ABSOLUTES ? Are there any ?

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  1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years ago

    It appears that some in these forums absolutely believe that there are no absolutes.

    So in order to clear up the matter I thought I would present some and start with the body.

    1- A male cannot urinate while having a total erection.

    2- A female cannot be pregnant and conceive again while so.

    3- One cannot blow their nose and swallow at the same time.

    4- Humans cannot breath underwater without an air supply.

    5- One cannot stand up and lie down at the same time.

    Feel free to add to the list so as to clear up the matter further. big_smile

    ***DISCLAIMER...I could be absolutely incorrect***

    1. yoshi97 profile image58
      yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      6 - One can't sneeze without closing their eyes

      7 - Old men that sit on benches at the mall always smell mediciny

      1. dutchman1951 profile image62
        dutchman1951posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Yoshi???? On #7? How would you know?.....lololol

    2. marinealways24 profile image60
      marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      *****"NO" Absolutes exist unless you believe they do.******

      That is absolute. Prove it wrong.

      1. profile image0
        Poppa Bluesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Actually number 2 is wrong. Recently in the news there was a woman that was pregnat twice. The embryos were 2 weeks apart and the hope was that the younger one would catch up in development. I do believ though she had been taking fdertility drugs.

  2. Colebabie profile image60
    Colebabieposted 15 years ago

    Umm not so sure about 1,2, & 5

    1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
      quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Well, they are all true unless we have seen a miracle.

      Do you have any to add?

  3. profile image0
    Scott.Lifeposted 15 years ago

    #2 was dis proven last week on yahoo, she conceived again two weeks into her pregnancy I think.

    1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
      quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Not sure if anything on yahoo is proof ya know?

      1. Colebabie profile image60
        Colebabieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        She isn't the only case. And it wasn't just on Yahoo.

        1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
          quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          OK...so perhaps that is one out of the 5?
          any to add?
          It is hard because you have to be 100% absolute.
          I have dropped the ball already I guess on the one thing big_smile

    2. spartanking1978 profile image59
      spartanking1978posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, I read about that too.

  4. yoshi97 profile image58
    yoshi97posted 15 years ago

    In football ... they call that a late hit ... and you are penalized 15 yards

    1. yoshi97 profile image58
      yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      and to add a truly interesting oddity ...

      .. men, stand with your back to a wall and drop a quarter in front of you. Then, with your legs remaining pinned to the wall, bend over to pick it up.

      You can't ...

      ... however, the ladies can

      It's all about the difference in body structure

      1. profile image0
        Scott.Lifeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I know that's why I love ladies.

  5. yoshi97 profile image58
    yoshi97posted 15 years ago

    lol! I just realized I quoted myself earlier. That makes me a complete moron. smile

    1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
      quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yoshi97 is a complete moron.....another absolute?
      just kidding lol

      1. yoshi97 profile image58
        yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I second that one ... the guy is a complete ... um ... hey!!!  smile smile

  6. ediggity profile image59
    ediggityposted 15 years ago

    Didn't we do this already?


    1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
      quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      No that one was saying there are none, so it's a different topic.

  7. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years ago

    Marines absolutely never leave a man behind ?
    Absolute ?

  8. yoshi97 profile image58
    yoshi97posted 15 years ago

    Only at the bar ... and I heard they even get recovered from there. smile

    1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
      quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this
  9. Colebabie profile image60
    Colebabieposted 15 years ago

    #1 could be difficult but it is possible

    1. yoshi97 profile image58
      yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      *Yoshi raises his hand*

      How do you know this? My personal research says otherwise

      No diagram ... pweeze! ... my tiny brain couldn't handle that!

      1. Colebabie profile image60
        Colebabieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Although it is difficult, in some cases, even with a full erection the pathway from the bladder is not fully blocked. Ever tried to pee first thing in the morning? Full erection so it gets messy, but especially with a full bladder it is possible.

        1. yoshi97 profile image58
          yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Bad Colebabie ... bad ... image ... must ... go ... away!  Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

          I can't sleep now sad

    2. quietnessandtrust profile image61
      quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Really ???
      I know you cannot speak from experience and I also know of no man that can.

  10. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years ago

    If you are an atheist, you absolutely do not believe any god exists?

  11. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years ago

    I am pretty certain that on cannot move their bowels and pee at the same exact time. no?

    1. yoshi97 profile image58
      yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It's not pretty when it happens ...

    2. Colebabie profile image60
      Colebabieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thats not true either.

      1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
        quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        That is why it was a question....I think if your really ill it happens w/o trying?

  12. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years ago

    You cannot fart and hick-up simultaneously?

  13. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years ago

    Can you cough and inhale at the same time?

  14. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years ago

    Are some of us going to try to disprove any of these and get it on video?

    Absolutely not!!!

    1. yoshi97 profile image58
      yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Like I said ... Yoshi would have nightmares ... don't do it ....

  15. profile image0
    LEWJposted 15 years ago

    It's absolutely impossible to simultaneously die and stay alive.

    1. yoshi97 profile image58
      yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Really? David Letterman does this on stage every night. smile

    2. quietnessandtrust profile image61
      quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol    we have a winner !!!   lol

    3. Colebabie profile image60
      Colebabieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You can be brain dead but still have a heart beat.

      1. yoshi97 profile image58
        yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Sure ... couldn't let him win ... could ya? Had to go and jump in on his triumphant moment and trample him like a daffodil, ya did. smile

        It's okay LEWJ, I'll still give you the cardboard cutout medal anyways. I worked hard on this (used all my crayolas) so pretend to like it, eh? smile

  16. profile image0
    LEWJposted 15 years ago

    TA-DAH-DAH-- Drum roll please....

  17. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years ago

    In general...women talk more than men?

  18. yoshi97 profile image58
    yoshi97posted 15 years ago

    And the grand prize is ...

    uh oh ... quitnessandtrust ate the medal ...

    ... here's a cardboard cutout I made that's almost as good smile

  19. profile image0
    LEWJposted 15 years ago

    Then you're not dead.  In reality, there's no such thing as a corpse with a heartbeat.

  20. profile image0
    LEWJposted 15 years ago

    I'll settle for the drumroll... smile

    1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
      quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this
      1. yoshi97 profile image58
        yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Absolute vodka? There's one I wish I had ....

        1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
          quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Circle K might still be open.....Oh wait, they never close, absolutely?

  21. yoshi97 profile image58
    yoshi97posted 15 years ago

    Sure ... I worked all day on this medal ...

    I spent five hours alone asking people how to spell 'medal' I'll have ya know.

    But it's okay ... I'll wear it with pride myself. smile 

    *sniff* woe is me sad

  22. profile image0
    LEWJposted 15 years ago

    And by the way, it's humanly impossible to inhale and cough simultaneously.
    Unbelievers are free to try it out!

    1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
      quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I know that's right.
      And I have tried to piss with an erection and it cannot be done, not with mine !!! lol

  23. profile image0
    LEWJposted 15 years ago

    what's the link about?

    1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
      quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It is what you said you'd settle for.

      1. profile image0
        LEWJposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Just heard the drumroll---lol! big_smile

        1. profile image0
          LEWJposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I'm sure there are other absolutes.

        2. yoshi97 profile image58
          yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I was afraid to click - doh! smile

  24. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years ago


    1. yoshi97 profile image58
      yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I nabbed him first ... Only thing I hate worse than a spammer is a newbie spammer - haha! smile

  25. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years ago

    Can you stand on your head and swallow water?

    1. Colebabie profile image60
      Colebabieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      With a straw. smile

      1. yoshi97 profile image58
        yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I'm tellin' ya ... Your shooting down all of our good stuff.

        Give us men a break. We only get a few cognitive thoughts a day; let us believe that at least one of them might have been good - haha! smile

        1. Colebabie profile image60
          Colebabieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Sorry, I'll shut up now smile

          1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
            quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            NO NO NO

            Ya got to add to the list big_smile

          2. yoshi97 profile image58
            yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I'm just kiddin' with ya Cole. I'm just a bit impish tonight. Relax gal, I think you're the bee's knees. smile

      2. quietnessandtrust profile image61
        quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Okay and where is the video of you doing that?

        How come you do not add to the list ? big_smile

  26. yoshi97 profile image58
    yoshi97posted 15 years ago

    Better yet ... would you drown?

  27. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years ago

    I just realized I cannot yawn and swallow at the same time. mad

  28. profile image0
    LEWJposted 15 years ago

    Yoshi97, i like your profile pic!   And quietnessandtrust, yours reminds me of  the Jaws movie
    Interesting pics.... Glad I'm not that leaping fish!

    1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
      quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It is a seal actually.

      I know one cannot advance and retreat simultaneously.

      1. profile image0
        LEWJposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Another winner!

      2. Colebabie profile image60
        Colebabieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I've gone on a retreat to advance my knowledge.

        1. yoshi97 profile image58
          yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Unfortunately, I need to get some rest. *sigh*

          I place Cole in charge of all mirth until tomorrow. Beat them until they laugh. smile

          1. Colebabie profile image60
            Colebabieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Oh no not me, I'm off to bed. I am tired, absolutely! Have a good night everyone!

            1. yoshi97 profile image58
              yoshi97posted 15 years agoin reply to this

              You have a good night as well. Thanks to you (and the others here) for a bit of laughter tonight - needed it. smile

              1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
                quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                G-night big_smile.....come back with your list ?

            2. quietnessandtrust profile image61
              quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Night night big_smile

          2. quietnessandtrust profile image61
            quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Hey another one just appeared.....you cannot be awake and asleep at the same time.

        2. quietnessandtrust profile image61
          quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          lol lol lol    mad

  29. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years ago

    A naked woman cannot walk down the street without the men absolutely noticing?
    Even if they are with their wife?

    1. Colebabie profile image60
      Colebabieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Unless they're gay. But most people would notice, regardless of gender.

  30. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years ago

    Teenagers will eventually tell you to get lost !!!

  31. profile image0
    LEWJposted 15 years ago

    No human born a male can become pregnant

    And GOODNIGHT...

    1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
      quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      http://www.ilovewavs.com/Effects/Music/ … l%2002.wav

      Very funny lol

      And a fetus does not breath air. big_smile

      1. profile image0
        LEWJposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Goodnight, quietnessandtrust.

        1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
          quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Night big_smile

  32. My Friend Shiyloh profile image60
    My Friend Shiylohposted 15 years ago

    Real and true love remains loving absolutely all the time.

  33. LEFT HAND OF GOD profile image59
    LEFT HAND OF GODposted 15 years ago

    If you rescue a fool, you will absolutely have to do it again.

  34. My Friend Shiyloh profile image60
    My Friend Shiylohposted 15 years ago

    Absolute love cannot be overcome.

  35. underhiswings profile image60
    underhiswingsposted 15 years ago

    Numerous are the absolutes.

    Absolutely do not tell the naysayers. smile

  36. Kaabi profile image59
    Kaabiposted 15 years ago

    If you smoke cannabis, you're going to get high (unless it's your first time, then maybe not).

  37. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years ago

    I absolutely do not see the Marine posting in here.

    1. marinealways24 profile image60
      marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Because you are absolutely ignorant. lol

      1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
        quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        There are plenty of absolutes and you ignore them, many are within this thread.
        I suppose all the people in here are ignorant too?
        Can you disprove the absolutes posted herein?

        1. marinealways24 profile image60
          marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I'm not intelligent like you are.

          I don't have an absolute belief.

          1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
            quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            You said there are no absolutes, this is not true obviously.

            1. marinealways24 profile image60
              marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Is the bible absolute as divine?

              1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
                quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                You said there are no absolutes.......you still feel that way?

                1. marinealways24 profile image60
                  marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  Is your belief absolute?

                  1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
                    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                    It is a yes or no question you avoid.

                    By belief belongs to me and I am an individual and can believe what I will, I own it.

                    Now are you going to answer?
                    You said there are no absolutes.......you still feel that way?

  38. magdielqr profile image59
    magdielqrposted 15 years ago

    I am evangelical and believe in the Bible. You can take good things from the Bible, not only to increase our faith in God, and also to be used in our life.

  39. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 15 years ago

    The Marine has absolutely left the building because he absolutely can't answer.

  40. profile image0
    A Texanposted 15 years ago

    It is absolutely true that we will all die from the same cause!

    1. Tom Cornett profile image81
      Tom Cornettposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Uuuuum...Death?  smile

      1. profile image0
        A Texanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Nope its so simple you will kick yourself for not getting it, but it is an absolute!

        1. Tom Cornett profile image81
          Tom Cornettposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Crap Tex....I give up!  hmm

          1. profile image0
            A Texanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Every death is caused by the heart stopping! No way around it!

            1. Tom Cornett profile image81
              Tom Cornettposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              smile Boing...now I get it...cool!  Thanks!  cool

            2. marinealways24 profile image60
              marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

              The mind tells the heart to stop. The believer tells the mind to stop.

  41. profile image0
    A Texanposted 15 years ago

    Nobody is at all curious?

  42. yoshi97 profile image58
    yoshi97posted 15 years ago

    A one legged man can't win an arse-kickin' contest ...

    1. Tom Cornett profile image81
      Tom Cornettposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      LOL...And there is absolutely no such thing as a giant midget.  smile

  43. marinealways24 profile image60
    marinealways24posted 15 years ago

    How absolute is anything when everything we perceive is seen upside down before being flipped?

    1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
      quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The Marine has absolutely left the building because he absolutely can't answer.

      1. marinealways24 profile image60
        marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        The question was for you.

        1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
          quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          You refuse to say if there are any absolutes because you would have to admit you are wrong and I have noticed one thing about you.

          If you find that you are being cornered, you just refuse to answer a direct question in order to not admit you are wrong.

          1. marinealways24 profile image60
            marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

            I am only mocking what you do to protect your faith. Are you getting psycological? I didn't know you had it in you. Keep studying. I can't conversate with a person that isn't honest with themselves. You have constantly lied.

            1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
              quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              I know plenty about psychology and big deal.

              You still won't answer. lol

              1. marinealways24 profile image60
                marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

                Be honest with yourself and I will hold a serious conversation.

                No, nothing in my belief is absolute.

                1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
                  quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  Well then you absolutely know nothing about anything absolute.
                  When you get to the end of your life you will still be saying "I know nothing"

                  1. marinealways24 profile image60
                    marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

                    I will probably say that until I die and finally know. Unlike yourself that is content with a set belief, I don't make assumptions to what I don't know.

  44. dyonder profile image70
    dyonderposted 15 years ago

    uhh, um, I can urinate with an erection (never empties the whole bladder though - kinda takes shifts)

  45. tantrum profile image60
    tantrumposted 15 years ago

    ABSOLUTES ? Are there any ?

    Absolutely not ! big_smile

    1. marinealways24 profile image60
      marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Absolutely not is a contradiction as it is absolute.

      The correct term should be absolutely maybe!

      1. tantrum profile image60
        tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I like contradictions! that was meant to be big_smile

        1. marinealways24 profile image60
          marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Nice, in that case, touche.

    2. quietnessandtrust profile image61
      quietnessandtrustposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      So you read all the posts in here and all the absolutes are incorrect?

  46. profile image0
    Scott.Lifeposted 15 years ago

    I absolutely believe that one day I will die.....or will I?

    1. marinealways24 profile image60
      marinealways24posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That is debatable. They could freeze you to where you never die. Dying could be an illusion.

  47. Bovine Currency profile image60
    Bovine Currencyposted 15 years ago

    There are no abolutes (within a certain context of philosophy) but yes, you are right.

  48. fatfist profile image77
    fatfistposted 15 years ago

    All those things you posted "may" indeed be true (when proven). And when proven, they are universal truth because they universally apply to the domain of humans. But certainly NONE of them are absolute truth. They are relative to a domain - therefore impossible to be absolute!

    An absolute is something that has always been, and will always be the case, forever and ever amen. An absolute truth is eternal and “must be true under every possible circumstance". It certainly is a possible circumstance that language did not exist, or that mind did not exist, or that logic or the word truth did not exist at some point in time. Prior to the earth existing, it is a possible circumstance that no truths existed at all, let alone an absolute truth, since an absolute truth must be true forever.

    But nothing can be true before it is proven, or when no language or mind existed. Truth requires a proof preceding the conclusion. You can't assert a truth without a proof. There cannot be absolute truth because there is no system or context that could show its truth.
    Therefore, nothing can be proven by humans to be absolute!

  49. Bovine Currency profile image60
    Bovine Currencyposted 15 years ago

    Whether or not absolutes can be proven, they may still exist.  To assume that absolutes do not exist is a mistake, here is why:

    Quite simple, absolutes MAY exist.  If they do, giving an example of an absolute and discussing the matter then becomes word play.  If there is the existence of absolutes, there is no proof but that lack of proof does not prove the case otherwise.  Make it about science or logic if you feel the need but it is what it is.  Language is incapable of proving the absolute one way or the other.  Of course, that last statement, like others, could be misinterpreted as an absolute but it is not, simply by the fact I cannot provide proof of it, the clause exists within the statement.

    Negative truth fallacy: that, because a premise cannot be proven false, the premise must be true; or that, because a premise cannot be proven true, the premise must be false.

    1. fatfist profile image77
      fatfistposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Bovine, I substituted "absolute" with "INVISIBLE PINK UNICORNS" to illustrate that with your line of reasoning, anybody can invent any wild imaginative nonsense. And your response would be: we cannot dispute it as it may exist.

      This is simply false. We can not only dispute it, but there is a possibility that we can prove that assertion is not the case by simply showing something contradictory about it.

      Absolute truth has nothing to do with science. Absolute truth is a truth is true for every possible circumstance. It was eternally true forever in the past, and will be eternally true forever in the future. That's what makes is ABSOLUTE.

      Absolute truth is a truth concept whose validity falls under the domain of classical logic. We can EASILY prove there is no absolute truth as follows:

      1) Absolute truth is a claim for an eternal, unchanging truth that is true for every possible circumstance.
      2) Truth itself is a concept (of the mind/brain) that is applied to propositional statements that are verified to be true or false.
      3) Truth can only be verified via a mind to determine true or false.
      4) Truth is not an object, does not exist without a mind, and hence impossible to be eternal.
      5) Anything "eternal" cannot be proven to be the case because eternity does not exist in order to deduce from.
      6) Truth is bound within the domain of concepts, and hence impossible to be eternal.
      7) Words like “eternal” and “absolute” have meanings that are boundless and not limited to any domain. Any attempt to apply truth to these words cannot be bound within a system of truth, and hence cannot be qualified as truth; only belief.
      8) Truth can change when an event alters the state of affairs of a proposition (i.e. a blue car is painted red).

      So, if absolute truth is outside the domain of validation, and there are no minds, and is impossible to be eternal, and it can indeed change, then what makes it absolute?
      Therefore, as per the above contradictions for absolute truth, there is no absolute truth. Absolute truth is IMPOSSIBLE.

      But what is possible, is that somebody can BELIEVE that absolute truth exists somewhere in the deep caves of the universe. Sure, people are free to believe what they want. It only makes it true when they can prove it.

      Absolute truth is the hallmark of church logic and religious fanatics who use it as a tool to drill their dangerous dogma into our brains. Dangerous stuff.

      Thanks for the response.


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