Looking at Jesus

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  1. XTASIS profile image60
    XTASISposted 14 years ago

    Yes! I always help the lowest...just in case ! big_smile

    1. profile image51
      reesecurryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'm so glad to meet people of faith on this website.

      1. Mark Knowles profile image59
        Mark Knowlesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Allow me to introduce you to a new concept:

        Sarcasm.  big_smile

        We do have a special place for ridiculous beliefs:


        It is called the "religion" forum.

        Welcome to hubpages. smile

    2. seyiari profile image60
      seyiariposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      we are meant to look at jesus because he his the author and finisher of our faith.

      1. Cagsil profile image72
        Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Excuse me kind sir, but I beg to differ, because of the simple fact that your individual religious knowledge has escaped you and left you vulnerable to non-believers.

        You base your faith on Jesus? You look to Jesus for guidance. What you might not be aware of is that Jesus' work that was included with Religion ONLY after he was executed. So as, to continue on the Hoax, known as Religion.

        Religion is a Business. It was founded on the basis, so as to allow certain people access, so they can usurp power and wealth, at the expense the innocent and unknowing. It IS a "code of ethics" for which to live by and it IS "bound or bonded" to a higher cause, such as God. Supposedly giving you answers to all questions in Life? The mystery is the intriguing property of religion, which draws people into it. Supposedly giving people more meaning for their life, yet fails to deliver any solid results.

        1. Jerami profile image58
          Jeramiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

             There are some things that you say that does have some truth. I have a hard time thinking that you say them with the same intent as I.
             Religion and faith in God are two entirely diffrent things.
             Faith in God costs nothing.
             If you ever meet him you would .."know him"
             That does not mean that you should believe everything that people are saying about him. After all..there will always be some corrupt people with a plan.
              Anyone that says that they need my last dollar, but has millions in the bank can not be trusted.
              A good liar will tell his story keeping to a truth as closley as possible all the while changing just enough of the details as to achieve their goal. behind all of the smoke there is some fire.  Underneath religion is a true God.
              Religion is what ever you might imagined it to be.
                    but .... God is whatever reality is.

  2. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 14 years ago

    Please post things like this in the religion forum.

  3. XTASIS profile image60
    XTASISposted 14 years ago

    Meany, meany Mark ! big_smile lol

  4. DogSiDaed profile image60
    DogSiDaedposted 14 years ago

    Jesus was a short, stocky, dark-skinned asian man who did carpentry. Not that much to look at.

    1. prettydarkhorse profile image64
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this


    2. chambersgirl21 profile image60
      chambersgirl21posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I really dont think it matters what Jesus looked like.

  5. Bovine Currency profile image61
    Bovine Currencyposted 14 years ago

    I smoked crack with Jesus back in Nam

  6. SandyMcCollum profile image64
    SandyMcCollumposted 14 years ago

    LOL that was Jesus, not Jesus, silly!


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