To those who believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God, as relates to birt

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  1. Faith Reaper profile image87
    Faith Reaperposted 9 years ago

    To those who believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God, as relates to birth pangs ..

    This morning when I opened my laptop, sadly, I saw where a historic earthquake, 7.9 magnitude, hit Nepal, then I noticed today that Chile had a volcano to erupt twice in 24 hours. Also, today in the headlines, scientists discovered another giant super volcano at Yellowstone National Park just under the reservoir.  Plus, keeping in mind of the Ebola virus outbreak. If you believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God, do you think the earth is experiencing birth pangs as described in scripture?

  2. bravewarrior profile image83
    bravewarriorposted 9 years ago

    I'm not sure the Bible is infallible because it was written long after the original words were spoken. However, I see Armageddon happening right now. It's coming on with a vengeance; all because of Man's disrespect for the Earth and Mankind. We are destroying our ability to live. What's worse is we're destroying Mother Nature, God's right hand giver of life.

    1. bravewarrior profile image83
      bravewarriorposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Faith, what's more important, faith or belief in words that were passed down long ago? Which Bible is the "right" one? Discounting one over the other makes no sense. It only makes none of them real. How do you know which version is the original?

    2. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, that is a whole other discussion which can't be answered here. As relates to this question, I am just wondering if others who believe does it seems as these events are more frequent to them.  Thanks Sha

    3. glynch1 profile image66
      glynch1posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The Bible is infallible because it was God-breathed. It is trustworthy because God has preserved it. Armageddon will not occur until the end of the Great Tribulation. Man's sin against God, not the Earth, is the reason the end of the age approaches.

    4. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, Glynch, yes scripture that is God-breathed is infallible. The Great Tribulation is what seems to be quite close at hand, but we just must be prepared at watch for the signs.  God bless

  3. Akriti Mattu profile image59
    Akriti Mattuposted 9 years ago

    Can't comment on the bible but can vouch for the fact that the endless pursuit of man for nature's resources has caused a devastating ecological imbalance.

    1. bravewarrior profile image83
      bravewarriorposted 9 years agoin reply to this


    2. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, Amen for sure on that one.

  4. Faith Reaper profile image87
    Faith Reaperposted 9 years ago

    I have just been reading scripture as relates to the earth having birth pangs, and just thought of what appears to be happening more frequently or is either in the news daily.  That scripture is:

    Matthew 24:6-8, which states:

    "6 You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. 8 But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs."

    1. bravewarrior profile image83
      bravewarriorposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The question is, will Earth and its inhabitants die in this new birth? When we humans give birth, does death happen first? 

      I believe in faith and God, but I don't believe in the Bible. I'm Catholic and doubt the written word. I rely on God and me.

    2. profile image0
      Stargrrlposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Some people will die, but Jesus will raise everyone up in the end.

    3. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, Stargrrl, God tells us that these things will happen but there is nothing to fear and we should place our faith and trust in Him.

    4. cam8510 profile image89
      cam8510posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      In terms of wars in the 20th century, according to The Polynational War Memorial, there were 121 wars from 1900 to 1950 and 94 from 1951 to 2000.

    5. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks so much, Cam. Is there anything on the past 15 years of all these events and whether they are happening closer to each other now?

    6. glynch1 profile image66
      glynch1posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Most of Earth's inhabitants will die during the Great Tribulation. What God do you believe in if you reject the Bible? Those who trust in their own goodness will lose their souls; you must repent of your sin and trust in Jesus in order to be saved.

    7. profile image0
      Stargrrlposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Amen, Glynch1.

    8. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, that is why I addressed the question to those who do believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God, and just want to get their perspective being we believe the same God-breathed scripture is the living and active Word of God.  God bless

    9. cam8510 profile image89
      cam8510posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Wars are difficult to count.  How is war defined?  There are coups and coup attempts, labor conflicts, revolutions, riots, terrorist attacks.  This is way beyond me.

    10. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Chris, yes, indeed.  It seems they are constant or ongoing this day, but what is considered all out war, and the scripture talks too about rumors and there are certainly unending rumors of war this day, I believe.

    11. profile image0
      Stargrrlposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      This sounds like a good topic for a new hub, Faith Reaper and Chris.

    12. cam8510 profile image89
      cam8510posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Opinion. Only EQs which can be felt w/o mod tech should be considered signs. W/o tech, no one knows they exist. Many are missed even by USGS. I focus on EQs that can be felt by a human. USGS mentioned millions/yr as a guess.  They COUNT 20k/yr.

    13. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Okay, Chris, thanks for your added perspective here. God bless

  5. Gek Aka profile image60
    Gek Akaposted 9 years ago

    Lets be obedient to the word of God and learn on God understanding not our own. We should depend on God 100% to see His glory manisfested

    1. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks so much, Geof, for taking time to answer.

  6. profile image0
    Stargrrlposted 9 years ago

    Absolutely.  I kind of get the feeling that America is not going to be the superpower that it presently is for long.  It dawned on me today that these super volcanoes in Yellowstone could erupt and really hurt the country in so many ways.  I don't believe any other country on earth is powerful enough to take America on.  However, God is.  America may fall due to an act of God.  God took away His approval starting in 9/11, as a result of us not backing Israel up--making Israel give up some of her land to the Palestinians.  But I am no psychic, so I could be wrong.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Stargrrl, thank you for sharing your thoughts.  God tells us these things will happen, but we are not to fear for we know to place our faith and trust in Him.  God bless

    2. cam8510 profile image89
      cam8510posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Here is a link to the list of large volcanic eruptions in the 20th century.  33 from 1900 to 1950 and 33 from 1950 to 2000.

    3. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Cam, so is there any statistics on the past 15 years as to all of these events?  Thank you for answering

    4. cam8510 profile image89
      cam8510posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Volc.eruptions with Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) from 4 to 7.  2000-15=17.  1985-99=11.  1970-84=10.  1955-69=8.  1940-54=9.  1925-39=10.  1910-1924=12.

    5. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Awesome, Chris! I can't thank you enough for all of this info you have gathered here. Gid bless you real good. Hugs

  7. profile image0
    SirDentposted 9 years ago

    Rom 8:22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

    The reason the flood happened in Noah's time was because of the wickedness of man. The heart of man was "evil continually." Just as today, because of the sin of men, the world travails.

    Going all the way back to the Garden of Eden, there was no death until after Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Because of their sinful act, death was pronounced upon all of God's creation.

    Earthquakes are more abundant now than ever before. More storms, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, etc . . . And many say, "Where is the promise of His coming? Have we not had these from the beginning of time?" God's Word gives us signs to look for. The signs are here now even as we go about our business.

    In short, my answer to your question is, "YES!"

    1. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Virgil, Thank you so much for answering here.  I appreciate you. I just noticed that every day I pull up the Internet there is such an event it seems and they are happening more frequent at least it appears to me, as is describe in scripture.

    2. profile image0
      SirDentposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      So true Faith.  Many caught unaware, reufsing to see that the Bible has been right all along.  They love their lifestyle so much, they cannot see where they are going.  Such a sad time indeed for many, but a great time for those who know Christ Jesus

    3. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      God tells us that we should not be afraid for these things will happen, and we know we can place our full trust and faith in Him as we believe Him and His Word.  Blessings and peace

    4. cam8510 profile image89
      cam8510posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Regarding the number of earthquakes, this U.S. Geological Survey map may be helpful. Throughout the 20th century there were 73 magnitude 8 earthquakes.  42 from 1900 to 1950 and 31 from 1951 to 2000.

    5. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Cam, that is very helpful!  Do you know if they are happening closer together now than before?

    6. profile image0
      SirDentposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The link only covers magnitude 8 and higher.  The Nepal quake was 7.8.  how many lesser than 8.0 quakes have happened during the same time period?

      Just for info sake, 1,394 confirmed dead up to this time.

    7. cam8510 profile image89
      cam8510posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Faith, go to the site.  The dates are listed.  I'm not an expert at interpreting this data.  I looked it up and counted.  Be careful though.  It is easy to manipulate data to fit our conclusions. Let the data speak for itself.

    8. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Chris, yes, that is true to be careful.  So, is there no data from 2000 to 2015 of all of the events the past 15 years and how close they are together though?

    9. cam8510 profile image89
      cam8510posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Faith, yes, I'll pull that together.  I was just using the 20th century as a 100 year sample.  I'll post later with more data.

    10. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, thank you so much, Cam.  I appreciate you doing the work on this for I think we need the data from the past 15 years too, to address my question as to whether they are happening closer together.  God bless you

    11. cam8510 profile image89
      cam8510posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Faith, regarding whether the earthquakes are happening more frequently, all I can say is that the US Geological Survey identifies about 20,000 EQs per year, or 50 per day and more than 2 per hour.

    12. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, Chris, that is a lot of earthquakes! So, this is an average over every year that is about the same?  But there are more than 2 per day happening every day!  That is what I was trying to figure out.  Thank you so much!

    13. cam8510 profile image89
      cam8510posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Faith, re: frequency of EQs, not 2/day, but 50/day counted by USGS and 2/hour. USGS says number of 6+ EQs has remained steady from 1990 to 2012. Inaccuracies creep in with lesser EQs because we detect them better now. 6+EQs have been detected for yrs

    14. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      How fascinating, Chris!  I appreciate your further clarification and insight here. I am at a loss for words, for once : ) that you are willing to do all this research here.

    15. cam8510 profile image89
      cam8510posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      No problem, Faith.  I enjoy this kind of thing.  I just regret that the data is scattered all over the thread.  I'm sure it is confusing.  Thanks for the Best Answer, Faith.  I appreciate it.

  8. feenix profile image57
    feenixposted 9 years ago

    All I know is, this realm always has been, and always will be, plagued by disasters, calamities, catastrophes, epidemics, famines, slow-and-painful deaths, bloody wars, mass murders, etc., etc., etc.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi feenix, yes, they have been going on since the beginning of time, but I am wondering if they are happening closer together now, as in birth pangs, than in times past.  Thank you

    2. feenix profile image57
      feenixposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hello, Faith Reaper.

      No, I don't think disasters are happening closer together today. It is just that because of such things as satellites and advanced seismometers, we find out about more disasters than our predecessors did.

    3. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, that is what I am trying to discern if it is due to technology now that we are hearing of them instantly when they occur, but I would like to know the data from the past 15 years too. Hey Glynch, it would be great if you posted an answer too.

    4. feenix profile image57
      feenixposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Faith Reaper, I have no doubt that back in the 1800s, for instance, a whole lot of trees fell down in the forest and no one new because no one heard it fall. But today, it is almost always heard when a tree falls down in the forest.

    5. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, technology brings it instantly to our eyes no doubt and so we are aware of all happening immediately.

    6. cam8510 profile image89
      cam8510posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Faith, I've given data above for 22yrs from 1990-2012, magnitudes 4-4.9.  They rise and fall randomly, although the average per/yr for the 90s was 362 and ave for 2000s was 385. But not a significant difference imho.

    7. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Chris, you are the best! You will never know how much your taking the time to research all of this means to me. God bless you

  9. cam8510 profile image89
    cam8510posted 9 years ago

    Here are some facts from the U.S. Geological Survey regarding earthquakes. 
    "As more and more seismographs are installed in the world, more earthquakes can be and have been located. However, the number of large earthquakes (magnitude 6.0 and greater) has stayed relatively constant. (Data from 1990-2012)."

    "The USGS estimates that several million earthquakes occur in the world each year. Many go undetected because they hit remote areas or have very small magnitudes. The NEIC now locates about 50 earthquakes each day, or about 20,000 a year."

    My observations as I've looked at some of the available information. 

    Earthquakes with higher magnitudes have been tracked for longer periods of time, simply because they were easier to detect with less sophisticated equipment.  Smaller earthquakes were more difficult to detect with older equipment, but are being picked up by newer instruments.  This gives the false impression that there are more, smaller earthquakes.  But it is simply better detection by modern equipment that leads to this misunderstanding of the data.   

    Sample of data for numbers of 4.0-4.9 magnitude earthquakes from 1990-2012 within the United States only.  I used the US numbers rather than world wide numbers because in the  mid 1990s, data collection changed with the world wide category, skewing the numbers.  The US numbers do not have this anomaly. 

    Average for 1990-1999-362
    Average for 2003-2012-385

    I'll leave the interpretation of these numbers to the readers.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, Chris, for going to such great lengths to find the numbers of earthquakes over the years! Fascinating information here you have gathered. Did the earthquakes in 2012 happen closer together than let's say 2005? Is there a way to look at tha

    2. cam8510 profile image89
      cam8510posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Faith, USGS counts 20k EQs/yr which equals 1666/month, 384/wk, 55/day, 2/hr depending on magnitudes counted.  USGS says millions of EQs per year are undetected. Example of 1mill/yr=83k/mth, 19k/wk, 2.7k/day,112/h. We are in constant state of EQ now.

    3. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Constant state, wow! Chris, I am deeply touched that you have taken the time to do all of this research. Tx for responses on others'comments too. What a tremendous blessing. In His Love, Faith Reaper

    4. cam8510 profile image89
      cam8510posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I want to emphasize that the "Constant state" term is mine, not USGS and reflects increased detection of small EQs, not increased occurrences of EQs.  Also skewing data is detection of mine blasts by USGS.  Example-24 mine blasts January 2012.

    5. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, Chris, and I appreciate you and understand your emphasis here. God bless

    6. cam8510 profile image89
      cam8510posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I've written an article about this topic since this discussion took place.  It can be found at .

    7. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, Chris!  I appreciate you so much for all of the research you have done on this question. The link to your hub is supposed to show up here somehow via HP.  I will check and find out how it works.  Bless you.

  10. whomtheSonsetFree profile image59
    whomtheSonsetFreeposted 9 years ago

    Yes I do believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of the Living God. And everything GOD wrote through His prophets will come to pass. And yes, I believe that it is quite apparent that we are in the birth pangs. Look at the middle east. The countries are aligning perfectly according to, for one, Ezekiel 37-39.

    The birth pangs in fact, I believe, began with the rebirth of Israel as a nation in 1948.

    We, speaking as a Christian, and the Jewish people are being hunted down by Islam, murdered in terrible ways. The persecution today is unlike any in the church history in it's massive occurrences and it's violence perpetrated upon us.

    They are here too, make no mistake. But these things are to be expected, but not invited, as the persecution of Christians in America is really revving up. (Thank you Mr. Obama)

    Jesus said in John 15: 18 -19 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first.  If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

    Sorry, I got off subject I guess. But again, yes, I do believe we are now and have been since 1948, in the birth pangs. They have grown exponentially in these last years even. The alignment of nations against Israel, etc.

    After reading what I wrote I don't believe that I did get off subject as the persecution of Christians and Jews are included in prophecy.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Susan,

      I just saw you great answer here.  No, I don't think you got off topic here. I had closed the question, but reopened it to allow Cam to get the credit for his hub he did in response to my question.  Not sure how that works.  God bless you.

  11. profile image0
    Joshtheplumberposted 9 years ago

    Would you like to know how to move mountains? Would you like to learn to control the weather?

    1. Faith Reaper profile image87
      Faith Reaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Joshua, well, we can by placing our faith in the Lord and prayer, all those huge mountains in our life just move out of our way. Prayer and believing in God's promises are powerful tools.  God bless

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