I know some of my fellow female hubbers might disagree with me, but when you look at the reasons, your primal instincts will agree with me!
i am here to tell you that money can buy you love because:
money facilitates love
nice clothes
nice shoes
perfect teeth
great apartment
excellent food
So, while many have the ilussion that money can't buy you love, it sure can give you many, many beautiful choices to chose from!
Ever hear that the clothes don't make the man? It would be greed, not love. It can buy time with someone, not much else.
"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."
Mark Twain
Ever heard the saying "you never get a second chance to make a first impression"?
Haven't you ever heard, "First impressions are often wrong"?
None of what your write justifies your saying. Money CAN'T and DOESN'T buy love. Money buys sex and pretty much all the things you mention.
Ask yourself, you want a guy
that is well dressed- takes money
that has good teeth - takes money
that has good living place - takes money
That is the problem, many walk around saying money does not matter, but it takes money to make a guy measure up to your standard!
Call it whatever, all i know is that, without money your chances and choices are limited in love!
For your information you don't choose who you fall in love with. What you are writing about is planning, and that has nth to do with love.
You could be a millioner, and still be lonely and without love.
Dont be so naive. love isnt like it is in your justin bieber songs. Its about attraction and compatibility. Its not some mystical happening.
I don't want a guy who's entire person is made up on everything he has/wears. I wanted a friend, someone who cared, someone kind and sweet and I have that in my penniless fiance. I am happy with him, despite the fact he wears plaid pants with a rainbow dyed t-shirt with long johns underneath. I love him despite the crooked tooth and all his "flaws" are important because they make him who he is. I don't care if he doesn't speak well in crowds, it's a part of him that makes him so much more important to me. I have had the opportunity to leave him for a man who had a substantial amount of money. I declined his advances because I love my fiance. If money buys love, well, why do I love Jiffy? Simple, it doesn't and never could.
Send me a big check, I'll do the research and report back to you
No, money cannot buy love, the truth is that money is a very powerful aphrodisiac for men and to some women.
Money does not buy love. Period. If you think differently, you're an idiot. I know this for a fact. I have lots of experience in this area. I'm more than "comfortable" financially, and I've also been married 5 times. So I rest my case. While money might be able to buy you time and fun with the man or woman of your dreams, it does not buy their love.
awesome77, women are not the only ones who might be money gubbing gold diggers. There are more than enough men out there willing to sell their souls as well as some of their other parts for a Rolex and a Porsche.
I agree that women are hardwired to seek out security, but that is survival programming deep in our cavewoman brains. We do after all bear and raise children and therefore finding the best possible provider is most important. In prehistoric times it might have been the strongest and most powerful hunter... in modern times, it is obviously the man who makes the most money. But none of that has anything to do with love.
None of what you listed signifies love. Period. They sigified things, objects, stuff.
None of which create the feeling you're talking of.
I had the money, had the great house, cars, clothes etc - all of which my ex-husband has retained. That should speak volumes.
Actually, money can buy you love.
When you have money you can afford to go where there are the kinds of people you wish to meet.
The best example of this is of course college. The laws of statistics will then take over, and sooner or later you will meet The One.
That doesn't create the love, it simply makes it easier to search for one. It isn't the cause of the love.
So a truer statement might be. Lack of money makes it harder to find love
anyone can go to college - you don't have to have money - the government gives poor people all kinds of grants and loans to go to college - so you dont make any sense
Thats not true. the government isnt going to pay for your food and clothing while your going to school. Also the dont just give anyone whose poor a college grant or a loan. So, you dont make sense.
Besides, love is a philosophical idea, taken differently by each person. So no one could win this argument till a specific definition of love for this instance was established.
If you live life as dream then sure love exists, home exists,friendship exists and everything that people want to disagree with OP exists.
If we get into reality and stretch every one of those relations and concepts then none stands for long. Unfortunately, i live in that reality and i realized that unless you live life as dream something will haunt you and you'll try to justify every action of others and will post threads like 'money can buy you love'.
"Love".Without a doubt the most over used misunderstood word in the language.I'm curious.What is the definition of the word love,and what verifies that we have or are giving it[try answering That in less than a zillion words].Is there validation of love independent of emotion,reason,and material circumstance.
Happiness!I'd"Love" to have a chance to Prove that money Doesn't buy happiness....just a tittle lol there.
I know there is a definition of love in the dictionary, but the actual feeling of love is a different experience unique to each individual. We don't all feel or show love in the same way.
Did you know that the chemical activity in the brain while feeling love is identical,and releases the same endorphins to the same receptors,as shooting heroin.Brain science is a fascinating area[I am no expert]that I'd like to invite you to peek at.I'm not being contentious here.I believe love to be a high that I ...just...Love!lol
Love isn't defined really - its just there if you choose for it to be
Actually love is a very selfish emotion. You love something or someone because you want it, you feel you need it and must have it. Love is about seeking what you think you lack.
Those who fall in love easy have a higher need for whatever it is they think is love.
Those with a stable life with a high degree of self-love and satisfaction with their life and themselves tend to not fall in love easy. Because they don't have that big need of whatever it is others want.
Not very romantic huh,,,,, guess no Valentines kisses for me this year!
Oh well, guess I'll just have to resign myself to more self-love this Valentines!
Little white lies, Bill, little white lies.
Sorry , but I disagree - love is not what you buy - it's who you are - you can only take one thing out of this world - your love for others and you can only really leave one thing in it - your love for others - money means nothing to me and.. stuff... well... everything will eventually end up in the dump one day polluting our mother earth - I hold less in the way of love of things that pollute the earth and more in the way of love of others cant take that crap with ya
@bill manning you say love is a very selfish emotion, but you could look at the opposite why. Love is an emotion of being self-less because when you love someone you do not think of yourself. I disagree when you say "love is about seeking what you lack". Could not you love is about giving to others what you already have - LOVE.
Exactly I couldn't of said it better myself
Nice way of puttin it
I understand what your saying and I also understand if you disagree with what I said, but I believe love is in fact a selfish emotion.
You say love is about giving others what you already have. But WHY do you want to give that love to others? To get love back, to feel needed, to feel wanted, to feel like your loved in return.
Would you give your love to someone you hated? No. Why not? Because you don't want anything they can give you in return.
I'm not saying love is wrong, it's what makes us want to do what is right, to raise our kids, to stick together. Love is good, I agree.
I just disagree that love is something you give away for no reason. We all want to feel wanted, to feel loved. So we give our love to those who we think will give love back, to give us what we need.
"Sorry , but I disagree - love is not what you buy - it's who you are - you can only take one thing out of this world - your love for others and you can only really leave one thing in it - your love for others - money means nothing to me and.. stuff... well... everything will eventually end up in the dump one day polluting our mother earth - I hold less in the way of love of things that pollute the earth and more in the way of love of others cant take that crap with ya'
I completely disagree "starme77" with you! Money while not everything, but it is the foundation of every true happiness and love.
Yes, money is not everything, but with money everything is possible, including true love!
O.K if that's how you feel , that's how you feel - no argument there - if you look at the old saying "The Love of Money is the root to all evil" It's not money it's self - but the Love of it that is the serious problem. You say money is the foundation of every true happiness and love - well not really - actually its a root - you know - like a tree root and the love of it creates evil shit in the world - for example - money buys a fancy fast car - the person driving that car pulls up alongside a poor persons car - sticks their nose in the air - looks down on the poor man's car - makes the poor man feel like less of a man - over something money buys - that's the love of money being the root of making others feel like they are less of a person cause they don't have as shiney a paint job - that's evil - now the person with the fancy expensive car that pulls alongside the poor man and smiles and hands him a dollar - that - well is just money - Love is the foundation and root of true happiness not a freaking dollar
No, I think you are wrong. It depends on what you value more, if it is money then you are superficial, and to a certain extent you can not find true happiness.
What exactly is true happiness?
Are you saying love only bring true happiness?
Yes, i know females that swear money does not matter, but checkout guys based on what money can buy!
Love is a creation of habits and money can help enhance the best habits.
true happiness pertaining to finding the love of your life as you define it
you know some female that are like that but not all female are the same, values are also cultural to some extent
it can buy you a GREAT time in Vegas with two twins from L.A., let me tell ya!
...and I am sick and tired of woman wanting me because I carry a large lump in my pants!
(a wallet, that is)
my wife is hot and I'm not rich...
I got her with a whole lot of temporary charm and JUST the right amount of well-timed pleading
So what's the magic ingredient now? No cash, charm warn off - you're still in beg mode aren't you?
she married me.. she bought the cow, now she has to deal with the 'utter' disappointment
To the OP, I think you're wrong. I would agree that money gives you some advantages in finding love, but it won't buy you love from anyone other than from people loving your money.
If that's what you want, go for it.
Things are nice but they are and always be just things. As nice as a Lexus car is it can't care about you in bed sick. That $900.00 suit you bough will never send you a get well card.
When we are young these things are important to us but if we make to old age we have a different prospective on life maybe because time is running out.
Money will never replace the love you get from someone who really cares about you.
Yes i agree, things are just things! But with the right things your life can be a heavenly delight!
I have news for you, true happiness is within you and not how someone loves you!
No man is an island and one can not always find happiness in themselves but when they spend time with loved one they can lighten their burden when one is unable to do it on their own.
Heavenly delights are only temporary, how long can someone drive a nice car before they have to get another one to once again feel they happiness they had with the first one?
My point is true happiness resides in you and if you do not feel it, then no one else can help you.
Your attitude towards life is the key!
you have a point no question, but as you move further in life you'll come to see others make a difference in our life because there will be times when we can get pass all the problems we encounter and that's when we are thankful for that special someone who can bring a smile to our face, but when we're young and in good health we feel we don't need anyone.
You are correct in that attitude does play an important part in how we look out at the world.
maybe it can buy you sex - dinner - movies - but never can it buy love - just artifical shit
YES, can buy you love!
Females pretend money does not matter, yet most seek out guys that own what money buys.
Money will give you multiple beautiful choices than if your ass is broke and a good guy.
I wouldn't say most - but many females do seek out guys with money - its kinda like legalized prostitution if ya ask me - not love - but sex for money , stuff and things really and then they try to rationalize their incessant love of money by pretending to themselves and the guy that they actually do love em
anyone can go to college - you don't have to have money
Try getting into Princeton or Harvard without a trust fund.
Try getting into OSU or U of O or Idaho State or any one of many colleges if your poor - wow - seems to be a whole lot more colleges for the poor than there are for the rich - cause the rich like to hang together in their own little weird corner of the world and in my opinion - they should stay there and compare weird little shit like who has a better i-pod or what ever - better to have the money worhipers all wrapped up in two little places than to spread em out among the real people of the world
Money cannot buy you love...Money buys you possesions...LOVE is not a possesion but a deep feeling between two people..it most certainly cannot be baught.
Money does not make you fall in love. You need to have great communication.
Money does in fact buy happiness, as anyone whose ever bought a puppy, or hired a prostitute can attest.
Those who love nice clothes
those who love nice shoes
those who love perfect teeth
those who love great apartment
those who love excellent food
and those who love to enjoy all that using the money of someone else and opt to love that person in the bargain, can definitely "sell" love to that person. If that person happens to die, they will continue to love the wealth of that person!
True. Money can buy love!
should to said as money can buy pretty and beautiful things may be include lady or man like a things.. not for love.. sometime can use for someone but not at all..
it can buy beautiful things for start to get more..
It's not exactly money then that buys you love; it is the things that money can buy that can buy you love! Great post, though!
Money can't buy you love, but it can provide opportunities. Say you are interested in an intellectual person as a mate and you never had enough money to go to college or go places where bright people normally are. Unless you hang out at book stores and local libraries, your chances of meeting someone you're interested in are much smaller.
It can also make you more attractive which can make you more appealing to the opposite sex. Once again, there's that opportunity thing.
So in short, no, but it doesn't hurt.
geez..it was tiring to read all your posts but none of it have told me where can I buy love. so, where can I buy some? cause I got the money but I can't have one....(only my mothers' and its for free)
@Extinct Soul..If they tell you where you can buy love, tell me will you?I'd like to purchase one for myself..
@awesome77: Read my hubs.."The Paradox of our Time I and II:. Maybe I can change your perspective on things such as love..
Money can't buy you love, it can buy you an imitation of love but that's not love. Maybe somebody will get with a rich person for his/her money and then actually fall in love with the person, but deffo money can't just buy you love.
Money can't buy love. It does make it easier to create a better image, but that is the only way it can help with love. Having decent personal hygiene does wonders too, which doesn't cost much money. I wrote a hub about money and happiness which anyone is free to check out.
But money doesn't mean much to me. I spend it and can always make more. My husband and I have finally reached a comfortable financial zone but throughout all our lives have always been near broke. Never made us less happy or love each other less.
Money can buy ANYTHING. Money is MORE IMPORTANT than love. Money RULES this world. Money buys things more important than love. Money also protects from poverty, penury, & homelessness. Can so-called love do that?! NO!
Money its only road ...
https://hubpages.com/relationships/How- … om-Ukraine
A 20 years for me would not work.
Only for putting her on my knee and reading her bedtime stories.
I feel sorry for the ones who are in love with money. Love is the glue that connects the universe. Love makes two people or thing stronger together than apart. Love concurs and conquer all. Money is imaginary.
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