Why did god make me an atheist?

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  1. Dantex460 profile image60
    Dantex460posted 12 years ago

    Why did god make me an atheist?

  2. xanzacow profile image60
    xanzacowposted 12 years ago

    Ask yourself "What is an Atheist?". If you find that you truly are one then you would not be asking this question.

    1. Ellana317 profile image67
      Ellana317posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      LMBO... Ditto what you just said. Voted up!

  3. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 12 years ago

    My friend, Your question answers itself. You believe in God or you wouldn't acknowledge that he created you. You aren't an atheist, I suggest doing some soul searching. You may realize that you need "GOD" who created you in your life to full fill your doubts. I can tell you God is real and he is the purist form of LOVE. He already loves you, Why not Love him and his Son in return.

    1. Ellana317 profile image67
      Ellana317posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Way to evangelize JThomp42!

  4. PlanksandNails profile image73
    PlanksandNailsposted 12 years ago

    Your question is an oxymoron.

    There are many atheists that have come from a religious background who say they once believed in God, but now no longer believe in God.

    The problem with saying this is that within the Christian paradigm, God is the one who proves Himself to each individual. Once God has proven Himself, that is where the belief comes in.

    You cannot say you no longer believe in God when He already has proven Himself to you; you believe in Him, but have rejected Him for a certain reason; therefore, "atheist" is the wrong term to use.

    Many have been burned by "religious" people through spiritual abuse and counterfeit doctrine and see God through that same lens. Atheism is often a way of venting that anger.

    ("Why did god make me an atheist?")

    In that context, you would need to exchange "god" and "atheist" in your question to some more accurate terms.

  5. Rui Carreira profile image83
    Rui Carreiraposted 12 years ago

    I'm an atheist, yet I find myself upset by the amount of people that have to rub it in the faces of others they are atheist... its like going around saying I'm gay, I'm gay

  6. cloudy_cool profile image72
    cloudy_coolposted 12 years ago

    ...because God wants you to hunt him down all by yourself, instead of simply or blindly believing in what's written in the scriptures that's been handed down to us from our older generations...

    ...because the very fact that you say you're an atheist, means that a part of you subconsciously want to believe that there is God but wants more 'proof' and due to the lack of it, you refuse to 'follow' what's already being practiced about God...that's a part of the primal instinct of the laws of evolution - where you want to 'discover' it by yourself - someday...

    ...because perhaps you disapprove the way all types of religious mentalities bombard you with their 'strong' sentimental ideas (with due respect), leaving you stunned and with no time to 'think' if its logical...maybe you just are too much of a logic finder perhaps?

    Whatever may be the reason, God plays a vital part in making you what you are, and as long as you continue being a good person (and tread cautiously by not disturbing the sentimental believers - please respect the believers if you want to be respected as well), you should still be proud of your non-beliefs regardless of what anybody says...

    1. Darrell Roberts profile image70
      Darrell Robertsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Nice answer, some people will just require more proof.

  7. Darrell Roberts profile image70
    Darrell Robertsposted 12 years ago

    I think the question should be "Why am I an atheist?".  If you say "Why did God make me an atheist?" Then the more important question is why did God make you in the first place.  You seem more like an agnostic that a pure and true atheist.
    If I were an atheist I would just say thee is no God and that is that period.  I am not an atheist, so I would have to say that some people need more evidence and experience of things that they have not experienced.  no one can make you believe anything, that is your choice, that is what "freewill is about".  Therfore, I would say that your answer to why you are an atheist is because you choose to be an atheist.
    Best wishes, I hope you find what you are seeking.

  8. Ellana317 profile image67
    Ellana317posted 12 years ago

    As was said before... definitely an oxymoron.  I will just quote something I heard a while back and be on my merry little way.  "An athiest can't find God for the same reason that a thief can't find the police."  They aren't looking for Him.

    1. peeples profile image93
      peeplesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Your quote is wrong because many atheist seek and never find.

    2. Ellana317 profile image67
      Ellana317posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Be that as it may, as a believer it just seems that there are signs and wonders everywhere that prove the existence of God.  However, I'm able to respect anyone's beliefs or lack thereof.   Each man must choose for himself which road he'll take.  :-)

  9. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 12 years ago

    You chose to be an atheist. If you think God did it, that would mean you believe that God exists, you just do not believe that he has any impact or influence on your life.

    God made you who you are. You just chose to think of  yourself as an atheist, when it is apparent that at some point you believed and still believe there is a God.

  10. profile image0
    rickyliceaposted 12 years ago

    To prove he doesn't exist!!!

    I think that's the answer you want.
    Best answer please. : )

    1. MilesArmbruster profile image61
      MilesArmbrusterposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Why would God create someone to prove he doesn't exist. Oh, nevermind, you are just adding another layer to the oxymoron - very funny.


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