I always like to refer to the Resurrection of Jesus when 2 women were instructed by an angel to go tell the disciples that the tomb where Jesus lay -- stone had been rolled away. Read John 20th chapter; Matthew 28 and Luke 24th chapter.
Mary Magdalene and Mary went and told the men disciples what they saw at the tomb. Jesus spoke directly to Mary Magdalene after he had risen from the grave - she was the first person to see Jesus after he had risen.
Women are born deliverers. God gave women a womb to deliver babies (even if you haven't naturally given birth). Women have within them the ability to nurture. And they are born equipped to minister.
Women carry the responsibility of ministry without a title - we are the "Keepers of the Home," the bible says.
So if you look at ministry in the sense of vocation or calling, they are fully equipped.
But take notice, that they must take care of their home first, then reach out.
Furthermore, the woman has to decide on how she will involve herself with ministry.
Thanks for the question.
It really depends on what you mean by ministry. The Bible tells me that women can be involved in the ministry, but not in leading the church as a whole. To put it another way, no women are not to be preachers, evangelists, etc. The bible plainly states that a woman must remain silent in church. If she has a question, she is to wait until she gets home to ask her Christian husband.
I know many may disagree, but this is what the bible says.
1 Corinthians 14:34
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.
1 Corinthians 14:35
And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their
No, this is what parts of the Bible written after the ascension of Jesus say.
I do not get it JT, you are conversing here on a question asked by a woman and engaging women in public. If we follow your "saith the law" you are committing blasphemy.
In your remark to me under my comment. Who was speaking of the law? People who say the law is dead are people who want an excuse for the sins they commit
They are Paulines
You break the law by speaking here in public. Who gives you authority to speak? Does you husband? Is he higher than the law? Girl, you must shut up. For by your law, you have no right to speak to me without going through your husband.
Ericdierker - Who was speaking to you? Did you make a comment to me? No but for some reason you don't know enough to realize it. No Jewish people like my husband does not put any restrictions on women. Shut up yourself rude person
Off the hip without pondering and a personal view without theology I ponder Ruth and then ponder the Gospel of Mary. Controversial? Maybe . . .
the gospel of Mary there is no such thing. the Gospel is Jesus Christ and He alone
There is a Gospel of Mary authentic or not, but it does not worship Mary any more than the Gospel of Matthew worships Matthew.. The Gospel of Mary is about Yahshua from his mother's point of view
Unless I am sadly mistaken -- it happened once ;-) I am a minister. I am raised up by my peoples whom I love dearly. I am set to lead the little 30 and unders to 3. I lead the worship, because somebody has to, otherwise we would be all a mess.
But what I was raised on and still hold true, is this concept of Christ washing the feet of His peoples. For some reason I have always thought that to minister was to serve. Serve hot tea, serve food (the feast) serve others, serve God.
So then I read some fine fellow like JT, and he is a fine fellow, and they say that service is restricted. Wow what a concept. Certainly not Black people, Certainly not Children, Certainly not Women. Heaven forbid a Married man giving a sermon. It could get crazy, we could be served by sinners, OH MY!
But let us look at the instruction about women, the instructions were written so as to get along with the society at the time. "Hey!! You idiots do not go out looking for a world of trouble, and do not put your women or slaves at risk, not to mention your other property - children". Now all that was just common danged sense. NEWS FLASH some morons made it so that my wife, children and slaves are no longer my property but real humans. Can you imagine such a world.
Can you imagine that a women could lead me to Jesus. Can you imagine a world where "she" makes more than me and knows the scriptures better than me -again- OH MY!!
Neanderthal "Christians". Do not like this and try to fashion wording in the bible to keep anyone but white hetereosexual adult males who are pius from destroying their power base. One thing they forgot is that God gave us a brain. Damnedest thing.
The next man that comments women and men do not NOW have equal duties to serve, is more than danged likely single or married to a woman smarter than he and only dogma will keep his place secure, for his laziness, and lack of intellect suggest the opposite of good. He should step aside and let her lead. Knowing that who is first is last, and last is first. If women accept this fact they lead me, regardless of title.
Mr Eric, Sorry if you are offended, only going by what the bible says. Or are we supposed to look over these issues because they are not "Politically correct?" I said nothing about color, age, etc.
Of course not my friend, if there is a bigoted bone in your body, I am not aware it. And your verses are truth. But I understand them to mean, "do not be offensive to the culture in which you minister". You believe they are a law unto themselves.
Wow, Eric. You are certainly demonstrating a mean and bitter spirit. It's bad enough most of your answer is not coherent enough to read.
Caleb what mean spirit --- in my words --- do you see? Is there something about JThomp42 and me that bothers you? We do not agree but we agree to love each other.
Eric, as do so many you are confusing ministry with authority, they are not the same Everyone is responsible for personal ministry to others but only men are given authority, and even that is extremely limited contrary to what the churches teach
Whereas Men or males maybe dominated 85 percent of the bible stories; Women were integrated and important, sometimes making the difference in how history played out for the nations. Never underestimate the power of a woman. Historically their role was different, however their place was and is always greatly significant. times have changed, but their are still Hannahs, and Esthers, and Abigails and Miriams, and Mary's and Martha's, and many many more. Some were not considered of the best reputaion, as was Jezebel. But on the whole, God honored women and used them in stressful times to turn the tide due to their unshakable faith.
Not sure how to answer your question, but know that women are extremely important - they're the proginators of two nations and religions: Islam and Judaism - Hagar and Sarai - it just doesn't get more important than these two Women!...
Paul was the only one who taught against women ministers.
God on the other hand saw women differently than Paul.
How can we accept what Paul said over what God said.
God said
Jeremiah 31:22
How long wilt thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter? for the Lord hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man.
Deborah The Prophetess
The Book of Judges records a cycle whereby the people desert God, suffer oppression, appeal to God for help, and are sent a deliverer
Judges 2:18
Amongst those whom God used to deliver the people was Deborah, and she is outstanding amongst the deliverers in that none of the judges in the Book of Judges is described as a prophet. Deborah, however, is a prophetess who judged. The nearest parallel is Samuel who was a prophet who judged. Judges 4:4-5
The English word “judge” obviously described the activity of settling disputes, something which Moses had undertaken and under pressure of work had turned the job over to others Exodus 18:22.
In general, the judges were men. Deborah appears to have been an exception, but one approved by God, and the natural way in which she is introduced suggests no surprise that a woman should judge. However, in the Book of Judges the word “judge” has a wider meaning than merely someone who settles disputes. It means ruler, leader, or governor, and
the Hebrew word shopet is used for Judge and means king. This can be seen in the manner in which Deborah acts with authority over Barak the military leader:
She sent and summoned Barak the son of Abinoam ... and said to him, “The LORD, the God of Israel, commands you...” Judges 4:6
The Biblical text is entirely approving of Deborah and her leadership
Hudah the Prophetess
Huldah was recognised as a prophetess and was consulted by King Josiah at a crucial point when the book of the Law had been discovered during repairs to the temple. In effect she was being asked to find out whether the book was the word of God or not. 2 Kings 22:12-15
There seems to be no question about whether it was appropriate for a woman to be a prophetess. Not only King Josiah but also the High Priest, Hilkiah, accepted Hudah as a true prophet
There are many, many more http://www.carelinks.net/doc/oneinchrist-en/25
JT We will always live under the old law. Nowhere does scripture, God nor Yahshua say we don't. As a matter of fact it says just the opposite
We are cursed if we do not know the law.
John 7:49 "But this people who knoweth not the law are cursed".
Deborah how can you possibly insult us men and post here. Please post through your husband rf shut up. On your law you have no right and commit blasphemy to even write directly to us in public. Accordingly to the law of Deborah.
Ericdierker you really should grow up, you act as though you are ten. I'd be ashamed. Watch what you say to a child of God
Oh, since I posted only scripture I see you hate it
shut up Deborah. If you hold to the scripture then you are nothing to speak to this man. Don't you get that!?
I do not believe that. But you profess that. You say that the scripture is clear, but yet you have the audacity to speak to me? a man?.
I am Jewish I believe in the Old Testament only. I interpret the New Testament only but do not believe in it The OT does not teach what the NT does
Then how can you speak here in public? Are you blind and not aware or your female restrictions?
DS as a jew , yes YOU are under the law. and scripture says you are blinded for now. But when your eyes are opened and you finally come to Christ you will see the truth that the law was fulfilled in Him and is not valid to Christians
Celafoe No, it was when I was a "Christian" that I was blind, but God opened my eye and showed me the truth and I converted to Judaism. You Christians think you know more about the Hebrew scriptures than the Hebrews. Wake up before it's too late.
Deborah, that would have been such a right on comment. If the anger did not come dripping through it. Perhaps that is what your wonderful new "faith" teaches. Celafoe is Celafoe, and Deborah is Deborah. Condemnation of each other can only separate u.
God knows there was no anger and that is all that matters. People believe all you can express is positive stuff. Well that's not reality negative needs to be expressed. I will always speak what I view as truth regardless if it is positive or negative
Ericdierker it’s not a new faith for Deborah, she converted when she was 18. Celafoe called her a Jew & she’s not, she’s Jewish. She also called her blind. But it’s OK for you & Celafoe but not for Deborah
That;s right. After all I never said anything to Celafoe to begin with. But Celafoe like Ericdierker are always jumping on people. And I've read some real rude remarks from you Ericdierker.
Debora I am sorry to have insulted you. I was speaking in that role as someone who holds strictly to the scripture. Paul's instructions were/are clear. Woman were only to speak of church matters through their husbands.
JThomp42 What made you come up with the weird comment that we are no longer under the law"? Did you even read what I wrote? Obviously not. I spoke nothing of the Law. I think you were wanting to fight. No fight here
Deborah it is really hard to follow you. You go by strict scripture. And yes there are amazing women in scripture. But scripture overwhelmingly tells us that women should take a back seat and be quiet while men discuss scripture. What up with that?
Wow talk about segregation by sex! Jesus told us that all the laws (new and Old) are in the minds of mankind, not in a book to use as a weapon..and that is what is happening here. I would LOVE to C some LOVE from that book shown here. here.
Ericdierker Although I interpret what is being said in the "New Testament" What you call scripture I call letters from a false Apostle. I am Jewish and believe only in the Old Testament.
The N.T. is Tares in the English Bible
So Deborah, what is Christ to you? What would you label Him. My Idea for someone as you profess to be: Is that He is a prophet. But your label of his recorded teachings suggest you think him a heretic and false prophet. Straighten me out please.
I think his teachings are great. It is Paul's I don't accept because his goes completely against Yahshua's
Deborah, please answer my question as to who Christ is to you and your understanding. I really want to learn it from someone of your convictions.
I worship God alone, and no other. You can read my beliefs on Yahshua in the comments here
http://mattheos.hubpages.com/hub/Why-is … he-Messiah
From a different angle, let's look at what Jesus actually did to support women's acts of ministry and ministration during his life. The Mary and Martha story makes it clear that he welcomed women both to serve and to learn, and to learn equal with the disciples. The resurrection of Lazarus story shows that he allows women to petition him for healing prayer, and therefore do healing ministry. Even gentile women can do this, as with the mother who prays for the healing of her daughter. And the risen Christ showed himself first to a woman, Mary, before Peter or any other disciple.
During his life, I do not see anywhere that Jesus made a distinction between men and women in any way.
I believe that the later elements in Acts, Corinthians, etc., represent a compromise between what the early Church could comprehend of Jesus' teachings and the social pressures around them.
SidKemp I agree. The Roman influence of control can't be underestimated, Christianity became a political vehicle quickly. Comparing parables etc in the Gospels with ancient Hindu knowledge... looks like Jesus traveled along the trade route to India
By the letter, JT must shut his mouth or openly invite only his wife to speak of such matters. Sid, if a woman responds to this question, are you adulterous for to answer as is JT? These men who speak with women openly must be subdued. JT regularly.
What part of ministry? Certainly there are places for women in certain areas as Sunday School teachers, nursery workers, etc, but as in the place of a Pastor it is in direct violation to God's Word. 1 Timothy 2:9-12 it talks about the woman's place. Also, when given the qualifications for a pastor, it says "the husband of one wife" not "the wife of one husband."
I hope you have a letter from the government saying you are a "fee woman". Otherwise by the rest of Timothy 2 you are a Blasphemist for speaking directly to men this way. Don't you get it. By answering you just violated the letter of Paul.
I looked at your picture and although you look old you act ten. You really hate women, I can guess because they always reject you. Who would want you with your attitude
Lady you are insane, you quote scripture saying you cannot comment and then you do. What are you doing here? You are a female, that by your own words should shut up.
I am not a literalist, that means I want women to lead me. Are you missing something
women are very important, they have much personal ministry. But are not given authority. also ss etc that you mention are not a part of the church of Christ. They are a part of the church of man.
Emily you are definitely a Pauline Christian. That means you follow the false Apostle Paul more than God. Because God never gave those instructions. And Paul's letter are not scripture. They were put in the Bible but they are tares to deceive
There are several priestesses and women in high office in that Bible. I wrote an article about it but for the sake of saving space here I will only give a few and a brief biblical verse or book for them.
!. Deborah -Prophetess and Judge Over Israel
The book of Judges, Chapter 4 and 5 tells the story of Deborah chosen by GOD to be the Judge and prophetess of Israel. Verses 4 and 5 states who she is and her role as an equal to men of that time:
4 And Deborah, a woman inspired, wife of Lapidoth, she is judging Israel at that time, 5 and she is dwelling under the palm-tree of Deborah, between Ramah and Beth-El, in the hill-country of Ephraim, and the sons of Israel go up unto her for judgment. Please read the whole chapter and not just these two verses. It completes that part of her story.
Dorcas/Tabitha Disciple of Christ
In Acts 9, there is a story of a woman by the name of Tabitha or Dorcas as she would have been called in those days. She was raised from the dead by Peter. Here is the story of Tabitha. She was indeed a disciple of Christ with the other men and held in that office with Peter's help.
Quoted from Laurence Gardner, in his book The Bloodline of the Holy Grail The Hidden Lineage of Jesus "This was an outrageous statement with no apparent foundation, but it was for this very reason that dozens of Gospels were not selected, because they made it quite clear that there were many active women in the ministry of Jesus - women such as Mary Magdalene, Martha, Helena-Salome, Mary-Jacob Cleopas and Joanna. These were not only ministering disciples, but priestesses in their own right, running exemplary schools of worship in the Nazarene tradition."
You can read part of the book here: http://www.serenitystreetnews.com/HERST … vealed.pdf
Darling, Lady. All you write may be correct. But that does not change the facts and the scripture. Unless you and Deborah are claiming sainthood or high priestess status your role by scripture is subservient to men.
I think it was of the times.
You don't understand. The Bible has been changed by MEN to be a tool for MEN to rule OVER women, not the other way around. We are to be equal in everything thought and deed.
Thank you Lady. That is very honest and straight forward. Surely because of the time it was written and edited in large part, there is some truth to what you say.
No Ericdierker what Paul wrote is just letters, not scripture. Paul led people astray because he was a false Apostle. Read my hubs
http://deborah-sexton.hubpages.com/hub/ … New-Gospel
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