Why would a loving and caring God throw people into a lake of fire for eternity?

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  1. Eric Mwenda profile image76
    Eric Mwendaposted 8 years ago

    Why would a loving and caring God throw people into a lake of fire for eternity? Is this biblical?

    It would be totally unfair that a God who is described in the Bible to be so loving and caring to throw people into the so called lake of fire for eternity. This would totally go contrary to what the Bible says. If indeed God is just, then punishing people who doesn't obey him for eternity yet they disobeyed him for maybe 50 or 90 years to the maximum is totally unjust. I do not believe that this teaching is from the Bible.

    Further more the Bible States that the penalty of sin is death. Therefore if one decides not to obey God then they die without hope for resurrection.


  2. Link10103 profile image60
    Link10103posted 8 years ago

    Silly goose...God doesn't send people to hell, you send yourself to hell by not accepting him.

    At least that's what a few from the Christian crowd here on HP have told me. Obvious gaps of logic in that but we usually don't reach that point. I don't recall anyone ever quoting any specific Scripture that supports that though.

    1. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Does someone have to tell you specific scripture for you?  Why can't you open a bible and read it yourself? It's there.

    2. Link10103 profile image60
      Link10103posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Oh sure, let me just dive into the 1000+ pages of the smallest text in the world to check for that one supportive part.

      Who would have thought someone telling me I send myself to hell would bother to cite themselves hmm

    3. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Link, what you are saying is that you are too lazy to seek out truth, you just want others to do your thinking for you.  Why not go to biblegateway.com and and do a search?  All you have to do is type in key words.  Takes 5 seconds.

    4. Link10103 profile image60
      Link10103posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      No actually that wasn't the point at all, but if it makes you feel big to assume asisnine things, you're free to do so.

    5. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 8 years agoin reply to this


  3. profile image0
    LoliHeyposted 8 years ago

    Yes, if you sin, but you are wrong in thinking there is no hope for resurrection.  These is.  His name is Jesus.

    It's not that God has a vendetta or is condemning us for not obeying Him. It is not that He is being petty or vindictive.  God can not tolerate sin.  He is sinless.  No one with sin can be in His presence.  I used to think you had a point about people only being alive for 50 to 90 years and having to suffer for eternity.  The reality is that when Adam and Eve sinned, they became corrupt and so did all humanity because that sin passed down and, even if there was a different way to undo it, God chose to go a different route.  He offered Himself to take the punishment for sin in our place, because that was the only way we could be reconciled to Him, and He loves us that much.  So He sent Jesus.  You have to believe in Jesus and that He died and took the punishment for you in order to have eternal life in heaven.  If you do not, then you have to take the punishment for yourself.  Think of the 10 commandments.  "Thou shall not steal."  "Thou shall obey thy mother and father."  Have you ever not broken this rule?  Haven't you talked back to your parents or did something they told you not to do?  Then you've broken a law and sinned. You may look pretty good to yourself, but God has His standards against how He measures us.  He says not to do it, and you do it, then you have sinned and are unworthy of being in His presence.  God cannot tolerate sin.  But if you take Jesus as your savior, you will be able to enter heaven.  No one can ever be worthy by his or herself.  We needed a savior. 

    People like to think of themselves as good people. I am sure Hitler was thought he was justified in trying to exterminate the Jews.  We all try to justify our sins. We are being proud (and pride is a sin) when we think there is nothing wrong with us and that we are such good people we deserve to go to heaven no matter what.  The reality is that we are not as good as we think.

    1. Eric Mwenda profile image76
      Eric Mwendaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You have quite emphasised on the issue that God does not tolorate sin. But I think if God does not tolerate sin those who do not seek forgiveness when they sin could be dead by now.

    2. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      They have until they die to repent.  God is patient and slow to anger.  He gives all time.  If he smiled everyone who sinned, there'd be no one here on earth.   Sometimes you feel bad for the sin later after you committed it.

  4. Eric Mwenda profile image76
    Eric Mwendaposted 8 years ago

    I did not say there is no hope for resurrection what I said is that the penalty of sin is death and not everlasting suffering. After if one was to have an everlasting suffering, then that means that they will have an everlasting life as well. Although theirs will be of suffering. This idea is not bibilical though because the Bible clear mentions that everlasting life is not for everybody. And everlasting life will be of happiness. There is no where where the Bible says that there will be those who will have everlasting life of happiness and others an everlasting life of suffering and torment. The idea that people who do not love God and accept Jesus as their saviour will be tormented forever is false because this makes the idea brought about by the Bible that everlasting life is a gift from God a false idea. This idea of torment in hell is totally not biblical.

  5. Ann810 profile image46
    Ann810posted 8 years ago

    People can't blame God or the Devil for going to an eternal Hell. The Heavenly Father gives us free-will, and the two choices are practice righteousness or wickedness. Along with that is to give your soul to The Most High God or to Satan.

    1. Eric Mwenda profile image76
      Eric Mwendaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      So you believe that people have got a soul that somehow survives death and goes to heaven or hell? If people have this eternal soul then the idea that eternal life is a gift becomes false because it seems everyone will have eternal life.

    2. Ann810 profile image46
      Ann810posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes everyone will have eternal life, humans are spirit-beings. It's something like when a person goes to sleep at night, their flesh is actually asleep, but their spirit is never asleep, that's why we have dreams.

    3. Eric Mwenda profile image76
      Eric Mwendaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Ann810, where is it in the bible written that human beings are spirit beings? Human beings are physical beings not spiritual. Human beings are made of flesh and blood. I cor 15:35-36

    4. Ann810 profile image46
      Ann810posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      We're made in the image of God, He's a spirit-being and we are too. Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. . . .

    5. Eric Mwenda profile image76
      Eric Mwendaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Images and likeness means we posses the characters that God possesses. Some of them are, love, forgiveness, reason, emotions etc. If we were spirits, we should be able to see angels as they are spirit beings. We are just physical beings Ann

    6. Ann810 profile image46
      Ann810posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Mwenda, if that's how you want to live, let it be. God bless you any way.

    7. Eric Mwenda profile image76
      Eric Mwendaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The issue is not how I want to live. The issue is what is true and what is false.


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