Have you experienced paranormal?

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  1. Shawindi Silva profile image52
    Shawindi Silvaposted 4 years ago

    Have you ever witnessed paranormal?
    Do you have any experience connected with paranormal?

    1. manatita44 profile image74
      manatita44posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      No. Can I ask what motivates the need for your question?

      1. Shawindi Silva profile image52
        Shawindi Silvaposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I just want to know about this. I'm troubled after thinking about this. Can someone see a paranormal creature or can a paranormal disturb someone???
        This is the reason for me to ask this.

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          One would think that after thousands of years of effort we would have proof of the paranormal if there is anything there.  Perhaps a paranormal creature, perhaps just good, solid photos.

          Instead we have nothing but claims and charlatans.  And the active imagination of people thinking they hear/see/feel/smell something they cannot identify and therefore it is paranormal.

        2. manatita44 profile image74
          manatita44posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Yes. God is the all-pervading Consciousness which consists of both yin and yang ... positive and negative. It is always best to be an instrument of Spirit (Consciousness), but souls are different and some like quick fixes (Mc Donald's, perhaps), so they try to use Spirit.

          This takes many forms, varying from 'shango' to voodoo, to the occult or dark magic. Para-normal is simply that which is above and beyond the rational mind. For the spiritual seeker it is very normal. But he or she has faith built upon many incarnations and Grace, either from God or a Spiritual Master.

          I almost didn't answer your question. But I sense your sincerity. On Sri Chinmoy's Path, we speak of what he calls 'hostile forces.' They are very powerful and destructive.
          I tend to emphasize the basics of Spirituality: Love, self-giving, empathy and gratitude as well as prayer and meditation ... plus. (Spiritual practices). These ultimately strengthen us and allays fear.

          If and when the paranormal strikes, it is much easier to call on the Divine with a one-pointed Faith, than to call with a mind flooded with fear.

          Finally, there is a different kind of paranormal. It happens naturally in the psyche Heart as Love unfolds, bringing only sweetness, not fear. Pursue this course, if so inclined. Never do that which makes you weak. You are a child of Light and Love is your birthright. Praise be!

          1. Shawindi Silva profile image52
            Shawindi Silvaposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you so much for your explanation. This is so helpful for me. and I'll never do something that makes me weak.

            1. manatita44 profile image74
              manatita44posted 4 years agoin reply to this

              A useful positive affirmation.

              Another way is to feel that we are all weak. This way you can forgive humans, beginning with yourself. This cushions the 'stumblings' when they do occur and occur they will. But with the feeling of acceptance and faith in Something Higher, you will pick yourself up and try again. Om Shanti!

        3. profile image53
          Linda Ferrara-Brennanposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I have had the ability to contact and communicate with the other side since the age of seven. I feel I have been blessed with this ability. I am involved in a non profit group that helps people who may be having problems with the paranormal, i.e. Ghosts, demons, poltergeists, etc.  We help to investigate and resolve the issues if they are of the paranormal field. This is such a broad field. I am experienced since I have been involved over 30 + years.  Protection, faith and knowledge, and continued learning is a big key. Yes I have witnessed many and communicated with the other side and have even caught their responses to me on a EVP recorder. I have caught entities forming on my camera and also pictures of me when I am communicating with them and you see their mist on me or touching me, even parting my hair! I have witnessed a lot, no more doubt. I have passed others to the light with confirmation and thanks years later in an unexpected situation. There is so much to learn and we must be careful with what we do and what we contact.


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