What is the difference between God and a unicorn?

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  1. Rui Carreira profile image84
    Rui Carreiraposted 12 years ago

    What is the difference between God and a unicorn?

    Why don't people believe in Dragons if they believe in God? What's the difference here? I'm not an atheist, I'm just curious.

  2. Twixmixy profile image61
    Twixmixyposted 12 years ago

    God is a deity that people choose to believe in because it is a thought process solely based on faith. gods are seen as a way to lead our lives. Something to guide us.

    Dragons and unicorns are creatures that do not guide our moral compass. People may debate that they are or have been real (like big foot). However, they are mainly fantasy creatures that we have invented out of the awesome creativity in our minds. Like pikachu - someone created that creature, but I do not believe it is real.

    Some also say that dragons and unicorns are spirit creatures. They are image representations of something that exist on a spiritual plane that has no physical body.

    1. Rui Carreira profile image84
      Rui Carreiraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ranked the answer up, yes I can see Dragons don't alter my moral compass at all, but then that raises me another question.

      If God moves our moral compass, isn't that because of the idea that he may like me to do this and not that?

    2. Twixmixy profile image61
      Twixmixyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think a lot of people live in fear and change their moral compass according to if people or God like what they do or don't do. As you age you begin to see truth in your Gods teachings. That there are consequences for your actions.

  3. Daniel J. Neumann profile image61
    Daniel J. Neumannposted 12 years ago

    This is my big distinction: God has no form, but unicorns are supposed to have material existence.

    With that being said, I assume you're more interested in the question of faith---Why does anybody have it? Believing in something greater than yourself has always led to history's greatest achievements. Consider civilization, as one example. Caring for other people is a type of spirituality, but some people reflect inwards for so long that they see an even greater system. Its harder to understand fully, but I do feel we belong to it.

    I hope this answers your question! :-)

    1. Rui Carreira profile image84
      Rui Carreiraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, as I said earlier, I believe in something superior to ourselves - do you think this immaterial God physically influences anything on our prism of existence?

  4. lone77star profile image73
    lone77starposted 12 years ago

    You imply that both don't exist?

    God is the owner of this universe and its creator. He "thought," therefore this IS.

    I believe dragons possibly existed, but they were aircraft from Atlantis. Just look at the details of the stories of Cadmus, Jason and Medea, and the Egyptian merchant prince. Also, look at the story of Cecrops from the viewpoint that he was captain of such an airship, popping the hatch to greet the crowd of the new city of Athens. And Atlantis? We have proof of that, too.

    But God? He doesn't need proof. Proof would get in the way of the rescue of His children. That rescue needs His children to decide on spirituality and to lose their attachments to physicality. If God proved Himself, too much ego would be kicked up. And ego is the poison of the forbidden fruit we each took so long ago.

    I've seen miracles like that of Moses parting the sea and many others that science could never explain. Why is science incapable of explaining? Because science deals with the realm of continuity, studying the product (fruit) of God's creation. But creation itself is discontinuous in nature -- outside of time-space, energy-mass.

    So, God is not real. He is superior to reality. He is the father of reality.

    Unicorns may be based on some real object or creature from long before history began. Or they may simply have been a goat seen in twilight so that the person thought it was a horse with a horn. Centaurs were likely horseback riders seen by those who had never even considered the idea of riding a horse -- half man and half horse, not realizing that both heads were still very visible and the legs were visible on the man. In shock, people miss details.

    1. Rui Carreira profile image84
      Rui Carreiraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ranked the answer up because I agree with God ascending reality - look, I'm not christian, my religion is another, but I do believe something transcends reality so you have a point there.

      I don't believe Atlantis existed though (in the sunken way)

  5. heatblast92 profile image64
    heatblast92posted 12 years ago

    Let's see... whereas a unicorn is presumably apathetic to the affairs of men, God is constantly penetrating every aspect of one's life, as one would believe. One could allude to man's innate nature to be dominated by a higher being, putting it rudely, giving him more incentive to believe that said higher being actually exists than to believe that the existence of a horse with a horn preceded the conception of genetic engineering by who knows how long.
    God is believed to be omnipotent, capable of doing anything and everything, answering the prayers of millions as an example, which goes back to my previous point, that there is much more incentive to be had by believing in him, whereas a unicorn bears a horn which is said to have magical healing properties, not to mention all the abilities of a typical horse, such as powerfully kicking with its hind feet the daylights out of someone with the mental insufficiency to lurk behind it, and chewing grass in a nonchalant manner, both of which pale in comparison to God's supposed powers and hence explaining why people are more eager to dismiss its existence in favor of God's.

    1. Rui Carreira profile image84
      Rui Carreiraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      People have more incentives to believe God... indeed... I agree

  6. profile image0
    jomineposted 12 years ago

    The difference between irrational hope and dream

  7. Froggy213 profile image62
    Froggy213posted 12 years ago

    It's real simple, God is real. A unicorn isn't. He has proved it to me and He will all of you too if you just open your eyes.

  8. CBartelmey profile image70
    CBartelmeyposted 12 years ago

    Well you don’t see questions like this every day.  This definitely caught my eye.  And I would have to say that the difference is that there isn’t anything that I have ever seen that would lead me to believe that unicorns actually exist.  It seems more that someone at one point or another just took to the drawing board and decided that a unicorn would make a nice mythical creature.  From my school days I have tons of doodles on my notebooks that contain my own made up creatures.  Listen to math or draw a frog that will turn into a prince; when you are ten, for me anyway, certainly one was more appealing than the other. 

    But as for God, or a higher power, for me it is hard to look around at the possibilities that surround our existence and come to the conclusion that something of a greater nature isn’t involved here.  I believe the universe has purpose and I believe the universe has meaning, and I don’t believe those can spring from nothing.  Perhaps it sprang from someone’s drawing board?  If the unicorn came from imagination, and perhaps so did we, the only difference; we hold life while the unicorn is still only held to an image on a paper.

    1. Rui Carreira profile image84
      Rui Carreiraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      One thing is for sure... we, as finite beings, are unable to understand the infinity of non-existence. Does it even exists?

  9. Darrell Roberts profile image70
    Darrell Robertsposted 12 years ago

    I like the question.  I believe in all possibilities.  I mean there may be dragons in other worlds but not this one, so what is the big deal.  I think that many people limit their minds to what they see and know on this planet, because they choose not to use their imagination. 

    God has to be imaginative to create so many wonderful things in the universe.  I have no clue what is out there in the universe because I am on this planet with very limited senses. 

    My thoughts are if so many of our great writers who are human could create so many fantastic worlds in their minds, then is it not possible for God the "all powerful, all knowing, omnipresent power" to be able to create any number of worlds, that are even far beyond the imagination of our greatest thinkers. This would be logical.

    The bottom line is people have faith and they believe. A person can only know the here and now with certainty, that is where, the body, mind, and soul are aligned.

    oh yeah, the difference is that people claim that we are created in the image of God, not dragon.  That is the major difference.

    Best wishes.


    1. Rui Carreira profile image84
      Rui Carreiraposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This is a question that leads us to think. The biggest limitation of man is only being able to understand known things.... voted up.


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