When something goes wrong in your life, whether it is financial, or illness, or troubles in a relationship, or troubles at work with either a co-worker, or your boss, whatever the difficulty you might have to face, Why Blame God for it?
If you look at "JOB" in the Bible, it is not God who brings trouble and disaster into his life, but the evil one.Satan is your tempter, your deceiver. He is a liar, a thief, and a murderer. He takes the truth and twists it. Satan will go to any lengths to test your love and loyalty to God and the stronger your love for God, the harder the evil one will try.
Almighty God is a God of love. He cannot and would not ever do or cause anything to be done that would be dangerous or harmful. It is not His nature. God gives you His love freely, and asks that you do the same to Him.
God gave man "Free Will" and the freedom to choose whether or not they would choose to love God and follow His teachings or not, and in MATTHEW:19:29 we discover God's reward for being loyal to Him and loving Him.
MATTHEW:19:29; "And every one that hath forsaken houses, or bretheren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or land, for my name's sake shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.
Jesus teaches us: JOHN: 3: 15-17 "That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For got sent not His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
It makes absolutely no sense at all that such a loving God would test or punish, or cause hardship, when all He wishes to do is to love and be loved.
I'll bet you won't even try to answer this for me. I've questioned such as you with this question for many years and I get either silence or a trite scripture based opinion. I'm sure that's what I'll get from you.
Q. What is this god thing you speak of?
(There is no scripture in ANY monotheistic tome that defines
this "god thing" in LITERAL terms. it is MENTIONED in
terms of opinion/conjecture only)
You and your religious ilk tout the existence of a supernatural divinity but when push-comes-to-shove, you provide zilch as a basis for that belief.
I'm waiting for your tap-dance-around-the-barn response.
God, My God is a Triune, spiritual supernatural being. He is the one who created this our universe, created all life and substance here on earth, and created you and me. The difference is that I as a Christian invite God to live within me, to help me and to guide me, but I doubt you do. My God is the entire knowledge and wisdom of this our universe, who loves me and you and asks my love your love in return. You focus life around you and what you think is your abilities, but I focus my life around God and His abilities, and His are endless where you are limited. So wise guy what can you say.
Here's a question for you wise guy. Why do you waste your time and energy and words trying to teardown something you claim does not exist. If there is no God like you say and think then why attack Him and those who believe in Him. Sort of Hypocritical I'd say?
Hi Dave:
My goodness! I hit a sore spot, but I got a response from you that is pure emotion!
From what you wrote, this "wise guy" has "judged" you to be a faithful "follower."
Your response contains nothing but trite religious opinion.
I asked you to "literally" define this "god thing." Not to "prove" it.
You offered, as all other religious prelates have, nothing but "opinion" which is "zilch."
I have another observation i.e. you don't read with understanding.
I quote this from your response:
"Why do you waste your time and energy and words trying to teardown something you claim does not exist. If there is no God like you say..."
I have NEVER said this god thing doesn't exist! NEVER! How can I think something doesn't exist if it can't be literally defined? Once I have a definition of "it" which is logical and well reasoned, backed by empirical evidence, I will certainly consider "its" possible existence.
Another quote from your comment:
" ...why attack Him and those who believe in Him. " (I believe this to be a question?)
Why would you think I would "attack" that which has no definition other than your opinion? I'm not a fool!
I will attack the self imposed ignorance exhibited by those who believe in "imagined" super entities.
"Wise guy?" (Wise: Having the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; sagacious) I can't take issue with you calling me "wiseguy" 'cause you are 100% correct and I applaud your perceptiveness. Ty!
Oh, and I got the response I expected. :
Why will you attack the 'self imposed' ignorance exhibited by those who believe in "imagined" super entities? Are you trying to convert people? If so, you're doing a horrible job.
And to define this 'god thing', God is not a thing. He is the Supreme Deity. Period.
Hi Yolanda:
WOW! Another emotional response! Ty.
I'd love to be able to replace a desire for self imposed ignorance with reasoned and logical thought, but I'm an old realist who understands the strength of the religious manacle.
There's no way I could convert a believer in the supernatural. NO WAY!...so I certainly wouldn't try. Change must come from within. I found that out when I escaped the "bonds" of self imposed religious ignorance and stepped into the age of reason.
What a feeling of freedom and release!
Naw, I just offer for consideration those things that I find refer to reality.
If one isn't receptive? so be it.
I'd love to share truths and I try. Sometimes with success, more often with rejection. NP.
Everyone has to do the bidding of their hearts and minds.
Qwark :
I'm off to the gym...ttyl
Wow, You are right. You can't convert a believer in the supernatural. We are already connected to the supernatural which is the creator of the whole universe- The Omniscient, Almighty God. Does my words also come across as an emotional response? I hope your workout was great at the gym.
Considering that most all other religions make the same claims, yours is no different. You haven't explained anything about your god. It's just an overall generalization with no specifics.
If we are to prove that the emotionally charged generalization you offer is something that exists in reality, we can't, just as you can't offer anything other than your emotionally charged claim that your god does exist. It's as relevant as asking someone to prove Santa Claus does or doesn't exist.
If there was a god, you'd certainly blame him for your grief. He created everything so he caused it. And he also knows how you're going to mess up because you're sooooo imperfect. But it's okay, he loves you. But don't mess up too much, because you'll be for the eternal oven.
Once again, free thinkers tear this nonsense down in reasoned argument (hopefully) because it is offensive, deluded nonsense which has no shred of proof - you assert this rubbish without evidence, so I can dismiss it all in the same way.
The same free thinkers, however, are neither normally looking to kill you for your different beliefs nor know, smugly, that they are right and that you'll either be forgiven - on conversion - or go to hell.
They'll defend to the death your right to your beliefs but defend also their right to challenge them in argument, particularly when they may be causing great evil in the world. Religious people aren't known historically for the same tolerance and they've certainly killed millions of apostates along the way.
It is free thinkers who have liberties - and lives - to defend from the religious, not the other way around.
Finally, like Beelz pretty much said above, the onus is on you to prove the existence of this god, not on us to prove that it does not exist. If you've read any philosophy, you'll realise how meaningless the latter pursuit is.
Qwark, good morning! I have noticed your question posed as you point out, many times. A word is defined by the implied meaning in its use. You may be unaquainted with the meaning of a word (definition) but can deduce from how it is used, what it is makeing reference too. It is obvious from your many post that you are fully aware of the reference with which people are using the word for you argue the point of the reference for the remainder of your post, thereby, you yourself define its use. Whether a thing exist or doesn't exist does not preclude it from having a name with which we can use to identify the thing that exist or doesn't exist. In asking us to define "God thing" you, yourself acknowledge the definition of the word in assuming that we know what it is that you make reference too. If you would like comments which are free of emotion, perhaps your discourse should be directed at robots. By the way, pointing out that other responses are purely emotional does not dismiss the obvious emotion which stirs your own resonse, not that this should be unexpected, for it is difficult for any of us to seperate emotion from ideas we are passionate about.
The question "why blame God" contains the very word which you can not define so the question begs, how do you consistently engage in a discussion which contains reference to words with no meaning". Obviously, you have applied meaning and either you are unaware of the meaning you apply or simply in denial. If it has no meaning, how can you use it and expect us to know what your talking about?
Quark did not pose the question. A religionist did.
Now define this god thing.
Hi Arb:
A thoughtful response. ty
As Mark just said, I didn't pose the question.
What made you think I did?
All definitions of this "god thing" are offered in opinion and conjecture from whatever source they are derived.
Pls do as mark requested: "Now define this god thing."
Sorry Qwark, I replied to the 2nd post in the thread which is from you-should have replied to your direct post. With due respect, I define "this god thing", as you and Mark refer to it, as the subject in the question you both pose. If it can not be defined(absent meaning) then the dicussion does not exist for there lacks any reference point in the question. The word is defined simply in your using the word and expecting an answer. You assume we understand each referenced word in the sentence, therefore each reference word in the sentence has meaning in relationship to the sentence. If you are asking (what) god, that is a different matter.
Perhaps you can define this non-god thing? I might then be able to give you a more comprehensive answer. By the way, you are certainly entitled to a word being defined, but, once its use is defined, you can not arbitrarily dismiss it. They have simply offered you the meaning of its use as understood in the lanquage we are using. I suspect you are really trying to ask something else. If so, I look forward to it. btw-have enjoyed some of your thought provoking questions---this is not one of them. I am responding with the hope of moving on.
Since the Creator-God is only attributive; so the best thing is to know of Him through His attributes.
He is living and does not die; He makes others to die. These are His two attributes among many.
I have started defining Him in a sense.
Hi Arb;
That was a "respectful" response. TY.
You said:
" ...you are certainly entitled to a word being defined, but, once its use is defined, you can not arbitrarily dismiss it."
Of course I can!
If the definition is founded soley upon opinion and conjecture ( all are) and does not "literally" define this god thing, it is arbitrary and I dismiss it as nonsense.
Once this "god thing" can be defined in literal form, I can then not refer to it as a "thing." I can then consider "it" in ref to its literal definition.
Until that time, this "god thing" is but an imagined, abstract concept and I will refer to "it" as a thing. What else?
Thanks for the thoughtful response. :
I think instead of "thing" one could describe it as "being" or a personage or a person that would be courteous and respectful.
Thing serves very well in that it covers much more possibilities than a person.
Can you prove that god (don't worry about proving god's existence, you can't), if it did exist, is a person? Where's the evidence?
As to respect, respect is paid to the people in this thread by reasoned argument. I neither have to be respectful nor courteous when dealing with a concept that i don't agree with. I'm not being servile, I'm just using reasoned argument.
Would still find your meaning of non god useful in answering your question.
Hi Arb:Just got back from the gym.
I don't understand the question.
"Non god?"
How can one think "non god" if the word "god" is only defined in terms of opinion and conjecture?
That would mean that the word "god" could be defined differently in the minds of 350 billion people who believe in "it."
I can't seriously consider 350 billion differing concepts of this "god thing."
I just ignore "it" until "it" can be defined in other than opinion and conjecture.
Thanks for asking. :
If this "god thing" exist then so does "non god thing" one can not exist without the other unless everyone suscribes to the one single idea of a "god thing".
Isn't then (non god) also defined in terms of opinion and conjecture in the minds of those who suscribe to no concept of god? By now, you feel like your banging your head against the wall. I apologise. I feel the same. I suppose then that we are simply represntative of held positions that neither advance nor retreat. I have enjoyed the exchange of ideas and your civil rejection of my position. Hope you can do the same and will look forward to future post. Thanks Arb
"God thing" , .....doesn't have to be proved ,does it ? Is not the origin of religion ....Faith? Faith means believing in something without the need of "proof" , or am I all wrong?.....If you who don't believe .......dont believe !....then why do you need proof?............or do you maybe ,believe ?
Just a litle tiny bit...........?
Why is it ya'll don't read with comprehension?
Horse, I've never asked anyone to a "prove" anything that refers to this "god thing."
I've just asked for a "literal" definition of "it."
Don't you understand the difference?
I'd be embarrassed if I answered questions like some of you do who obviously don't read well and understand less.
If something cannot not be proven to exist, it is most likely a trick. Most intelligent people would agree.
having faith in a nonsensical unprovable entity is willful ignorance.
Just like you can't prove your god exists, or Santa Claus.
God has already proven His existence, but I guess not to your standards.
There's no need to fabricate claims to prop up your beliefs, especially claims that contradict what you just said in other posts. Did you already forget what you wrote?
How sad it is that believers enter a forum not to discuss but instead to bait others in a circular reasoning of empty claims and contradictions.
It is the high price mankind pays for embracing invisible gods and rejecting reality and thinking.
I am not suprised that is all you can see. Anything else would require you look in a mirror. Ugh. But you sure are interested in dogging the daylights out of anything christian. Good luck with that
Did you come here to debate, or just to start a mindless circular argument? This line has been regurgitated by believers ever since your leaders prompted you about it.
Just like the foolish phrase "a personal relationship with Jesus" is suppose to mean you are not religious. This is sheer desperation.
Who is telling believers this garbage?
I see you really did not come here to debate, but just to regurgitate religious nonsense, and to post irrelevant and absurd one-liners.
And still you have not said one thing to convince anyone that your beliefs are anything other than a psychosis.
Some fundamentals.
You can't prove the existence of god. You can't prove the inexistence of god.
You can apply reason - science, philosophy etc - towards attempting to develop more and more watertight hypotheses to explain what you observe.
No free thinker would claim to know the unknowable but no free thinker equally will allow shoddy dogma to stand in the way of neutral evaluation. Religion would have kept us all believing in a flat earth, remember. If literally followed, we'd all be killing our kids for any insults.
That's because no one understands what you mean by "this god thing"
Define what you are looking for.
Express yourself better.
Damnit! I hate to admit my inablilty to express my question better, but I must. I can't express it more explicitly.
I'm sorry ya can't figger it out.
My bad!
You're the rudest person here, and you are the alter ego of another hubber.
But you've never explained what you are looking for. I can't read your mind (wouldn't want to)
Let me type slowly so you can understand.
Do you want us to say something like God is a light, or thunder?
What are you looking for?
You may think that you have clearly stated what you want. but you haven't.
If you say "10 years ago, I dated Madonna" How would you prove it?
Hi Deborah:
Date Madonna? Yuk! Not my type...lol
The only answer I can give ya Deborah is the one I gave ya.
I can't ask the question more explicitly than I did.
I can't do anything about your not being able to figure it out.
Rude? hmmmm?
Your use of the word rude confused me.
Which connotation do you have referrence to:
"rude (rd)
adj. rud·er, rud·est
1. Relatively undeveloped; primitive: a rude and savage land; a rude agricultural implement.
a. Being in a crude, rough, unfinished condition: a rude thatched hut.
b. Exhibiting a marked lack of skill or precision in work: rude crafts.
c. In a natural, raw state: bales of rude cotton.
a. Lacking the graces and refinement of civilized life; uncouth.
b. Lacking education or knowledge; unlearned.
c. Ill-mannered; discourteous: rude behavior.
4. Vigorous, robust, and sturdy.
5. Abruptly and unpleasantly forceful: received a rude shock."
Qwark :
I don't, for the very same reasons I don't thank a god when things go right. Pretending we are playthings and puppets to invisible super beings is simply puerile and smacks of sheer ignorance of reality.
If God were to come down here, and tell me exactly what you are stating, then I would believe it, otherwise, you could just be letting your imagination run wild. So until then, there is no reason to believe a word of what you wrote.
So could you get God to come here and tell me what you just wrote is true? If not, then, stop making up stuff.
Your premise is flawed because it doesn't include the millions of babies that have died before, during and shortly after birth. Also those babies that are born with defects and they are forced to live whatever life that they have with big problems. A problem that they were not responsible for, and couldn't have done anything to deserve those handicaps, or death.
If you believe that a God, I presume the biblical God created us, then his quality control department needs shaking up.
This is not the same thing as investing all your money in Enron, or with Madoff and losing it all. These are a few of the things that are not within your control.
If you can get past these questions, then I have many more.
You should not blame the Judeo-Christian God for anything.
No more than you should blame witchcraft for the weather or leprechauns for rainbows. It's just silly.
Yes ... I support your view ... Dave Mathews ... but request, do allow me add ...
"That in Life ... meaning, Existence, betwixt the points of birth, and death ... humans have been Granted the absolute freedom to "do" as they please, by The Creator "...
To do the Right, with difficulty, when you can easily do a Wrong ... is the Test ... it decides our Fates.
Most of the humans, therefore, think, of this Ability, as their being some sort of gods ...
You are quite correct when you say: "...humans have been Granted the absolute freedom to "do" as they please, by The Creator "
You must tho, qualify your use of the word "creator."
What is this "creator" you mention?
Right and wrong are cultural in origin. They are relative to the society/culture within which they are created.
In reality, outside the sphere of influence of we humans, the human concept of "right and wrong" does not exist.
Nothing but death is "predestined," so the use of the word "fate" is fatuous.
Qwark :
It is true. God is not to blame.
It is nice to see Qwark and Beelze are still determined to dive into christian living forums trying to understand it
G'mornin' borcich:
There's nothing to understand except the depth of ignorance involved in believing such trite religious tripe!
While the fantasies and delusions of believers are not understood considering each believer has their own personal version, it is easily understandable why the fantasies and delusions exist.
It's curious to see that Qwark and Beelze's questions are not being tackled with any erudition.
Might some more heavyweight theists stand up and argue a little better?
I've been waiting about 40 yrs for that to happen...lol
If it hasn't happened in that length of time, I don't think it's gonna.
Perhaps (for some) that is because God cannot be described within the accepted definition of God. Perhaps that is why symbolism, metaphor etc were used in many religions, I don't know?
An intellectual understanding and a sense perception understanding are two very different understandings. There are also understandings that embrace both to a greater or lesser degree. Infinite variances in understanding God then arises. Each have their own way.
The words that exist fail miserably and will only serve to confuse rather than clarify any ones understanding of God.
Kinda like
Asking another...please define what thinking is and where thinking comes from?
To prove thinking exists is a whole new drama in itself!
Brings to mind that saying... I think, therefore I am.
Hi Penny:
I never, NEVER, ask for this god thing to be "described" as you put it.
I ask for a "LITERAL DEFINITION" of "it"
If I ask for "it" to be described, I get nothing but worthless opinion and conjecture.
"It" can't be "LITERALLY DEFINED!" Thats why I get no "erudite" responses to my question.
"It," this "god thing," is pure "imagination!"
That is what is so confounding! i.e. so many folks are so easily led into beliefs in imagined super entities!
That is why I adamantly propose that ALL believers in mythical supernatural beings are the lesser evolved of the human species.
In my mind, if the shoe fits, wear it.
Qwark :
Whats is a definition if it is not describing? Am I not getting it?
When the bible says God created does that not say for you God is a creator? Is that not a literal definition that you were asking after?
Or are you meaning? God is this fluffy thing floating in the universe with a wand and a witch hat kinda definition that you are after?
Could be too because imagination is a powerful thing because it creates and does bring forth that which manifests. Imagination is what created all that exists in my opinion.
Hi Penny :
Oh of course there's a great deal of difference 'tween a description and a literal definition.
Let me provide an example:
Literal definition of man:
Humans, known taxonomically as Homo sapiens. Man is a bi-pedal primate, a warm blooded mammal that has a 4 chambered heart, has hair on its body and suckles it's young etc., etc..
Description of man:
Man is an earthly life form that varies in weight, skin color and height. It walks on 2 legs, wears clothes for protection from the environment and has hair on it's head. In some cases it is bald and wears glasses...etc..
There is no "Literal definition" of this 'god thing."
"It" is "described" but in the form of opinion and conjecture i.e. the "creator of all."
Qwark :
Think I am getting what you mean?
No there is no literal definition of God in the bible. Then there is no literal definition of Man or the things God created in the bible....at least that I know of?
Which means what? Any thing without a definition only man is able to define them?. If not defined literally by man then it is pure opinion and conjecture?
How does man come up with definition? Science? Observation? A spoon is a spoon it has uses, you can describe its many uses but it has a definition that fits within a criteria that man has deemed fit and if anyone says it does not fit within that definition it is not a spoon but a spoondlet or something creative like that!
I wonder whether a dictionary existed in the days?
You are exactly right!
There is no "literal' definition of this biblical "god thing" in any monothesitic tome. None at all.
You are right again when you intimate that man is the only life that can define anything.
Opinion and conjecture can only be created by "man." There is no other life, on this planet able to offer opinion and conjecture...right?
Man can and has come up with a definition of just about everything. He has even come up with a definition of "metaphysical" i.e. spiritual non-physical.
This 'god thing" resides in the realm of the inexplicable world of the spiritual/non-physical and ergo cannot be literally defined.
The "uniqueness of man" is in his evolved ability to think in abstract terms. To create, to imagine all sorts of "metaphysical" concepts. Only "he" can do that.
Your presumption is correct i.e. "
"Then there is no literal definition of Man or the things God created in the bible" and, I might add, no literal definition of this "god thing."
Man has the evolved ability to, just about, do anything "he" pleases.
He certainly has created a MONSTER in his concept of this biblical "god thing!"
Your response is thoughtful but erroneous.
Qwark :
And there you have it in a nutshell! Man has the ability to do anything. God in conceptual form is the creator or other words is all powerful and can do anything.
Therefore God can literally be described as...
Humans, known taxonomically as Homo sapiens. Man is a bi-pedal primate, a warm blooded mammal that has a 4 chambered heart, has hair on its body and suckles it's young etc., etc..
Obviously there is more to that but I cannot define it and description is not accepted so we will leave it there.
If you want proof of God then quit asking people, start by prayer and fasting,
denying the flesh is something people does not want to do unless they do know God
Prayer is a form of hypnosis, and fasting can make one hallucinate?
This is nothing but a knee-jerk, emotional reaction, that is totally irrelevant.
Please, could you actually challenge my findings with something of substance?
I've done fasting - got hungry, thought about people who don't have enough food.
I've done prayer; at best I meditated and at worse I hallucinated.
If there was a god, wouldn't it want me to enjoy its creation? Food - gooood, sex - goooood, fitness - gooood, fasting....well, not so enjoyable anyway. Does god want me to be fed up?
And heaven forbid that you fall under the powers of your own subconcious mind Huh ???
God is not blamable for anything. If there is a provision for blaming him, he is no more God. You must blame yourself for anything untoward that happens to you unless you are a flawless human being. Ask yourself if you are flawless in all aspects of your life. You will get your answer easily.
Just as gods are not laudable for anything.
So...God created man in his own image...yet man is imperfect so......ever considered Man created god in his own image? Thought not.
It's plain and simple. People need someone to blame with their mishaps, it's their nature...and people are known to be the champion when it comes to denying the fact that what they did and believed in was wrong. It's much easier to blame it on, as others here says, a non existent divinity, cause he will not refute, than to blame it on other people cause that would surely cost a lot of argument and an extra free hot mishap.
I'd rather believe in God, to be someone who is eternal and guiding me with what i do..than believe on some self-proclaimed-i'm-better-than-your-god meatballs.. peace out!
Seriolusly give it up already! Why the *uck not blame god, it's better than blamming you isn't it? There is no god, pretending there is one has never made a differnce, prettidng ther =e is one doesn't make things better, wo what is da pont?
Pretned there is no god and see how life changes.
Sandra your big dirty mouth scores no points with me girl. Prove that God doesnot exist insteady of just running your mouth.
Any rational person would see the irrational nature of the statement made. No one can prove a negative.
You speak of a god as a real thing, when in fact, your bible- specifically Jesus tells you there to look within. There is no god outside of oneself.
So please...cut the nonsense.
Wow, Dave, dave, calm down.
'Dirty mouth'...don't like freedom of expression? How dare you refer to Sandra as 'girl', what's that about?
'Running your mouth'... how uncouth.
Once again, you can't prove a negative! Read and repeat!
Please tell us as to what changes will ensue if we don't believe in the Creator- God Allah YHWH.
The OP- Dave Mathews, please tell us as to what changers will take place if a non-believer in the Creator-God Allah YHWH becmes a believer.
Let us have a comparison of both view points.
First one - simple, you learn to think for yourself. Really for yourself. No programming from your parents/family - for that is where you got your religion from (unless you're a convert) and you really start to value this life, because, on all available evidence, there's a pretty fair chance it'll be your last.
You cease relying on some divine plan, personal or otherwise. This also helps with the responsibility thing.
What you actually then believe in is entirely up to you, but you could start by observing basic, decent, humanist principle.
As to conversion the other way, well, you've got all that lovely scripture and authority to get your head around. It seemingly provides all the answers and gives you a tribe. It also means allowing yourself to be dictated to by some people higher up your religion's food chain than you.
Sometimes it is more useful to detach from our own thinking including programming. What naturally arises is self responsibility, love, compassion and humility that is not contrived or thought into existence.
I don't blame God, but sometimes I wish God would save me from myself.
Hello from the road. Blame seems a natural human condition starting as toddlers. Blame the dog,etc. God can shoulder your blame if you feel you must blame someone--go ahead. He can also offer solution, understanding and guidance.
Bless those who wish for blessing.
Blaming Satan is the same as blaming God. Blame of either release the person from taking responsibility for their own decisions and their life. In many cases, blame is an escape from accepting the consequences of one's own actions and decisions.
God and Satan don't have to have anything to do with accepting responsibility for one's life. Acceptance and denial of responsibility are independent of God or Satan.
Acceptance of responsibility for one's life is called growing up.
The origional question " WHY BLAME GOD " , seems to me, has nothing to do with atheists. The faults, Are all our own ! And why does he have to proove God to anyone ! If you don't believe ....oh I know !..... Then don't believe!!!....Pretty Simple to me. Once long ago I asked the same question of a minister! What proof do you have. And he said to me ...."We don't need proof . Christianity is the only faith in the world without an object of devotioanal promise. Faith is the only price you pay " . So Atheists all over the forums ! Have Faith ! Or, go about your life. The origional questioner has nothing to proove to you. But then atheists aren't happy unless you as well ,sit in there pool of crap.
Asking for a definition is not unreasonable is it?
Human being - same as you - other wise known as a talking monkey.
Cannot answer the question huh?
No I cannot. Not really. Nor can any other human being.
If you want a definition of God, why not go directly to the source? Ask Him who He is. He can answer for Himself.
If that were true - you would have an answer.
I've never asked Him for a definition of Himself.
Hi Yolanda:
That'd be a great suggestion if I only knew who/what it is that I should ask the question of.
Can you help me with a literal definition of "it" (him..."it" has gender?).
Qwark :
Couldn't you simply ask, 'God, who are you?'
Obviously, if you are unable to define your god, you yourself have not asked this question and cannot possibly know anything about your god. How can you believe in something you know very little about?
Who said I know very little about God?
You "KNOW" nothing about this "god thing"...prove me wrong pls. ty
posted by Qwark just a page earlier:
Why is it ya'll don't read with comprehension?
Horse, I've never asked anyone to a "prove" anything that refers to this "god thing."
I've just asked for a "literal" definition of "it."
Don't you understand the difference?
I'd be embarrassed if I answered questions like some of you do who obviously don't read well and understand less.
So Qwark, are you asking for proof or not? You can't seem to comprehend your own words. I'd be embarrassed at this point if I were you
You seem not to be able to comprehend my words .
"... I've never asked anyone to a "prove" anything that refers to this "god thing."
Damn! That seems to be a hard comment for you to understand.
I'll try to simplify it for ya. " I have never asked anyone to prove the existence of this "god thing."
I would be a "fool" to ask for proof of "it.". why? 'Cause "it" can only be defined in opinion.
Would you like me to simplify THAT thought for you?
Looks like you are choking on semantics and dancing with verbage thinking yourself to be a wise man. You do still claim to be a "wise" "man" or has that verbage been twisted about, too?
Whatever But thanks for the laughs.
I enjoy making folks such as you laugh!
You live on the isles of the blessed.
Ignorance is truly bliss which you just proved by offering an ad hominem attack.
Yes, I am embarrassed....for you!
tsk tsk
"folks such as me"? You trying to come off as if you know me? That is quite a statement - prove it Oh yeah, which "isles of the blessed" do I live on? Prove that too would ya.
Much more of this and I will rip out stitches - literally.
Oh yes I "know" you.
Your words are "mightier" than your sword.
Your ilk is "legend"
2000+ yrs death, pain and destruction, paint an inglorious picture of the lesser evolved who touted a belief in mythical god/s and ruled, ruthlessly. without sympathy or care for the lives of the innocent.
Oh yes! I know you!
I know you better than you "know" you!
Qwark :
Shucks, what a let down. You think I have been killing people for 2000 years? You think my words are mightier than my sword? And that I care not for the innocent?
Hee hee hee. So much the isles of the blessed.
For such a wise man - you speak in riddles and with much hot air. That you claim to know me better than I know myself only makes you look foolish :)And you think christians are insane
lolol...thanks for your public display of abject ignorance.
Much appreciated! :
You failed. After semantic dancing with your demands of proof, you failed to give proof of what you claim to know. Look over the thread - you were adamant and arrogant and lacking substance = foolish and hot air filled. Your claims are steeped in the abject ignorance you think you see.
I'm a very sophisticated, educated man.
I'd feel "silly" asking this "god thing" what it is if I can think of it as being only a figment of someones imagination.
I can't understand why it doesn't embarrass you to ask me to do this.
You know darned well that if you knew what "it" is and you could, literally, define it, you'd enlighten me in a NY minute.
I'm a little embarrassed for you!
Tsk tsk
Qwark :
Perhaps you should. How do you expect to be able to speak to me of this thing without some frame of reference?
Perhaps you should since you're the one seeking. And I never said I had no frame of reference concerning God.
No. I am not seeking anything other than for you to define this god thing that you claim speaks into your head. Not unreasonable is it?
I tried asking God many things, and all I ever get is deafening silence. So now what do I do?
You already know all the "definitions" Mark , and that just might be your problem , what is the definition of god? . Those who believe don't need definition . But only those who can't go beneath thier pride enough to have faith that god ....just is! Need defining , I think its so interesting that just because you ! cant believe.! You think no one else should .As I watch these forums I see the same ones constantly demanding hard fact from those of faith. I always come down to this though! .If you don't believe fine..........dont. I know a ministers son , imbittered since young adulthood With a venomous dislike of believers. But when I ask him why he can't just let those who believe be? A blank stare......I feel the same stares here . Don't believe ?, See if god cares !
Well, much as I would love to agree that religion is not responsible for numerous atrocities and does not to this day perpetuate ignorance and bigotry - that is not the case. I see Christians fighting with everyone and the Muslims joining the fray. And I am on your way. This is a reasonable reason to argue against it wouldn't you say?
A let's face it - it is not that you do not need to define it - it is that you cannot do so.
"I snot the case" ? Your typo may actually turn out to be an appropriate response to hateful, dogmatic posts.
LOL - Already edited it out. He said "snot. "
True believer: "God is real. He is loving and just. He is the answer to all of your problems."
Mark Knowles: "I snot the case."
Saves time, pretty much says it all.
"Atheists aren't happy unless you sit in their pool of crap"?
Theists, up until very recently (and continuing on in the Middle East, Pakistan etc), have been soooo unhappy about anyone not sitting in their pool of crap that they'll burn them, stone them, hang them, impale them, put their eyes out, dismember them, knout them, torture them with all sorts of fiendish devices and leave them to rot in jail. A fair few of them are into persuading (always their younger) followers to blow themselves up, being careful to take a few more non-believers with them.
Free thinkers argue with theists in free societies because whenever theists take control, they don't exactly tolerate or brook opposing thinkers. Now that they're not in entire control in many places, theists are forced to deal with...not murder but...cold, rational thought.
And on the evidence of this thread, they can't deal with it.
"I don't need any proof of god's existence, I know", you say.
Well I say that God is really embodied in a small cosmic teapot orbiting Jupiter at present. It's quite small, so you'll never discover it, but I promise you, I KNOW it's there and I KNOW it's divine. Nonsense, huh? But can any theist not see the irony?
Before you ridicule the last paragraph, bear in mind it came from that great philosopher/thinker Bertrand Russell.
All religions develop from a misrepresentation of the origins of humankind (Garden of Eden, six day creation etc) and combine, paradoxically and perversely, the extremest servility (stuff like original sin) and solipsism (god communicates with me personally, I am special and part of his divine plan etc).
They are a retardant to science and free thinking. For my part, the best message I received from religion was from Jesus in the many situations where he's pretty much reiterating "think for yourself" whether when speaking to the self-important Jew/s who asked about paying taxes or to the rich chap who wanted to follow him. I wouldn't even rule out that Jesus - if he existed - might have been an atheist and that a lot of stuff was added later! Just an idea, don't take it tooo seriously, Christians.
He certainly didn't like hierarchies and look at the wonderful hierarchy, with all its mammon, that the Catholic church is today in all its bloated self-importance.
No-one can ultimately deny any possible existence of a divine entity but one does like to rationalise according to available evidence, no? And if there's no evidence as to the true nature of this possibility, then no one interpretation of the idea can claim primacy.
Surely even better though if you all allow yourselves to argue with truly open minds - no dogma allowed - and let that wonderful light called science admit what it doesn't know but at least try and produce hypotheses to further understanding.
Perhaps that is because we are too limited in our "thinking" to understand the true nature of the divine. I do agree no one can claim primacy.
Please tell us as to what changes will ensue if we don't believe in the Creator- God Allah YHWH.
Why Blame God? Your choices are not His Fault, but Your own.
One cannot have it both ways; one wants to have free will and when out of free will he makes mistakes then one starts blaming God.
Man can have free will and no interference in man’s affairs in this world; and when an abnormality or catastrophe or illness takes place; then one should not morally blame the Creator-God Allah YHWH.
It is the anomalies which are a source of advancement of human knowledge.
How sad it is that unbelievers lurk around the forums like hounddogs not to discuss but instead to bait others in a circular reasoning of empty claims and contradictions, and then accuse believers of doing these very things.
It is the high price mankind pays for trading God's truths for lies.
And I notice that you and Qwark seem to be very angry people. Honestly, Mark Knowles can be a tough debater, but I don't sense anger in his posts (my opinion). And there are others who can disagree, but won't come off in such a harsh way. However, you and Qwark (especially you) come off, to me, as angry and bitter. Why is this?
Here comes the personal insults, right on time.
Would that "God's truth" be the very same contradictions you've been offering thus far? First you claim one thing and then contradict it the next. These are truths?
Simple really, it is something that you would say because you are unable to form a response to the subject matter, kinda like the personal insults you start this post off with..., and the fact that you offer personal insults instead only goes to show I'm not one who is angry.
Hi Yolanda:
Seriously, I am probably one of the most "tranquil" men you'd ever meet.
I don't remember the last time I was angry.
I just tell it as I see it. No capital letters (screaming), no insults.
I ask questions of folks such as you who claim to have answers but when asked for them, offer nothing of value. Why is that?
I get attacks on my character and judgements without basis in fact or "knowing."
Many such as you, use words, such as "know" without knowledge of its definition.
You "know" nothing about this "god thing" or this "jesus" fellow.
You claim to "know" and you don't!
You mistake my disgust for the ignorance you and your ilk exhibit, for anger.
"Self imposed" ignorance disgusts me because it is a waste of human potential and causes death, pain and destruction! The 2000 yr history of the religious beliefs that you tout, is proof of that comment.
Those who "follow" without understanding are "blind to the truth" and jeopardize the continuing existence of the human species.
The "truth" is there to be realized but the "blind" cannot/will not seek it.
"A one eyed man in the valley of the blind...is KING!"
I am a KING! :
Well, now we have cleared that all up.
Origional question...Why blame God?
Answer is! Prove it.!
Why Blame God? Your choices are not His Fault, but Your own.
Man can have free will and no interference in man’s affairs in this world; and when an abnormality or catastrophe or illness takes place; then one should not morally blame the Creator-God Allah YHWH.One who resorts to it wants to surrender one's will or choices.
It is the anomalies which are a source of advancement of human knowledge.
As in family, and the raising of a child to adulthood, there comes a time in every parent's reality, when the little bird must leave the nest, go out into the world, test their mettle, and find out at last, that Mom and Dad were right all along, and not listening to their wisdom, only leads to the little bird....screwing everything up! Just another case of Dad having to set everything right again. AMEN!
The Creator-God is only attributive; so the best thing is to know of Him through His attributes.He is living and does not die; He makes others to die. These are His two attributes among many.
I have started defining Him in a sense.
Why blame God?
Because I did not choose to be raped as an 8 year old.
Because I did not choose to grow a brain tumour.
Because I did not choose to have a rare medical condition that kills 90% of the 1 in 40,000 people that have it.
Shall I go on?
What a stupid thing to say "your choices are not His fault, but your own"!
God gives us free choice to do as we please. Life is a set of circumstances which we can't always predict but we can control our responses to them by making our own choices. Make the right choices then the right actions lead to positive reactions but make the wrong choices then we suffer and have to endure the consequences. We can't blame God for what happens to us as we are the ones responsible for deciding what we want to do. Blaming God is an excuse for not taking responsibility for your own choices and actions. So if anything goes wrong we only have ourselves to blame - not God - only us.
qwark wrote ... "Then there is no literal definition of Man or the things God created in the bible"
- - - - - -
that is true.
qwark wrote ... He certainly has created a MONSTER in his concept of this biblical "god thing!"
Your response is thoughtful but erroneous
- - - - - -
Who are you talking about HE created a monster in his concept?
"He" in your statement must refer to some man? Cause all of Mankind's concepts are man made. Are they not?
Which has nothing to do with the thing that our concepts are about. They remain the same, regardless of whether we even have a concept of them or not.
This thread just brings one point to my mind: Imagine a hurricane (a thing of Nature that just forms because weather/winds/oceans/temperature etc. are always doing their thing. Some people might blame God. Others might say, "It's just part of how things with the weather/storms go on. So some giant hurricane rips through some part of, say, the US, not generally known for getting hurricanes (so nobody can really blame whoever lives in the areas for living in a high-hurricane zone).
I, personally, don't think you can necessarily blame God for the hurricane forming, and I certainly don't think you can blame some devil. I don't think you can blame the people, whose family may have lived in the otherwise safe area for generations; and whose ancestors may have moved to that area to get away from some other "evil" that was going on wherever they came from. You can't blame people for being born into a place where their family and home is, and you can't blame that for not knowing they ought to move out because one day a big, freakish, hurricane, may rip through.
So suppose the hurricane kills and maims a whole community's worth of people, causes all kinds of horror in all kinds of ways. I, personally, don't think you can blame any God, but you can't blame the people either. Whatever someone's version of "Satan" is, I don't think you blame that or any other kind of evil for such a disaster either.
My point is that while there are certainly some things people can/should blame themselves for, there are things that people shouldn't/can't be blamed for any more than any God ought to blamed for some things.
What I don't like about a lot of religious beliefs is that they view people as nothing but weak, black-souled, evil, creatures who are either Satan, himself, or else big friends of Satan, and who bring all bad things on in this world. I also don't like that so many religious beliefs absolutely refuse to include compassion and a solid understanding that human beings (although some are evil and weak) are, more often than not, strong and good and generally not fans of evil. At worst, most people (not the immature ones or the ones so bad damaged in life they have become weak/evil) are as natural and "neutral" as that hypothetical hurricane. What religions don't teach or seem to believe is that (if there is a God) the Earth and life are part of a big picture that can be amazing and beautiful, but that, because of how it all works in Nature, sometimes doesn't result in the happiest of things for the creatures living on Earth. There's no "evil" involved - just things that cause pain and heartbreak because of the power of Nature.
If there's a God, I have no idea what "He" thinks or doesn't; but I can't help but believe He probably doesn't want people viewing his creations (people) as "evil and weak" any more than He'd want us to see things like Natural disasters as "evil and powerful". I can't help but suspect that He would find "sin" in refusing, or not being able, to see the "neutral" and the "good" and the "strong" in the human souls He supposedly created; or that He's particularly appreciate having little populations of His creatures who would have everyone else believe that all the heartache in the world should be blamed on either people, themselves, or Satan.
There are people who suffer with illness and pain, either themselves, or while watching loved ones with it. Some people say, "Oh - it's all in how you react to things." Well, anyone who has ever loved anyone knows that being able to turn off love and "not react the wrong the way" is not healthy and is not real love at all. People's illnesses can come because they inherited a gene. Who's to blame? The grandparents who fell in love and have kids? The grandparents who didn't kill themselves before having kids just in case they may have the gene? The grandparents who didn't make sure there wasn't a pregnancy or make sure it didn't progress? No Satan is responsible for things like any number of the illnesses so many people get just because we all inherit a tendency toward one illness or another, and all the trying to fight it off in the world doesn't always help.
It's one thing to say people shouldn't blame God for every bad thing that happens. It's another to say they should blame themselves. It's yet another, too, to suggest that all victims of all bad things have somehow managed not to fight off "Satan" in their lives. That may make people (who haven't had some of that non-evil-and-yet-awful stuff go on that just goes on in life) feel a little safer, because they may get to delude themselves into thinking if they fight off "Satan" well enough they won't have bad things happening to them. (Besides, they also get to feel self-righteous and not have to worry about understanding, or having compassion, when thinking about other people's heartache and pain. The non-religious version of that self-righteousness and lack of compassion is believing "all anyone has to do" is "respond the right way" to the bad stuff in life.
Hmmm. I'm not a religious person or a "Jesus kind of person", but I'm well familiar with the "saying", "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers that you do unto me." - and I can't help but wonder where that particular line does or doesn't fit into this blaming-people-for-everything-bad-that-happens-to-them thing??
Hey I saw a bumper sticker the other day,
" Don't blame Christianity On God!".......
Man can have free will and no interference in man’s affairs in this world; and when an abnormality or catastrophe or illness takes place; then one should not morally blame the Creator-God Allah YHWH.One who resorts to it wants to surrender one's will or choices.
One is not therefore justified in blaming the Creator-God.
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