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I'm sorry, I can't see how this is "child molesting". The boys are 14 and 15 and she is 40. Does anyone really believe she "forced" them to have sex with her? I know when I was their age I had a few friends' moms I would have loved to have sex with, if only they offered!
The only reason she got caught is because her daughter walked in on them. Granted she isn't going to get the Mother of the Year award, but molesting shouldn't be one of the charges.
Simply the fact that they were under age is all the evidence thats needed!
Under age for what ? This is too funny. It seems they were old enough to use drugs. Didn't you read the link?
Yes she should. Why in the world would a grown a** woman have sex with a CHILD. It is distrubing and sick. Any adult male of female who practices such a lack in judgement should be charged with everything they can possibly be charged with. Of course from the boys perspective everything is cool...they are teenage boys who got sex. But she is an adult woman and should know better. She deserves everything she gets!!!
Honestly, maybe the daughter would be better off in a foster home, with morals like this being taught in the home, truly, wouldn't she be better off?
LeeB would you feel differently if it was your 14/15 year old daughter with a 40 year old man? I consider a 14/15 year old a child/youth that needs to be protected.
yeah, i'd have to agree with you there somewayouttahere.
sure it's easy for you to use that logic now, as im sure it's every young teenage boy to fantasize about hot older women. heck, even i did back when i was younger. however, going by your logic, if your 13 or 15 yr old daughter was willing to have sex with say her teacher, who might be old enough to be her father or grandfather. then going by your logic alone, you would be a 100 percent okay with it, as the guy didn't force her into anything. now is that a fair assessment of the argument your trying to present here? if so, i think you seriously need to reevaluate your point of view, as i doubt your going to be that popular in forums if your going to openly promote child molestation like you seemingly are. whether it was intentional or not. im not saying you are, nor am i accusing you of such an act. just telling you exactly how your argument comes across.
Excuse me? I'm not "promoting" anything, I'm stating my opinion! Just consider the physical differences for a moment, and explain to me how a teenage boy can be "forced" to have sex with a woman.
Of course it's different for a girl where at anytime she could say no and be overcome by a determined man, and perhaps embarrassed to admit what happened.
yes, im aware of the biological differences between men and women. thank you for reminding of that, but you obviously didn't read my post at all. or at least all of it, as you completely missed my point about assessing your argument. first of all, i never accused you of anything. i was just analyzing and telling you how your opinion came across. if my assessment offends you, then all i can tell you is that it wasn't my intention, as i could be lot more insulting to you if i wanted to. trust me.
second of all, that's why i said if the girl is WILLING as in she wanted to have sex. did you not read that part? or did you just skip over it and take what i said out of context? i said this:
"going by YOUR logic, if YOUR 13 or 15 yr old daughter was WILLING to have sex with say her teacher, who might be old enough to be her father or grandfather. then going by your logic alone, you would be a 100 percent okay with it, as the guy didn't force her into anything"
that's basically all i said. however, if your offended by this, i apologize, as i just find too many faults in your argument and beliefs. as it hypocritical if you ask me. you'll have to remember leebertea something about me. with me there's only one or the other when it comes to right or wrong. there is no in between with me. im sorry, but that's just the way it is. therefore, if you want me to root for your argument, then my best advice to you is to start making more sense and not use bias arguments.
Yes I would because that would be different!
..why would gender make a difference when it comes children/youth?
She should be charged. The law is the law. If they attacked her it would be considered rape.
All your prejudice ,people, is laughable ! 14, 15 year old have to be protected ?? Really ? I would say grown ups should be protected from teenagers, not the way around! Do you live in a bubble ?? must not have children to understand or you have had a bad experience with a youth
No, to both assumptions. I understand youths being myself young.What I can't understand is grown up hypocrisy. what is hypocritical about protecting your children?...I don't understand..
The fact that people choose to forget what they felt and how they were when they were teens. I remember perfectly well that at 16 I could be aroused by a 45 year old pretty woman.
Ok if we accept your argument, the boys did what was natural for them, but the question was should the woman be prosecuted, and yes she should. What 40 year old woman wants to have sex with kids, they could have been her own kids going by the age gap! She did apparently, and now she is learning how wrong it was. And it is wrong. a parent/adult no matter what you may have felt as a child/ is still my responsibility to protect children/youth from predators...I would not take it lightly that a 40 year old was around my child/youth for sexual an adult we have an obligation (and with our knowledge, morals and ethics) to not take advantage in anyway children/youth...rather guiding them.
Obviously you have a different take on this...
Under the law it is sex with a minor. She should be the responsible adult and not have done anything with them.
Yes I know what the law says, and yes I agree what she did was wrong, what I'm questioning is should the law be different in this situation. Is the law enforced the same against males and females in the name of political correctness and to avoid sexual discrimination and is this being done at the expense of common sense? I believe it is.
...I don't believe it has anything to do with laws and what age is considered a minor etc....I would not be very happy if a 40 year old was around my children for sexual purposes period....if there were no laws, I'd deal with it in my own way I'm sure.
What are you talking about in terms of sexual you mean a female predator would be treated differently than a male predator...i doubt it...i don't buy that...i see it the same way whatever the gender.
Yes the law should be applied equally. I understand that there are boys who are sexually mature at 14 and 15 but there are many that are not. And the responsibility should not be dependent on the sexual maturity of the teen but on the adult who clearly should have known better. If you keep making exceptions then what's the point of law?
I don't think there is any political correctness going on here at all. The law cannot pick and choose which children to protect.
The parents of one of the boys informed the authorities, and rightly so. Just because the boys are capable of having sex does not mean they are mature enough to handle the consequences. How would they deal with that woman if she became pregnant? The law is in place to protect much more than the actual act of sex. I've never known a 14 or 15 year old boy that was responsible or financially capable of handling a pregnancy.
Sex is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD Lee, didn't you know this? We have to protect our children from baaaaaad things.
I do not believe sex is bad....however the topic is about a 40 year old with a child/ adult who could be old enough to be the parent and/or grandparent...isn't that considered a sexual predator...I must be living in a totally different world than some...
and as a matter of fact I have to get off this f***ng I see where it is going really fast.
Here's the thing, the boys themselves did not file any complaint, one of the parents did after seeing the boy's apology on Facebook to the daughter of the woman who walked in on them in the act.
Perhaps if the boys came forward on their own to file a complaint it would be different. I'd be willing to bet though the boys were against their parents pursuing legal recourse against the woman.
yes, but as one person pointed out here, what if she would've gotten pregnant? or whose to say these aren't the only boys she's ever did this to, and she might've gotten a sexual disease that she gave those boys. what then smart guy? plus, your failing to forget about what this might do her daughter that caught her in the act. what is she going to think of all this? her father is already reported for being abusive and with her mom in jail, she's likely to go to a foster home now if there's no other relatives willing to take her in. How do you think the daughter will react to this? seriously, can you imagine the humiliation she's going to get from this? how would you feel if you caught your mom having sex with your friends when you were a teenager and she went to jail over it, and it was on the news too. or your dad having sex with some of the girls at your school and it happens to him. how would you feel? still feel like the 40 yr old broad didn't do anything wrong? look the law is the law for a reason okay.
you don't have to like it or agree with it, but it's the law. as there's quite a few laws in this country, I don't agree with. however, that's the law. my best advice to you leebertea if you want changes to happen to fit your views, then all you can is either a) write your local government officials about it or b)vote for a guy that will promote the issues you want in elections ranging from the mayor to the president. that's the best advice that i can give you.
Of course I feel for the daughter, and again I agree the mother was wrong, but as you point out because of the law the mom will likely go to jail and the daughter placed in foster care or become a ward of the state. Will she be better off? I don't know.
I don't think you should blame the possibility of the daughter going to foster care on the enforcement of the law, you should blame the mother for breaking the law and not thinking about her daughter.
Well yes you're right if you agree with the law, but I question it in this case.
I'm not sure but there should be a different treatment for boys say 13 to 18 and older women, and girls should be protected up to say 18.
But wouldn't that go against the Equal Rights Amendment?
Yup. I believe that's why the law is the way it is! It's political correctness absent of common sense and the realities of nature.
Well I don't think it's absense of common sense or pc. There was a situation in Seattle where a young boy of 13 or 14 had consensual sex with his teacher and got her pregnant. She was put behind bars but she always kept coming back to him. She left her family for him. She now has, I think, three children by him. He was a father before he was sixteen. I really felt sorry for the boy that he has responsibilities before he was ready for it. The law is there to protect boys from outcome of situations where they are not ready as well.
I remember the case. They got married as soon as he was old enough, which really illustrates my point. That woman went to prison for what?
You don't think this poor boy who became a father at a very early age had his youth stolen from him by this irresponsbile woman?
No. He made that decision. He continued to see her even after she was in jail. In fact she conceived her second child wile serving her sentence. Let me ask you who should be charged if two 14 year olds are having consensual sex?
Yes he made that decision, but I don't think it was a mature decision. He was sexually able but I'm not clear that he was emotionally mature to make it. The adult didn't give him that consideration.
Regarding two underaged teens, no, they're not emotionally mature. The law I think only applies when one participant is considered a legal adult.
yeah, i agree with that. plus another thing worth mentioning is most 14 yr old kids are idiots. im sorry to say that but its the truth. as i had to work with quite a few of them during my time in the past, and most of them that i met often couldn't even answer a straight question half time like...."what do you like to do for fun?" a lot of times there answers are often vague like hanging out with friends and crap. get the picture? he may have made the decision to sleep with this girl, but he obviously didn't think it through about the consequences of his actions. as most teenagers are morons, and don't know exactly what they want at that stage of their lives. at that age, they're barely discovering what defines them and developing their own interests. can you imagine what it must be like at an early age to say not only do they have to grow up fast, but now they have to deal with parenthood too? a situation that even adults have to often adjust to. that kid may have MADE a decision, but i doubt seriously he knew the ramifications of that decision. AND im willing to bet he's probably regretting that decision as he's now having to give up his childhood to support a family.
Okay how about an 18 year old woman and a 16 year old boy? Should she go to prison and for the rest of her life be labeled a sex offender?
one last thought....what would the law say for boys say 13 to 18 and older men, and girls and older women...would it be different? would it make a difference, does it make a difference?
I feel the same way no matter what the mix...just thought I'd throw that thought out there....and then i'm to work...and have to remember to not take these forums seriously...
Yeah I thought about that and I don't want to be insensitive to gays but, those kind of relationships should not be encouraged until adulthood.
...why?....what's the difference? you make me laugh!...later...................
Because kids have all kinds of conflicts as they mature. They may realize they're gay and that's fine, but the last thing they need is a relationship with an adult of the same sex. last time and then I'm really gone....i don't see it as a m/f issue at all....and i don't see it as a hetro or g/l issue....i see it as whether or not it is a sexual predator adult who should stay away from kids.
and from your male's about hormones right...hormones are hormones aren't they...hetro or g/l...same hormones aren't they.....same kind of confusion and conflict with kids no matter whether g/l or hetro....that's just my opinion though.
I figured you'd change your idea of a law, once you stepped out of the male hetro viewpoint.
that's exactly my point. even though you can claim those boys didn't know what they were doing was wrong, then i'll give you that. however, that's no excuse for the mother, as she knew what she was doing was wrong in the first place. now thanks to her selfish actions, her daughter not only will grow up without a father, but now she may even grow up without a mother as well. and it's all the mother's fault, as she should've known better.
sex isn't a bad thing at all, as i never been against it. if anything, i agree pamela anderson about what she said about sex. it's amazing that families are comfortable letting their kids watch violent films like "lord of the rings", but they won't let them watch any films with nudity in it, that's no where near as scarring to a child. therefore, im not against sex at all. however, i don't think any adult should ever take advantage of a child; regardless of the genders or the circumstances.
I bet boys don't feel as she took advantage of them - or they wouldn't apologize to her daughter
oh please. those boys would be so nervous about the prospect of doing it with a previous playboy centerfold, they'd probably prematurely ejaculate before they could put their little things into her.
that's why she needs a real man like you and me.
what do you think misha?
IDK Steven, nowadays I am extremely selective about whom I have sex with. May be 40 years ago?
I think a key difference between girls and boys is that if a 15-year-old boy gets a 40-year-old woman pregnant, he will not be held responsible for that at all and can be free of it forever. If a similar teenage girl becomes pregnant by a 40-year-old man, she will be dealing with that for her entire life.
While I understand the principle of keeping head-case adults away from kids notorious for making poor decisions, the piling on against Leeberttea's point does what is always done, and pretends that the situations are the same when they are not.
The difference is that the possible consequences are far more extreme for a girl, and not just with pregnancy. To pretend that girls at that age are not seeking emotional connections and relationships that "prove" their maturity in a way that is different than male children seems naive. They have a completely different mechanism by which they can be exploited. Human males just want to hump. They start wanting to hump at about ten. That's all. There is no romantic notion of love or even associations with how mature they are driving that. Just a hump reflex tied to sensory-modal biology activated by curvy, exposed flesh. Anyone who says it's exactly the same with girls is on crack, IMHO.
I just don't think there is as much at stake for boy as a girl, by any measure.
I don't know about these boys, but I certainly wouldn't have felt like I had been abused if I had slept with an older woman at that age. Quite the opposite in fact.
I am not sure my opinion will matter much in this case, but no matter what...any child under age should not be having sex, period! Any woman who would take advantage of young boys in this way is disgusting! Plain and simple! I realize the age old thought for men is: 'its okay for a boy or a man to sew his 'wild oats' but if a female does, she is considered a slut'. I don't feel any adult has the right to ask sex of a minor, forced or otherwise. A decent person wouldn't even consider it! If she was so hard up for sex, why didn't she just find herself a man. An adult male! Just my opinion. : )
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