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  1. Castlepaloma profile image77
    Castlepalomaposted 11 years ago

    Is Imagination our God?

    1. Disappearinghead profile image60
      Disappearingheadposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      From your title 'iMagination', is that some new Apple gadget ? hmm

      1. Castlepaloma profile image77
        Castlepalomaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Just being creative,

        Many of us, make stuff up, and then turn it into a God or something. Including the made up 10,000 gods, in which do not agree with each other.

        1. Disappearinghead profile image60
          Disappearingheadposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Agreed, and the human mind is easily deceived by simple optical illusions, so we should not be surprised if people interpret real or imagined things as paranormal.

    2. kess profile image61
      kessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      To  God,whatsoever can be imagined is possible, so therefore to believe this must make that one God.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image77
        Castlepalomaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Religion dose rule and lead the world, yet I can imagine that changing in my lifetime.

        Since Atheist lack spiritual interest, I think they would also lack imagination towards the spiritual side of the 99% unknown World and Universe. 2.5 % of the World populations are Atheist.

        Any connection?

        1. kess profile image61
          kessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          This world came into being because of Knowledge, and it will return to knowledge.

          In this present stage of it progression, knowledge is incomplete,
          For it is in a stage of sifting, going back and forth aligning itself so that  it can settle.

          The kingdoms which make up this world, are part of this knowledge, and each has cornered a portion. Now in believing that their knowledge is valid (complete), they strive to protect and spread it , thus gaining strength to their kingdom.

          But they do not yet understand what knowledge is neither the purpose to which it set to accomplish.

          All knowledge must be united perfectly (complete) to accomplish anything, The  mark of the completion of Knowledge is rest and peace.....
          but through their partial knowing, it inevitable that they would war against each other...
          Now in their strife, knowledge is set against itself and the capacity of the imagination undermined one against the other.

          So what was meant for good is now used for evil, and so powerful is the imagination, that any who employs it negatively will reap the rewards of this negative imagination.

          It is True that whatsoever evil a man may imagine he is able to accomplish it... but he will reap his reward....Death.

          So we see the reality of the Hell and the devil is actually the negative imagination, who has employed knowledge(incomplete) in their service.

          But Knowledge (complete)  have already understood this and since it very nature is perfect, is not perturb  for provision for the end of them toward the serves of Good.

          So any man in whom knowledge has settled, will not be called by kingdoms which belong to incomplete knowledge which is the sum total of this world, whether it is atheist, or religionist or what ever else.. and all of these will align and strengthen themselves into two mighty armies, in preparation for the final battle which will mark the end of this age.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            This world came into being because of Knowledge, and it will return to knowledge.
            Present living is the best place to be, living for ancient knowledge and too much into the future carries too many regrets.

            The kingdoms which make up this world, are part of this knowledge, But they do not yet understand what knowledge is neither the purpose to which it set to accomplish
            Jesus said “the kingdom of heaven is within”, I agree and we create our Universe through knowledge as we are co creator of our world as everything was all once imagined before it happen. Next step is work, work is “love made visual” it's the glue.
            Now in their strife, knowledge is set against itself and the capacity (the imagination undermined one against the other.)
            I can’t imagine running out of ideas to harm anyone and have a perfect record of no harm. Peace with love is not against anyone- not Satan, not Religion or anyone who lacks the belief of God. All animals and people love, it completes us, it enhances all accomplishments. Who really judges this Bad or Good, other than oneself, first.

            True that whatsoever evil a man may imagine he is able to accomplish it... but he will reap his reward....Death. So what was meant for good is now used for evil, and so powerful is the imagination, that any who employs it negatively will reap the rewards of this negative imagination. So we see the reality of the Hell and the devil is actually the negative imagination, who has employed knowledge(incomplete) in their service.
            I can’t even imagine evil such as Satan, Hell or Mortal enemies being real, Why would my mind or heart even go there.  Evil is the lack of reason or the absences of it. Negativity and positive is like front and back, or good or bad and so on.

            Whether it is atheist, or religionist or whatever else.. and all of these will align and strengthen themselves into two mighty armies, in preparation for the final battle which will mark the end of this age.
            Balance exist in equal and mutually beneficial amounts, it’s an essential element in the development of a healthy and growing spiritual practice. Balance between faith and wisdom, opens the mind to the possibility of thing, like imagination. Balance fellowship, seriousness and light-heartedness, self-concern and helping others, etc. Will lead us to the spiritual age on earth anyways

            You and I will likely live to an old age.  No one group or Religion or One World Order will destroy us, All you need is love. Love conquers alll.

            1. kess profile image61
              kessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I wish you had not  responded to my post in such a segmented manner.

              For it was  a singular point with other points interwoven making it what it is.

              When dissected it is then easy to agree and disagree here and there...
              saying a many things without actually saying  anything.

              It also mean you may not have given yourself the opportunity to understand it in its entirety, so as to understand how each point makes up the whole....

              I would tell you if you discard a part then you must also discard the whole....
              And if you accept the whole you would see how the parts fit.

              If there is some thing that you think you must say, then say it adding whatsoever points neccessary to strengthen it...whether is agreement or disagreement.

              Then we can have a flow of conversation with each of us saying something that matters, otherwise  we can a a series of disjointed thoughts with each of us having opinions but not saying anything that matters.

              This is a method commonly employed by scoffers and argumetative people, who are experts at saying   many things without actually saying anything.

              1. kess profile image61
                kessposted 11 years agoin reply to this
          2. pennyofheaven profile image83
            pennyofheavenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            What knowledge are you referring to kess? What knowledge is ever complete?

            1. kess profile image61
              kessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              The knowledge by which this world has it beginning and its end is already complete.

              It exist in this world as Life...That is Life without end
              Life is the purest of all thought that a man can think.

              To presume that knowledge cannot be completed is to think within the box of ignorance.
              Those who persist therein will be as the box....death

              1. pennyofheaven profile image83
                pennyofheavenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                I'm not getting what you are saying?

                If knowledge is life and life has no end then knowledge has no end doesn't it? Or are you meaning something entirely different.

                1. kess profile image61
                  kessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Yes indeed knowledge has no end...

                  But knowledge isn't bordered by ignorance...
                  Rather it encompasses and dominates it.

                  Knowledge is filled with itself from itself...
                  Thus always full yet ever filling..

                  This is why the God head is always at rest.
                  He is never in need of anything.

                  So in this men world strives to know everything as is many things.
                  But everything can only be seen in Life....One thing.

                  This is why this command is always enough
                  "Love your neighbor as yourself"
                  This is the way of Life.

                  Not being concerned too much as to what it can receive,
                  but rather striving to find what it can give.

                  And in doing so one finds the source of all Life
                  Which is within one's own self.

                  And that one is able to give to all... yet
                  Yet receives no other thing for himself...except
                  The Glory of the fullness of Life.

                  Which is all things yet singular.

                  1. pennyofheaven profile image83
                    pennyofheavenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Aha I understand now. I agree.

  2. kess profile image61
    kessposted 11 years ago

    Castle wrote "Present living is the best place to be, living for ancient knowledge and too much into the future carries too many regrets.

    Jesus said “the kingdom of heaven is within”, I agree and we create our Universe through knowledge as we are co creator of our world as everything was all once imagined before it happen. Next step is work, work is “love made visual” it's the glue.

    I can’t imagine running out of ideas to harm anyone and have a perfect record of no harm. Peace with love is not against anyone- not Satan, not Religion or anyone who lacks the belief of God. All animals and people love, it completes us, it enhances all accomplishments. Who really judges this Bad or Good, other than oneself, first.

    I can’t even imagine evil such as Satan, Hell or Mortal enemies being real, Why would my mind or heart even go there.  Evil is the lack of reason or the absences of it. Negativity and positive is like front and back, or good or bad and so on.

    Balance exist in equal and mutually beneficial amounts, it’s an essential element in the development of a healthy and growing spiritual practice. Balance between faith and wisdom, opens the mind to the possibility of thing, like imagination. Balance fellowship, seriousness and light-heartedness, self-concern and helping others, etc. Will lead us to the spiritual age on earth anyways

    You and I will likely live to an old age.  No one group or Religion or One World Order will destroy us, All you need is love. Love conquers alll."

    Take a look at the above...

    Surely I can agree and disagree with quite a few things ...but in the end what point have I made other than the disagreement/agreement.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Which parts do you agree or disagreement,

      Jesus said “the kingdom of heaven is within”,
      or All you need is love.
      Love conquers all"

      There are many ways to God, I would not belong to a group where everyone was like me.

      Break it down, in order that we can share what we do agree on

      1. kess profile image61
        kessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Present living is the best place to be, living for ancient knowledge and too much into the future carries too many regrets.
        Knowledge is knowledge..which incorporate past and future combines as present.... regrets has to do with not understanding this.

        Jesus said “the kingdom of heaven is within”, I agree and we create our Universe through knowledge as we are co creator of our world as everything was all once imagined before it happen. Next step is work, work is “love made visual” it's the glue.

        The kingdom of God is within signified by their peace....
        The kingdom of God is not work but rest again synonymous with peace.
        Peace come to those who love.

        I can’t imagine running out of ideas to harm anyone and have a perfect record of no harm. Peace with love is not against anyone- not Satan, not Religion or anyone who lacks the belief of God. All animals and people love, it completes us, it enhances all accomplishments. Who really judges this Bad or Good, other than oneself, first.

        I can’t even imagine evil such as Satan, Hell or Mortal enemies being real, Why would my mind or heart even go there.  Evil is the lack of reason or the absences of it. Negativity and positive is like front and back, or good or bad and so on.

        It is the whole point of being man, to understanding what, hell,death, satan, evil is all about  and how it works to the Glory of life

        Balance exist in equal and mutually beneficial amounts, it’s an essential element in the development of a healthy and growing spiritual practice. Balance between faith and wisdom, opens the mind to the possibility of thing, like imagination. Balance fellowship, seriousness and light-heartedness, self-concern and helping others, etc. Will lead us to the spiritual age on earth anyways

        Balance can be beneficial depending on your goal....Spirituality is seen when we discard the balancing act... as in being Hot or Cold, not lukewarm as in Yes Yes and NO NO....and not YES NO.

        You and I will likely live to an old age.  No one group or Religion or One World Order will destroy us, All you need is love. Love conquers alll."

        Old age belongs to those who die and depend on who is US, if it those who truly Love ... then all the systems which makes up this world will work for them.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image77
          Castlepalomaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present. I have no regret for the pass only what I do not do in the future. Change is the law of life,

          Work is love made visual,

          1. Castlepaloma profile image77
            Castlepalomaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            The kingdom of God is within signified by their peace....
            The kingdom of God is not work but rest again synonymous with peace.
            Peace come to those who love.
            CP Religion has not been peaceful enough


            Kess It is the whole point of being man, to understanding what, hell,death, satan, evil is all about  and how it works to the Glory of life
            The concept of Hell and Satan is not an understanding, it a fear to control

            Balance can be beneficial depending on your goal....Spirituality is seen when we discard the balancing act... as in being Hot or Cold, not lukewarm as in Yes Yes and NO NO....and not YES NO.


            1. kess profile image61
              kessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              You speak about religion I speak about Kingdom of God....

              In religion there is no peace yes but those against religion they too do not have peace.
              neither of the two understand the good purpose of  religion to the kingdom of God.

              Hell and death are those without understanding... and these make up the kingdom of darkness and the Satans.

              One can say they are not.. with understanding these are the one that see.
              Another can say they are not....without understanding...these are the one who do not see

              One can say They are .. with understanding , these are the ones that see
              Another can say they are.. without understanding, these are the one that do not see

              Those who lack understanding are the same ones who do not see. and their lack of sight is their fear.
              These are the one who seek to control....and are the sames one who fears to be controlled.

              Those  who understand has no fear, thus no need to control another neither is fearful of those that seek to do so. For even in the bondage to a man they are yet free.
              For their freedom is not given by men so therefore it is impossible that a man can take it away.

          2. kess profile image61
            kessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            When Will a man find rest....
            How can a regret what he did not do in the not this the same as regretting the past.

            Why is Love incorporated with the stresses of work...
            unless   ofcourse that that work does not include the stress.. which would make it the  exact same as rest.....

            Happiness is not a moment in time,it is not a thing created.... it is the person.

            if Work is love made does that differetiate from the work where there is no love....

            1. Castlepaloma profile image77
              Castlepalomaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              You speak about religion I speak about Kingdom of God....
              I speak of kingdom within, first then speck about “everyone is God”, Religion people can fight over forever, if they want.

              there is no peace yes but those against religion they too do not have peace.
              neither of the two understand the good purpose of religion to the kingdom of God.
              I have peace now, yet it is my human duty to try to understand all forms of cultures worldwide and try to an most often do it without angry discussion or debate 

              Hell and death are those without understanding... and these make up the kingdom of darkness and the Satins.
              This part.  I’m likely will get to ever understand until I get the spirit world. Hell or Satan will not be making me suffer wail on earth, it’s  only make s the ones who believe in them
              Since I base my life on good sense and love makes good sense
              One can say They are .. with understanding , these are the ones that see
              Another can say they are.. without understanding, these are the one that do not see

              Kess Those who lack understanding are the same ones who do not see. and their lack of sight is their fear.
              These are the one who seek to control....and are the same one who fears to be controlled.
              Happy to be a fearless person, Fear is just the fear of the unknown. All I have in life is what I get away, give love get love, give money , get money and etc.

              Kess When Will a man find rest....
              How can a regret what he did not do in the not this the same as regretting the past.
              Proof!!! I don’t regret or allow to regret my pass
              I make sure to plan and design my life in order to not to regret the future

              Why is Love incorporated with the stresses of work...
              unless of course that that work does not include the stress.. which would make it the exact same as rest.....
              Manageable stress is healthy and makes one happy, Unnecessary Negative stress like Satan and Hell, who needs that kind of suffering. Not even Hitler.. well maybe for 50 years of torture, not forever

              1. kess profile image61
                kessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Your Idea of Hell and satan is off based, therefore is expected that you find fault with it.
                Ponder it for a while, when you do see what it is and what it is meant to accomplish, you wont have to live in denial of its existence.

                For even those two are part of you and to deny them is to remain incomplete.
                For ultimately the only enemy of the man is He himself living in denial of his own self.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image77
                  Castlepalomaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Your Idea of Hell and Satan is off based, therefore is expected that you find fault with it. Ponder it for a while, when you do see what it is and what it is meant to accomplish, you won’t have to live in denial of its existence.

                  I can understand the Hindu Satan who helps us within the realization or our mistakes (metaphor). It's about adjusting our mistakes rather than taking on endless luggage of sins, quilt and regrets.

                  For ultimately the only enemy of the man is He himself living in denial of his own self.

                  That gets back to "the Kingdom within" in which I do serve myself first as everyone is God.  I Seek the source of good tension and higher energy, in which lead us to using our Godlike imagination for all worldly ways toward being Godlike, confirming what we learn by our own  life’s long good sense

                  1. kess profile image61
                    kessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Satan is the thought of the possibility that you have made and can continue to make "mistakes"..
                    To entertain this thought is the to entertain Satan
                    Which is ultimately the "Sin"


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