Who is your top 3 favorite person in the Bible? (Besides Jesus)

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  1. jty2007 profile image59
    jty2007posted 15 years ago

    Who is your top 3 favorite person in the Bible? (Besides Jesus)

  2. Kate Adams profile image59
    Kate Adamsposted 15 years ago

    My favorite 3 people in the Bible (besides Jesus) is:  Moses, David and the Apostle Peter.

  3. networkrecruiting profile image59
    networkrecruitingposted 15 years ago

    King David...though he was a warrior and had many faults he loved God.
    Ester.....sincere and God fearing(humble)
    Job...a man we should all aspire to be like in our christian walk.

  4. diamondtip profile image59
    diamondtipposted 15 years ago

    My favorite is peter, paul, james. They were boldness witness of God. They went through many trials but they always stay focus and continue without let up preaching to others. Great scarifices.

    Purpose. James’ purpose in writing seems to have been twofold: (1) to exhort his fellow believers to display faith and endurance amid their trials, and (2) to warn them against sins resulting in divine disapproval.

    During the course of his ministry, Paul exerted himself zealously, traveling thousands of miles on sea and land, establishing many congregations in Europe and Asia Minor. So he did not need letters of recommendation written with ink but could point to living letters, persons who had become believers through his efforts

    Peter was not just a man of words but also a man of action, displaying both initiative and courage, as well as a strong attachment for his Lord.

  5. thesecondadvent profile image61
    thesecondadventposted 15 years ago

    My Dear Sweet Friends,

    Melchisezedec, St. John, and St. Paul.  In that order.

  6. Silver Poet profile image69
    Silver Poetposted 15 years ago

    David, the poet/musician/shepherd/king

    Abraham, the man of faith through whom all the world is blessed

    Daniel, interpreter of dreams

  7. RevLady profile image59
    RevLadyposted 15 years ago

    Apostle Paul and John the Revelator and the Ecclesiastes editor.

  8. profile image51
    arsmithposted 15 years ago

    The man who followed God.
    David,The Man who believed in God
    God The Father of all

  9. profile image49
    royal777posted 14 years ago

    King David, a man with alot of character......poet/musician/shepherd and king.
    Abrabham, a  man of faith
    Noah,very noble person.

  10. Stigma31 profile image59
    Stigma31posted 13 years ago

    Hmmm....if you go by the story then Adam, Eve and Noah, because if it weren't for them we wouldn't be here

  11. Hypersapien profile image40
    Hypersapienposted 12 years ago

    Tough one, but I'd have to say - in no particular order:

    Moses - because he had a close relationship with GOD than any other man, except Jesus.

    Job - because he got to reason with GOD

    Joseph (Mary's husband) - kind of an odd choice, I know, and you don't hear much about him.  However, he had to be a man of tremendous faith to take Mary as his wife under the circumstances and then raise Jesus as his own child and teach him his craft.  He's one of the people in the bible who is really shortchanged, in my opinion, with respect to having his story told.

    (And is I can have an honorable mention, I'd toss in Joseph, the son of Israel.  When his own brothers sold him into slaveryy and told his father he was dead, he had no idea that GOD allowed those events to occur so that he could become a great man, and the savior of his people, but that's exactly what happened.  Oddly enough, I also just included him in a hub I built on inspirational Bible passages.)


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