What do all seek except happiness? and what else? Oh, LOVE! this is about the relationship of love and happiness. Can you have one without the other? or can you have both together? Lets look and see!
How can we continue a practice misleading of the intentions of Jesus and the Apostles? How can a ministry overlook the fact that Jesus requires every gift to be cheerful and of a personal heart felt decision? We're no longer under a compulsory tithe. We're under Grace. We're not bound to the law.
There is no other way to describe modern tithing than the word " abuse". Biblical tithing was not of money. Why the interest in only keeping this principle alive and not the others, of Sabbath day and of Pigeon and Dove offerings? Its time to come in line with the word. New Covenant word.
Modern Churchs have rightly let go of most old testament customs, But this is one they have changed to a mandatory money tithe required of church membership, claiming it brings Gods richest blessings. I fear for those under this concept. What about Love? It can't be both ways!
Our world is so mixed up; to the point that Christians have accepted Pagan practices. That we are ignorant in the subjects of life and death. This article explores the pro's and cons of both burial and cremation, and both tithing, and baptism in comparison to following old testament laws.
Our World is our baby, to protect, to preserve and to live in. Its best if we remain aware of pollution and do our bit to correct bad trends of pollution. This short synopsis is a review of micro-plastics and the pollution caused by its breakdown once it is disposed of in society.
Another definition could be its over-complicated. But this is a new look at an old discussion on the viability and practicality of male-female purpose in marriage relationship. What will you do when your back is to the wall? You most likely have all the answers.
More attention is being directed to what the part is of Rock Salt in controlling snow and ice on the roadways during adverse conditions. This is a brief article on the inter-relations of the public, the driver with the state counterparts, corrosion of vehicles, and water supply contamination..
Bring it on, if you're serious about correcting the way we use tithing in the modern church. Why its wrong to base your giving upon the Old Testament laws and covenants; and how to get aligned with the New Testament Principles. We follow a new way that comes by our salvation in Jesus.
Trying to follow the rules of the old covenant of tithe is impossible: We are not in the Old Testament, and we're not under its covenants, We could not possible fulfill its demands. We have a new and higher covenant in Jesus Christ.
No doubt, Catholics were high and in power regarding church matters from the 2nd century on until the 1500's and later., and no doubt that they restructured the scripture enough to support their new trinity concept accepted in 325 AD. But now much is exposed.
Modern monetary tithe is a tradition from Catholic revival doctrine born out of "The Council of Tithe" in 610 Ad. Yet we are commanded by Jesus to not try to follow the old testament law or its ordinances.. If you try to follow and you break one, then you are guilty of all.
Sometimes a quiet inner voice speaks out the words to a song. This was one of those.. I carved the ship out of a cedar log. Yes, Noah and Paul were both familiar with boats.
You always may have wondered about the biblical basis of a pastor's salary. Here's some thoughts and questions on this subject. Usually speaking, the more you look at something, the more that you will understand.
Many Americans still hunt and fish as a lifestyle. Why are the courts and the legislature trying to stop us from owning and bearing arms? Many of us would suffer. Why is it always the criminal that is protected? By blaming the firearm, then the criminal could reasonably go free.
At age 26, when I received license to preach the gospel, I don't think this message has become outdated or ever will. What we learn about the mystery of Godliness is going to help us in many areas of our faith life. Who do we call on? where do we go when we are in need?
So you want an Electric Vehicle? Have you done the research? Studied the sciences enough that you feel you can rely on even an electric bicycle for transportation? Are you ready to constantly clean the battery terminals? Charge the battery, breathe toxic battery fumes? Be stranded a few times?
A mixed up future before us, with peanut butter smeared on the path of socialism, to lurk and tempt the innocent and young. Those who know the outcome are those who have been it's victims. Who is to drive us back to center, a better cause of freedom, free enterprise and representative government?
Easy believism today asserts that "Jesus did it all". While he did it all, he expects a fair exchange from you and I, and gives us a pathway to walk: The thief that was saved on the cross was caught between the law and grace, but also he spent a whole day with Jesus, and in that time, was converted
What effect is the Earth's ecology on it's inhabitants? What are the basic elements of conservation? Let's not get too deep, but let's start with the Earth's core and work out. There are a lot of things we can do as Individuals to save our planet. I know you will ask; yes it's our responsibility!
From when I first remember individuality and then what it is today, age compared to age, 60 years in between, brings out a contradiction of what this subject means. The resulting child-scape and the environment, as well as the core of individuality has been altered drastically. What is to be done?
Have you thought out your life? Your situation? Are you frustrated with how you're living? Here are some guidelines to see a change and to find yourself in a brand new position brought by your choices. Also by seeking for the answer to a better life both now and in the life to come.
We are in a raging battle as humans to onto hold our identity and rights in the middle of an engineered pandemic. Government holds the cards, it seems, but do they have the power to mandate our health and welfare, against our belief's or conscious? Read and ponder!
When we have enjoyed the summers heat, the end of it comes slow and as a certainty. When the Sun moves back, the warmth goes with it. Everything is touched by the Winter that's coming.
The Forgotten Books of Eden and the Story of Adam and Eve were part of the Original Manuscripts and contain Interlinked proof of authenticity through the established covenants made by God. Without the first covenant, the rest are lacking in completeness. I ask where did the first covenant occur?
The world is a crucible where salvation of the soul is contemplated. It becomes the deepest search of a persons life, to find and connect with eternity through a redemption of the soul and spirit. The Judaic God, or Christian God is offering salvation, by the Holy Son of God, Jesus
In the New Testament there is a thread that reveals a mystery related to the relationship of God with His people and the Son of God. In this article I attempt to tie these threads together, letting them form a strong cord of faith in Almighty God and his Salvation Plan.
As We look into the relationship, we see its flaws. While we look at ourselves, we see that we are not perfect. So now that we're past that, what really matters?
The Idea of Prejudice and the Idea of Socialism is the main topic of this article. After living over half a hundred years, I have strong and settled opinions on that America is not perfect, but it is optimistically sound. One must search for himself and not be afraid to form solid beliefs.
In light of a new category on the subject of impeachment. Do the words Election Based and Impeachment seem synonymous to you?
I can't go back and I must not stop going forward! I must pursue the future and create my own bliss while using the gifts I've been given.
Mysteries of the past, geology, science and the hereafter are searched out, written about and discussed in tight circles; but there are some basic guidelines that lead us to both logical and faith-based answers.
Rosa Parks stood up for her people in spite of her fears. Now Donald Trump is realizing the bus he's on is very similar to Rosa Parks.. If he doesn't stand up for all of us, we all will become the slaves of the future. May God help the President!
How much danger are you in? In the middle of national unrest we find both personal safety and quality of life are at risk. This is a statement against public violence and a close examination of health/mask related questions in light of Covid 19 virus. Read and be your own judge of this.
When we lose, when we have to answer the deep questions, why are they gone? This is a commentary of grief and pain.
Considering the deeper substance of life and the course we are each pursuing, We still need to be mindful of the little choices and decision of every day. They can make us or destroy us. Of great value to us is our faith and our adherence to Gods perfect design.
There are some who question where life comes from, and I want to address that issue with answers I have sought out for myself. This article is Bible based, upon the actions of the apostles and upon the word of God. Anything you add must be from the word of God or it won't stand.
Simply breathing and existing is not always enough reason to live. What events have caused you to stop having a goal?
The underlying foundation of individual freedom. this is what its all about.
Individual Marketing schemes abound. Sometimes its quite like the pyramid sales of the 70's 80's and sometimes its not. But how do you assimilate and dissimulate the info gathered from these "opportunities"?
In the turmoil of Covid 19, what are you thinking? What is your rationale towards the last six months of medical paranoia and government intervention into our freedoms and personal lifestyle, pursuant to this infectious outbreak?
America is in Severe Crisis: should we trust the guidance of the Chief Officer of infectious disease? Are we being told the truth? Here are some questions that I am having to ask myself at the same time I ask others to answer, "what will the future reveal about today?"
Speaking to the abuse of racism, How the establishment has allowed special interests to create violence and mob rule through rioting and even murder in the name of justice. Not right!
A surprise attack of a nova-virus; Government scrambles to contain the damage and presumably to save lives. Underneath, a political forest fire rages. Who will win when the presidency is at stake? The effects of the shutdown are so aligned with liberal agendas that even the president appears guilty!
Anything that can attack and debilitate the entire world, its economy, its healthcare and its well- being; is a formidable, life altering event!
Many Political and Economic Issues surround these County's: threats of tolls, superman bridges, corrupt politicians and much more. this is a brief history based view of the southern region of Alabama. The Ideas of and the questions of the current residents (and lawmakers)are exposed.
A person who simply has knowledge about a subject isn't necessarily an expert: There are levels of knowledge, craftsmanship, and experience. But when the best of the best comes along, anything less than perfect will be deemed "intentional uniqueness" , or it will fall into the rating of "shabby".
People think that Atheists are "impossible", because they can't fathom that there is a God. It makes a perfect opportunity for God to show his love and mercy and to show out!
This is #4 in a 4 part series on the study of tithing, Old Testament vs. New Testament. This will not bore you to death. It is based on "truth has no apology". As a writer I discuss the right and the wrong way to give, and since we are in a New Covenant, we must follow its ordinances, not the old.
Modern Church Tithing is a hot topic today and how we are to participate is on everyone's mind. Lets take a look. Are we to use old testament ordinances? Or can we trust In the New Testament Ordinances that teach us we no longer live under the power of the Old Testament Law?
Miixed up Old and New Covenant teachings are punctuated by the cry of saints to ask us, are we tithing by old covenant or new covenant ordinances? The author engages in a series of studies to answer this question once and for all. Tradition has it one way, but truth has no apology
The condemnation over tithing endured by saints in today's church is contrary to New Testament Ordinance. Jesus said he has set us free from the " yoke of the law". Why would we want to return to its heavy hand of justice? Be set free.. Finally!
Working out using a cardio fitness plan is crucial to good health and fitness. These are some workout steps to consider. Is it your heart rate, or your shortness of breath that you need to work on? Or is it overall endurance and strengthening?
The world is facing unprecedented crisis: Below you will find clues to our beginning and our ending as people of the earth. Adam and Eve were first and foremost on Gods radar, the same as we are, 6000 years later.
What about your life and your story? Are you willing to share it and preserve it for others to know? Who are you? What have you done? - and finally what do you intend to do before it is over?
From 1776 to 2076; observe the gradual abuse of government . When the strings of representation are finally detached and now government controls the people, There is no longer any restraint and almost absolute power is abusing the people. Our government is too big for its own good.
A fresh and pertinent look at the use of public surveillance camera's. What are some of the biggest issues, and what are some of the fears surrounding the overuse of this technology? Can we get it under control in time to save our society?
We all ask the question, " Why am I here?". this poem searches for a little more reason and sense of individuality.
The realization when you are the one that's lost, and you suddenly need the great shepherd to save you.
We wonder of our ancestry, so we strive to remember and write of its effects upon us
People are only known for what they do consistently. If you want to be known for something, you must do it long enough to become known.
The director has ordered all activity be Indexed for safety; and requires adequate protection for each level of danger. This does not specifically include or omit other agencyrequirements.
This is simply about the importance of dumping out the past and starting over.
Starting from the very first man, Adam, each of us have been given a choice to live eternally in Heavenly estate, or in the eternal fires of hell and spiritual death. Each of us make that choice.
This is an overview of human viewpoint, self realization, and reflection of inner maturity including the limitations of those who raised us.
A shortened summary of Abraham Lincolns, "The Mystic Chords of Memory:" What was he like and how did he become president and become the great emancipator, leading the Civil War, and uniting a fractured republic? What drove this man to be the leader that he was? The tragedy of his death.
Life is filled with uncertainty and questions, unless one is guided from within. - the author attempts to show how to erase that uncertainty.
The roll of thunder has my attention; the minute it rolls, the second it speaks, I listen, I take cover, I open my senses to the sky.. What does thunder mean to you? Is it that there is something bigger than man? Than any other voice that speaks? Read and imagine!
When you properly care for your A/C unit, it will deliver you savings the entire year whether you are heating or cooling. When you don't, it could cost you hundreds of dollars a year!
After living and working in the Alaska region for over 30 years, the author brings a descriptive view of transportation, lifestyle and tourism in this beautiful state.
The Earth is rapidly changing. The age we are leaving is challenged to understand that forces within the Earth are great enough to change everything, leaving only the question, when?
Study of Salvation based on The Forgotten Books of Eden. Includes reference to the primitive but original story of Adam and Eve. Why God devised a divine plan of salvation? Many do not know that God taught Adam about what would happen in the future redemption plan. It is the first, Adam-God Covenant
Collecting is everybodies hobby, but Carnival Glass is just for those who want to look for and preserve a 1920's tradition that derived out of a glass makers finding the right market for their wares!
When you are stressed and troubled, your heart ad your health fail. But when you own peace, you will thrive. If you have failed, Its ok to start over. Read Psalms Chapt. 1
Believing in God is the foundation of Judaism, But believing In Jesus Christ is the crux of Christianity. The 23rd Psalms teaches us some basic points about how much God cares about us.
About the Importance of Being Prepared for those winter months and ready for snow and ice control. The south might not need the same level of equipment as northern states but needs to be smart.
Some of the reasons why truck drivers are in a bind and need to speak up for themselves. Some drivers have a soft mentality, and say, "oh it was coming anyway?"
A protest in general to DOT electronic logbooks and the negative impact it will have on the trucking industry. Drivers and Industry alike are about to suffer from Government Socialism in its fullest.
First you will read what a home is and flowing from that you will read what makes our home special.
People are frustrated with the current political structure, but do they forget the imminent danger we were in on 9-11-2001?
My debut into Watercolors, things I've learned and other things I've been taught, including drawing class with watercolors artist , Tom Mixon. Blending skills of abstract and creative drawing.
The savvy wit of experience combined with wisdom in a piece of literature, with no apology for where these words originated or destined to land; traditional, historical, modern, or old. None.
Sometimes Life brings Unique Relationships, and it takes You Into Deep Reflections of its Existence. Sometimes you Can Immensely Gain from Its Lessons..
A poem is simply inspired to be what it is. Sometimes you think you can't explain, but then you think you can. And the way to do that is to write what comes to your mind so that others can enjoy.
A personal story of driving a big rig on the highways of south Alabama, spending 12-14 hours a day, 6 days a week, hauling a special fuels product to the Port of Mobile from Selma. Autobiography.
The extreme importance of greasing the eighteen wheeler steering, front end, brake, clutch, and drive-line components! Tips to helping you keep rolling both safely and smoothly.
Being all the Gospels, Epistles,and other pieces attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ and the Apostles: A book report on the existence of this volume and Its positive effect on Christianity.
With all the new technology in the transportation field, basic driver safety skills, experience and self checks should not be forgotten. Its time to focus on the driver being safe and knowledgeable.
We have arrived. The new idea of remote video surveillance is touching our freedoms and demanding us to lay down our individuality. Your own skills no longer matter. Someone's watching you.
Shock absorbers have a rough time, (no pun intended) when it comes time to replace worn out ones! Here is the reasons it's important to keep your shocks tested and working properly! One of a series.
Life blazes by so fast and yet when lived spontaneously, it will sometimes lead to regrets. Do the good things outweigh the bad? I would do things differently, and many readers will identify to this conclusion. Where do you stand in retro-life-enomics?.
There is demand for professional dispatchers within the transportation and commercial trucking industry. A quick overview of dispatcher duties. A description of job challenges and desired skills.
Suddenly, Truck Drivers are faced with employers wanting to video tape and record their presence in the day cab as well as the regional and long haul trucks. What is it about?
At this point, I cannot find substance or proof in the Bible to validate using the term trinity for the following reasons: please read the comments for exhaustive information on this subject.
My Mother was awesome in many ways, but the most important thing I could say is that she was always there for me, and had more than average wisdom of how to make things better. I love my mom!
I'm not going to say I'm an expert on Harleys, but I apply years of riding experience with big bikes on the road. I hope to entertain your interest and keep you thinking.
An All American Recipe from Ripe Bananas: -To live, to eat and to enjoy one must appreciate the simplest of culinary skills. Have a go at it!
Forgiveness is a huge topic; what to do when you set out to forgive someone, the levels of forgiveness and how to go about it.
My story as Airport and Highway Operator during the years 1989-1996. The basic job and accomplishments as employee of the State of Alaska, including Snow and Ice Control, Airport Operations, and ARFF.
This is a tasty meal fit for any truck driver,construction worker or ball player. It easily loads into an insulated container to eat several hours later while working, driving or at practice.
Knowing the value of time management: A trucker can only be successful if he establishes a safe "routine", avoids industry "bottlenecks" and knows when he is saddling a dead horse. You will enjoy!
About the totally senseless 1/2 hour break law. How it cannot fit specifically or randomly into a drivers daytime schedule or logbook. And to show how even D.O.T. Officials can get sidetracked.
In a continuing documentary style, the Author gives an update to the first story account of driving commercially in south Alabama. (Driving On the Road and in the Pulp Mills)
Wondering how the Obamacare Healthcare system adds up? Do you believe one man is supreme ruler in America? I don't!
An article on the importance of good posture, and being comfortable at work, beginning with good support of the ankles and feet. Works boots are a man's friend, second only to a dog having that role!
American President Barrack Obama is seeking world-wide assistance to respond against the Syria Government for chemical assault on children and innocent citizens. What about the United Nations?
I'm asking for help to diffuse any singlehanded action of the USA in the Syrian Chemical crisis, and instead use every resource to hold the world community responsible to act together.
an extension of my pilot experience, owning a small aircraft and flying in Central and Southwestern Alaska
Spending my years as a pilot in the Alaskan skies, and raising a family in Bristol Bay; Flying was making the best years of my life even better!
A simple but meaningful poem about Christmas and how it is part of our lives beyond just one day of the year. It happens inside of us all through the year.
Culture changes altering past traditional Christian and family values. What we can do to reclaim those values and family structure. An appeal to reclaim what we have forfeited in present day life.
The NEW YEAR, how we make the transition from old to new with determination to accomplish our goals. Whether a goal, or an acheivement list, adjust the limits up or down to fit; but never give up!
My experience as a commercial LP haz tanker hauler, and acknowledgment to this being a fast growing segment of the trucking industry. Transporting "Raw Fuel" is increasing in demand.
America is on the brink of disaster unless we get a stronger hold of who we are. Here are some thoughts from the author about what we can do, and who is to blame for where we are.
This article is designed to improve writing styles by independent thinking and writing. In it are suggestions that will help you collect and organize data, while expanding your success as a writer.
A poem about my precious and lovely second daughter, Rebecca.. A special gift upon us bestowed those moments of birth long ago..
This is my personal story of flying in small airplanes and about the Pilots Halo.. perhaps one day you will have the chance.
Commercial truck driving techniques, the challenge involved in everyday hauling, and long hours with fierce competition. A driver overcomes obstacles daily and has to keep his record spotless.
This is a short summary of my experience finding and using herbs that have therapeutic and medicinal values. Nothing can replace the power of self knowledge regarding herbal use.
Here's the question of oblivion, that all came from nothingness, or did it have more reason?
Letting the one that you love sing for you while romance is alive. Poetry and prose speaks of loving, caring, and belonging.
This hub is about an inspirational message of change.. from who I was to what God is and who he is..
This is song lyrics to a new song I wrote, and hope to publish it with music someday..
This is a description of the Northern Lights, and the untold splendor. the shivering of excitement when you're in the midst of them..
This shows the flowing tranquility of time and space. A poem about where you go and who you are~
My lovely first daughter, Naomi and her difficult challenges of being born into life, for both her and her parents.. yet she overcame by the grace of God and lives a beautiful life...
the Way we long to worship the creator and sing his praise during the day:
The poetic story of how Paul was converted on the road to Damascus and his life changed and his purpose reverted to true Christianity.
A quick little poem on living in the busy city.
This is about the forces that make us who we are.. and who we become..
This is a sonnet about a Virtous Woman who is an example to others, and who stands out and makes a difference with her life to others.
The simplistic irony of who you are: It's a statement and a question all at the same time!
Leaving friends and cousins as a child was painful. merciful events later brought us back together, but can it last? Can it stay? Are we enough the same? is there some fabric woven, holding us now?
Dedicated to the Memory of D.J. Carnley.. A dear friend of mine, and to the Glory of God!
This is about my drive up to the Fairbanks Chena Hot Springs. The wonders of the outdoors, dogsleds, snow laden streams and beautiful scenery. Nestled within is the Chena Hot Springs Resort.
The diversity and challenge of having and keeping a best friend. Looking and deciding. Thoughts about them. Questions you ask about them. Or do you?
This is about the path we take in life.. it questions which type of soldier you are.. Military or scientific? Medical and Human relief? Philosophical? or Soldier Of Jesus and the Cross?
This hub is about seeking out your wildest dreams and believing in them; then not stopping until you truly find them!
This is a poem that finds peace and looks inside you to see your love for the one who died for you..
This is about the one I love and her making the decision to love.. and my decisions.. -making them for the time and the place that it will become real..
The authors passionate description of the parable of the five virgins and the meaning of it in real life...
The grand and awesome power of a friend; a connection with a soulmate, and having a successful relationship! Let me ask, is there someone who really matters to you as a friend?
The Choice of Loving - Is it true love? or is it a self serving, or a non deserving duty given another?
Simply put, this is about praying and the immediate effect upon our lives and the eternal consequences for the good, when we find time to pray!
The tit and the tat of love and relationship.. sometiimes it will just happen, but most of the time one action triggers another in pursuit of love:
Ok, so you can't say WHAT you want, but you do know what you DON'T want! Oh,those misunderstandings you've had!
This writing is about our country and the importance of keeping it strong and honoring its origins, based on our faith in God and as a freedom loving people!
I'm on a journey, consisting of my life and of my heart, and of my dreams and my ideals. there is someone leading me through it. There is a beginning and an ending. I will make it if I follow. There are dangers I much watch out for, but if I be faithful and keep looking at the map, I will find my...
This is a poem/song of worship and the devotions of the heart towards God. The Flowing of the Holy Spirit.. His awesome presence!
Knowing the voice of the controller is important when landing or taking off and the importance of air traffic control.
~this is about being alone in spite of the number of people we know, and finding consolation in it all.
This is about life, and being lost "at sea"...Finding yourself again, seeing the destination, and knowing suddenly what direction to take..
This is about personal commitment and devotion.
This is about a girl who was in a mixed cultural family and through this poem you will see she had to reach high, and challenge herself to excelllence and tolerance of others. She had to look past the dysfunctional individual's in her life in order to succeed.
Being at the right place at the right time.. to meet and to be met..
This is about those times when you feel almost abandoned to the system,and the hospital , and then you find there are caring and loving people there..
This Is a funny poem about my brain being busy and in a whir.. whirrrrrr!!!
Simply a poem to emphasize school and its importance. To learn is equal to success; and making the difference in each childs life: Thumbs up for schools, teachers and even school books!
My parents took me north to Alaska as a child, though I was born in the south. As an adult I was slowly drawn back by invisible roots that grew into my heart. Photos are of the authors mother and old home place in Alabama.
This is a poem written while Mark Air Airlines was flying the friendly Skies of Alaska.. It was an employee owned airline that evolved out of the Noel Wien Airline Age. They were destined to fail however, as the industry became very competitive, required government subsidy and sadly, this company...
This poem interacts with song of love, and how it holds the heart within the storm.
A simple poem using sailing philosophy to explain the power of love!
Poetry is a living expression of you! Writing for the novice as well for those who have lost touch with their writing talent; Tips on how to be motivational and how to write really great poetry!
Love can mimic the mysterious mountain inside of each of us, challenging us to be alive to the fullest. Knowing there is life in a mountain and has effects of the elements on its existence. What is your character compared to the mountain? What challenge do you face? How does it reflect in your...
The rose has beauty and power while perfectly in bloom, but thorns must be kept from pricking our hearts.. and if so, then we must mend. Together, they bring us to perfection. Enjoy the rose!
This is about two young people in love and seeking the same things in one another. Finding that they share the same heart..
Consider the opportunity to visit the past and the future. To open doors and return to your roots. Something that slipped away has now returned and offers you a new chance of joy.
Finding myself alone one Christmas, I missed my daughters and it was quiet.. soo quiet!
This poem is about describing yourself with literary and musical terms. Refers to ones character and nature without being too serious or too common.
Being transitionary as a youth and learning how to cope. To keep friendships alive yet learning how to let go, and to flow with life's attempts to love and care for friends, without forcing things that cannot be, yet holding to what can be; learning to accept what is, and never giving up!
This is a personal childhood experience in which my youthful fear of the dark is vanquished. It created a new faith, a belief in angels, as well as giving me ultimate confidence to face life with!
This story is about childhood experiences on a bicycle and having fun as a youth and how it effects you as an adult. the importance of physical activity whatever age you are! Simple but profound!
The link between childhood and growing old is tantamount to staying young! From youth to maturity, one must let go and have fun.