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Imagination, Where Does It Come From

Updated on April 10, 2016

My Imagination At Work . . . Or Is It?

Here is my imagination at work but when we examine all of the elements in this artwork, we realize that all of it was previously created concepts, nothing is original.
Here is my imagination at work but when we examine all of the elements in this artwork, we realize that all of it was previously created concepts, nothing is original. | Source

Space the Final Frontier? How Limiting!

Image a world in which this illustration can be created simple by thinking about it!
Image a world in which this illustration can be created simple by thinking about it! | Source

Alien Ideas

According to Google, Ralph Waldo Emerson is credited for saying "The pain that you carry is the love that you with hold. Seriously folks, do you think a writer that lived in the last century was the first human to come up with this clever quote, GET REAL! He is just the first person to get the attribution, by Google no less, the end all most reliable source of information known to mankind. Another interesting quote that I used for a hub title "Knowledge Speaks, Wisdom Listens" is (according to Google) attributed to the great philosopher Jimi Hendrix of all people, give me a break!

Does anyone in their right mind think that Jimi Hendrix is the first person on this Planet since the dawn of time to come up with that clever witticism and people call me a Nutard!

So there is now some great debate in UFO circles that because Alex Collier says that some alien from the Adromedia Galaxy that has been using him as a contactee for the last thirty years used a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote that it is proof that what he says is a hoax!

For those of you unable to do their own thinking, let me spell it out for you. If you were an Alien Race wanting to get your message to the Human Race, would you relate information to humans in Alien concepts, ideas and language or do you think you would have more success relating to humans in human terms, concepts, ideas and language.

Gee, you do not have to be a Rocket Surgeon to figure that out.

When going to a foreign country do you spend a little time learning customs, language, concepts, religion and ideas? While you are there do you learn about various famous people, writers, inventors, politicians, leaders? Do you visit interesting archeological sites, buildings, cathedrals?

People if you have ten, twenty, fifty, a hundred or even a thousand years to spend learning about the Human Race do think it is conceivable that you might want to read some of the literature, maybe watch some of their broadcasts?

The logic that an Alien Race capable of traversing the Stars, is not capable of reading the English language is far Beyond Stupid, and borders on being downright illogical.

Imagination, Where Does It Come From

Imagination, Where Does It Come From, how does it work? As an artist I have asked myself this question many times and have come up with . . . well some very imaginative answers.

Consider for a moment all of the billions of humans that have lived and died on this planet from the very first human that thought . . . I think, therefore I am! Consider how many concepts, ideas, fantasies or creative thoughts that have sprung forth from the minds of mankind in that amount of time and it is easy to believe that you have never had an original thought in your entire life.

Every single thing you have thought of or done in your entire life has been thought of and done a thousand times by a thousand different people all over the World. You simple are not as original as you may think.

That being said how is it that people still come up with original ideas, inventions concepts and ideas? Is it because we have this wonderful process we call imagination?

Because of the internet we are only now beginning to compare notes.

When plucking ideas, concepts and inventions from our imagination, who is to say that these ideas are not implanted in our minds. What better way to introduce Alien concepts than by allowing us to think that it is our ideas.

Many scientist, philosophers and writers have confessed to the public that they have arrived at these ideas from dreams. Since no one knows how imagination works and where this information comes from, is it not possible that we are plucking these ideas from one source.

It has been said that we imagine our reality in microseconds and create it as we go through life, that everything is but a dream that we are all collectively having. If one subscribes to this theory then surely we are a dark and twisted race.

Perhaps imagination is a form of remote viewing and when we imagine we are traveling through time to link our consciousness with other humans!

My concept of Imagination, Where Does It Come From, is that we (humans) have intuitively learned or posses the ability to access the Source Field or God Consciousness and are merely plucking ideas, concepts and memories from it. Because we don't consciously recognize how this process works we label it Imagination and arrogantly consider it our own supreme gift or developed mental process.

However, if we stop and think about it, it is the one common denominator that we all share with the Creator Of All, this ability to imagine and then recreate our thoughts. This is the one gift that perhaps propels us to continue to search for a way back to the Source.

I, for one have always taken my imagination gift for granted but a life time of experience has taught me that not everyone practices using this gift on a daily basis. Let me be clear, it takes constant practice to utilize this gift and teach yourself how to turn your thoughts into works of art, inventions, creative writing, describing your thoughts and ideas.

A good way to practice using your imagination is to try and write down your dreams in a manner that other people can understand them, that takes some imagination.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

The pain that you carry is the love that you with hold.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson


I was reading at the College level in the eighth grade and have read untold thousands of books. Reading to me offers the best way to practice and strengthen ones imagination.

My philosophy with books is if you read a good one pass it along to someone else so they may find the pleasure that you found when reading it. However I do save the ones that have profound meaning to me.

I don't read books like a normal human, I usually read about four books at a time. Currently I have three that I'm reading with interest.

The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock, which is an incredible well written book with numerous sources noted and extensively researched that must have taken him quite literally his entire life to research and write.

The basic concept is that our entire Universe is made up of an incredible network of geometric patterns and dimensions that all relate to each other and are manipulated by intelligent design. One Mind has created everything, that all of our minds are connected to. Only now are we beginning to grasp the links we have to this One Mind, however there is a large growing amount of research and 'proof' that our ancestors new a great deal more about this than we do now.

The geometry of the Universe, our solar system and Earth is an energy network designed to ensure that life evolves according to a plan. That we do not need to know the plan to have faith it exists.

The pineal gland is how we communicate with this source, the ancients knew this and the Mayan Calendar was their way of tracking and predicting when these evolutionary events would occur and how to access this information.

It also suggest that the Earth has at least twelve natural Stargates or energy vortexes that allow those that know about them to travel throughout the Universe as well as travel through time.

Anyway it is the kind of book that you want to savour and keep reading forever because it is really, really good!

The Human Race Get Off Your Knees by David Icke, which I just started (read about 200 pages) and have been kind of skipping around on, because much of what he writes about is old news to me. I have read about this material in many other sources. It is obvious to me that he has read many of the same books that I have, but just has a different take on things.

However much of his writing is 'original thinking' and that is what I was interested in reading when I bought the book. When I say original thinking what I'm saying is that this information is not 'channeled' from another source. For instance the Urantia Book or even the Kaballah for that matter is admittedly channeled information. To me channeled information is always suspect as you can never be sure of the true agenda of the supplier of information.

The third book which I just started, meaning I have only read the first fifty pages or so is the Origin of Consciousness and the Breakdown of the BiCameral Mind by Julian Jaynes.

A Hub page friend of mine, whom I've never met and probable never will, Rob Schnieder keeps mentioning it and since we are in direct competition for the title of Greatest Hub Writer Known to Mankind, I felt it was necessary to purchase it and read it. By the way I purchased it from an advertisement on one of his Hubs and he told me it earned him 00.16 cents, which is kind of cool in my opinion.


This is what Wikipedia has to say about Imagination:

Imagination, also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability of forming images and sensations when they are not perceived through sight, hearing, or other senses. Imagination helps provide meaning to experience and understanding to knowledge; it is a fundamental faculty through which people make sense of the world,[1][2][3] and it also plays a key role in the learning process.[1][4] A basic training for imagination is listening to storytelling (narrative),[1][5] in which the exactness of the chosen words is the fundamental factor to "evoke worlds."[6]

Albert Einstein is attributed to making this remark about Imagination:

"Imagination is more important than Knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."

I have found that imagination is the essential element in using critical thinking, or 'thinking outside the box'. In today's media and disinformation blitz, it is far more important to decipher what is not being said than what is. What we need to remember at all times is that everyone has an agenda, whether that is TV News Stations, Books, Movies, Radio broadcast's or even music. They are trying to persuade you to think a certain way or evoke in you an emotion, belief or thought process.

For the longest time I was convinced that my unusual way of thinking was a handicap, because I DO NOT think like at least 90% of the human population of this world. This was proven to me many times as a youngster in school and even lead me to believe I was crazy.

The lies my teachers told me was the truth, I simple was unwilling to accept, this lead to much controversy and trouble early in my life and into adulthood.

One of the earliest memories of this unique way of looking at the world came on a field trip to the Hirschhorn Museum in Washington D.C. in school. While observing Rodin's the Gates of Hell, I said to the class

"Isn't it cool the way he did the flames?"

Everyone, including the museum guards looked at me like I was from another planet, evidently no one saw what I saw. After pointing it out to them, what to me was obvious, they all agreed that it was really cool. I realized right then and there that if forty people, from children to adults couldn't see what was clearly obvious to me, that either I was crazy or I just didn't 'see' the world like everyone else.

Even today working as a graphic artist among artists, my thoughts and views of the world are far different than my fellow artists. When I first started working for this company, one artist was known as having unique and original ideas, but after getting to know me he said to me one day that my ideas of the world make him look sane.

I consider it a compliment, as he does not enjoying reading and prefers to get his information from videos, TV and movies. When reading we can create our own vision of the author's words anyway we want to and are not limited by someone else's interpretation of the story.

That is why I say that TV, movies and videos have limited the World's imagination and was one of the main reasons I sold my TV and refuse to engage in that limited version of reality.

I hope that I have introduced the reader to some interesting concepts and ideas in my Imagination, Where Does It Come From . . .

Silky Blue Surrender

Where does your imagination take you when looking at this photo?
Where does your imagination take you when looking at this photo? | Source

You Make the Call

Imagination, Where Does It Come From?

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Imagining A Paradigm

My version of reality is that we are the co-creators of it, that we experience the same shared illusion by visualizing it fractions of a second before we experience it in third dimensional reality. Is this my own original concept, certainly not but it is one I subscribe too.

As many of you know I have written extensively on the subject of Nibiru Planet X and for a long time consider it just another rogue planet that our shared history had forgotten or perhaps censored but recently my conception of it has changed upon further research.

If we consider that the human race is a Great Experiment and that we were placed here to accomplish a preconceived goal, then it would stand to reason that those involved in creating this experiment would want a way in which to observe their experiment without interfering with its progress.

The best way to do that would be to create a space station that orbits the planet but would not be seen for what it was, an observation post. Why not create your space station to look like a natural Moon, and place it in an orbit that would create interest in it form the the Earth without revealing its true nature. You could then create such a perfect orbit for this Moon, so that your observation post only showed one side to the Earth, at all times, thus enabling you to build bases on the unseen side.

You could place the orbit of your space station (the Moon) in such a way that when it crossed in front of the Sun would create a perfect eclipse, this might trigger imagination and interest in space exploration without revealing your observation post to those on Earth. Having an observation post of this nature would allow you to monitor your experiment without interfering with its natural evolution.

Now consider, if this were true and you had the technology and ability to create an observation post or space craft that looked like a planet, then creating another space craft that you could periodically introduce into the experiment, such as one that looked and acted like a rogue planet, you could then fly it by the Earth to create cataclysms and other 'natural' phenomenon as means of introducing change or when evidence of change needed to be eliminated.

The 'orbit' or path of this rogue planet or space craft could easily be manipulated and hidden from your Great Experiment appearing periodically, sometimes causing geographical changes and sometimes merely to be used as a means to introduce wonder and inspire imagination.

How Imagination Works for Me

I have found that when I sleep that my imagination works the best and have often awoke from a deep sleep with a solution to a problem, a unique idea or a symbolic representation of an idea.

Sometimes when I'm drifting off to sleep, I will get a vision in my mind's eye and will bring myself awake so that I can sketch or illustrate the idea before losing it.

When I'm awake all I have to do is picture it in my mind and usually I can then put the idea or vision on paper or illustrate it on the computer. As an artist this takes practice, like anything, to develop and get good at.

Often while reading I will get a surreal sensation in my mind that has lead me to a better understanding of what the author is trying to say. It is almost as if I have linked my mind to his or her mind and whether or not this author is dead or alive does not matter.

Sometimes while awake I also get the sensation that something monumental has happened in the World or that the ether is trying to communicate with me. This feeling is like being on an elevator or floating and can be very disconcerting but usually only lasts for two or three-seconds.

In the last five years I have been paying more attention to this feeling and so have noticed it happening more and more. I often wonder if this is actually our planet shifting or wobbling.

It reminds me of Obe Wan in the Movie Star Wars, when the Empire destroys a Planet and he senses a great disturbance in the Force.

Imagination, Where Does It Come From is not a concept that most people think about, however I think about it all the time. I have always tried to practice imagination, to stretch it and understand it so that I can accept incredible concepts and visualize amazing ideas and concepts.

This article is in the process of being rewritten . . . so stay tuned for more information on Imagination, Where Does It Come From


How can the imagination turn an everyday item into something unique?
How can the imagination turn an everyday item into something unique? | Source

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