Biggest Theological Questions

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  1. Lou Tenant profile image67
    Lou Tenantposted 5 years ago

    I’m just curious, for all Christians out there and/or people interested in Christianity, what are your biggest theological questions regarding verses or doctrines?

    Also, what kind of supernatural/paranormal questions do you have?

    This may help give me some ideas for new articles. Thx

  2. Castlepaloma profile image75
    Castlepalomaposted 5 years ago

    If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.

    Seems more like a cult rather than a cultured Religion to me. Especially to some Baptists, evangelisms, and Mormons. It becomes more Muslim.

  3. Lou Tenant profile image67
    Lou Tenantposted 5 years ago

    Hi Castlepaloma, thanks for your input. Regarding the verse you gave as an example, the “hate” part is not literal but rather meant to convey meaning. In Hebrew society back then, people used emotive language, like “love” or “hate” to express preference.

    So what Jesus meant in that verse is about priority, that if you choose to worship him you should put him above everyone else, and even yourself. If you choose to worship him as your Creator, you have to accept him as sovereign, above any human. He’s using emotive language to get a point across in a non-literal way.

    Verses like this one can be tricky to understand without knowing about cultural contexts and Hebrew-English translational issues. I know this probably won’t answer all your questions but I hope this explanation will change your understanding of this verse, at the very least.

  4. Castlepaloma profile image75
    Castlepalomaposted 5 years ago


    So the word like :Fear God:
    Actually means :Respect God:
    Why can't they just write respect God?

    Let me give you my interpretation.
    I don't respect bullies when Religion is based on fear.

  5. Peopleofthebook profile image96
    Peopleofthebookposted 5 years ago

    Castlepaloma, every verse has to be interpreted according to the whole of Scripture, not simply ripped from its context to make a point. Jesus also affirmed the Old Testament command to honor your father and mother (Matt 15), and told his followers to love their enemies (Luke 6), so obviously we cannot understand "hate" as anything but a comparison term - Jesus' followers would have to figuratively despise their families to follow him, since their families would very likely see their faith in Jesus as abandonment.

    As to "Fear," it should be understood in the feudal sense - the awe and obedience one gives to their king. But feudal fear does carry a certain weight of understanding the dire consequences of failing to offer the honor that is due your king. To translate it "respect" loses the full impact of the term. It is better that it be translated "fear" - which is the literal translation - and due diligence be done in understanding how the original readers of the passage would understand it.
    Fearing the Lord has nothing to do with being bullied, it has everything to do with the fact that we do not have any authority or rights over our Creator. We owe him our worship, service, and reverence because he is our King.

  6. KC3Lady profile image58
    KC3Ladyposted 5 years ago

    Hello Lou Tenant. One of my biggest concerns about the Bible are those pretenders intentionally mangling scripture. This can cause untold pain, suffering, and anger to those misled or abused by it.

  7. Lou Tenant profile image67
    Lou Tenantposted 5 years ago

    Hi KC3 Lady, thanks for your comment. I agree with your concerns and I have personally witnessed many people who have twisted things to fit their own agenda. The only real remedy for this is to stress independent thinking and discernment.

    But anyways, thanks for your feedback!

  8. profile image56
    Res Decreeposted 5 years ago

    Came across a site called … urrection/ looks at Faith based on Reason, Logic and Primary Evidences. Has interesting information on non biblical accounts of the day of the resurrection that's not well known. Also who Jesus was only using biblical scripture. Well worth a read if anyone’s interested.


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