by Jluvies 14 years ago
My boyfriend wants me to conform to his rules and is trying to teach me structure and discipline. I don't agree with what it's doing to our relationship or how it is making me feel. It just so happens that I decided to write about it last night- < no self-promotional links> And...
by Kathryn L Hill 8 years ago
Which political presidential candidate is which? and why?Considering: Q.What is Evil?A. That which destroys life. Q. What is Good? A. That which promotes life. … or maybe politics and religion don't mix. Wondering.
by American View 13 years ago
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King, Jr. Is he right? What are your thoughts
by haj3396 12 years ago
God focus on the action of a person, we focus on the person. God say I hate what you are doing, and we say I hate you. If we could say show me, instead of making all those hateful comments, people would truly understand God.
by Castlepaloma 6 years ago
Respecting people is very important, mostly yourself. The respect you show to others is an immediate reflection of your own self-respect. People who do not respect themselves, tend to disrespect others. Self-respect is the cornerstone of all virtue, I want to inspire people to respect to a higher...
by Rishad I Habib 14 years ago
God is perfectly MORAL. Morality is in always doing that which is RIGHT. Doing what is RIGHT requires one to know what is right from what is WRONG. God always knows what is right from what is wrong because God KNOWS EVERYTHING. But doing what is right and NOT doing what is wrong implies that there...