If wisdom is more precious than gems, then why are we teased with a heaven lined

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  1. backporchstories profile image72
    backporchstoriesposted 12 years ago

    If wisdom is more precious than gems, then why are we teased with a heaven lined in silver and gold?

    God tells us not to seek such things as silver or gold, but to seek knowledge of the word and wisdom to see the light.  So if we receive the "light", then we have passage to heaven that will be lined with silver and gold.  So why is silver and gold dangled in front of us as a desire in heaven but forbidden on earth?


  2. cat on a soapbox profile image93
    cat on a soapboxposted 12 years ago

    Wisdom is for the living on earth. I imagine Heaven as a place of near blinding brillance like the aura of the angels. The description of reflective  silver and gold fits with that image.

  3. MickeySr profile image77
    MickeySrposted 12 years ago

    The home God promised Abraham and his descendants was described as a land 'flowing with milk & honey', but I don't think the ancient Hebrews were actually expecting to find dairy rivers and streams of bee's nectar - if anyone is thinking that heaven will be a paradise because, and if, the streets are made out of gold and there are gates made out of pearls, etc, then I don't think God is confused or misdirecting us, I think those thinking along such lines are simply missing the point.

  4. flashmakeit profile image61
    flashmakeitposted 12 years ago

    Wisdom protects you from making wrong decision therefore if you make a lot of money and you constantly use the wrong judgements your life  will be in total chaos which is like hell.  If you live a wise precise moral life it will lead you to heaven which is lined in silver and gold because of it perfection. So it is not forbidden it means you should seek morals and wisdom first.

    1. breathe2travel profile image74
      breathe2travelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree.  If money and wealth were forbidden, why did God prosper Abraham, Solomon, Jacob, Joseph?  Even the New Testament alludes to God prospering those who trust Him and seek Him first.  He only forbids LOVING money.

  5. Attikos profile image83
    Attikosposted 12 years ago

    That description is metaphorical, not meant to be taken literally. It's a way of describing something for which there are no words. There are many such devices in the Bible, as there are throughout literature.

    We here are all writers, so we all will understand. How does one of us put ideas through the perceptual filters of his readers to convey his meaning? The answer to this question lies in that one.

  6. profile image60
    nasakeposted 12 years ago

    the seeking of wisdom is ages old. Heaven lined in gold and silver is a concept only about 12-15 hundred years old generated as an incentive to convert to Christianity. By now, with all the belief in it, if there is a heaven, it will be lined in silver and gold by pure will alone. No God is that cruel. Alot of Christians work very hard to get their ticket into heaven.

    Seeking Wisdom is one of the things that gets you that ticket, and so as a Christian that is exactly what you should be doing. Doesn't it say in Christianity that you should not question your God? Trust in your faith, believe in your God and do what feels right! Those who have sought out and found wisdom would not discriminate against others religion, sexual orientation, or anything else. Live as Jesus did, as a kind man, constantly valuing his time on Earth and living in harmony with those around him.

    1. Attikos profile image83
      Attikosposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The heart of Christianity is that there is no sale of tickets. Salvation is a gift, not a wage.

    2. MickeySr profile image77
      MickeySrposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Christianity is the exact opposite of working hard to get to heaven. And not questioning God is the exact opposite of doing what feels right. And, where do you get that Jesus lived in harmony with those around Him? Your sense of Christianity way off.

    3. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Those that are working their way in will not get in. Entrance is free but only to true believers.no it does not say do what feels right either.  its clear you do not know what you are talking about.  Jesus
      is wisdom and He will "discriminate

  7. edhan profile image37
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    Wisdom that we acquired will resist against temptation. It is a test where everyone has to go through to understand why we must resist temptation even though it may be hard for us.

    Through years of training and learning, we will learn through our own wisdom to overcome these temptations.


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