If you were going to bring someone back to life who would it be?

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  1. terrektwo profile image67
    terrektwoposted 13 years ago

    If you were going to bring someone back to life who would it be?

    I am thinking along the lines of figures throughout history but loved ones as well if you prefer. Let me know your personal feelings on it.

  2. stayingalivemoma profile image83
    stayingalivemomaposted 13 years ago

    Jesus Christ! Boy do we need him now....

  3. SanLaro profile image75
    SanLaroposted 13 years ago

    I am curious as to why you ask this question,all the same It would be great to meet Jesus in person, his mother Mary and my biological father.

  4. Allen Williams profile image68
    Allen Williamsposted 13 years ago

    Well, I would give anything to be able to bring back both of my parents however, to stay within the meaning of your question, I would bring back William Williams, one of my ancestors and also one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.  I would bring him back so he can shed some light on the Declaration of Independence as well as the Constitution of the United States.  It would be good to get a first hand perspective of what our founding fathers had in mind and I believe it would clear up a lot of the rhetoric that is heard today about both of those documents.  It would also be fun to meet him!

  5. powerofknowledge1 profile image60
    powerofknowledge1posted 13 years ago

    Creator for this Universe may be for Christian its "Jesus Christ", for Hindus its "Lord Vishnu" and for Muslims its "Allah". But being a human being i believe all these are the same. Different people as per their religion called him with different names.

    So i would like to bring back that "Almighty" so that he can make this earth more beautiful as well as my Biological Father too.

  6. catsimmons profile image80
    catsimmonsposted 13 years ago

    Shakespeare....I'd love to sit down and have a glass of mulled wine with him...

  7. edhan profile image35
    edhanposted 13 years ago

    My parents.

    It has been years since they had passed away. I always wanted to bring them to see the world though my dad travelled alot during his lifetime but not my mum.

    They had never been to places with us so I wish to have the chance of bringing them to see the world with us.

  8. Rodric29 profile image77
    Rodric29posted 13 years ago

    I would bring back my George Washington so that he can see the state of the Union that he helped to struggle forward. As many problems that we have as Americans, I think that we are a strong a vibrant nation with a wide interpretation of the law. I think President Washington would enjoy the progress that we have made in many areas and cry over other areas.
    I think that he would enjoy the growth and prosperity that America enjoys. I would actually like to hear what he has to say about how history turned out, and if anything occurred the way he thought it would. I would want to know what shocks him about society and what disappoints him. i would then write a book about it.

  9. sexualharassment profile image58
    sexualharassmentposted 13 years ago

    Adan and Even, so that this time they can start right by following God.

  10. bjornborgboxers profile image60
    bjornborgboxersposted 13 years ago

    I would like to bring back all prophets of all religions. Let them have a nice little chat and let make them understand what their actions and words have been twisted and caused so much joy and misery. And then maybe.... we could send them back.

    1. Satyam7 profile image60
      Satyam7posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I like your thoughts.  I had a joke out of this.
      Thanks for posting

  11. nabeelplus profile image61
    nabeelplusposted 13 years ago

    i wil definately bring my boyfriend (AD) back ...he is missing...

  12. cephla profile image61
    cephlaposted 13 years ago

    The first nano-speck of matter. I believe she/he would be rather charming to sit down with. Imagine the stories this wise old speck may tell.

  13. Attikos profile image78
    Attikosposted 13 years ago

    No offense to those who suggest it, but I have to say that the intent of bringing Jesus Christ back to life ought to be considered blasphemous. In the first place, He in Christian theology is alive, not dead, so bringing Him back to life is a meaningless idea. One of the critical points of His ministry, after all, is to defeat death and bring life to His people, showing in His own life on Earth that He could. In second place, or even first if you prefer, is that we should never let the idea we can instruct God cross our minds. He does not come because we summon Him, He comes at His own will. To presume to bring Him back to life would be to place ourselves above Him.

    That off my chest, I'll wave a magic wand and bring back a very good dog of mine who died years ago. She'd be a great companion now.

  14. grinnin1 profile image68
    grinnin1posted 13 years ago

    William Shakespeare or Benjamin Franklin. Two men I would just like to follow around for a week or two to watch how they spent their days and ask lots of questions.

  15. anupma profile image68
    anupmaposted 13 years ago

    Although life is one way. My father in no more in this world. I will bring him back in our life.

  16. LailaK profile image69
    LailaKposted 13 years ago

    I would like to bring back Adam and Eve because according to religious references, both were really tall and giant-looking. I would ask them how they feel about our society today and whether they are proud of us as their children. Thanks for posting this question!

  17. ershruti304 profile image60
    ershruti304posted 13 years ago

    If ever I get a chance I would bring my uncle back to life

  18. Cutters profile image60
    Cuttersposted 13 years ago

    If I had a option I would bring back everyone who perished in the spet 11th attacks and show the terrorist that they failed. I laff at you terrorist haha.

  19. Satyam7 profile image60
    Satyam7posted 12 years ago

    If I am to bring someone back to life, it will be my mother.  I will shower her with all the adoration this world can offer.  I will seek justice and happiness for her more than anything else.  I will do the best worship to Lord Shiva and sing all the great songs for her.

    But there are also others I wish did not passed on.  Those who love me and those whose life has been cut short through no fault of their own.  Those who I think do not know how much I love them.


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