Why Are Christians Unable To Defend One Of Their Own Or Their Own Faith, Like Th

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  1. ngureco profile image80
    ngurecoposted 14 years ago

    Why Are Christians Unable To Defend One Of Their Own Or Their Own Faith, Like The Muslims Does?

    Defending one of their own or own faith should include all manner of tools at ones disposal.

  2. fireball* profile image60
    fireball*posted 14 years ago

    I dis  agree, not all Christians unabled to defend thier faith.Because I can defend it and I will stand what I believe even in the land of Muslims.
    I work at Dubai for 8 years as nanny,I am a Roman Catholic and a religious person.After a few months of working,its just okay..until one evening,the lady went inside my room and when she saw i was praying,she turn off the lights.I was shocked and devastated but I continued praying in the dark.In the morning,i waited the lady when she woke up,and I asked her if I can asked her something..she agreed.
    So then,i asked her why she turn off the lights even when she saw i was praying,she did not answered so i continued.You know Madam, that when you accepted me to work with your family..I am a Catholic.I was praying in the room and that was time to sleep so i did not do anything wrong.If you have God,I do have also,and if you think that we have different Gods you are wrong,because there is only one God.So,if you don't like me,send me home to my country and if you still want me to work with you then respect my faith and religion because i respected yours.
    So that was it,I worked with her family for 8 years,though they all convinced me to turned myself to become a muslim,but ..I just replied..to become a muslim would not make any difference for me because we only have one God.
    I think the people who can not defend thier faith are still have doubts of what they believe,they are not sure what they believe for.But true believers knows who and what they believe in.

  3. HOOWANTSTONO profile image60
    HOOWANTSTONOposted 14 years ago

    Muslims are defending nothing, not even their belief system. They cant even believe in a god that did anything for them. If they did have a god that did something for them then, they have a reason to trust God, fortunately Jesus Christ is the only one (God) that did anything. God is our strength, and he it is that will defeat the enemy and cast down all that reject him. Only a fool thinks he can protect his god.

  4. profile image0
    jcmmanuelposted 14 years ago

    Christians have often had a problem with political secularism, in that they started to believe that secularism meant, not only to separate the power of the church from state power, but also that the voice of faith should not be heard in public. That was a mistake (probably imposed by ideological atheism - as in France - which is not the same as *historical atheism*, which is much more compatible with freedom of religion). Islam has brought back many Christians to the reality of faith being a public factor (not a political factor of power, but a moral power within society). This is one of the things where muslim believers deserve some credits I think.

    Regarding the question of defense: Christianism is, generally speaking, in much better shape for defense, because it has already survived 200 years of serious bible criticism etc. The Bible also is a historical book, so it has its roots in a real history (be it that the accounts must be put to the test, because of some mistakes slipped into its pages etc). The Koran however is a recital, and depends entirely on the Jewish & Christian historical accounts for its own historical foundation.

  5. LeslieAdrienne profile image72
    LeslieAdrienneposted 14 years ago

    I would venture to say that you believe this to be true because you "hear" more about Muslims defending their faith than you "hear" about Christiasns defending their faith....

    More media attention doesn't mean that there is more activity.

  6. affishv profile image60
    affishvposted 14 years ago

    Because most of the current day christians are namesake christians. The parents do not teach the word of god and children don't learn on their. Most of the families do not even go to church. Muslims are taught from their young age on their religion. But there are mighty Christian apologists and christian apologetics is branch of Christianity which one can gain more knowledge to defend the faith.

  7. mel22 profile image61
    mel22posted 14 years ago

    in a free society where so many religeons exist or non-exist it is probably tougher to stay as strict  to ones specific religeon because so many other  free culture ways are LET to be promoted as right and cannot defend every ground or stance on an issue. However it is probably easier to keep a stricter  religeon where the whole society has only one faith. The split between Sunni and Shiite in the Muslim world  may still exist but to pronounce atheism  there , would be  probably death.  In America  Theist and atheist  must BY SECULR LAW ( not religeous law ) not interfere withh each others rights so their is no oneness in religeous stance to defend upon,  in America as there is in the Muslim world.

  8. profile image0
    JeanMeriamposted 14 years ago

    Those are two separate questions aren’t they. Defend one of my own as in defend a member of my family or defend another Christian?

  9. christinecook profile image59
    christinecookposted 14 years ago

    My God is able to defend Himself,we all can talk till we are blue in the face,manipulate words and data to make ourselves look better. But Jesus is real,I know and so do es every other Christian.We know Him,He answers prayers,we are witness to miracles,I do not have to defend Him.I know Him personally

  10. lostdogrwd profile image60
    lostdogrwdposted 14 years ago

    faith is a personal relationship with God. all a person can do is tell people about God and for people to listen. 2 Timothy 2 vs 23 reads don,t have anything to do with foolish and stupid argument because YOU KNOW THEY PRODUCE QUARRELS. and the Lord's servant must not quarrele; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach ,not resentful. ..  you teach about the Lord and seek God blessing not mans


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