If there is another disaster soon, will hubpages be flooded with more religious

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  1. nightwork4 profile image59
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    If there is another disaster soon, will hubpages be flooded with more religious questions?

    it seems that religion becomes huge when a disaster strikes. i'm just curious as to why people seem to be so scared or so into religion when a disaster strikes.

  2. Mr. Happy profile image69
    Mr. Happyposted 13 years ago

    I should be able to vote up questions: some questions are terrible while some questions like this, I would like to vote-up.
    It seems that only when in peril, people tend to think about Life and spiritual matters. If that is what it takes ... I guess we need more natural disasters.

  3. zzron profile image57
    zzronposted 13 years ago


    I think so, it seems to be the trend. Or hubs about the disaster are popular because people are interested in whats going on around the world.

  4. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 13 years ago

    In the three-and-half years I've been on this site, it sure looks to me as if HubPages is flooded with religious questions and forum posts regardless of whether or not any disasters are recently occurred.   A lot of the people who post those questions aren't scared.  They're just bloviating. A lot of the rest of them aren't scared because they believe if they're killed they'll end up in "a better place" anyway. 

    Personally, I think a person's religious, spiritual, and/or some philosophical beliefs are felt as deeply as such things are supposed to be felt; then "such things" are best reserved for one's private thoughts and/or for those close enough to us to share such deep and private thoughts.  That's obviously "just me" (or at least "just people who think as I do" though.   smile

  5. Thesource profile image67
    Thesourceposted 13 years ago

    Since Biblical times the Judea-Christian religions have equated such disasters with the Wrath of God. These religions and religious institutions love to incite such fears so that they can get more converts and become richer. This is what the "salvation industry" thrives on. They want us listen to them because they want to provide "salvation".

    Even Jesus, was quoted saying that such disasters have no cor-relation to whether the victims have been good or bad.

    I don't believe God uses natural disasters to punish human.

  6. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 13 years ago

    You answered your own question. People are scared when a disaster strikes. Why? They see what can happen to them. Their life can disappear, their friends die, cities distroyed. They are humbled, frightened. Most people believe there is a higher being, a God. This God, since they are a higher being, can do something about the disaster. They run out of fear to religions searching for a way out. They want to know they will be safe. Religions are a security blanket. People feel like they are fine in their belief. Without religion there is nothing to depend on and they become violent.

  7. LeisureLife profile image69
    LeisureLifeposted 13 years ago

    As far as I'm concerned, hubpages is flooded with religious questions daily...

  8. Freeway Flyer profile image81
    Freeway Flyerposted 13 years ago

    As others have already said, hubpages seems to be constantly flooded with religious questions. It is also true, however, that many people seem to think more deeply about the fundamental questions in the face of tragedy. It's not a rational thing. Tragedies occur every day, after all, but I guess that it often takes something big to shake us out of complacency.

    It is annoying to me, however, when people try to attribute some sort of meaning to a particular disastrous event, seeing it as a sign of the "end times" or some sort of divine punishment. Earthquakes, volcanoes, and hurricanes are as much a part of the natural world as the sun "rising" and "setting", the wind, and the rain. So instead of asking why a particular cataclysmic event has occurred, we should be asking why a divine being would create a planet such as this one.

    http://hubpages.com/hub/Dont-Confuse-Pu … th-Justice


  9. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image82
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    I really just thought that all of that was due to individuals trying to evangelize on hubpages, or just several folks that needed attention.  I know you pay pretty close attention to the q and a section though - it would be cool to have a graph or something.  You're probably right.

  10. The Demon Writer profile image61
    The Demon Writerposted 13 years ago

    When disaster strikes people begin to put into question their own mortality. They are struck by panic that the end may be near and are terrified by the though of death and eternal nothing. So they turn to God. Fear of death is fear of the unknown and fear of nothingness. God offers handy solutions and answers to all life's big questions.

    People turn to religion for the support they cannot hope to provide themselves. If religion has all the answers then they do not have to bother trying to understand that which they never possibly could.

    The worst of it all is that when disaster strikes, these religious types will pray for the victims and believe they are making a difference. A surge of prays for these poor souls are lost to the wind while disaster victims continue to suffer. Good luck trying to feed a family and rebuild a home on a prayer.

  11. profile image0
    writeronlineposted 13 years ago

    Good question, but I think you already know the answer.

    Many people find comfort in the belief that a higher power will protect them in the face of mortal threat. Not sure how they reconcile that with the likely similar beliefs of many of the people who've just died as a result of the disaster...

    Unfortunately, proselytising, (often by 'pretend preachers' who get off on the mindless adoration of other Hubbers) is rampant on HubPages. Irrespective of the prevailing disaster level. If these folks would just stand in front of the mirror, and 'adulate' themselves in private, HubPages would be a better place for their absence (imo).

    I recently had the temerity to question one such backwoods redneck, clearly a legend in his own little version of the world, whose response was "If it's preaching you want, I've got hundreds of hubs published, and you've only got 5.."

    Obviously a better talker than listener, since it was fairly self-evident from my comment, that more preaching was the last thing I wanted. I was hoping for a little humility...

    To be honest, I don't really care if people want to chat amongst themselves about their imaginary friends; that's as  valid a use as any other of a shared platform like HubPages.

    It's not my place to comment on the post-disaster messages of hope and resurrection from religious believers, either.

    But what does offend me, deeply, are the messages of hate, veiled as 'proof of God's wrath / revenge / anger. (eg the Japan earthquake). Then signed off with the word "Peace".

    That's blasphemy to me.

  12. Mercredi profile image62
    Mercrediposted 13 years ago

    Yes. My fav question is, 'Is the world going to end in 2012?' I think I speak for everyone when I say we need more people asking it.

  13. cat on a soapbox profile image94
    cat on a soapboxposted 13 years ago

    I have not noticed an increase in religious questions following natural disasters and unfortunate events. Religion has always been a hot topic. I haven't counted the number of questions to see if there is a higher percentage in the religion category. Perhaps someone will count them and set the record straight.

  14. Joan1 profile image61
    Joan1posted 13 years ago

    I respect and appreciate it when religious people pray and give their blessings to people in need, like Japan.
    They can use all the help they can get, and I guess for religious people in their mind this is a good way of helping. I can't judge about it, but the intent is good so it's great.

    But seeing so many questions and answers about god that look more like they are trying to win souls, evangelize or whatever I find very disrespectful, BUT the same goes for atheists trying to "prove" that god doesn't exist and you shouldn't believe.
    These matters are personal. The information is out here. If you have an interest in religion, you can learn everything online. If you are religious but you are curious about Darwin or something like that, it is just as accesible. We don't need Patronizing *ahum* I mean strangers who apparantly want the best for you, to tell us why to believe or not to believe.

  15. OriginArtz profile image60
    OriginArtzposted 13 years ago

    Yes! Absolutely! All of it are psychology.

  16. clark farley profile image71
    clark farleyposted 13 years ago

    ....god only knows....(if that will be the case*)

    *apologise for the obviousness of the parenthetical, but in it's infinite wisdom, Hub Pages declared my original (and much funnier) answer too short.

  17. daffodil2010 profile image69
    daffodil2010posted 13 years ago

    it is very simple we are trying to trick ourself


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