Gay marriage

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  1. Zaiden Jace profile image63
    Zaiden Jaceposted 13 years ago

    I would like to have some people's thoughts on this topic. It is finally legal in some states for gays and lesbians to marry, but I personally think that is not nearly enough. I am not a fan of marriage. I believe that you can be in love with someone without a piece of paper saying you are together but I do believe that the option should still be there for everyone. Love is love. If they want to celebrate their love by getting married, why not?

    1. 110mediadesign profile image60
      110mediadesignposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hey there!  I felt the need to reply to this, cause this is a subject very near and dear to my heart. 

      I came out in my late 20's and had always wanted to find the person of my dreams to love for the rest of my life.  I had spent many years hating my life as a "straight girl" and now that I was truly me, I wanted to find that person to spend the rest of my days with.  After a long, hard, destructive relationship and many flings on the rebound, I found that person.  Now we are planning our commitment ceremony.  Here in the state of Tennessee it is not legal but that's not stopping us.  We've carefully chosen a venue, photographer, officiant, etc to help us out on our special day.  We will have to wait longer for this day to be "legal" in the eyes of the government, however.  There are hundreds of benefits to being married in the eyes of the government in the US.  None of which are able to be taken advantage of by committed gay or lesbian couples.  No tax breaks, no benefits are given to the partner left after death, no family healthcare, and sometimes even no families (depending on what state you're in).  So do I want the LGBT community to be able to legally marry - HELL YES.  Will it happen anytime soon... I sure hope so, but I'm not going to hold my breath, cause I will probably turn blue and die... then my future wife will never get anything... LOL!

      Anyways, you're right... Love is Love - just because some of us choose to be with the same sex, doesn't make it any different than hetero couples.  To me, it's discrimination and it needs to be stopped.

      That is all... smile


    2. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      There is only one reason why not, really.   It's because homosexuality is wrong, period.

      And even if we were to leave out that fact, the discussion becomes twisted.  First, liberals say it's about sexual orientaion.  When that's debunked, they say it's about romantic love.  When that's debunked, they say it's just about love, period.  When that's debunked, they say it's about companionship and/or love.   In which case, if that were true, then just any type of relationship should have marriage rights, like two platonic friends who want to share expenses, or a parent and a grown child who live together to share expenses and life, etc.

      And the expense and taxes and debt issue isn't always favorable to marriage!  I've personally known straight married couples who decided to get divorced because the expenses of one who got ill or whatever made it impossible for the other spouse financially to cope!  I definitely do NOT say that that was right, but it is an example that debunks the liberal push for gay marriage on the basis of "benefits".

      So all the hype about the benefits of being married isn't always real!   The liberal agenda activists are simply using that as an excuse to force immoral behavior into our laws.

  2. Pearldiver profile image68
    Pearldiverposted 13 years ago

    Christy Goff...

    That is SPAM and YOU are supporting the Spammer if you leave your post on this thread, now that you have responded the way you have!

    Don't Ever Reply to Spam.. Simply report it and don't help spammers!

    To Rectify this.... DELETE YOUR ENTIRE POST and this will remove the Spam signature that your post has endorsed. OK?

    1. Zaiden Jace profile image63
      Zaiden Jaceposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I reported it already. All the spam is gone smile

  3. Pearldiver profile image68
    Pearldiverposted 13 years ago

    No............ It Remains within her post! sad

    1. Christy Goff profile image61
      Christy Goffposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I can't pull up my post to delete it.  What to do?


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