Bovine, I substituted "absolute" with "INVISIBLE PINK UNICORNS" to illustrate that with your line of reasoning, anybody can invent any wild imaginative nonsense. And your response would be: we cannot dispute it as it may exist.
This is simply false. We can not only dispute it, but there is a possibility that we can prove that assertion is not the case by simply showing something contradictory about it.
Absolute truth has nothing to do with science. Absolute truth is a truth is true for every possible circumstance. It was eternally true forever in the past, and will be eternally true forever in the future. That's what makes is ABSOLUTE.
Absolute truth is a truth concept whose validity falls under the domain of classical logic. We can EASILY prove there is no absolute truth as follows:
1) Absolute truth is a claim for an eternal, unchanging truth that is true for every possible circumstance.
2) Truth itself is a concept (of the mind/brain) that is applied to propositional statements that are verified to be true or false.
3) Truth can only be verified via a mind to determine true or false.
4) Truth is not an object, does not exist without a mind, and hence impossible to be eternal.
5) Anything "eternal" cannot be proven to be the case because eternity does not exist in order to deduce from.
6) Truth is bound within the domain of concepts, and hence impossible to be eternal.
7) Words like “eternal” and “absolute” have meanings that are boundless and not limited to any domain. Any attempt to apply truth to these words cannot be bound within a system of truth, and hence cannot be qualified as truth; only belief.
8) Truth can change when an event alters the state of affairs of a proposition (i.e. a blue car is painted red).
So, if absolute truth is outside the domain of validation, and there are no minds, and is impossible to be eternal, and it can indeed change, then what makes it absolute?
Therefore, as per the above contradictions for absolute truth, there is no absolute truth. Absolute truth is IMPOSSIBLE.
But what is possible, is that somebody can BELIEVE that absolute truth exists somewhere in the deep caves of the universe. Sure, people are free to believe what they want. It only makes it true when they can prove it.
Absolute truth is the hallmark of church logic and religious fanatics who use it as a tool to drill their dangerous dogma into our brains. Dangerous stuff.
Thanks for the response.