We Can See God

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  1. sibtain bukhari profile image59
    sibtain bukhariposted 10 years ago

    We can see universe of God

    We can see'' matter'' of God

    We can see ''energy'' of God

    We can see ''space'' of God

    We can see ''time'' of God

    We can see ''nature'' of God

    We can see ''evolution'' of God

    We can see ''systems''of God

    We can see ''laws'' of God

    We can see ''wisdom'' of God

    We can see ''science'' of God

    We can see ''life'' of God

    We can see ''creation'' of God

    We can see ''creature'' of God

    We can see ''man'' of God

    We can see ''prophet'' of God

    We can see ''book'' of God

    We can see ''ego''of God

    We can see ''justice'' of God

    We can see ''love'' of God

    We can see ''kindness'' of God

    We can see ''blessings'' of God

    We can see ''infinity'' of God

    We can see ''light'' of God

    We can see'' message'' of God

    We can see ''address'' of God

    We can see ''manifestation'' of God

    Therefore, we can see God

    We can see

    1. Harishprasad profile image71
      Harishprasadposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      We can't see all these without God ; and we can't see God as we see these things. We imagine God as we can't comprehend things; and when we comprehend God, we can't believe this world. We are not body, yet we regard it as we, we are not eyes, yet we regard them as we, we are not heart, yet we regard it as we, we are not mind, yet we regard it as we. In fact whatever we see as our existence we regard it as we. This whole Skelton, flesh, blood, veins - all we regard it as we but where are we ? We ourselves are lost in all these; yet we search the most subtlest of all. When we find ourselves, we 'll know that. We ' ll know then without words, without argument, without proof, without mind, without eyes and maybe without us ; for we are not without that or with that- we are that ! A great mystery ! The guy who has solved it can't show you how he has solved it ? It is for you to solve it if you are really earnest enough.

      1. sibtain bukhari profile image59
        sibtain bukhariposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Harishprasad,excellent comment,no doubt,recognition of ego is the recognition of God,we are within God or God is within us but we are not God,it is state of direct experience of God where arguments have no value,but universe is reflection of God and all these things I mentioned conclude nothing but God,we can see God through the eyes of reason or through the eyes of ''heart''[soul or self],we can never see God through the eyes of matter and energy.

        1. Harishprasad profile image71
          Harishprasadposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I agree that in human forms we all are just humans; and when we interact with our senses, we are then humans only. Till a guy is acting through these instruments that we know as senses, he/she is just human and cannot be equated with God by any stretch of imagination and nobody can worship him as God. What I want to convey is not to treat us humans as mere bodies, mind and senses because there is a great driving force behind our actions and thoughts. This driving force, in fact, is ''us'' that we ignore day in and day out. We are maybe under an illusion that with the destruction of our bodies, we will also be destructed. Though it cannot be proved in labs as scientists do becasue it is the most abstract of abstracts. Perhaps, someday, it can be proved as an abstrct but presently we have to rely on experiences or visions of the great enlightened beings, recorded in various texts.  Maybe we are not that but part of that mysterious phenomenon and in the absence of that element, our all senses and this body is futile and lifeless. When I say that we are that, I mean we are that element and till we cannot prove otherwise, we have to assume that we have been bestowed on that element or a great gift by God only. Every one irrespective of religions accepts that element, variously known as Ruh, Atma, Sprit, Soul and so on.

  2. psycheskinner profile image79
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    You can call those thing God.  But that doesn't mean I have to.

    1. sibtain bukhari profile image59
      sibtain bukhariposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      psycheskinner,these things are not God,these things are not without God.

      1. psycheskinner profile image79
        psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        That's not what you said.  You said "we can see God". So I guess you have changed your mind.

      2. profile image0
        HowardBThinameposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        But Sibutain, just take the "of God" part off your list - and most of the items are still valid and can exist independently. For example:

        We can see the universe.
        We can see'' matter."
        We can see ''energy."
        We can see ''space."
        We can see ''time."
        We can see ''nature."
        We can see ''evolution.''
        We can see ''systems.''
        We can see ''laws.''
        We can see ''wisdom.''
        We can see ''science.''
        We can see ''life.''
        We can see ''man.''

        We need not attribute seeing these things to a god, necessarily.

        Imagine placing a copy of Harry Potter in a time capsule. Then, imagine the world goes to war and nearly everything is destroyed. Two thousand years later, as ragtag bands of humans struggle to survive and reinvent knowledge they no longer remember, someone digs up that time capsule.

        Poof - rise of the Potterian religion.

  3. profile image0
    Rad Manposted 10 years ago

    That's some messed up logic.

    We can see "eggs" of the easter bunny…
    Therefore we can see the easter bunny.

    1. profile image0
      HowardBThinameposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      If I have to believe in the Easter Bunny in order to get Cadbury eggs - so be it. It's a good tradeoff.

      1. profile image0
        Motown2Chitownposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I so agree.  I thought I was the only person in the world who LOVES those things. smile

    2. sibtain bukhari profile image59
      sibtain bukhariposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Rad Man,all great and infinite things I mentioned,are not ''eggs'' of Easter bunny for your kind information,therefore,I have stated that atheism is not more than a deception.

      1. profile image0
        Rad Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Will this work better.

        We can see ''message'' of the Easter Bunny.
        There we see the Easter Bunny.

        I maintain that the Easter Bunny is real and made the universe and all of us he celebrates it once a year by reminding us the chicken or the egg dilemma that he invented to prove his existence.

        Just using your own logic to show you how messed up it is.

        1. sibtain bukhari profile image59
          sibtain bukhariposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Rad Man,this has no comparison with the logical conclusion of the great things of universe,you are required to come out of  the confinement of matter and energy for recognizing God,every thing of universe and life is concluding God,how can you close eyes of your reason?

          1. psycheskinner profile image79
            psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            How is his "logic" any different from yours?

            1. profile image0
              Rad Manposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              It amazes me that he can't see it. The mind is truly an amazing place.

          2. profile image0
            Dave36posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Hey Sibtain Bukhari i hear what your saying buddy, and i'm starting to think it's is like you say it is...I did manage to come out of the confinements of my matter, & energy....Iv'e done this twice through meditating, or at least i think i have....Now before any one say's i imagined it, or i'm brainwashed some how i have considered that often, but i use logic to answer that when i need to...I'm not saying i met God when i had these experiences, just that something very strange occurred to me whilst meditating...Everything disappeared, & all that was left was darkness (with depth)...No body/feelings/thoughts/emotions etc, & when i think about it, no sense of time....Almost as if i was just looking, & nothing else, "however" i did at the time "know" i was looking, i can't explain how i knew, i just knew....This is directed at Sibtain Bukhari as i don't want to be hearing from any one, dismissing what i know happened to me....I just wondered about it, & i haven't read a single page of the Bible....But i am starting to believe in something, iv'e just seen to many things now to not believe.


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