Does it state in the Bible that we are all born in sin, and if so I thought Jesus died for our sins?
OK I was reading in a study Bible study book the other day that stated we are all born in sin. If that is true how is it that Jesus died for all our sins (which lasts forever) and how can a baby be born in sin if they don't even know what it is??? If there is a particular scripture I would appreciate it.
Jesus died for the sins of those who accept him. We are born into flesh. The soul is what Jesus died for to live with him for eternity. The flesh will continue to sin regardless. That is why it is called "Born again." The soul is saved, the flesh is but a shell that carries the soul. No one is perfect and free from sin, God knew this. This is why he watched his son go through hell and be crucified so that our souls can be washed clean if we accept Jesus and what he has done for us.
Great Answer JT. You've grasped the message loud and clear.
And the big question is how do we "accept" or "follow" Christ?
Too many do not do this, and yet still call themselves Christians.
One Christian thought he was saved, but that he could now sin with impunity. You cannot follow two masters
This seems to be a question of doubt in your own faith rather than a useful informative question to arouse debate. We are all born of sin, but jesus died to spare of us sever penance for our sins. In other words he died so that we wouldn't all rot in hell for the bad things we the human race a capable of through each of our respective life times. I am not one for asking these types of questions. If you don't believe in jesus and what he did then put the bible down and walk away. Forget it and say you'll never need god or jesus again. And you'll go on living well and forever without him.
See that's exactly the problem with most denominations and some carnal Christians. Opposed to trying to help someone get a better understanding of their faith (as JThomp did), or clarification with scriptures they judge rather admit they don't know
Instead of nit picking at detail just fill up with love and slow your life down. There are people who love god and speak to him daily. They know that you don't have to read the bible or become an analyst to know god and live each day for gods sake.
@safiq, you accuse others of "nit picking at detail," but you do that very thing by what you say. You say "fill up with love" but your words show no compassion or love.
Jesus wants us to understand. Too many have blind belief and wrong understanding
@safiq Trying to have a better understanding of the word to build a closer relationship with God is a far cry from nit picking. As Lone77star said you speak of love, yet display none. Also using the Lords name like that really displays your worship
Lone55star your and Charlus comments are't exactly the most love filled comments I've head. I'm sorry that I butted in. I hope you get your question answered. I've heard it said that gods message is perfect and has no place for doubters and haters.
@Safiq, bless you! You're absolutely right! God's msg is perfect, but man's interpretation isn't. Just look! We have hundreds of denominations, because no one has interpretation right.
That's why we need to remain humble, and to seek answers.
Please read Psalm 51.
Because Adam sinned and we are his children we are all born in sin,
When we recieve Christ we are born into holiness.
Beautiful. And yet so many so-called Christians do not know how to receive Christ. They mouth the words, but lack the humility and love to walk the narrow path.
Thank you!! I love everything from the conceived in sin, whiter than snow, clean heart, and sacrifice of the broken spirit. This is something that I am sure I will be reading daily for awhile. Have an incredible day and God Bless.
None of us is born in sin. In Ps 51 David was expressing his opinion when he was depressed about his sin. Read Ps 139. How can that which God made in the womb be sinful? If we are made by God, we are born perfect.
Psalms is in the old Testament. Now, Jewish law only.
@ Dissappearinghead Ps 139 is wonderful and I love the verses about no matter where I go thou art there. Before the Bible study I thought the same as you do about being born perfect, (well without sin anyway) Thank you
@DP and @Charlu, God created each one of us as perfect -- Genesis 1:26. We made ourselves imperfect -- Gen.3 (symbolic for all of us; see Gen.5:2).
God did not create us in the womb. Let those with wisdom understand how God could "hate" Esau in womb
The Bible is very clear that no person will be responsible for the sins of others. Each person is answerable for himself alone and cannot blame it on Adam and Eve.This is how justice goes.Check :Deuteronomy 24:16
Read Genesis 2 and 3.
This is our great fall from grace.
Genesis 1:26 tells us that we were created in the image and likeness of God the Father.
Genesis 2:7 tells us that we were created from the dust of the ground.
Now, I hardly think that the image and likeness of God is that of dust. So, we are talking of 2 separate creations. We are talking of immortal spirit wrapped in Homo sapiens flesh.
God told Adam that he would die on the day he ate of the forbidden fruit, but did he literally, physically die on that day? It doesn't appear that way. Adam and Eve were escorted out of the Garden, and Adam lived to the ripe old age of 930.
But that was not Adam the individual, for Genesis 5:2 tells us that Adam was a group -- both male and female.
And Genesis 6:3 emphasizes the 2 creations of man -- for man is also flesh. If he is also flesh, then he is something else, too. That other self is the true self -- the immortal child of God created in His image and likeness.
Our individual sin was that of spirit, for we died in the Garden spiritually when we took the forbidden fruit. Adam -- the spiritual group.
Each of us is born in sin so long as we have ego -- the poison of the forbidden fruit -- wrapped like a blindfold over our spiritual eyes. I have been without that blindfold for a few, brief moments. I have seen with spiritual eyes, thought with spiritual consciousness -- entirely detached from ego and the physical body. I felt the glory of God washing through me. But then I pulled that dirty rag back over my spiritual eyes and I lost the Light once more. My soul groans in agony at that.
Jesus tells us what we must do. We must be born again of the spirit. We must let go of the part of us that demands to be first (the false self, ego). And we can only do this through loving humility (being last, in the true self, soul, Holy Ghost, child of God, within).
Yes, Jesus died for our sins. But to cash in on his gift, we need to follow his example. We need to give up ego in its entirety. We need to perform miracles without any thought of "self." We need to love fearlessly. And we need to take 100% responsibility, for then there is no room for blame or victim.
Love really is the answer, for love cares not for the "self."
Thank you for the scriptures and those together with your explanations and several others I am definitely understanding the "born in the flesh. born again", and why it happens this way. Also babies that pass on leave the flesh, not their soul Thanks
did he literally,physically die on that day?It doesn't appear that way.why d you Christians takes th title son of God literally and physically?dont u know tht Psalm2:7 "Jehovah had said onto me (David), thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
@James, you treat "you Christians" as a homogenous block. It ain't and I'm not!
We are all children of God (the immortal part, within). But we also have ego (false self).
Was Jesus, David reincarnated?
Thanks for this, without scripture reciting it is plain english for those that hear, or listen. You may be interested in this I found it enlightening, Love really is the answer.
While it is true that our bodies are born into sin as babies we are still under the age of accountabilty therefore babies dont go to hell. But the age of accountability is something that is different for everyone. Its when you truly inderstand right from wrong and the understanding then reuires you to make a decision based on freedom from sin or to remain under the law of sin and a slave to it. Jesus' WHOLE ministry was to teach the freedom of how to walk back like we are before we reach the age of accountability and mumbling "the sinners prayer" doesnt save you, its coming to the understanding of being under sin and that you want to live differently in freedom. THATS why you have SO many Republicans who are SAYING they are Christians but say to let all the poor people die from hunger and lack of healthcare which is OBVIOUSLY against ALL of Jesus teachings. You must have an understanding of what Jesus did and get to know WHO He is by listening to His Spirit which these so-called Christian Republicans OBVIOUSLY dont. The problem is all these people who believe in their words that they asked Jesus to save them without realising that they have made a vow, a committment to allowing the Holy Spirit to lead them rather than the spirit and culture of this world. These people arent ACTUALLY believing in Jesus but in the words they spoke which isnt faith in Jesus but faith in words which will not change them or save them from sin. STOP looking at other people around you who are any religion and go yourself to God and ask HIM to guide you to the truth of Jesus. Listen and follow your feelings of leading. Dont worry about anything else is my advice. God Bless You.
Thank you and babies going to hell was a main question in my mind, but thanks to you and others I've learned that is not the case. As a very wise prophet told me "Take what you need and leave the rest" which is what I do not taking anything to heart
Good pts @Samantha.
It's immortal soul that carries sin directly from the Garden--the blindfold of ego that resulted in spiritual death.
I've seen without that blindfold, without human eyes and consciousness--without ego.
Bodies don't go to hell
My personal opinion is that people missed the point of Jesus's ministry. They attempt to tie in the religion that preceded his appearance with the religion that rose behind him. No one was born in sin. No one has to find a way to become right with God. That was his point. God knows who you are. Knows the number of hairs on your head. You are right with the cosmos automatically. Our mission is to be right with our fellow man. Love one another as we are loved. Pointing fingers and crying sin just appears to be too fun of a concept to let go of.
Emile, fun? That's ego. When did we get ego? Gen. 3!
Yes, we were all born in sin, because we took the forbidden fruit and our immortal selves fell into the Long Sleep of spiritual "death."
Jesus said "reborn of spirit;" no more ego
If you take the stories literally, then I guess that is a possible interpretation. I don't. I don't see any evidence to support taking any of it literally. Ego drives the need to see sin. Religion feeds the ego.
And I don't take them literally, either. I speak from experience and my own, still poor interpretation. I agree with so much of what you say, and yet...
For my understanding, ego is the source of all sin (all evil). Ego makes religion and more, evil
Love your answer. I don't think people missed the point I think sometimes it's easier to see the sin than to talk about how much we haven't been doing to love one another and give of ourselves to better our communities.
Every “good” Christian believes that their sins are forgiven by the blessed name and blood of Jesus.The problem with this however is that this is contrary to not only the teachings of Jesus,but to the teachings of The Holy Bible itself even the idea put forth by the Christians that all children are born with the black stain of sin runs contrary to this event in the ministry of Jesus:
“Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the Kingdom of God…Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.” Mark 10:14-15
Now if the idea of all children being born with the black stain of sin was among the many teachings of Prophet Jesus, then this statement would have never been made by him considering that Christians believe that unless a child be baptized in the name of Jesus,that child could never inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, but rather suffer the doom of hellfire and damnation. Any belief that Christians have in regards to a child being born in sin is refuted by the above words of Jesus. He makes it clear that unless you are as innocent as a child, you can never inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.
“For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.” 1 Corinthians 15:3
According to this passage, Paul is claiming that this ideology is supported by the scriptures, and in this case he is making reference to the Hebrew Scriptures, or The Tanach. However, one will find that this idea of an innocent man, in this case Jesus, having to pay for the sins of others is nowhere to be found in the Hebrew Bible. In actuality, it is the exact opposite that is found in the Hebrew Scriptures;
“The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son; the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. “But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statuses and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die. All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him; in his righteousness that he hath done, he shall live.” Ezekiel 18:20-22.
The verse in Mark meaning that we must humble ourselves as children and look to God for guidance as children look to their parents for guidance.
@James-wolve, @JT makes a good pt
Could u be misinterpreting passage? Receiving K. "as a little child," is anyone, no matter their age, becoming humble as a child sometimes is to their parents.
Sin is stain (ego) on immortal child of God, within
James your answer is well informed and just beautiful. Every religion says that those who do good deeds and ward away and reject evil shall inherit the Kingdom of heaven. Jesus said I have gone ahead of you to prepare a place for you. God bless you.
James thank you for the passages. clarification, and the comments leading me to these passages. I am learning so much.
So why Christians claim that Jesus is the actual biological son of God ?
Why don't you read that Bible on your own and not in a study bible devised to hide the truth from you. Jesus told us that he and God are WITHIN us all and by the accounts of that Bible God made everything good. Sin is, if you read what Jesus states only, is something that you do against your very own person. A sin is like if you did something (which you may not be aware of) and then you get sick from it. What you did to cause that sickness is a sin. We are not all born in Sin. Religion will teach you that but if you read the Bible you will find your own answers.
Love ya, Lady G. Good points, but the sin has been in us for millennia. It is the ego we pulled over our spiritual eyes back in the Garden.
I realized only last month that I peeked out from under that blindfold 41 years ago.
In the Bible Jesus was speaking to a bunch of people that he was sharing a meal with. The story is in Mark 2. His Disciples were sitting around having a meal and Jesus was there also. There were others there like the Pharisees and the scribes an
I do read the Bible, go to study groups,etc which is why I asked the question if there were scriptures to clarify What shocks me is that so many answer the question as if it were an abomination opposed to understanding my request for clarification
I totally understand what you are saying Charlu. Some people are just down right rude.
I agree with you Lady Guinevere.Jesus never said we are born sin.The original sin is nowhere to be found in the Bible.
1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all (mankind) die, so in Christ all (mankind) will be made alive.
Romans 11:32 For God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.
We all have inherited Adams curse of death, there for we must all die once, but Christs obedience gave all mankind life after in each of our own turn.
1Corithians 15:
22 For even as, in Adam, all are dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be vivified.
23 Yet each in his own class: the Firstfruit (Feast of Passover), Christ; thereupon those who are Christ's in His presence (Feast of Weeks);
24 thereafter the consummation (Feast of Booths), whenever He may be giving up the kingdom to His God and Father, whenever He should be nullifying all sovereignty and all authority and power.
25 For He must be reigning until He should be placing all His enemies under His feet.
26 The last enemy is being abolished: death.
27 For He subjects all under His feet. Now whenever He may be saying that all is subject, it is evident that it is outside of Him Who subjects all to Him.
28 Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be all in all.
Like so many other Bible passages, what does it really mean or esoterically
mean?.....the disagreement and confusion is endless. The mass destruction of Sacred Ancient Wisdom has been horrendous throughout history!
But fortunately newly discovered secret wisdom has been resurrected that
can explain the and how Jesus was really resurrected
after the cross.
This sample is from that
"Jesus is the most studied man in history, yet his true name is a mystery for most people. In the past, this was due to the deliberate destruction of documents by the Roman and Islamic Empires to hide the truth. Today, the Vatican still hides its documents about Jesus’ true history, his marriage to Mary Magdalene, Jesus’ ancient wisdom and his secret teachings."
We need to think outside the box we have been mentally placed in for eons.
Now you can
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