SEX: A Diplomatic Exchange?

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  1. fmalik4 profile image61
    fmalik4posted 14 years ago

    Is having sex for the first time as easy as a diplomatic exchange between countries?
    My roommate sat and pondered the thought of how she could have made this decision with such rationality.

    Is it possible for men to forget about obscure situations that happen; that as women we think are more than enough reason to never call again? The male species has been one that is easy to understand but difficult to figure out. As complicated as women may seem we only need three things, happiness, love and a heart stopping orgasm. Men can’t seem to give us any of the three.
    What good is a man if he can’t give us what we want? What good is a man who can give us everything we want? What good is a man who thinks he can give us what we want but turns out to be a dunce in bed?

    Is sex the main cornerstone of every relationship? As much as sex shouldn’t be a focus in relationships, it’s a known fact that no man can wait more then a week of dating someone new, unless she’s a virgin, in which case he finds out, takes her to dinner twice, knows he’s not getting anywhere and loses her number one day.
    Sex can be a solid foundation or a temporary one that slowly crumbles under the earths crust until there’s nothing left but a shovel and a used Trojan.

  2. Anesidora profile image61
    Anesidoraposted 14 years ago

    Whatever. I'll take it.

    I don't know, but the problem isn't sex!

    Honestly I don't even know what you're talking about.

    If it's just a 'diplomatic exchange' then that's their business. If someone doesn't want to engage they don't have to. Wanna wait for love, so be it.

    If you're trying to get deep and say love is just an illusion created to promote sex, or to promote monogamous sex, maybe so. Who cares? I'm going with it. smile

    I'd say there's nothing wrong with diplomatic exchanges.

  3. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    I say leave out all references to politics when referencing sex.

    The basis for sex is a mutual attraction and not love.

    1. Anesidora profile image61
      Anesidoraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I think men tend to understand that better than most women. We were lied to alot.

      1. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Little girls are told that sex is to come with love. This way a woman's virtue could be maintain and also so as to prevent early pregnancies.

        Those who experiment with sex at a younger age, tend to take it slow, because parents have taught them that there are consequences for the action. Some parents(religious types) are even more strict about it, drilling it into their child's mindset.

        When the obvious truth is sex comes in two separate forms.

        Sex without a connection and sex with a connection. Sex without a connection has no short or long term commitment. And, obviously, sex with a connection has some form of commitment.

  4. Anesidora profile image61
    Anesidoraposted 14 years ago

    After rereading your post, I think maybe what you're trying to say is that sex is a negotiating tool or bargaining tool.

    Yeh. That's true. Sometimes I guess it can be a bargaining tool of I'll sleep with you as long as you stick around and fall progressively in love with me, which seems to me to be what you're describing.

    Sometimes it's less than that, by mutual agreement or not, or more than that by mutual agreement or not.

    Even once married and thoroughly in love it can still be a bargaining tool sometimes, if yer smart. wink

    It's okay, he won't mind.

    Sex is not the cornerstone of every relationship. Sex is just the need that prompts us to build the house. There's no reason to discount the value of the foundation of trust, the beams of shared laughter, sheltering ceiling, walls of privacy, doors of openness, and hearth of respect and kindness. 

    You just sound like you're in an annoyed place right now. Men are beautiful creatures.


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