What are the main differences between Christians and Mormons?
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has published a detailed acounting of their entire archives, every letter, meeting, diary, and conversation, they have. It is called: The Joseph Smith Papers. It is several volumes and is still growing, You can get the full picture yourself and not rely on heresay at: https://www.josephsmithpapers.org
There is an excellent hub on this, interesting I just found your question!
http://manfrommodesto.hubpages.com/hub/ … ristianity
The Mormons do not see Christ as a part of the trinity with God the father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit. They also believe in works through the Aronic Priesthood which was dissolved by Christ death and Resurrection on the cross. The Bible plainly states that when Christ died the "vial" was ripped in half within the temple. This signified the fact that Christ became the one and only High Priest with whom we could approach the Father. There are a number of serious doctrinal issues that make the Mormon Church separate from the true body of Christ`s Church. They of course claim to be a part of the body; however, their doctrine is unsound and apart from the Gospel and scripture. The Book of Mormon, if you read it, spends more time explaining itself and its credibility than any book found in the Bible. The best information you can find on this topic is in the book "Kingdom of the Cults" (I forget the authors name).
We do not call it the trinity, but the Godhead, with God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost being separate beings, with God and Jesus Christ having physical body. We know Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Savior and we know that we are sinners. We believe, to be Christian, we must follow Jesus Christ in deed, as well as word.
Anyone who accepts that Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah, the same one who was sentenced by Pontius Pilate, was crucified and laid in the tomb and then rose again on the third day and this was done for the atonement of sin, that all who accept him as Lord and Saviour will have a glorious place in Heaven. All those who hold the above views are Christians
However the Mormons do have unique views within the Christian community. I am not a Christian so I do have an outside perspective of this very interesting subject. In fact "The unique doctrines of the Mormons" was one of the first Hubs I wrote. The differences include;
The Nature of God; Adam and Eve; The atonement; Heaven and Hell;
After reading this question I may expand that Hub.
Christians lament the fall of Adam and Eve, whereas the Mormons laud the fall of man, because they say Adam and Eve "fell in the right direction." Because of the "fall", Mormons believe they can earn their way to heaven and become gods themselves.
We just have potential as we are all children of God. I wouldn't look it so much as "earning our way", but instead of doing our part.
Do Mormons believe in the same Jesus as Christians? Is it the "Only begotten son"? Or, do Mormons trust in their salvation via a fake Jesus who is brother to Satan? The one who died on the cross was an "ONLY", not one of many "sons of the morning."
Where do you think Satan come from? Isaiah 14, and Jude verse 6 talk about the War in Heaven
I agree. I would never tell someone they are not Christian. Who am I to judge?
Mormans believe there is another Book of the Bible and an additional prophet. Other than that, I don't think they change the Christian message all that much.
If you don't believe there is much of a difference, then you know little about the subject at hand. I have been studying both for over 30 years. The differences are staggering and the only resemblance is the willful hi-jacking of Christ Jesus' name.
We also believe the God, who spoke through his servants the prophets, is unchanging, and still speaks through his prophets. Research heart surgeon Dr.Russell M. Nelson, MD, his current prophet for all who will listen, member of a church, or not.
I agree. President Nelson is a prophet of God. It has been amazing to see the Lord work through him. To me, he didn't seem to be a leader. But once he became the prophet, he has been a great leader.
No comparison at all. They are as different as chalk and cheese, though Mormons would argue that they use the Bible, they will soon reject it for the Book of Mormon.
Right...Papa-Bear! I read journals by early Mormons. Smith cancelled all legitimate marriages, so he could have sex with whomever he wanted, along with his apostles. Rampant fornication and infidelity ensued, such that, paternity could not be proven.
Tell me Sledge, what is your opinion of Jews, Hindus, Muslims, and Blacks?
My Esoteric:
Mormons believe everyone outside their circle are "Gentiles" and they have never embraced those that are different from them...including Blacks. Please research the "Massacre at Mountain Meadows" to see how Mormons murdered 120 people.
I think I will read the "Trail of Tears" and the "Massacre and Wounded Knee" first.
Good answer. The negative things are lies and things that are twisted. If I may be so bold, you would not talk to a Nazi to find out about Jews, for example.
I was curious about this myself, so I went to Wikipedia for an explanation. Basically, Mormons believe in Jesus, but they also believe in other Gods and use other bibles in addition to the regular Christian Bible. There are also some other differences but if you read the article, it will clear things up. I found all of it very interesting.
There is also a good website that I heard of called fairmormon.org that can clarify many misconceptions.
i will tell you that the mormons are very organized. they are growing by numbers. their teens are taught that everyone must do a mission before a certain age. they travel two by two on bikes mostly and will be most helpful to those who allow them in their homes be it help with taking out the garbage to spiritual counseling.
i am a christian. but when i was little, i did attend the church of the latterday saints for so long that they even had me up as a speaker in one of their meetings.... on sunday, when i was about ten years old. i went thru all the training and it just seemed rather silly. Joseph Smith got his revelation from an angel that appeared to him, showing him alone, where the ancient book of mormon was located and revealing only to him the truth of God. Joseph also was able to interpret these ancient scrolls.
I could never get my head around the idea that the lost tribes of israel came to america and settled. that geneology was important to this church because one needed to be related to one of the lost tribes, and that one could be baptized for relatives that were long dead waiting in "purgatory" to accept that baptism so they could move up the levels of heaven.
To this day, i remember asking of these missionarys if heaven has levels, where would the christians be? The answer really astonished me. Mormons that had the whole truth would be at the top. Christians? somewhere just above purgatory. because they had some truth.
I will tell you that the members of this group are usually very loving and kind. They live a healthy life style of no caffiene, no smoking, no alcohol and no drugs. They are told to prepare for the end times. I even helped my friend's mom seal up wheat in tins to be kept in their pantry when food would become scarce.
There are vaults in Salt Lake city that hold the geneologies of their members. So important is this that the vaults were built to withstand a nuclear blast.
These are dedicated people. Not to be scoffed at, they know what religious persecution is. One only has to read how joseph smith died to see this.
when brigham young took the flock to Utah, so many men died along the way there were too many women and so they turned to polygamy at that time. as the only choice to keep the group alive and growing.
Prior to Utah becomin a state the practice of polygamy was ended in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the actual name of the church from its founding in the 1830's. It is now one of the fastest growing Christian churches in the world.
The Mormons are a militaristic cult who invaded Missouri twice in hopes of taking it by force. Joseph Smith was murdered by Freemasons because he was making Mormons into Freemasons at an alarming rate. He was killed, while in jail, for high treason.
In America, even the America of the days of the Missouri Expulsion Order, men were said to not be guilty before trial. Joseph Smith was murdered by what is best described as "a lynch mob of armed men" without a trial while locked in the Carthage Jail
Joseph Smith Jr. was heard yelling out the Freemason distress signal, "Oh, lord my God, is there no help for the widow's son", just before he was shot by fellow Freemasons. Smith fired upon them first with a gun his brother had smuggled in to him.
To be accepted as a state, the US required they end polygamy. It started when Smith took the wives of some of his followers, long BEFORE BY led. DNA is recorded bcz Satanists look for those most filled with Nephilim DNA, called "Aryans".
Missions are not required.
There are three kingdoms of glory in Heaven. Other Christians will still be with Jesus Christ and receive a degree of glory.
Had a bussiness partner who was Mormon. He said some special Mormons get a whole planet including 33 babes when they pass. Then some lady Mormons told me women don't get to go to heaven. Sometimes is funny with the equality system.
There is eternal progression. Acts 17:29 teaches that we are the offspring of God. Would we just be playing harps in the clouds? Who knows the details on Heaven. Women do get to go to Heaven.
For any Christian who truly compares The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the correct name of the Church and its members often referred to as the Mormons or LDS from its belief that "The Book of Mormon" is also holy scripture) they will see that its members believe in Jesus Christ, preach of Christ, and most do their best to live as Christ taught all of Heavenly Father's children should live. They believe that a loving Heavenly Father is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and having spoken through the mouths of prophets in the past, also does today. They believe that to fully act in the name of Christ persons holding the priesthood must have received it by divine authority and not simply by study and a license to preach or pastor.
For the characteristics of how Christianity is practiced today by faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world, its practices and doctrines are easily "searched" online.
If you are looking for what the original Church of Jesus Christ was like you can find it described in one of my Hubs.
Oh, please. Outside the title of the church, one rarely ever hears the name of Jesus. The LDS church is a multi-billion dollar industry and their doctrine and history is as filthy as dirt. "Mormon" means "gates of hell" in Chinese, so LDS is used.
Have you ever attended one of this faith's Sacrament services of worship, and still claim Christ is only mentioned in the name of the church? Even if your claims of their "filth" and "dirt" were valid, might you better pray for their souls?
I must contradict CJ. Every Mormon from a small child on will close every sermon, speech or prayer "In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" The hymns are full of praise for Jesus and every Sunday they take bread and water in His memory.
Whoever believes in the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and confesses the Lord Jesus Christ as his or her personal Savior and follow His teachings is a Christian. The person may have a Christian fellowship or a Church he or she attends. Any person outside this is something else.
Another way to gauge if a "church" is outside of Christianity is if they have OTHER books that they consider more inspired and sacred than the Bible. Of course the LDS church uses the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrines and Covenants
Every answer I read is not completely accurate but dialogue is good. The best place to find answers is on official websites such as mormon.org or lds.org or the lds missionaries or go to the nearest church and see the Bishop. Nothing said here is anything new and can be clarified.
Mormons believe an angel gave their leader a remix of the Bible with previously unreleased bonus tracks way back in the 1800s.
There's something about magic underwear too, I think... or is that Scientology? (shrugs)
The Book of Mormon is not a remix. But another Testament of Jesus Christ in the Americas, to go hand in hand with the Bible. But that is an interesting way to put it. What some would call magic underwear are called garments. Here is a video you should watch: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/med … g&_r=1
Scientology is very different.
Is that later day Saints, maybe tied with Scientology for strange weird.
I had an Mormon American artist business partner I went on continuous tour for 2 years, everywhere in the US. Wail in hotels all the time, not once I could get even a peak at his underwear. I am as curious as a cat and detective as a ferret.
It must be really Majic.
No, Scientology is very different. Watch that video in my last post.
My partner tried to convert me for two years. Never heard of more outrageous stories and obcessions.
Maybe L Ron is worse, base on a science fiction writer.
Hubbard was quoted to say that he wanted to create a religion. My understanding is that a lot of it is about self help and very expensive.
Ron said there is alot of money to be made in Religion.
Many rich and famous people involved.
Although what I say about them is hearsay. It's better to go to the source. In my opinion, it is best to talk to someone who is Jewish about the Jewish religion, not an anti-semitic, for example.
Being in the entertainment business, I got to know some Scientologists. They are more secretive than anybody, except maybe the CIA.
Good evening mister yeagerinvestment. Mormons believe in our lord Jesus Christ. The foundation of the Mormon religion or what ever people called an organization; it is Christ. Joseph Smith founded the organization because what ever church he visited there was a dispute on some issues. He wanted to be near God. He wanted a chapel were he can pray to God. And that we’re he is. After he founded the church. A true Mormon keeps the Ten Commandments. They are very nice people. They make a lot of sense about the two last tribes of Israel. Jewish people used to travel all over the world. A lot of Jewish people live in the United States and all over the world. Descendants of the lost and last two tribes. With Mormons it is important to be rational and used the brain to figure out things. Mormons do not give callings to black people because they already work hard in the past. They are there to pray to God only an enjoy the activities. During the civil war in the United States of America there were a lot of widows and Mormon’s family adopted those women with children. Later, they became a part of second wife for taxes and documents purposes. It is sad what happened to men in the past. Other churches about Christ, the members all supposed to keep the Ten Commandments. But there is always one person that makes look bad the rest of the congregation. I believe in a God , Christ and the Holy Spirit. Mormons do believe in the trinity. Amen,God bless you for an outstanding question. People like myself are or were looking for a congregation that fits their needs. Everyone who looks find the right church or chapel.
Good except the part about black people. All are equal. We do not call out the trinity. We call it the Godhead. We believe that all three are separate and poly the Holy Ghost does not have a body.
When I traveled Utah State, don't remember seeing any blacks.
Of our 2 year tour, It was strange with my moron partner did not want to hire blacks during our time together. The times we were force to hire blacks. My partner did not get along with them at all.
What is it about morons and blacks?
There are, but just not as many. Just like you see certain races, depending on where you go. Larger cities are more diverse, such as LA, NYC. If you are in Hawaii, you will see a lot of Polynesians (such as from Tonga, Samoa). If he didn't want to hire certain people, that is just him. There are some good postings about blacks and the Mormons by Rodric Anthony (Rodric29), who is a black member of the church and has served a mission. Until 1978, blacks were not allowed to hold the Priesthood in the church.
Mormons have always given callings to black people. Joseph Smith had blacks in the Priesthood. I don't know where or why, without doing the research, that changed, until 1976 when the Presidency announced the Priesthood would [again] be given to black people but, they always had callings.
Never could imagine a Mormon Priest black or a black owning a planet with 33 babes, when he passes.
Maybe because it's all imaginary in the first place, even fictional stories need to make more sense than this.
Since 1848 up to today.
Where is this black priest that exist today
I see plenty of leading authority of types of black Christains in mant dominations. Yet, still no black authorities in a mormon churches and still no black Mormon Priest in today's world.
The priesthood is held by all worthy males. Has nothing to do with color. Do your research. I posted the links. I’m out.
No links show a Mormon black priest.
Nice try.
Elder Peter Johnson from the October 2019 General Conference for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints
Still I found no black Mormon Priest from research.
I would have to be a Mormon lawyer to figure out the difference between a Mormon Priest and a General Authority.
They are as secretive as their Majic underwear.
I should clarify. I was thinking General authority. But you meant priest. We have priests but they are typically young men from 16 to 18 years old. Do its a bit different compared to the Catholic church. Have you watched the video from the link about garments (that you call magic underwear)?
I tried your link , yet it would not open. I've seen all the films I wanted to see and lost the desire to peek at your underwear.
Just can't get an obsessions or a warm and fuzzy feeling out of any Religion
Well, Castlepaloma, what I would say then is that it is important to go to the source. Would you find out about "Magic Underwear" from other denominations who are antagonistic toward us? Look at the source. If it is from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, then you are going to the source. If I may be so bold, you wouldn't go to the Nazis to find out about Jews.
If you ever feel something is missing from your life, I encourage you to attend our church, read the Book of Mormon and decide if its teachings are harmonious with the Bible, and meet with our missionaries. Details at churchofjesuschrist.org
The only group I will join is the Optimist Club.
All the other large Centro one sided, narrow minded, and conflicting groups, really hurt my lifestyle.
To each his own, brother. It's not for everybody. It's all about agency
I recall a posted comment on this subject by a Hubber who wrote that he has been researching The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "for 30 years" and the thought occurred: perhaps it is time to make up his mind. Pray with an open mind free of all the hyperbole. Read the Book of Mormon, before judging it or its origins. Ask your 30 years worth of questions of people who can provide authoritative answers, and read James 1:5.
You can find that the Book of Mormon helps to support the Bible. It is also important to attend our church and to meet with the missionaries. Remember that all good things come from God.
It is true. The information that the experts can give you a clear understanding of the word of God. The missionaries are train to answer any question.
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