i don't know, covering the news?  The supreme court decisions today on DOMA and Prop 8 were news.  Fox conveniently ignored it for several minutes, but it's still news.

    2. profile image0
      Sri Tposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      There is a massive media campaign from Hollywood to the President, from the military to the boy scouts to get homosexuality in the mainstream. It is being promoted by all forms of the media. I'm not saying it's wrong, but that is what they are doing.

    3. JMcFarland profile image69
      JMcFarlandposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      but homosexuality is in the mainstream, whether the media reports on it or not.

    4. profile image0
      Sri Tposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good point. It is mainstream but the acceptance of it is not totally mainstream. The media plays a role in getting it accepted. TV, films, politics, military, and recently sports.

    5. JMcFarland profile image69
      JMcFarlandposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't really care if it's accepted or not.  The issue at hand is equality and equal rights.  No one has to like the fact that I'm gay - but they can't deny me equal rights because of it.  I'm still a human being.

    6. profile image0
      Sri Tposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with that. Enjoy life. Whatever appears will some day disappear. Everything that happens is in fact an illusion. It's all temporary.

    7. dashingscorpio profile image71
      dashingscorpioposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Actually Gallup has revealed the results of a recent poll showing support for marriage equality at 53 percent. It's even higher among the younger generation or "our future". There's always those who are against equal rights

    8. profile image0
      Sri Tposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Those who are against it don't get the spotlight. That's how you know it's propaganda control. You mostly see positive support from celebrities, athletes, and the president who needs votes. It creates the illusion that most are for it in the media.

    9. JMcFarland profile image69
      JMcFarlandposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I beg to differ.  Those that are against it DO in fact get the spotlight.  The news was FULL of people outraged about the DOMA decision yesterday, and their statements are EVERYWHERE.  Not only that, but with over 50% agreement, it IS the majority.

    10. profile image0
      Sri Tposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with equal rights for everybody. You said in the above statement, I hear all the time that the homosexuals are "forcing their agenda" on others. Anybody who speaks against it is attacked by the media or fired. So it's not a balanced debate.

    11. d.william profile image74
      d.williamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Folks we are missing the point. it is 'discriminatory' practice that should NOT be 'debated'.  equal rights are equal rights. Who someone loves & marries should never be debated by anyone for any reason.

  6. d.william profile image74
    d.williamposted 11 years ago

    The religious arguments that gays are being forced on them is exactly the same in reverse  Gay people are being forced to live their lives by the standards of religious belief, so in essence religions are being forced on people who do not want any part of that superstition and fairy tale existence.
    We need to just live our own lives and let others live theirs without prejudice, hatred or interference.  Equality belongs to everyone, not just those who think they deserve it more than those who disagree with their particular philosophies.
    It is time to put this argument to rest, and leave it in the past where it belongs.


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