Why do u think about the necessity of religion,does religion makes our world a b

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  1. TheGlobeTrotter profile image68
    TheGlobeTrotterposted 10 years ago

    Why do u think about the necessity of religion,does religion makes our world a better place?

    Does religion makes our world a better place or add more woes to the mother earth..is religion really necessary?

  2. Rev. Akins profile image69
    Rev. Akinsposted 10 years ago

    A true religion would help people become better, more kind, more compassionate and more willing to help others. Those people would then care for others and the world. I think for many people religion is great.  Most of the religions out there have teachings that push people towards service and non-judgmental attitudes. The problem is that people don't follow what they don't like. So some people are rude, abrasive and ignorant and those people become the definition of a religion.
    Religion is not bad, people give religion a bad name.

    1. TheGlobeTrotter profile image68
      TheGlobeTrotterposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      with all due respect rev. what do u mean by "people dont follow what they dont like"? do u meant that there are certain elements in every religion that people dont like or that people who dont follow religion become rude and ol??

  3. poppyr profile image88
    poppyrposted 10 years ago

    There are peaceful religions, and lots of religious people are hardworking, happy and kind because of their faith.  However, as a whole religion has been the excuse for the massacre of thousands of innocent people - look at the Holocaust, for example.  The idea of religion is wonderful, but human nature has unfortunately made it a terrible thing.

  4. Annsalo profile image84
    Annsaloposted 10 years ago

    Religion is not necessary to have a better world, but when done correctly it can bring groups of people together to do good. Sadly it seems far more are brought together by religion and end up starting wars, controlling other groups of people, and bringing more hate (justified by their religion of course) to this world. In an ideal world everyone would do good with out needing a book to dictate their behavior.

  5. Snøwman profile image57
    Snøwmanposted 10 years ago

    Imperfect people need a perfect God to guide them. He's got this whole life thing figured out and we don't. Many people throughout history were inspired by God. from great political leaders to everyday people.

    You can have divine inspiration without religion. Even atheists have moral values. They may deny that their morals come from God, but I believe all good comes from God even though we might not notice, but there's so much more of it with religion.

    True religion gives us specific instructions on the ideal way to live life.

    1. Robert the Bruce profile image59
      Robert the Bruceposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Where are these specific instructions to be found? There are many religions and holy books claiming to have the sole truth.

    2. Rev. Akins profile image69
      Rev. Akinsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Robert the Bruce- most of those teachings are very similar. Any teaching that claims to have all the truth is only giving the reader a perspective of the actual truth. We cannot understand all that is God. But there are some truths that all agree on.

    3. TheGlobeTrotter profile image68
      TheGlobeTrotterposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      @snowman-how do u know that god is perfect?if he is perfect would he have started the holy wars;the isis onslaught;syrian war;world wars;communal riots?would a perfect god cause pain and suffering to the innocents?

    4. Snøwman profile image57
      Snøwmanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      @Robert: James 1:5. Ask God. I have and I know through the power of the Holy Ghost that he reveals many things today through modern prophets and apostles. Not just because I've been taught it my whole life.  @globetrotter God respects our agency.

  6. M. T. Dremer profile image84
    M. T. Dremerposted 10 years ago

    Religion has proven that it can have both a negative and a positive influence. Negative, like the crusades, and positive, like charitable organizations. On a scale, however, I would say that it's done more harm than good. Granted, that isn't the fault of the religion, it's the fault of those who do bad things, religion just makes it easier for them to do bad things on a larger scale. We tend to associate organized faith with morality, so it's harder to judge when someone has bad intentions.

    However, I don't think it's possible to have a world without religions. At least, not for humans. It served as a filler before science, but since then it's clung to each generation via paranoia, superstition and fear. So, unless we eliminate those three things, we will never see religion go away entirely. It isn't necessary, it's more so a bi-product of the way the human mind works. We can't explain something, so we fill in the gaps. We can't deal with something, so we create an afterlife. We can't understand something, so we invent something simpler. Individuals have proven it's possible to live without religion. But, I think as a species, we won't ever be free of it.

    1. Rev. Akins profile image69
      Rev. Akinsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You make several good points, however, as a minister, I think there is more to religion than just explaining "gaps" before we have science. There is much more in this world that no one understands. But you certainly explain your side very well.

    2. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Bravo, up to a point. Ego is the real culprit that corrupts all aspects of civilization. The core of religion is the spirituality that works to rid the world of ego (separateness and self-concern). This isn't based on paranoia, but a return to spirit

  7. wingedcentaur profile image63
    wingedcentaurposted 10 years ago

    Hi TheGlobeTrotter! How's it going?

    Forgive me, but the way you put the question (and, indeed, there may be no other way to put it), you seem to be suggesting that the world was going along secular-mode, and then, in some way, religion was introduced upon it, or into it? Do you follow me?

    What I'm saying is that you seem to be suggesting that 'our world' and 'religion' are discrete entities; and that it was/is/could be/should be a kind of choice as to whether the 'twain shall meet,' as I believe the expression is. Does that make sense? I'm sorry to do this, but its a habit. I don't mean anything by it, believe me.

    But another way to put it is like this: You seem to be asking us whether or not the 'chemical mixture' of 'religion' and 'our world' should have been allowed to happen. But this begs the question: Just who could have decided to allow it or forbid it, in the first place?

    But I guess, at the end of the day, you are asking: Since the chemical mixture of 'religion' and 'our world' did take place, was the chemical reaction a good, bad, or indifferent one? Say the 'chemical reaction' of the combination of 'our world' and 'religion,' was a bad one (and good luck in arriving at any kind of unanimous determination one way or another in that respect), could it, religion, possibly be 'extracted;' and could 'religion' so be extracted in such a way, as to, somehow, not make things worse, 'chemically'?

    Let me say this: I subscribe to evolution as the most likely way that all life developed. To my way of thinking, for your question to work, it would have to be establish-able that 'religion' is a belief system, somehow, foreign to this world, something reject-able as foreign, alien, and unwanted.

    Again, please forgive me, but your question ('Does religion make our world a better place'?) is like saying----and I am not trivializing this---(Do onions make hamburgers better?). What I am trying to say is that I believe there is an intrinsic-ality about 'religion' and the human experience on the Earth that renders the idea behind your question, seem not quite viable; the two 'entities' seem to have been evolutionarily and historically indissoluble.

    From what we know from anthropology, 'religion'/'spirituality' of some kind, seems to have made an appearance from the first time humankind got comfortable in their caves. To put it crudely, it would appear that the species really had no choice about 'religion.'

    1. TheGlobeTrotter profile image68
      TheGlobeTrotterposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      hey wingedcentaur,religion and our world were separate entities;but it has fused so much that they are inseparable now..!!and people do have the choice of religion-religion is a belief for a better life;even many of those who aint into religion live

  8. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 10 years ago

    The core of religion -- the spirituality which gave each religion its impetus -- is essential to the survival of civilization. Without that impetus, civilization would crumble into pure action-reaction egotism -- blood feuds with victims and perpetrators trading places.

    What corrupts any aspect of civilization is ego -- the very thing most religions originally had as their target. Ego is against love and harbors separateness. Ego is all about self-concern to the exclusion of all others. Where others seem to benefit, ego only gets involved if there is some benefit to ego.

    When religions are young, and relatively free of ego, they do a world of good. When they become politicized and the teachings co-opted by the power hungry (as was Christianity with Constantine and later Justinian), it becomes a corrupt and evil organization. The good that its members sometimes do is ameliorated by the corruption from above.

    Spiritual rehabilitation is the responsibility of the individual, but organizations can help by supplying the tools one might need to accomplish such spiritual repair. Authentic Kabbalah (like that found at Bnei Baruch) is one such spiritual wisdom.

  9. wingedcentaur profile image63
    wingedcentaurposted 10 years ago

    This is a little hub in which I want to attempt to clear up, what I perceive to be, some unfinished business. There is a question on the table from the hubber known as TheGlobeTrotter. read more

  10. profile image52
    Norine Williamsposted 9 years ago

    Religion is spoken of in Scripture in only four places; Acts 26:5 which speaks of the word in a negative term; Galatians 1:13 which speaks of the word in a negative term; Acts 13:43 which also speaks of the word in a negative term; and finally in James 1:26:27 which gives the "test for one of true religion" (v27) "...to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."

    Deuteronomy 19:15,  Matthew 18:16 and II Corinthians 13:1 all say "...In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.  Based on these scriptures, the word "religion" is spoken of "negatively" four times and associated with organizations of the world or man-made organizations and/or churches!

    True "religion" is defined in James 1:27 stated above. If one is filled with the Holy Spirit, He guides you to "...visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."

    In response to your question, religion is not necessary at all, rather being filled with the Holy Spirit Who will "...teach you all things..." (John 14:26) which includes actions stated in James 1:27.

    Religion, as described in Scripture, is an obstruction to the "truth" of God's Word!  It has been interpreted by "men" not filled with the Holy Spirit based on "their wisdom and knowledge" and not according to the Holy Spirit's revelation which has/is caused/causing "controversy" amongst those who believe in God. 

    This is just another one of Satan's tactics to lose souls.  (John 10:10) Unless "believers" seek the gift of the Holy Spirit Who will "...teach us all things..." there will continue to be a church on every corner, disagreements amongst "believers," and new denomination after denominations being created!

    Ephesians 6:12 tells us  "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the "darkness of this world," against "spiritual wickedness" in high places." 

    "Believers," it's time we wake up!  Seek the gift of the Holy Spirit for "guidance" "into all truth!"  (John 14:26;16:13).  For without the Holy Spirit, one will fall for "anything!"

  11. stas karimov profile image61
    stas karimovposted 8 years ago

    Only the police can stop any criminal, because the police is stronger than any criminal! Only the most powerful president in the world can stop ALL wars. But any president does not know the formula of universal weapon. Only Jesus Christ knows the formula of universal weapon. Only Jesus Christ can stop all the wars in the world!!! Did I answered your question? Dictator Putin refused formula of universal weapon. For dictator Putin enough nuclear weapon. I hope the faithful Americans want to stop all the wars in the world. If it so I can explain to you the formula of universal weapon!


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