Why is divorce not allowed in the Catholic Faith?

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  1. Vegas Elias profile image61
    Vegas Eliasposted 12 years ago

    Why is divorce not allowed in the Catholic Faith?

    This is not another question aimed at Catholic bashing. This is a very serious issue where both the partners agree to divorce and cannot live together but the Catholic Church does not allow divorce. I would like to know what exactly is the aim of the Catholic Church in formulating such rules which make life miserable to some couples.

  2. yeagerinvestments profile image70
    yeagerinvestmentsposted 12 years ago

    In the Bible (which is what Catholics use to justify laws and rules) the only allowable reason for divorce is infidelity. I cannot speak for the Catholic Church but I am assuming they are attempting to preserve the sanctity of marriage. It assumes that responsible adults enter into this contract before God and the Church after careful consideration and prayer. Miserable couples should look at the true issues and address them. Just because you are unhappy, doesn't mean you quit. Marriage has many seasons. If there is abuse or infidelity involved then separation would be a good idea until the issues are resolved. If they cannot be resolved after much hard work, prayer and counsel, then divorce may be the way.

    1. profile image51
      sherwood347posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      ALL christian communities/churches use the Bible (New Testament) to "justify" the rules.  So does Judaism. The islamic communities use the Koran. The bible and the Koran have many of the same "justifications".

  3. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 12 years ago

    The Catholic church cannot and does not prevent civil divorces. The divorced parties are entitled to all the sacraments offered by the church, as long as they have not remarried. They are still welcome to attend, but are asked not to take part in Communion, could not have any children from the new marriage baptized as Catholics. The church has ministries to help a divorced catholic.

    If a person, married in the Catholic Church is divorced, that person can seek an annulment. It is not an easy process, but it is certainly doable. If both parties agree, it goes petty fast.  Infidelity would be one reason to grant an annulment, the fact that the couple had not made a real commitment to the marriage would be another. You must have the civil divorce before coming seeking the Catholic annulment.

    There are a lot more details and other reasons why annulments may be granted. Perhaps some have been denied, but I do not personally know of any.

    I had a friend, who sought a divorce from her husband. It was granted. She has no intentions of ever remarrying, so she is still a Catholic and entitled to all the sacraments offered by the church, as is her former husband, as long as they do not get married again.

    The marriage ceremony in the Catholic Church has the line that goes something like, "What God has joined, men must not divide."   In the Catholic church, like most churches, marriage is expected to be a lifetime commitment. That is not always the case. Each Christian faith has its own way of handling it. Catholics do get divorces. Some get annulments and remarry and stay in the church. Some leave the church. They will always be welcomed back.

    1. profile image59
      ElleBeeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I may be wrong on this, but I believe that it isn't completely banned for children from a subsequent civil marriage to be baptized in the Church. Unwed parents can have their children baptized so wouldn't this fit similarly?

    2. profile image0
      Larry Wallposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am not up to date on baptism procedures. The key is that the parents promise to basically see to the child's spiritual well being in accordance with Church teachings. Short answer I think the comment you made is right. Parental commitment is needed

  4. krillco profile image83
    krillcoposted 12 years ago

    Here is the rationale: 'what God has joined together, no man shall put asunder.'
    In the Roman Catholic church, marriage is sacramental, meaning that it is instituted by God and affirmed by Jesus (God). Being sacramental means that the marriage provides for a means of God extending grace (blessings) to people.

    When two people enter into the covenant of marriage (a much deeper commitment than a legal contract...one that involves spirituality and a commitment to God. As such, it is binding for life. An 'annulment' is not a 'Catholic divorce', it is an assessment that there was not marriage in the first place. The rule is that both parties need to be free to marry. This means that neither can be married already, and that they both fully consent to being married. if one partner withholds information or attitude, the other was not fully informed of the other partner's position. For example, if there is an unspoken assumption that the couple will have children or have an active sex life, but after the marriage ceremony one partner makes it known that they never want children or wants to live in a sexless marriage, the other partner did not have this information at the time of the commitment. Therefore the agreement is null and void. Annulments take a good bit of time and study by the church in order to be granted. If both parties entered into the covenant fully aware, they are not at liberty to end the marriage.

    Essentially, human contracts can be ended and changed, but when God is involved in a covenant, no human can alter the contract.


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