Do you believe more than one god exists?

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  1. Link10103 profile image59
    Link10103posted 10 years ago

    Do you believe more than one god exists?

    Or just the singular one you were raised to believe in? I asked this of someone else and they deleted the comment for whatever reason, so I decided to make a question of it.

    If you only believe in your specific god and denounce all others, then you are considered an atheist of those gods. Something to think about for those that view atheists as degenerates for whatever reason.

  2. Rich Emanon profile image57
    Rich Emanonposted 10 years ago

    This is a difficult question to answer,  i believe.  Is there proof that any god exists?

    1. Link10103 profile image59
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      If there is, people have done a pretty poor job in coming forth with it with all these "true" religions that exist.

  3. connorj profile image69
    connorjposted 10 years ago

    This is a simple answer to answer (pun intended).
    Do you believe more than one god exists?
    Would this not be the same question indeed,
    Do you believe more than one dog (backwards) exists?
    Indeed there are literally 100s of breeds of dogs in our world.
    I alone, well with my better half and brats own 2 gods (backwards)...

    1. Link10103 profile image59
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Can't really say I see how this addresses the question much.

    2. connorj profile image69
      connorjposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I apologize for my awful sense of humour; yet sometimes humour is the best medicine...

  4. Austinstar profile image88
    Austinstarposted 10 years ago

    People believe in a "creator". They call this concept "God". I have no idea why people want to believe in and worship a concept when it is obvious that nothing can be "created" in the first place. What would we be "created" from?
    Everything in existence - from the smallest grain of sand to the largest planet - has always existed in one form or another. Everything.
    The notion of "creation" needs to removed from our quest for a God, or Gods.
    There is no such thing as "creation", and there is no such thing as "God".

    1. Rich Emanon profile image57
      Rich Emanonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Austinstar, I'm not really sure how you come to that conclusion when you say there is no such thing as creation or that basically everything has always been. Do you have anything a little more tangible or credible?

    2. Austinstar profile image88
      Austinstarposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      @Rich - Well, just answer the question, "Where did the stuff come from to make all the stuff with?" You can't say "God did it", cause, where did he come from? The only answer is that it has always existed. Basic physics - can't create matter.

    3. Rich Emanon profile image57
      Rich Emanonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I believe the real answer, Austinstar, is, I don't know, and neither does anyone else.

  5. Say Yes To Life profile image78
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 10 years ago

    I admit, polytheism is a new concept to me.  I was raised to believe there is only one Creator God.  Yet many religions are polytheistic; Hinduism, which is the oldest known religion is an example.  Other indigenous ones, like Shinto (Japanese) and the Greek and Native American religions believe in multiple gods.  My current home state of Hawaii has a native polytheistic religion.  I've found respecting it, like leaving offerings to Madame Pele, has helped me.  On the other hand, showing disrespect, like taking rocks off the Big Island, can lead to disaster.  I'm not going to chance that!
    Do I believe in multiple gods?  I'll say there's a chance it could be true.

    1. Link10103 profile image59
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      If I ever had to follow any religion/deities, the ones from Greek mythology would be my personql choice. They aren't really sugarcoated, and oddly enough seem more realistic.

  6. Craig Suits profile image62
    Craig Suitsposted 10 years ago

    I've pretty much come to the conclusion that there isn't any gods especially as we believe them to be and look. One big reason is over many thousands of years and probably many hundreds of different gods and angels  including Satin, not one has ever made him or herself observable, Why do you suppose they have all chosen to hide from the human public? I know why, they don't exist. Why do they all demand the same blind stead fast belief while providing no proof as to their existence at all? And why do they all profess hellfire and damnation if we don't believe? I know why, they don't exist.
    I could go on and on but you believers don't want to hear the truth, you would rather play it safe and do what you've been brainwashed to do as a child.
    That's OK, just keep sending your children out to die in religious wars and one day, Our technology will settle the question once and for all when humanity in annihilated by his own hand and primitive beliefs.

  7. Rachael Tate profile image68
    Rachael Tateposted 10 years ago

    I don't believe in God as an entity with specific emotions and opinions. These are human constructs.  If I believe in God it would be as the energy and particles which make up everything and as it is within us all it can have many faces.  Our gods are mirrors of what's within us.  It's a very personal thing and understanding cannot be found within organised religion but it can bring you into contact with like minded people. God can have no, one or many faces.

    1. Link10103 profile image59
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting way of seeing things

  8. manatita44 profile image72
    manatita44posted 10 years ago

    No Link.

    There is only a birthless and deathless Source. The East call this Consciousness and the West calls it Spirit. It has also been given many names, all valid depending on one's particular bent and level of awareness. This Perennial Entity came from Silence and flows into Sound, what we call a Creation.

    I really like many atheists. They identify with the love of a child, or duty in the home or serving the impoverished. They also have a good sense of morals and many are my friends. Yes, I believe in God, and they still love me. So there need be no barriers. One simply needs to Love and serve, become a benchmark for goodness, and all will flow well.

    Finally, The West speaks of angels and arch angels, and the East speaks of Gods and Goddesses. They are all aspects of the Supreme Consciousness of which I speak. The Indians call this Brahman and we call this God. So many streams flow but eventually end in the same Ocean!

    Follow your own conviction. If it brings peace, then stay with it. If it doesn't, and if peace is what you seek, then try something else. Shalom!

    1. manatita44 profile image72
      manatita44posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Link. My deepest gratitude. This gesture in itself enhances my belief that you are a good and noble Soul. Loving thoughts.

    2. Link10103 profile image59
      Link10103posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I dont have a problem with god, i have a problem with people who assume contradictory things about god to suit their needs. You didn't do any of that, and promoted peace to boot. Hard to disagree with that

  9. profile image49
    Norine Williamsposted 10 years ago

    There are many "gods" but only "One God!"  Have you not heard "Thou shalt have no other "gods" before me?" (Ex. 20:3-5)  One's god/God is where his heart is!  One's god could be money, status, materialistic things, etc.

  10. Parantap Bhatt profile image59
    Parantap Bhattposted 10 years ago

    When Universe was created in Big Bang so was Energy- free flowing, omnipotent and omnipresent. What I think it is this energy that changes its form but can neither be created or destroyed is the concept in which people believe in. For me, it is pure energy, the innate source behind every activity in the Universe and maybe we simply have added a subconscious to it and started calling it God.


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