Which bible version do you prefer?

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  1. janshares profile image95
    jansharesposted 10 years ago

    Which bible version do you prefer?

    Some readers prefer the "old language" tradition of writing and speech of the bible while others find some versions easier to understand if written in "plain English." Do you prefer the English Standard Version (ESV), Revised Standard Version (RSV), King James Version (KJV), New International Version (NIV), red-lettered, etc. Please explain.

  2. Faithful Daughter profile image80
    Faithful Daughterposted 10 years ago

    I mostly use the KJV, but I keep other versions (NIV, NLT, Amplified) when I'm stuck on a passage and need other translations.

    1. janshares profile image95
      jansharesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, helpful to use more than one to see different translations. Thanks for answering, Faithful Daughter.

  3. Janellegems profile image41
    Janellegemsposted 10 years ago

    I read and study the Bible from the King James Version. I also memorize scriptures from it, but sometimes I compare passages of scripture to the Amplified and Revised Standard Version.

    1. janshares profile image95
      jansharesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for answering, Janellegems. Using more than one for comparisons helps deepen understanding.

  4. profile image0
    sheilamyersposted 10 years ago

    For just reading, I prefer my NIV. If I'm doing a more in-depth study, I also have my KJV with me so I can compare verses.

    1. janshares profile image95
      jansharesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It does broaden understanding when comparing verses. Thanks for answering, sheilamyers.

  5. misslong123 profile image80
    misslong123posted 10 years ago

    I prefer the CEV version. It is written in every day words and very easy to understand. I can relate it to my life. Quite a few years ago I had a friend who had no clue on religion and needed an easy Bible he could relate to. I found one called The Find and bought one for myself. Now it is the main one I use. I find that I can look up difficult verses and actually understand them in a real way. You might check it out. I'm sure online somewhere there are excerpts from it so you can see what I mean. Great question! Michele

    1. janshares profile image95
      jansharesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for answering, misslong123. Sounds interesting, I will look it up. You're welcome for the question!

  6. lone77star profile image73
    lone77starposted 10 years ago

    I have not read all versions, but I prefer to have all versions.

    Truth is not in the literal word! As 2 Corinthians 3:6 warns, the letter (literal) leads to death; only the spirit of scripture leads to life. This should be apparent in the difficult parables Jesus used. They were difficult for a reason. Those who clamor for easy are being lazy and God does not honor and respect laziness.

    All versions have their flaws. Some leave out words. Some put in words. Some alter the original meaning. But none of them do this for all passages.

    I've read KJV the most, but I see other versions of some passages that connect more deeply with me. Where KJV talks about charity, NIV talks about love.

    The KJV version of 1 John 5:7 seems to talk about the Trinity, but the NIV leaves out this "trinity" wording. Why? The NCV has a footnote which explains that someone in the early church had added the extra wording, but does not explain why.

    While researching for my most recent book, "The Bible's Hidden Wisdom: God's Reason for Noah's Flood," I used many versions, most available at http://BibleGateway.com. I also used the Lamsa version which supposedly has a more logical and understandable rendition of some otherwise confusing passages. And it seems to explain why the change was made -- because a misplaced dot in Aramaic or dot misread from a line above changed a word to the one ultimately used in most other versions.

    There is a great deal of wisdom hidden in the Bible and some of it is lost with some translations, because the translator or scribe did not understand what they were writing. Or, in the case of the "trinity" passage, an overly eager scribe decided to add his own ideas. Oops!

    Some people can think they are in the spirit and not be. I've done that numerous times. It's getting easier to spot it, but I'm far from perfect. When I'm in-spirit (Holy Spirit), the ideas flow, are full of love, and reveal wisdom that even I did not know when not in-spirit. It's humbling and sometimes a bit frustrating, but if we remain humble and hungry for God's answers, then we can find value in every interpretation of scripture, even those that may shock us or confuse us.

    Each of us are looking at various versions of Truth, through our own filters. But there is only one Truth. The important thing is not to think that we have arrived, but to remain humble and hungry.

    1. janshares profile image95
      jansharesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your answer, lone77star. Well-put and beautifully stated.

  7. sallieannluvslife profile image78
    sallieannluvslifeposted 10 years ago

    I prefer the King James Version or the New King James Version and the Amplified Bible for reference

    1. janshares profile image95
      jansharesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for answering, sallieannluvslife.

  8. profile image0
    Deborah Sextonposted 10 years ago

    My favorite is the Hebrew bible- Ha-Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) and the Tanakh
    I don't trust any but the Hebrew bibles

    1. janshares profile image95
      jansharesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for that offering, Deborah Sexton.

  9. Ceegen profile image68
    Ceegenposted 10 years ago

    Authorized "King James" Version only. It is the only, and I mean only, bible that preserves the literal structure of word usage from Hebrew and Greek into English. Even the most adamant scholar who says that all bibles are good versions, will also admit that the KJV is the only one that is a very "wooden" or "literal" translation. (Been researching this whole "KJV" thing for the past few years now, and I can't deny the arguments in favor of KJV-Only).

    Knowing Hebrew and Greek is fine and dandy, and understanding the definition of the words being translated helps a person to understand the process of "how" or "why", but it is not necessary to salvation. If you believe in your heart and confess with the mouth that the Lord is Jesus, who died for your sins and was raised from the grave, then you're saved. It doesn't take a bible (or church attendance) to get saved, just a powerful witness, someone willing to point people in God's direction.


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