What is your favorite Bible verse?

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  1. baybpnk profile image68
    baybpnkposted 10 years ago

    What is your favorite Bible verse?

    What does the verse say and mean to you?

  2. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 10 years ago

    Genesis 1:26, to me, reveals a deeper connection between God and us than most people are willing to admit.

    When writing my latest book on Noah's Flood, I realized that since God is love, then the Flood must have been an act of love. What a shock that revelation was. But it's true. God is love and the Flood was only an act of love. Some people have a real hard time with this.

    So, I came up with an analogy to help illustrate this point and its connection to Genesis 1:26. Let me tell it in story form.

    Tom was about to go to sleep. He kissed his wife and turned off the light, but then the phone rang. It was the hospital. His daughter had been in a car accident.

    Promptly, Tom got dressed and helped his wife get ready, then both of them jumped in their own car and drove down to the automobile junk yard to see the wrecked car their daughter had been driving.


    Why didn't they go to the hospital? Why indeed!

    God cares as much about these human bodies as a parent would care about the auto their child had been in during an accident. God's children look just like Him, and He is not Homo sapiens.

    Think about that for a moment. God is not human, yet we were created in His image and likeness.

    God was not concerned about all the humans He killed with the Flood, because none of His children were harmed. Only the bodies they wore were destroyed.

    Every part of the Bible now has new meaning to me. Our good book is filled to the brim with Love. Nothing but.

    Rod Martin, Jr.
    author of
    "The Bible's Hidden Wisdom: God's Reason for Noah's Flood"

    1. baybpnk profile image68
      baybpnkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I appreciate that little story, it was a good way to get the information to click. So you are saying that God created the flood to kill off all of the wicked people (which would be the non-believers), and he only cared about the believers, correct?

    2. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks. And no. Not "wicked" humans. The "daughters" were not human. They were "of men," but not "of human." And the daughters went extinct 30,000 years ago (27,970 BC, new Flood date). Garden-variety wickedness had nothing to do with it.

    3. celafoe profile image52
      celafoeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      makes no scriptural sense to me

    4. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I understand @celafoe. Of course it won't make sense if you depend on easy (literal) interpretation. Christ said the path is narrow and difficult. Too much to explain in this tiny box. It takes 300+ pgs in my new book.

  3. carlajbehr profile image85
    carlajbehrposted 10 years ago

    Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
    11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

    1. baybpnk profile image68
      baybpnkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That is a good verse for times of uncertainty and doubt in our lives. Thank you!

  4. Veroniquebee profile image66
    Veroniquebeeposted 10 years ago

    Ruth 1:16-17 - But Ruth said, "Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. "Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. Thus may the LORD do to me, and worse, if anything but death parts you and me.

    To me, that means what love should be about, and not only the romantic kind. It's also about belief and trust, which are things I find this time and age sorely lacking.

    1. baybpnk profile image68
      baybpnkposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That's a good one to explain what love is all about. That is really a beautiful verse and meaning. You are absolutely right in saying that love is lacking in the world.

  5. profile image0
    Kristyn05posted 10 years ago

    II Timothy 1:17
    "The Lord has not given me a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind."

    I struggle with anxiety and fear, this verse was given to me by my husband when we were engage. My family had moved away, and we were not married so I was living alone for the first time, really struggling. Now ten years later, it is a reminder that still helps me daily with the fear and anxiety of being a mom of four beautiful children. God bless you!

  6. profile image0
    Dave36posted 10 years ago

    I only know these two, but these two are very wise words.."forgive them they know not what they do", & "judging others is only judging ourselves"..Both talk about man's ego, that's now controlling their mind & body..There very wise words because the way i see life, is that it's an obvious blatant learning experience come test..The best part is that no one would believe me even if i did work it out, that's why it's such a great game to play..So it's our heart vs our ego, & we have to use will power to defeat our ego..The thing is though is will power doesn't exist until we use it, & then start to build it..So the 2 passages that i wrote are clear messages, that only an ego led person would offend you or hurt you..So if & when that was to happen it shouldn't affect us, as we know that "they don't know what they do", so "we should forgive them"..I mean i say i haven't ever read the bible, but i probably should.

  7. Heidi Coffman profile image59
    Heidi Coffmanposted 10 years ago

    Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

    This verse means a lot to me. I have anxiety and I worry about anything and everything. I have been told that I am a "catastrophisizer" and I always think that the worst thing that can happen will. This verse tells me that I need to focus on what is happening one day at a time. If I worry about what is going to happen tomorrow, then all of the worries I have today in addition to worrying about tomorrow, I would be on worry overload! Since I have heard this verse, I have become much more relaxed, and I remind myself that I need to take life on one day at a time!

  8. Ceegen profile image66
    Ceegenposted 10 years ago

    These are probably my favorite verses:

    "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand." - John ch10 v27-29.

    I had to quote more than one verse because it all goes together. But if I had to quote a single one... I just couldn't!

  9. RayDSmith84 profile image60
    RayDSmith84posted 9 years ago

    "even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28


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