Has Anyone Ever 'Forced' Religion or Atheism on You?

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  1. Prodio profile image60
    Prodioposted 10 years ago

    I ask sincerely. This question spiked my interest after an atheist, who posts regularly on HubPages forums, complained that believers have 'forced' (her/his definition of the word) religion (Christianity basically) on her/him, countless times on these forums.

    She/he also admits that she/he, however, never 'forced' (her/his definition) Atheism on anyone.

    Now, as Religion and Atheism are both equally valid - how do we evaluate her/his complaint?

    Given the fact that I've (and many other would also certify) witnessed her/him constantly 'forcing' (her/his definition) Atheism on the believers who frequently post on these forums.

    It brings about a more serious question:  Are (some) atheists, who post frequently on these forums, really want to discuss the relevant subjects (atheism & religion) - or are they simply looking for (craving) to provoke (play with) religious people's feelings and sentiments?

    It's a very striking question because the atheists can simply stay away from a 'religious' discussion if they find it to be 'forcing' them towards anything that they consider as undesired.

    1. profile image0
      Emile Rposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Wow. Ignoring the inflammatory nature of your OP, I'll just answer the question in the title.

      No. No one has forced religion or atheism on me. I think, people feel forced because they can't simply make statements such as 'I'm not interested.' I know a lot of people who feign polite interest, only to take out their frustration on others due to the fact that they can't simply say 'I'm not interested'.

      If someone starts a dialogue on religion I chose to participate and speak my personal opinions along the way. This usually ensures the person who opened the dialogue does not open one again, since they really simply wanted to share their view, or teach me what they know; not discuss the topic.

      Something else I find confusing is the fact that atheists will complain that they are told they are going to hell. Since there is no hell; I'm not sure how they can make the claim that they feel threatened.  Sure, it is rude of the religion person to say that; but not threatening.

      1. Prodio profile image60
        Prodioposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        You got it.

        If they find the 'concept' of hell (or anything else related to religion) to be threatening, then they can simply stay away from it. Or they can request the other person (who is mentioning that word) to stop mentioning it. I am really curious to know why someone would stretch a conversation that they find to be disturbing?

        And - as I've seen - it's the atheists who seem to have a tendency to jump into 'religious' discussions. Perhaps no believer (there maybe a few exceptions) exhibits that peculiar tendency.

        As it seems - atheists start it - and then they can't stand it.

        1. profile image0
          Emile Rposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I've found the easiest way to stop the conversation about hell is to tell the believer what I think of the concept. It usually offends them to the point of not wanting to continue the discussion. Problem solved.

          1. Prodio profile image60
            Prodioposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            You got it again.

            The point being: Perhaps most believer (there maybe a few exceptions) are shy about their religious beliefs. That atheist is actually blaming the underdogs for 'forcing' her/him - while it seems as if the reverse is true.

            1. psycheskinner profile image76
              psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              What is disturbing is that this thread is not really interested in the atheist experience living in a JD culture.  Just leaping tot he conclusion that any issues we have are our own fault. So... basically the problem in microcosm.

    2. Ericdierker profile image46
      Ericdierkerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Ha Ha Ha. This is an excellent place and forum debate though it should not go anywhere. On a "forum" someone forcing their views is the cry of an infant. It makes no sense at all that someone can force a view here. That is just silliness and should be considered laughable.
      "Forcing views"? Really it sounds like the bluehaired lady censors we have around here (watch out).

      "Oh that offends me" is the cry of every tyrant that ever lived and is prevalent in areas where minds are weak and silent agendas are the rule of the day.

      Somebody listen up here I am going to force this on you: I demand that you love your neighbor!!!

      1. Prodio profile image60
        Prodioposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Quite a valid reply. Thank you.

    3. EncephaloiDead profile image55
      EncephaloiDeadposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Let's clarify. You have witnessed someone here "constantly" forcing others to be non-believers, telling them they MUST be atheists? This person is also telling others they will face dire and horrible consequences if they don't accept atheism? This person constantly refers to an book full of atheist verses that confirm these consequences? This is what you say you have witnessed?

      Seems like a much more serious question to ask is if such a thread as this was created with any kind of honesty and integrity, or is it a thread based entirely on false premises and lies?

      The next thing you need to do is present the evidence that confirms the forcing of atheism by the person in question to support your claims. Considering I personally have never seen such a phenomenon here, it would be very interesting to observe this interaction.

      1. Prodio profile image60
        Prodioposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, I've witnessed behaviors which are very close to the behaviors that you've just mentioned.

        I can obviously specify the relevant instances of those behaviors - otherwise, I wouldn't have opened this thread.

        And it's not only 'me' who is aware of those behaviors of that particular person. Many others who post on these forums, can specify those examples, with much ease.

        Before asking me for evidence, I would advise you to bring out a very specific explanation from that person. That is: what makes her/him think that she/he has been constantly 'forced' by believers, on HubPages forums?

        That explanation is a primary prerequisite if we are to continue this interaction.

        And, as you have said yourself, and if I'm not mistaken - you are rather very interested to continue this.

        [Please feel free to request me to provide the relevant link that you would need to continue your investigation. That link would take you to the specific 'reply' where she/he mentions that she/he has been 'constantly' forced by believers, on HubPages forums.

        1. EncephaloiDead profile image55
          EncephaloiDeadposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          In other words, you got nothing. Thanks.

          1. Prodio profile image60
            Prodioposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Why did you come to post on this forum thread? Did you have any genuine intention, or something else?

            I'm sorry to say, but your current reply is very disappointing.

            1. EncephaloiDead profile image55
              EncephaloiDeadposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              The intention was obvious, I even mentioned it, "To clarify". And, you clarified that have nothing. smile

              1. Prodio profile image60
                Prodioposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Again, I ask you, why did you come to post on this forum thread? Your 'responses' are getting more and more disappointing.

                Unless I know what she/he specifically meant by the word 'forcing' - I can not continue this interaction. Clarify that word, specifically, first.

                If you bring out the clarification for that word - then I, too, can easily demonstrate, with evidence, that what she/he is accusing others for - she/he herself/himself is a guilty of that very same 'negative' behaviors.

                And - as I've seen - it is that particular person who seems to have a tendency to jump into 'religious' discussions. Perhaps no believer (there maybe a few exceptions) exhibits that peculiar tendency.

                Most believer (there maybe a few exceptions) are shy about their religious beliefs. That atheist is actually blaming the underdogs for 'forcing' her/him - while it seems as if the reverse is true.

                And - as it seems - she/he starts it - and then she/he can't stand it.

                "Yes, as a matter of fact, they are forcing me. These forums are filled with those discussions"


                1. EncephaloiDead profile image55
                  EncephaloiDeadposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  I'm terribly sorry that asking for clarification of your claims is so disappointing. It must be incredibly frustrating to extoll the virtues of the invisible and undetectable within your imagination only to have others ask questions rather than drop to their knees, mouths agape with awe and reverence of your insight and edification. You have my sympathies, sir.

                  While I don't bother to clink your links, that does indeed look like something I said. Lo and behold, this thread must be about what I said, yes? After dancing around the OP with words like "her/him... some atheists", it was actually me you were referring to all the time. I tingle. smile

                  1. Prodio profile image60
                    Prodioposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    I had already clarified everything in my first reply to you. It's 'you', who seemingly failed to comprehend as clear-cut a reply as that one.

                    You could have asked for more elaboration if you needed that (and if it were your real intention) - rather than disrespecting me.

                    Your 'responses' are becoming, I am sorry to use that word, nasty. Please stay on topic during the rest of the interaction. Thanks.

  2. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    Of course people have tried to force their religion on me. Several times a year I get "trapped" in theist prayers where my only other option would be making a big show of squeezing along the aisle and leaving which I consider too disrespectful to do.  And this includes at work where it might effect how my superiors view me.  I am preached to at the door, and asked why I do not go to church (including repeated by the a neighbor who is clearly trying to 'save' me).  Other than official prayers at work events it is nothing that bothers me too much but I have interactions approximately weekly where I am assumed to be religious and when I bother to correct them there is mild to moderate disapproval.

    I do not consider it a big deal but living in the US means being constantly reminded that you are really meant to be Christian to be fully accepted and approved of. This pressure is not adversely effecting me, but I am aware of it.

    1. Prodio profile image60
      Prodioposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      We are discussing about atheists and believers who post on HubPages forums. But your reply still holds.

      1. psycheskinner profile image76
        psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        If you want examples from these forums--there is preaching spam here all the time.  The threads are laced with patronizing posts where people will 'pray for us'.  but there is an equal amount of patronizing bullshit from some in return saying believers are delusional etc.  this is not exactly a hotbed of mutual understanding and tolerance.

        1. Prodio profile image60
          Prodioposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          What is the origin of it?

    2. profile image0
      Emile Rposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That's where I do differ in my opinion on the matter. I've had eyebrows raised. I did have someone think I was an atheist and it wasn't long before the branch manager came into my office to, I think, feel me out. I've had people come to my door.

      I simply speak my mind. I don't really believe it is anyone's place to 'approve' of my opinions on the matter. And if agreeing with opinions would get me accepted it isn't really the type of acceptance I'm looking for in life.

  3. Prodio profile image60
    Prodioposted 10 years ago

    This thread is actually about individual attitude of both atheists and believers.

    1. psycheskinner profile image76
      psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      As usual this thread is about what religious people think is wrong with atheists, and why any complaints we have are invalid.

      1. Prodio profile image60
        Prodioposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you for that contribution to the discussion.

  4. wilderness profile image88
    wildernessposted 10 years ago

    Yes.  As a child, twice a week plus every evening plus every meal.

    As an adult, attending a rodeo when the audience was asked to stand for the national anthem but instead got a 10 minute "prayer" exhorting all to attend (Christian) church and make sure their child did as well.

    And standing outside the Bellagio in Vegas, waiting for the water show to begin, when some idiot woman set up a amplifier and bull horn, again exhorting everyone to believe in her (Christian) god, worship her god, and spread the word of her god.  Absolutely disgusting at 10' from a bull horn.  Had she stayed another 5 minutes I fear I would have tripped and fell into her massive 4' tall speakers.  Both at the same time, whatever it took.

    Several political meetings (town council, etc.) where (Christian) prayer is mandatory before opening the discussion. 

    Never Muslim, Pagan, Wicca, Hindu or any other religion though.  Just Christianity.

  5. profile image0
    Blake83posted 10 years ago

    I've had religion forced on me a few times, but I've never been in a position where I couldn't say no to religion. But this is only because I live in a country that has religious freedom. There are still places in the world where you can be executed for disbelief.

    Atheism has never been forced on me.

    1. Prodio profile image60
      Prodioposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your sincere reply.

  6. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 10 years ago

    People have tried to DISCUSS religion with me; however, I become highly VOCAL regarding my non-religious beliefs and people LEAVE me ALONE.  Some even RESPECT me because I refuse to take any ****** from anyone.  However, in New York City, such looloos are in the minority!

    1. Prodio profile image60
      Prodioposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your response. New York must be proud of you!

  7. profile image57
    Anonymous1234posted 10 years ago

    I think it's probably pretty likely that a religious person would attempt to force their religion on an atheist.  I find that most religious people get pretty uncomfortable (from my own experience) when one tells them that they are atheist, and a lot feel the need to 'save' said person.  As for the question pertaining to whether the atheist can stay away from religious posts...well I'm not sure that's fair.  They have a right to comment on religious posts without any religion being pushed upon them.


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