Why do people keep calling Discordianism a fake religion?

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  1. profile image49
    Requiaposted 15 years ago

    I just came across the 'bogus religions' hub and found my own religion listed on it.

    Why do people continue to paint Discordia with this hateful brush that we're some parody religion?

  2. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    Whatever floats your boat religion-wise (you'll have a few takers on this I'm sure), but I am totally offended, as many artists everywhere should be by the way you have attempted to use the metaphor of a "hateful brish(sic)."

    1. jonwenberg profile image62
      jonwenbergposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      what whit! smile

  3. profile image49
    Requiaposted 15 years ago

    Don't be silly, thats only offensive to painters.  Other artists are left out.

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You have made an excellent point.  Keep it up!

  4. jonwenberg profile image62
    jonwenbergposted 15 years ago

    What is Discordianism?

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Regarding whit...I'm not so sure about that, but I try.  smile

      Discordianism might just be associated with Satan worshipping (?):


      The OP really should tell us more!

      1. jonwenberg profile image62
        jonwenbergposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I just looked at the wiki link; looks more like a sci-fi gathering than a religion, but who is to judge. The IRS I guess.

        1. profile image49
          Requiaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          The IRS being involved would require us to make enough money to be required to file the income.  Thats generally avoided, though not for lack of trying.  (Also, parody religions like pastafarianism *do* get tax exempt status).

          1. jonwenberg profile image62
            jonwenbergposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            You might avoid the whole issue by claiming that this is a sect of christianity. I think Jusus demonstrated enough of a bent toward disorder with the temple/money lender incident to lend you a slice of the christian pie.
            (I feel a little bad for writing that, but I think JC must have had a sense of humor)

      2. jonwenberg profile image62
        jonwenbergposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I became your fan recently, love your writing. Can I view your painting work anywhere?

        1. profile image0
          Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks.  I wish...(about the painting)!  I've gotten more into photography (but need to take it more seriously) by this point.  And all is hard w/ a ft salaried job...

          Do you have your architectural design work on view anywhere?  I became your fan, also...my bf is an architect.

          1. jonwenberg profile image62
            jonwenbergposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks to you too.
            BTW - You have a great book list. I think Joseph Campbell changed my life. I like his talks with Bill Moyers also.

            Architecture work - I have a somewhat underdeveloped website: www.mdsarch.com
            You will find a small handful of residential projects here; I don't show any professional work I have done for other firms, only my own recent independent projects.

            1. profile image0
              Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Very cool!  Like your paintings.  I am (well, was) an abstract expressionist, too.  Matt is just getting his architectural design on the web.

              1. jonwenberg profile image62
                jonwenbergposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                I wrote something here, but it disapeared.
                Post Matts url for me when complete; always interested in other architects work. The SW is a great place to build, great climate.

                I would love to see your painting sometime; I don't judge, just participate.

                1. profile image0
                  Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  Thanks.  I do graphic design & write, so this is my, lol, current work:


                  And my paintings were similar to this (not mine, but I love her work):

                  Matt does a lot of Santa Fe style stuff (clients), but he does some modern, too.

                  1. jonwenberg profile image62
                    jonwenbergposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                    Very nice.
                    I know you are a writer, but is always interesting to see what else really creative people do.
                    Bed time for me; thanks for the chat.

  5. Pamda Man profile image58
    Pamda Manposted 15 years ago

    Discordianism is similar to Pandaism. Actually derived from Pandaism. The basic law in Pandaism is that everything is nothing and nothing is everything. Well, you get the idea.

    Mind you, Pandaism and Discordianism is actually million times more scientific than Christianity. It's not all just beliefs and theory, it's also science. For instance, entropy has taken an important part in Pandaism. Read more on the holy book of Pandaism...

    Panda Man

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      And you should realize that you incorrectly spelled 'Panda' as 'Pamda,' which is silly. Do you and Requia know each other?

      1. Pamda Man profile image58
        Pamda Manposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        How is spelling something wrong silly? Besides, it was a typo. Do not try to start a flame war. Please.

        Oh, topic creator was talking to those who know what he/she is talking about. If you have no idea what discordianism is, then stop posting in the topic. Sometimes admitting you don't know something is better than blatantly posting in topics, asking for topic creator to explain. Why are there so many people like you? Sigh...

        And no, I do not know topic creator.

        Panda Man

        1. profile image0
          Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Na.  I post in topics such as these (but only occasionally) because I like parody.  Sigh...  Some people just don't get brilliant whit.  wink

    2. profile image49
      Requiaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I've never heard of anything like that in Discordia, unless you mean the 'All statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense...' thing, which is totally different.

      Also, Discordia is over 50 years old, Pandaism is only 2 as far as I can tell, be kindof hard for Discordia to be derived from Pandaism.  (Unless you have time machines, in which case I really need to borrow one).

  6. Pamda Man profile image58
    Pamda Manposted 15 years ago

    Do you know me? smile

  7. Pamda Man profile image58
    Pamda Manposted 15 years ago

    I still think Pandaism > Discordianism > Buddhism > Christianity

    Which means Pandagod is the origin of everything. HAHAHA!

    Panda Man

  8. profile image49
    Requiaposted 15 years ago

    I have no idea who Panda Man is.

    As to the wiki page... *checks what it says this week*

  9. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 15 years ago

    I'm willing to bet 90% of Hubbers have never heard of Discordia.  Maybe you should write your first Hub on it.

  10. Pamda Man profile image58
    Pamda Manposted 15 years ago

    There's no point in writing a hub on Discordia. There isn't really much to say about it. Chaos is strong - 1st commandment of Pandaism - basically explains everything.

  11. profile image49
    Requiaposted 15 years ago

    I think Jesus got sainted a few weeks ago actually, when someone did some digging into 'turn the other cheek'.

    The philosophy part of the wiki page is pretty good right now, the rest is either about discordians instead of discordia or utter nonsense (and thus absolutely critical).

  12. kmackey32 profile image53
    kmackey32posted 15 years ago

    i didn't. I don't know what that is!

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think many people knew.  And whatever...like I say, whatever they want to believe is fine with me, actually, as long as they aren't hurting anyone else.

      Thought perhaps they were trying to get the 'serious' Christians to reply. lol  You know what I'm saying...

      1. kmackey32 profile image53
        kmackey32posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Oh yea I gotcha! lol weird seems that the religious threads always wanna attack people!

        1. Pamda Man profile image58
          Pamda Manposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          First rule of trolling: Never use religion as an attacking topic.


          "AVERAGE: Posting "God Doesn't Exist" to all the alt.religion newsgroups. Here you are being too obvious. People recognise this sort of trouble making and have usually learned not to respond to it. However, if your troll is well written you can actually entrap a lot of newbies.

          This, if executed correctly, can be exploited to cause great offence to those more experienced troll avoiders on the groups you are attacking. Go for it!"

          Living life as a troll has really given me an insight towards other people.

  13. Pamda Man profile image58
    Pamda Manposted 15 years ago

    No I don't know what you are saying. It seems to me you are attacking Discordianism.

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      OMG! lol  No, actually couldn't care less, actually.  To each his own, I firmly believe.

      And if you noticed, I was more interested in talking about art...and was also addressing kmackey previously.

      These forums do border on the ridiculous, sometimes, though.  I reserve the right to satire, wink.  I'm sure you agree.

      1. Pamda Man profile image58
        Pamda Manposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Oh, sorry I misunderstood. We are cool. smile

  14. kmackey32 profile image53
    kmackey32posted 15 years ago

    ok maybe im really tired... Im not getting it. IDK

  15. kmackey32 profile image53
    kmackey32posted 15 years ago

    seems every time I go to read any of the religious threads here on hubpages its wrote to attack another religious person. I mean who cares what others think is what I mean.... Its there choice and is not hurting anyone.

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You got it right, kmackey.  You're just not totally cynical, yet. (I'm not either, thought I try to be.)

  16. Pamda Man profile image58
    Pamda Manposted 15 years ago

    Pandas live a long time. None of you has ever seen a dead panda.

  17. profile image49
    Requiaposted 15 years ago

    I don't see this kind of thing so much as an attack, as a complete and utter failure to 'get it'.  I'm more curious as to why people think its a joke.

    1. Mark Knowles profile image59
      Mark Knowlesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      If it is any consolation - I think all religions are a joke.

      Except mine of course. wink

      1. Pamda Man profile image58
        Pamda Manposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Qft. Except Pandaism of course.


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