How do you know when to propose?

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  1. GaminCouple profile image80
    GaminCoupleposted 8 years ago

    How do you know when to propose?

    I want to propose to my wonderful girlfriend, Amanda. I just want some opinions on when this is appropriate. Is there anything I am supposed to do, other than asking her father? How long should you really wait before proposing? We have been dating for two years. Any advice would be helpful, thanks.

  2. WrenchWench profile image93
    WrenchWenchposted 8 years ago

    Mostly, you know it's time to purpose because YOU feel the desire to marry her. Though since marriage is about the TWO of you, is never a good idea to plan to purpose or get married, until BOTH of you have talked about getting married, and how that will fit in with each your separate life goals and plans over the next 40+ years.

    As for things you "need" to do, that's all up to you. Modern marriage and proposals are often as unique as the two people getting married. Asking her father is a cute idea these days, especially if you're trying to be traditionally christian. Though keep in mind that many modern woman don't believe in paternal ownership anymore, and are perfectly capable of answering you without first speaking with their fathers. Do some recon on that and make sure it'll be taken like the romantic overture you're hoping it will.

    Whether you decide to ask the old man for permission or not, the main point is that your proposal focuses on showing your lady just how well you know her, what she needs, and how she feels about your relationships. Hopefully, this will be the one and only time you'll be proposing to her or anyone else, so you want it to be memorable. Do something that you know that both she and you would love to remember. In 60 years, when you're telling your grandkids the story of how you proposed, how would it go?

  3. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 8 years ago

    Life is a (personal) journey.
    In the U.S. it's no longer customary to get permission from the father prior to proposing to the daughter. In fact some women consider it sexist. Many women would prefer to be "the first" to know.
    Having said that you know your girlfriend better than anyone else.
    To tell you the truth when it comes to most marriage proposals they are usually not a complete "surprise".
    Most couples have already had discussions about getting married one day, having children. and building a life together. Essentially both parties are in agreement that they are right for one another.
    If you haven't shared those dreams together in prior conversations you might be setting yourself up for a rejection.
    You don't want to be one of those guys who springs a proposal on a woman "out of the blue" especially in front of family/friends, or god forbid a public venue.
    Oftentimes guys who do this are trying to manipulate a woman into saying "yes" rather than look like a cold hearted "b*tch".
    Some guys like to chose a spot that is "special" for the couple. Maybe it's where they had their first date or at a picnic under a tree or while on a weekend getaway or romantic vacation ...etc
    One of the best places to propose is in the privacy of your home. Maybe you've made a surprise breakfast in bed for her, placed a rose on the tray, with a wrapped gift box.  When she opens the box instead of there being a gift or a ring there's note saying "Will you marry me..." or you could have a ring in the box and drop on one knee along the beside and propose.
    Many couples actually enjoy shopping together for a ring.
    Best wishes!

  4. nochance profile image82
    nochanceposted 8 years ago

    Talk it over with her. Proposals don't have to be the big surprise you see in movies. It is a decision by two people. The custom that you have to "take her by surprise" is ridiculous. You are both planning a future together and you should take that next step together. It will make you both happier.

    Communication is the most important part of any relationship.


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