all your unanswered
- 46Why do guys say "Tap" that when it comes to girls?
Ass Tappa (18 months ago)
- 141Why are gay people gay?
Ikoro Iyineleda (5 years ago)
- 90How Old Is Too Old To Be Having Sex?
Francesca mcbarro (6 years ago)
- 2It's like the first time everytime
Kevin St Hilaire (6 years ago)
- 2First time prep/practice
Castlepaloma (7 years ago)
- 20Adult Sex Toy Website
Thamina Rahman (8 years ago)
- 5Question to all the female hubbers, and I guess all the men too
dashingscorpio (8 years ago)
- 4Anyone into pup play?
Stevennix2001 (8 years ago)
- 1True love
dashingscorpio (9 years ago)
- 33Inability to Achieve Orgasm
psycheskinner (9 years ago)
- 0Mastered by ImKarn23
schoolgirlforreal (10 years ago)
- 0Sex,sexuality,sexual drive, passive or aggressive. Me? You? Which one?
roxana blandon (10 years ago)
- 7Why is Everyone so Uptight About Intimacy?
Say Yes To Life (11 years ago)
- 0Cuddling...The best form of intimacy between couples?
Esenbee (11 years ago)
- 11love is nothing but sex !! isn't it ?
chasreed13 (11 years ago)
- 6Dealing with insecurity concerning intimacy.
wilderness (11 years ago)
- 20One of those nights ......
gmwilliams (11 years ago)
- 2Unforgettable Desire.. my current feelings in my 6yr relationship.
Beth37 (11 years ago)
- 5Are you part of the mile high club and if not, anyplace interesting?
Beth37 (11 years ago)
- 7I will trade you for passion
Gypsy Rose Lee (12 years ago)
- 39How to tell your partner that you are not ready to have sex?
ptosis (12 years ago)
- 1Will daylight not always follow this ?
Gypsy Rose Lee (12 years ago)
- 0Do you like to cuddle?
danielabram (12 years ago)
- 45do you prefer watching or reading erotica?
Cheeky Girl (12 years ago)
- 42Ladies!!! How do u feel wen ur man doesnt want to do it...
alihusnain95 (12 years ago)
- 5Scared man calls cops on woman who wants a ton of sex
FGual (12 years ago)
- 2Curiosity of About Sex Addiction
L.Lawyer (12 years ago)
- 16MLK weekend
brittanytodd (13 years ago)
- 6Polyamory
Dear Josie (13 years ago)
- 112My Ex-Girlfriend Wants To Have Sex With Me
ajayshah2005 (13 years ago)
- 11Spontaneous Sex
A Thousand Words (13 years ago)
- 1When sex is the glue that holds you together...
garrettdixon (13 years ago)
- 28My Urge for Sex Is Dead For Her
wixor (13 years ago)
- 11How do you react to public attraction
V Qisya (13 years ago)
- 7Ex-Girl Friend stalking me.
psycheskinner (13 years ago)
- 19My Ex remains after 10 yrs da only man to give me electric in my veins
mobias (13 years ago)
- 8Afraid of sex
SomewayOuttaHere (13 years ago)
- 40What is the Best Revenge you could do to your Husband's Mistress?
brandasaur (13 years ago)
- 6How good lover you are QUIZ :-)
schoolgirlforreal (13 years ago)
- 20Relationship Secrets.......
ubanichijioke (13 years ago)
- 49Genital stimulation
Dave Powell (13 years ago)
- 12Fun Role Playing Idea
janikon (13 years ago)
- 7What's the difference?
Rhoda Talisaysay (13 years ago)
- 83Does an open relationship encourage a longer time with a partner?
amber24 (13 years ago)
- 38What if your first time having sex was broadcasted online?
Dave Mathews (13 years ago)
- 85She Talks All Through Sex
drfurr (13 years ago)
- 0flower of pride
professorsclub (13 years ago)
- 183Describe your most erotic fantasy
Perpeptua (13 years ago)
- 46Do you think that men and women view sex in the same way?
paradigmsearch (14 years ago)
- 4Faith
Elliott Thompson (14 years ago)