Will the world end in December 2012 and Why ?

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  1. ajaya-93 profile image61
    ajaya-93posted 12 years ago

    Will the world end in December 2012 and Why ?

    Please answer my Question as to why the World should end in 2012,if it ends in the First Place?.
    Also,Please explain your viewpoint.

  2. specialm profile image61
    specialmposted 12 years ago

    The scriptures says in Matthew 24:36 "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven but my Father only".

    This tells you and I that no one knows when the world will come to an end It is not for man to know the time. Man is anxious to know the exact time.  Man are in danger of time setting.  If I recall someone else predicted that the world would come to an end early this year. it is not for us to know.  The only person who knows when the world will come to an end is God the Father, not even the angels knows. It is only in Gods power to know.

    No such dates is given in the scriptures about the world coming to an end in December 2012 or years beyond that.

    The scriptures goes further by saying in verse 43 that if a man knew at what time a thief would come he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. verse 44 says  Be ready! for in an hour as your think not the Son of man cometh. In other words the world will come to an end. 

    The world will come to an end suddenly unexpectedly. But only to those who were not ready. Let us watch and be ready by living right and being obedience to Gods word. Let us set our affections on things above and take hold of the grace of Christ.

    Let us love one another and our neighbours as ourselves and spend much time in prayer asking God through Christ to help us to be ready at all times So that we will not be caught in an hour that we are not aware of.

  3. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 12 years ago

    Oh, puh-leeze, such histronic hysteria.   Humankind does not know exactly when the world is going to end.   The premise that the world will end on December 21, 2012 is quite fallacious indeed.

  4. profile image0
    Sophia Angeliqueposted 12 years ago

    The psychology behind why people have to know when the world ends has fascinated me for years.

    Firstly, the world is not going to end in 2012 as predicted according to the Mayan calendar. Anyone with an ounce of common sense will have realized that there were a milion and one reasons why the Mayans didn't finish that particular calendar. For instance, the craftsman who was doing it might have died. However, just to set that theory at rest, about a year ago, archeologists found another Mayan calendar, and it went well beyond 2012.

    Next, let's get on with why so many are so fascinated about when the world is going to end.

    a) If the world ends, they are going to die, and that haven't made peace with death yet.

    b) Various religions talk about the end of the world. People fear the end of the world because that means they are going to die, and they haven't made peace with their mortality yet.

    c) If the world ends, then they are going to die. They haven't made peace with the fact that they are only here for a short period of time and they can't cope with the fact that after they die, there isn't anything else.

    d) If the world ends, and they haven't done all the things they want to do, then they are going to die unfulfilled. In short, they haven't made peace with the fact that they are going to die...

  5. profile image0
    Justsilvieposted 12 years ago

    I have read endless articles about this and I would not max out my credit cards to party just in case it does nor will stock up on supplies and weapons to fight of Zombies.

    I would like to believe what one astrologer wrote that the world as we know it will end and a new and enlightened one will take it's place... To that I say bring it on, we definitely could stand an upgrade.

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This is what many astrologers, metaphysicians, and other  New Age people state.   The world is not going to end but there will be an evolution in the consciousness of humankind.  Amen to that!


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