Would you rather have true love or $5 million dollars?

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  1. kerbev profile image83
    kerbevposted 10 years ago

    Would you rather have true love or $5 million dollars?

    What will it be?  Love or money?


  2. erorantes profile image46
    erorantesposted 10 years ago

    I want to have it all. The five millions for my wedding party and honey moon , and the rest of the money to keep living  a confortable life.  I will keep buying the lottery. Some day, I will win the lucky number. That it will be a dream come true.

    1. kagoda profile image62
      kagodaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      both because the five million will facilitate the love

  3. m abdullah javed profile image76
    m abdullah javedposted 10 years ago

    Hi kerbev, its about relationship, for it to sustain there should not be any compromise, your query is about the same.
    If relationships are weighed against money than nothing beneficial can happen. What erronates said is true when you look at the matter as such. But when you go deep it reflects the heinous aspect of materialism that make you realise that you have lost a sustainable thing to get a thing which is bound to vanish. Therefore the right attitude should be - earn money to earn love, but not - earn money to loss love. Loosing love makes a person bankrupt.

  4. profile image51
    Misty Bernandesposted 10 years ago

    I am going to go with the 5 million, haven't had much luck in the Love Department..lol

    1. gmwilliams profile image82
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      SMART, INTELLIGENT woman.  Love DOESN'T put food on the table, a roof over one's head, nor pays for health insurance.  MONEY does all these things and MORE.

    2. profile image51
      Misty Bernandesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I was always told when Bills come in,  Love goes out the window...
      Not to mention being financially independent, opens a lot of doors.

  5. Aime F profile image71
    Aime Fposted 10 years ago

    If I were still single I would have said the money, for sure. I was never really concerned about finding 'true love' as I am very much happy in my own company and in many ways I still have a hard time sharing my life with someone else - there are many things I'd rather just do on my own.

    But, now that I do share my life with someone (as best as I can), I would miss this life terribly if it were gone, and I wouldn't trade it for $5 million dollars. Unless I asked my husband this question and he said the money... in which case I would race him for it.

  6. Link10103 profile image62
    Link10103posted 10 years ago

    Gonna have to go with the money on this one...

    You are more likely to have the money and be able to find true love, then to find true love and suddenly win 5 million bucks.

    Thats my $$$ logic.

    1. gmwilliams profile image82
      gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this


  7. Ann810 profile image44
    Ann810posted 10 years ago

    I rather have true love, because when two people are in-love they will try to impress each other and go out to make the money. The Bible says love is the most important gift of all. Love conquers all, I agree.

  8. lisavollrath profile image90
    lisavollrathposted 10 years ago

    I could do a lot of good with 5 million dollars, so I'd have to go with the money.

  9. connorj profile image69
    connorjposted 10 years ago


    True love for me. You can have the 5 million; I consider true love to be priceless. It is a significant gift for the two involved and sets the board properly so their offspring's lives have a greater probability of finding the same because those values trickle down "the river of souls." The 5 million would indeed be a wonderful and significant infusion of resource yet it is not necessarily as renewable and is not as significant in the "big picture."

  10. Evane profile image49
    Evaneposted 10 years ago

    True love of course. Money is not everything. It is the root of all evil. Love is free. It is true. It is pure. It can't be bought. It is personal.

  11. danicole profile image67
    danicoleposted 10 years ago

    I want to say true love (but what does that really mean?). By the way I do understand the phrase but still ambigous thing.
    Imma say money but for at least 10 million ...... perhaps in 5-10 years I will choose love.


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