Can you be a true Christian and a Freemason? Doesn't these two group serve to d

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  1. charm1123 profile image60
    charm1123posted 14 years ago

    Can you be a true Christian and a Freemason?  Doesn't these two group serve to different Masters?

    Freemasons is a group that has been said to be connected to worshiping themselves and the dark side. Christianity is connected to worshiping Jesus the way the true and the light.
    what do you think?

  2. HOOWANTSTONO profile image59
    HOOWANTSTONOposted 14 years ago

    Freemasonry is occultic in its actions and follows the doctrine called the Order of Darkness based on the Luciferian doctrine.. This they will deny because, lower ranks dont see what higher ranks do.The Order is anti Christ itself and is done behind closed doors and sworn to secrets like spilling the guts etc.
    Catholisim works hand in hand with this Order and it would explain why Popes are P2 Lodge members of a High order.

    To be Christian you have to be Born Again, and you will denounce the one for the other, either Christ or Religion one you will love the other you will hate.

  3. M.A.Noble profile image67
    M.A.Nobleposted 14 years ago

    Well, Hoowantstono, has already answered the question perfectly, so I am only answering an agreement.  However,I would just like to add that there are many christians who are tied up with freemasonary and they wonder why they are not blessed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit or why they don't feel close to God or why God never speaks to them as he does to other believers.  The answer to that question is that while they are connected to this occult! witchcraft! and ultimately satanic secret society,(regardless of the level!) there is no way the Holy Spirit can dwell in that person. Therefore, because these people are serving two masters i.e. witchcraft and Christianity, it is doubtful that they are 'Born Again'. They are classified as sitting on the fence and it is possible these are what Yeshua (Christ) refers to when he says 'He will spew them out of his mouth'.  In other words Yeshua does not claim those, who choose to serve two masters, as his own!

  4. Instrumentally profile image62
    Instrumentallyposted 14 years ago

    They are completely different in every way one believes Satan is god and the other believes in the one true God.

  5. Earl S. Wynn profile image79
    Earl S. Wynnposted 12 years ago

    The answers here make me sad. There is nothing more Christian than Freemasonry. Some of the most devout Christians I have ever met are Freemasons. Don't believe the conspiracy material that is being slung around out there. Heck, all the principles of Freemasonry are based on the Holy Bible-- it's the most important element of Freemasonry because it is the word of God. There is no devil worship, there is no embracing of darkness or Satan. Freemasons embrace the pursuit of getting closer to God, to light.

    If you don't believe me, seek out your local lodge and talk to some of the members there. There's also a website where you can ask whatever you want and get honest answers. There's nothing to hide. And if you're worried about the "secrets" of Masonry, I can assure you they aren't evil. They're knowledge, wisdom, illumination in regards to the human condition. They're kept secret because it simulates the experience of earning knowledge (like maturity-- you can't know it until you're there.)

    But don't take it from me. Ask a Mason:

  6. hecate-horus profile image65
    hecate-horusposted 12 years ago

    You know what I find interesting...people consistantly preach how this country was founding solely on Christian beliefs and doctrines.  YET...they denouce Freemasons as "occult-like"
    Here's something to chew on:  most of our founding fathers (Like George Washington) were Freemasons and they incorporated many of their Freemason beliefs and symbols into the building of this nation.


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